What I HATE more than carrots

What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

Southern Iced tea is too sweet... The better way to learn to love it is to ice it with fruit juice as a sweetener... Suggest "pineapple"... :cool:

Very much too sweet.

WTF is wrong with you people?
You can order your tea anyway you want it and add however much sugar you want or dont want.

Had a buddy with a German Grandmother that always served us hot tea with SUGAR and milk in the morning when I stayed over.
So whats the fuken difference?
I drink iced coffee with sugar.....who the fuck hates that?
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:
You don’t like carrots ?

No I have always hated carrots.
What’s up, doc?
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

Southern Iced tea is too sweet... The better way to learn to love it is to ice it with fruit juice as a sweetener... Suggest "pineapple"... :cool:

Thats just totally wrong.
You can add however much sugar you want or none at all.
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

I HATE Ice Tea, Coffee.

Chinese Slimming Tea is fabulous for inducing the "shits", a great colon cleanser, I take it with two bags for results whenever I need to clean out.

I do like Ice Coffee, I LOVE it, also I like Chocolate Milk but HATE milk milk. I also HATE poached eggs. OMG imagine IF I was kidnapped by Chinese Communists and they knew this, to get me to inform secrets no need for Chinese Water Torture they would just have to force me to eat CARROTS and POACHED EGGS and say no liquids available ONLY milk milk....:omg::aargh:
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

I HATE Ice Tea, Coffee.

Chinese Slimming Tea is fabulous for inducing the "shits", a great colon cleanser, I take it with two bags for results whenever I need to clean out.

I do like Ice Coffee, I LOVE it, also I like Chocolate Milk but HATE milk milk. I also HATE poached eggs. OMG imagine IF I was kidnapped by Chinese Communists and they knew this, to get me to inform secrets no need for Chinese Water Torture they would just have to force me to eat CARROTS and POACHED EGGS and say no liquids available ONLY milk milk....:omg::aargh:
AND throw in some Iced Tea, of course!
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

It only gets worse from here. :laugh:


^^^^ That is pure evil, whoever invented that is obviously a Satanist :terror:

What gave it away that it was satanic? Was it the "organic", the "biodegradable", or the "non-GMO"?

This is the only tea I drink around here. I go through a gallon of it a week...

What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

I HATE Ice Tea, Coffee.

Chinese Slimming Tea is fabulous for inducing the "shits", a great colon cleanser, I take it with two bags for results whenever I need to clean out.

I do like Ice Coffee, I LOVE it, also I like Chocolate Milk but HATE milk milk. I also HATE poached eggs. OMG imagine IF I was kidnapped by Chinese Communists and they knew this, to get me to inform secrets no need for Chinese Water Torture they would just have to force me to eat CARROTS and POACHED EGGS and say no liquids available ONLY milk milk....:omg::aargh:
Worst eggs on earth........BALUT..............Phillipines............
Sweet tea and grits. Yuck!

Compared to your normal diet of jism and dingleberries I can see you reluctance.
Shame, shame, HWGA! I don't believe "jism" and "dingleberries" are suitable for this forum......

In this case I had to throw out the rules.
I CAN understand why. We've had mods contributing to this thread from the start, and they haven't pooh-poohed (Wait, is THAT acceptable in this forum?!?) you, so you're most likely safe!
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

It only gets worse from here. :laugh:


^^^^ That is pure evil, whoever invented that is obviously a Satanist :terror:

What gave it away that it was satanic? Was it the "organic", the "biodegradable", or the "non-GMO"?

This is the only tea I drink around here. I go through a gallon of it a week...


^^^^ Reported To The Mods :omg::smoke:

Reason for Reporting: Contains psychologically traumatising picture of 1 gallon of Ice Tea :eek-52: :scared1:
Had carrot juice this morning for breakfast. Would have been even better if it was freshly squeezed. I had a friend who made freshly squeezed carrot juice in his Champion Juicer. Who knew carrots could be sooooo sweet?

Sometimes I'll go to Jamba Juice and get the Orange Carrot Karma smoothie. I also like Jamba's Green Tea Matcha, especially if I wake up with a headache.

I'll probably have sweet tea with dinner tonight.

Did somebody mention carrot cake? Oh, I'd love some right now! :eusa_drool:
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

It only gets worse from here. :laugh:


^^^^ That is pure evil, whoever invented that is obviously a Satanist :terror:

What gave it away that it was satanic? Was it the "organic", the "biodegradable", or the "non-GMO"?

This is the only tea I drink around here. I go through a gallon of it a week...


