What I don't want for the next President is someone who would say the following:


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I want a Presidential candidate that understands that destroying America is NOT what most Americans want.
These are the statements I don't ever want to hear/read MY President make:

-- "I prefer destroying 1,400 companies,putting 400,000 people out of work and reducing tax revenue by $100 billion a year. " which is what he means when he says he prefers a single payer health system.

-- "I prefer higher gas prices".

-- "If a utility wants to build coal burning it bankrupt them!"

-- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

My president would NEVER attack the military by accusing them of "air-raiding villages, killing civilians".

I also want a president who doesn't tell people...
I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,”
It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”
I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,”
I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.

My president is not a wanna-be Messiah who pronounces:
""This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

Finally my president will not depend on the "stupidity of American voter" to get elected by:
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.
I want a Presidential candidate that understands that destroying America is NOT what most Americans want.
These are the statements I don't ever want to hear/read MY President make:

-- "I prefer destroying 1,400 companies,putting 400,000 people out of work and reducing tax revenue by $100 billion a year. " which is what he means when he says he prefers a single payer health system.

-- "I prefer higher gas prices".

-- "If a utility wants to build coal burning it bankrupt them!"

-- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

My president would NEVER attack the military by accusing them of "air-raiding villages, killing civilians".

I also want a president who doesn't tell people...
I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,”
It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”
I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,”
I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.

My president is not a wanna-be Messiah who pronounces:
""This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

Finally my president will not depend on the "stupidity of American voter" to get elected by:
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

So, you won't be voting in the next election then?
We've raised taxes on cigarettes because it's bad for us, yet oppose raising taxes on gasoline? Avg price for a pack of Marlboros in the US is about $6. In the world, the highest is about $18/pack. Cheapest about 93 cents. When gas was around $3/gal it was almost $10 in Norway.

More expensive gasoline is, less people drive, and the less air pollution is generated. Higher gasoline is, the better.
Perhaps you'll be lucky and he won't win a third term.
We've raised taxes on cigarettes because it's bad for us, yet oppose raising taxes on gasoline? Avg price for a pack of Marlboros in the US is about $6. In the world, the highest is about $18/pack. Cheapest about 93 cents. When gas was around $3/gal it was almost $10 in Norway.

More expensive gasoline is, less people drive, and the less air pollution is generated. Higher gasoline is, the better.

Brilliant illustration of the liberal thinking!
Instead of finding better ways of providing services/goods,etc. TAX the golden goose to the point there is NO MORE golden goose!
Guess what is happening RIGHT now in New York City? Police are arresting illegal cigarette sales because of WHAT??? less taxes are coming in because they are too high and people are going around it!
Same thing holds true with gas. Federal government is going to raise the tax rate because there are fewer tax dollars coming in!
SO this proves the stupidity of using "taxes" to formulate social policies!

Rather then raising taxes on cigarettes, gas why not figure out a better way of providing less cancerous cigarettes and more efficient gas uses?
WHY punish people ? Because that's the ONLY way Socialists think i.e. that there are the elites, i.e. the Obama/Hillary of the world and the rest of us are stupid.
And of course they are so smart they get LIPs like you to think THEY are looking after you by raising YOUR taxes on cigarettes, gas as a way to protect you!
We've raised taxes on cigarettes because it's bad for us, yet oppose raising taxes on gasoline? Avg price for a pack of Marlboros in the US is about $6. In the world, the highest is about $18/pack. Cheapest about 93 cents. When gas was around $3/gal it was almost $10 in Norway.

More expensive gasoline is, less people drive, and the less air pollution is generated. Higher gasoline is, the better.

Brilliant illustration of the liberal thinking!
Instead of finding better ways of providing services/goods,etc. TAX the golden goose to the point there is NO MORE golden goose!
Guess what is happening RIGHT now in New York City? Police are arresting illegal cigarette sales because of WHAT??? less taxes are coming in because they are too high and people are going around it!
Same thing holds true with gas. Federal government is going to raise the tax rate because there are fewer tax dollars coming in!
SO this proves the stupidity of using "taxes" to formulate social policies!

