'American Way' of Making Tea Sends Internet Into Meltdown.

I suppose you have a Keurig.

Unknown in Europe.
No I don't

I have a real espresso machine, a drip coffee maker and my favorite little pot

My coffee rocks! Perfect blend! And there are many ways to make coffee. I'll make cowboy coffee when we camp.

That’ll be the day.

I need at least 3 mugs of ‘coffee’ at IHOP, to come close to the effect of one normal cup of coffee in Europe.
Perculator pot for coffee for me I like the aroma that fills the house in the morning.
Same story about America in so many areas .
Not bashing , just factual .
Quality of culture varies between indifferent and non existent .
And not just imho .
I do this every morning.

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There’s a very nice agreeable coffee for this purpose I can buy at my local Aldi in the US.

For a french press or the drip coffee maker, try a blend of Folgers Black Silk and Gevalia Espresso roast. It makes a delicious dark coffee without spending a fortune.

We also have a Moka pot, one that makes cold brew, a drip coffee pot, a Keurig, a camping percolator pot, and a small electric pot with a great grinder.
This topic has raised its head again.

A woman has sparked transatlantic rage after showing British people online how she makes tea the "American way."

Professional skater Alex Murphy, from popular British show Dancing on Ice, sent the internet into a meltdown after showing how she makes Britain's favourite hot beverage.

She began by filling the mug with cold water and a tea bag, adding milk and sugar. Murphy went on to microwave the drink and gave a thumbs-up in the reflection.

After a stir, she handed the concoction over to her British boyfriend who was originally grateful for the drink. It didn't last long however, after he took a single sip.

That's disgusting. Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but that is not a cup of tea," he said.

"Are you having a laugh?" he replied, after discovering exactly how it was made. He gave his final thoughts with just one gesture: throwing the mug on the floor.

Do people actually live like this ?

Since I very much prefer coffee to tea, I can't see an issue with it.

I am also southern, so tea should be served sweet and over ice.

I don’t drink tea, but English people are stereotyped by tea drinking.

But there is an art to to it, like all English culinary traditions. Like the correct way to butter bread, for instance.

Ask an American what a Devonshire cream tea is. :p
OK; I'll buy into this. I don't do much camping these days but I make a mean "Billy Tea". Boil water in campfire coals, add tea (Twinings now but "Billy Tea" in earlier times; add some dry gum leaves Not too many...can use green leaves ...no real preference..), add sugar and pour into those enamel coated mugs.



Pour boiling water in a cup with a tea bag, or pour boiling water in a cup then add a tea bag. I’ve never heard of someone adding milk and sugar to cold water with a tea bag before microwaving it.

Coffee is also good, but tends to do bad things to my digestive system, so I mostly abstain.

The idea with the salt, from what I read, is to very specifically not add enough to make it taste salty. It’s just meant to lessen the bitterness.

Sweet tea in the south is a bit too sweet sometimes. Nothing wrong with a good iced tea, though.

I’ve never really understood tea or coffee snobbery. I’ve never had a cup of either that was so much better than any other cup. 🤷🏿‍♂️

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