Personally I dont drink that much iced tea or hot tea.
But when it's hot and you've been working outside nothing is better than some sweet tea.
The sugar gives you a bit of a boost as does the caffeine in the tea.
Had carrot juice this morning for breakfast. Would have been even better if it was freshly squeezed. I had a friend who made freshly squeezed carrot juice in his Champion Juicer. Who knew carrots could be sooooo sweet?

Sometimes I'll go to Jamba Juice and get the Orange Carrot Karma smoothie. I also like Jamba's Green Tea Matcha, especially if I wake up with a headache.

I'll probably have sweet tea with dinner tonight.

Did somebody mention carrot cake? Oh, I'd love some right now! :eusa_drool:
Had carrot juice this morning for breakfast. Would have been even better if it was freshly squeezed. I had a friend who made freshly squeezed carrot juice in his Champion Juicer. Who knew carrots could be sooooo sweet?

Sometimes I'll go to Jamba Juice and get the Orange Carrot Karma smoothie. I also like Jamba's Green Tea Matcha, especially if I wake up with a headache.

I'll probably have sweet tea with dinner tonight.

Did somebody mention carrot cake? Oh, I'd love some right now! :eusa_drool:

You keep drinking that carrot juice and you're gonna wake up one morning looking like Donald Trump's Mini-Me.

If you eat too many carrots, will your skin turn orange? | UAMS Health
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

It only gets worse from here. :laugh:


^^^^ That is pure evil, whoever invented that is obviously a Satanist :terror:

What gave it away that it was satanic? Was it the "organic", the "biodegradable", or the "non-GMO"?

This is the only tea I drink around here. I go through a gallon of it a week...


You have to be really lazy not to make your own tea. It's not rocket science and it's gotta be a lot cheaper than buying brewed tea which is mostly water for christ sake.
That said my lazy assed wife buys the shit and it's unsweetened. She's from LA so that explains a lot.
I make my own dammed sun tea and yes it's sweet too. It's also uber cheap.
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Had carrot juice this morning for breakfast. Would have been even better if it was freshly squeezed. I had a friend who made freshly squeezed carrot juice in his Champion Juicer. Who knew carrots could be sooooo sweet?

Sometimes I'll go to Jamba Juice and get the Orange Carrot Karma smoothie. I also like Jamba's Green Tea Matcha, especially if I wake up with a headache.

I'll probably have sweet tea with dinner tonight.

Did somebody mention carrot cake? Oh, I'd love some right now! :eusa_drool:

Hold up....thats the same cat who watched his buddy get screwed by the dog.
Unfortunately Youtube took it down.
My own mother was laughing hysterically at that one.
Okay, LUCY DON'T READ THIS -- YOU'LL GAG but when I was in Charleston for a visit, I fell in love with Sweet Tea at this little hole in the wall soul food restaurant run by an ancient old black lady and two of her daughters. It was the first time I ever had Sweet Tea (pretty much all they had, if I remember right). It came in a big glass jammed full of ice cubes and it was STRONG. Strong tea, LOTS of lemon and LOTS of sugar. The tea and lemon balanced the sugar and the whole thing was so concentrated it just exploded in your mouth, ice cold mindja.

After that, I tried Sweet Tea at two other places and it was that watered down sugar water someone here already mentioned. No good at all.

I'll never forget the Sweet Tea at that little place. It's a best foods memory like the grilled oysters with a tiny pile of good caviar I had once.

Oh lord, now I'm getting hungry.
What I HATE more than carrots this is Ice Tea, a disgusting monstrosity. When I was in Texas for six months I was subjected to this and because I am polite I on two occasions accepted Ice Tea, but I add on BOTH of these occasions I made the Ice Tea able to drink by putting Jim Beam (Bourbon) in it.

This has randomly entered my head approx 10 minutes ago, the Ice Tea situation I was subjected to, not sure why it randomly entered my head, I think I must have been psychologically traumatised by it and it return to me in a Flashback :omg:

It only gets worse from here. :laugh:


^^^^ That is pure evil, whoever invented that is obviously a Satanist :terror:

What gave it away that it was satanic? Was it the "organic", the "biodegradable", or the "non-GMO"?

This is the only tea I drink around here. I go through a gallon of it a week...


You have to be really lazy not to make your own tea. It's not rocket science and it's gotta be a lot cheaper than buying brewed tea which is mostly water for christ sake.
That said my lazy assed wife buys the shit and it's unsweetened. She's from LA do that explains a lot.
I make my own dammed sun tea and yes it's sweet too. It's also uber cheap.

That's easy for your to say, being in sunny California. We're on the North side of a hill, so I haven't seen the sun since last August.


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