Rather then raising taxes on cigarettes, gas why not figure out a better way of providing less cancerous cigarettes and more efficient gas uses?
WHY punish people ? Because that's the ONLY way Socialists think i.e. that there are the elites, i.e. the Obama/Hillary of the world and the rest of us are stupid.
And of course they are so smart they get LIPs like you to think THEY are looking after you by raising YOUR taxes on cigarettes, gas as a way to protect you!

They have been arresting people in NY for this since the 40's. Nothing new there.
We've raised taxes on cigarettes because it's bad for us, yet oppose raising taxes on gasoline? Avg price for a pack of Marlboros in the US is about $6. In the world, the highest is about $18/pack. Cheapest about 93 cents. When gas was around $3/gal it was almost $10 in Norway.

More expensive gasoline is, less people drive, and the less air pollution is generated. Higher gasoline is, the better.
That is some convoluted logic.

I hate idiots.
We've raised taxes on cigarettes because it's bad for us, yet oppose raising taxes on gasoline? Avg price for a pack of Marlboros in the US is about $6. In the world, the highest is about $18/pack. Cheapest about 93 cents. When gas was around $3/gal it was almost $10 in Norway.

More expensive gasoline is, less people drive, and the less air pollution is generated. Higher gasoline is, the better.
Well then ,let's put a $100 per gallon tax on gasoline and really reduce the amount of consumption.
We've raised taxes on cigarettes because it's bad for us, yet oppose raising taxes on gasoline? Avg price for a pack of Marlboros in the US is about $6. In the world, the highest is about $18/pack. Cheapest about 93 cents. When gas was around $3/gal it was almost $10 in Norway.

More expensive gasoline is, less people drive, and the less air pollution is generated. Higher gasoline is, the better.

More expensive gasoline is, less people drive, and the less air pollution is generated.

Less economic activity...fewer jobs.

Higher gasoline is, the better.

Only if you're an idiot.
SOS. Do you ever tire from posting inaccurate, misleading, out of context quotes?

Didn't think so.
We've raised taxes on cigarettes because it's bad for us, yet oppose raising taxes on gasoline? Avg price for a pack of Marlboros in the US is about $6. In the world, the highest is about $18/pack. Cheapest about 93 cents. When gas was around $3/gal it was almost $10 in Norway.

More expensive gasoline is, less people drive, and the less air pollution is generated. Higher gasoline is, the better.
That is some convoluted logic.

I hate idiots.
Oh, how sad. Self hatred. Tsk, tsk. You are a sad individual.
We've raised taxes on cigarettes because it's bad for us, yet oppose raising taxes on gasoline? Avg price for a pack of Marlboros in the US is about $6. In the world, the highest is about $18/pack. Cheapest about 93 cents. When gas was around $3/gal it was almost $10 in Norway.

More expensive gasoline is, less people drive, and the less air pollution is generated. Higher gasoline is, the better.
You freaking kidding right? wow hope your not in charge of anything!!
SOS. Do you ever tire from posting inaccurate, misleading, out of context quotes?

Didn't think so.

Out of context???
THESE are his exact words!!!

-- "I prefer destroying 1,400 companies,putting 400,000 people out of work and reducing tax revenue by $100 billion a year. "
which is what he means when he says he prefers a single payer health system.

How can THAT be taken out of context??? HE WANTS to have a single payer. THEN HOW can you have 1,400 payers at the same time???
THAT is NOT out of context!

-- "I prefer higher gas prices".

These are his exact words..."Obama: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment."
The claim that won t die Did Obama want higher gas prices - The Washington Post
Parse the simple fact that "gradual adjustment" is the same as gas prices going higher! You can't alter that statement. It is what it is he prefers higher gas prices!

-- "If a utility wants to build coal burning it bankrupt them!"

-- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

My president would NEVER attack the military by accusing them of "air-raiding villages, killing civilians".

I also want a president who doesn't tell people...
“I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,”
“It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”
“I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,”
I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

My president is not a wanna-be Messiah who pronounces:
""This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

Finally my president will not depend on the "stupidity of American voter" to get elected by:
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

AGAIN... these above examples are HIS EXACT words and attitude! HE WANTS to destroy America and these are the steps to do it!
SOS. Do you ever tire from posting inaccurate, misleading, out of context quotes?

Didn't think so.

Out of context???
THESE are his exact words!!!

-- "I prefer destroying 1,400 companies,putting 400,000 people out of work and reducing tax revenue by $100 billion a year. "
which is what he means when he says he prefers a single payer health system.

How can THAT be taken out of context??? HE WANTS to have a single payer. THEN HOW can you have 1,400 payers at the same time???
THAT is NOT out of context!

-- "I prefer higher gas prices".

These are his exact words..."Obama: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment."
The claim that won t die Did Obama want higher gas prices - The Washington Post
Parse the simple fact that "gradual adjustment" is the same as gas prices going higher! You can't alter that statement. It is what it is he prefers higher gas prices!

-- "If a utility wants to build coal burning it bankrupt them!"

-- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

My president would NEVER attack the military by accusing them of "air-raiding villages, killing civilians".

I also want a president who doesn't tell people...
“I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,”
“It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”
“I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,”
I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

My president is not a wanna-be Messiah who pronounces:
""This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

Finally my president will not depend on the "stupidity of American voter" to get elected by:
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

AGAIN... these above examples are HIS EXACT words and attitude! HE WANTS to destroy America and these are the steps to do it!

Yes, out of context. Here's the clue. When someone gives a quote but then follows it with a "which is what he means when he says........" tells me someone is lying to persuade some moroonie.
SOS. Do you ever tire from posting inaccurate, misleading, out of context quotes?

Didn't think so.

Out of context???
THESE are his exact words!!!

-- "I prefer destroying 1,400 companies,putting 400,000 people out of work and reducing tax revenue by $100 billion a year. "
which is what he means when he says he prefers a single payer health system.

How can THAT be taken out of context??? HE WANTS to have a single payer. THEN HOW can you have 1,400 payers at the same time???
THAT is NOT out of context!

-- "I prefer higher gas prices".

These are his exact words..."Obama: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment."
The claim that won t die Did Obama want higher gas prices - The Washington Post
Parse the simple fact that "gradual adjustment" is the same as gas prices going higher! You can't alter that statement. It is what it is he prefers higher gas prices!

-- "If a utility wants to build coal burning it bankrupt them!"

-- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

My president would NEVER attack the military by accusing them of "air-raiding villages, killing civilians".

I also want a president who doesn't tell people...
“I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,”
“It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”
“I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,”
I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

My president is not a wanna-be Messiah who pronounces:
""This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

Finally my president will not depend on the "stupidity of American voter" to get elected by:
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

AGAIN... these above examples are HIS EXACT words and attitude! HE WANTS to destroy America and these are the steps to do it!

Yes, out of context. Here's the clue. When someone gives a quote but then follows it with a "which is what he means when he says........" tells me someone is lying to persuade some moroonie.

So tell me how else would a single payer system work i.e. key word "SINGLE PAYER" do you know what that means? Means all claims going to ONE payer!
Single! Payer. Gets all the claims. Obama prefers that.

WHAT happens then to the 1,400 current insurance companies that are "PAYERS"? That have 400,000 employees. That pay over $100 billion in taxes.
There are 1,400 PAYERS now and if Obama WANTS 1 payer... what happens to the 1,400 companies?
Please explain how a "single payer" system would work?
SOS. Do you ever tire from posting inaccurate, misleading, out of context quotes?

Didn't think so.

Out of context???
THESE are his exact words!!!

-- "I prefer destroying 1,400 companies,putting 400,000 people out of work and reducing tax revenue by $100 billion a year. "
which is what he means when he says he prefers a single payer health system.

How can THAT be taken out of context??? HE WANTS to have a single payer. THEN HOW can you have 1,400 payers at the same time???
THAT is NOT out of context!

-- "I prefer higher gas prices".

These are his exact words..."Obama: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment."
The claim that won t die Did Obama want higher gas prices - The Washington Post
Parse the simple fact that "gradual adjustment" is the same as gas prices going higher! You can't alter that statement. It is what it is he prefers higher gas prices!

-- "If a utility wants to build coal burning it bankrupt them!"

-- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

My president would NEVER attack the military by accusing them of "air-raiding villages, killing civilians".

I also want a president who doesn't tell people...
“I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,”
“It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”
“I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,”
I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

My president is not a wanna-be Messiah who pronounces:
""This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

Finally my president will not depend on the "stupidity of American voter" to get elected by:
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

AGAIN... these above examples are HIS EXACT words and attitude! HE WANTS to destroy America and these are the steps to do it!

Yes, out of context. Here's the clue. When someone gives a quote but then follows it with a "which is what he means when he says........" tells me someone is lying to persuade some moroonie.

So tell me how else would a single payer system work i.e. key word "SINGLE PAYER" do you know what that means? Means all claims going to ONE payer!
Single! Payer. Gets all the claims. Obama prefers that.

WHAT happens then to the 1,400 current insurance companies that are "PAYERS"? That have 400,000 employees. That pay over $100 billion in taxes.
There are 1,400 PAYERS now and if Obama WANTS 1 payer... what happens to the 1,400 companies?
Please explain how a "single payer" system would work?

So you admit it was not a direct quote?
SOS. Do you ever tire from posting inaccurate, misleading, out of context quotes?

Didn't think so.

Out of context???
THESE are his exact words!!!

-- "I prefer destroying 1,400 companies,putting 400,000 people out of work and reducing tax revenue by $100 billion a year. "
which is what he means when he says he prefers a single payer health system.

How can THAT be taken out of context??? HE WANTS to have a single payer. THEN HOW can you have 1,400 payers at the same time???
THAT is NOT out of context!

-- "I prefer higher gas prices".

These are his exact words..."Obama: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment."
The claim that won t die Did Obama want higher gas prices - The Washington Post
Parse the simple fact that "gradual adjustment" is the same as gas prices going higher! You can't alter that statement. It is what it is he prefers higher gas prices!

-- "If a utility wants to build coal burning it bankrupt them!"

-- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

My president would NEVER attack the military by accusing them of "air-raiding villages, killing civilians".

I also want a president who doesn't tell people...
“I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,”
“It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”
“I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,”
I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

My president is not a wanna-be Messiah who pronounces:
""This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

Finally my president will not depend on the "stupidity of American voter" to get elected by:
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

AGAIN... these above examples are HIS EXACT words and attitude! HE WANTS to destroy America and these are the steps to do it!

Yes, out of context. Here's the clue. When someone gives a quote but then follows it with a "which is what he means when he says........" tells me someone is lying to persuade some moroonie.

So tell me how else would a single payer system work i.e. key word "SINGLE PAYER" do you know what that means? Means all claims going to ONE payer!
Single! Payer. Gets all the claims. Obama prefers that.

WHAT happens then to the 1,400 current insurance companies that are "PAYERS"? That have 400,000 employees. That pay over $100 billion in taxes.
There are 1,400 PAYERS now and if Obama WANTS 1 payer... what happens to the 1,400 companies?
Please explain how a "single payer" system would work?

So you admit it was not a direct quote?

It was just as Obama has said about himself...
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

See you are one of those people Obama has fooled and you still don't see it.
We've raised taxes on cigarettes because it's bad for us, yet oppose raising taxes on gasoline? Avg price for a pack of Marlboros in the US is about $6. In the world, the highest is about $18/pack. Cheapest about 93 cents. When gas was around $3/gal it was almost $10 in Norway.

More expensive gasoline is, less people drive, and the less air pollution is generated. Higher gasoline is, the better.

Brilliant illustration of the liberal thinking!
Instead of finding better ways of providing services/goods,etc. TAX the golden goose to the point there is NO MORE golden goose!
Guess what is happening RIGHT now in New York City? Police are arresting illegal cigarette sales because of WHAT??? less taxes are coming in because they are too high and people are going around it!
Same thing holds true with gas. Federal government is going to raise the tax rate because there are fewer tax dollars coming in!
SO this proves the stupidity of using "taxes" to formulate social policies!

Rather then raising taxes on cigarettes, gas why not figure out a better way of providing less cancerous cigarettes and more efficient gas uses?
WHY punish people ? Because that's the ONLY way Socialists think i.e. that there are the elites, i.e. the Obama/Hillary of the world and the rest of us are stupid.
And of course they are so smart they get LIPs like you to think THEY are looking after you by raising YOUR taxes on cigarettes, gas as a way to protect you!
Gas =/= Cigarettes. As gas holds a useful purpose to the economy and improves peoples lives in terms of jobs, manufacturing, and transportation.

If it was a simple case of people paying for something to slowly kill themselves, then probably society would be better off without them.

But it isn't, as the rest of society has to pay in medical costs and social costs for another person's drug/alcohol/poison habit.

Allow healthcare providers to exclude smokers and drug addicts, and healthcare costs would drop dramatically.
We've raised taxes on cigarettes because it's bad for us, yet oppose raising taxes on gasoline? Avg price for a pack of Marlboros in the US is about $6. In the world, the highest is about $18/pack. Cheapest about 93 cents. When gas was around $3/gal it was almost $10 in Norway.

More expensive gasoline is, less people drive, and the less air pollution is generated. Higher gasoline is, the better.

Brilliant illustration of the liberal thinking!
Instead of finding better ways of providing services/goods,etc. TAX the golden goose to the point there is NO MORE golden goose!
Guess what is happening RIGHT now in New York City? Police are arresting illegal cigarette sales because of WHAT??? less taxes are coming in because they are too high and people are going around it!
Same thing holds true with gas. Federal government is going to raise the tax rate because there are fewer tax dollars coming in!
SO this proves the stupidity of using "taxes" to formulate social policies!

Rather then raising taxes on cigarettes, gas why not figure out a better way of providing less cancerous cigarettes and more efficient gas uses?
WHY punish people ? Because that's the ONLY way Socialists think i.e. that there are the elites, i.e. the Obama/Hillary of the world and the rest of us are stupid.
And of course they are so smart they get LIPs like you to think THEY are looking after you by raising YOUR taxes on cigarettes, gas as a way to protect you!
Gas =/= Cigarettes. As gas holds a useful purpose to the economy and improves peoples lives in terms of jobs, manufacturing, and transportation.

If it was a simple case of people paying for something to slowly kill themselves, then probably society would be better off without them.

But it isn't, as the rest of society has to pay in medical costs and social costs for another person's drug/alcohol/poison habit.

Allow healthcare providers to exclude smokers and drug addicts, and healthcare costs would drop dramatically.

How about healthcare providers be allowed to drop homosexuals? They are the group with the largest AIDs infection rate and it's expensive to provide AIDs treatment
We've raised taxes on cigarettes because it's bad for us, yet oppose raising taxes on gasoline? Avg price for a pack of Marlboros in the US is about $6. In the world, the highest is about $18/pack. Cheapest about 93 cents. When gas was around $3/gal it was almost $10 in Norway.

More expensive gasoline is, less people drive, and the less air pollution is generated. Higher gasoline is, the better.
yeah. I like it. How about this. Levy higher taxes on any food that is not good for us...you know...like chocolate....why not tax tickets to a baseball game...you know...there is a chance you may be injured by a foul ball.....I say levy a 50% tax on motorcycles...I mean...heck...you know how dangerous they are....

I have an idea....why don't we simply sit in our homes and stare at the four walls.

Yeah. That's it.

Lets stop living.

You are a fucking moron.

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