What I think about the forum

So much negativity around the Politics forum, it's hard sometimes to avoid getting sucked into it. That and a few other places, I think you need to start conversations in some of the more civil areas that might be a little more rewarding. Maybe we need a thread in the General Discussion area or wherever just to post an announcement that you're starting a thread on a topic that anyone else might want to talk or learn about, hopefully without getting into a fight with somebody. I wonder if threads get lost sometimes maybe cuz many people didn't know it was out there.
You are right, let's take the example of all the subjects that I have done on the paranormal, I did not really get answers. I also asked to create a section about various facts, I did not get any answers. It's really annoying.
The political section there are always clashes it becomes less annoying especially if one can do some mischievous acts against the leftists. But then again it's better to go into the rubber room or the flame zone, I do not go too much because I do not know when it's humor or if it's serious since I am Not American. It's more risky for me

But this is a political forum. It's not a paranormal forum. :)
Oui, i know but there is a section at the forum so i made a few thread :)
Oui, i know but there is a section at the forum so i made a few thread :)

I know, but my point is that your threads don't get a lot of responses there because most people have joined the forum to discuss politics. I don't know if there are any paranormal forums out there that would get you more hits on your threads, but it would be expected here that politics is going to be the main focus point.
Oui, i know but there is a section at the forum so i made a few thread :)

I know, but my point is that your threads don't get a lot of responses there because most people have joined the forum to discuss politics. I don't know if there are any paranormal forums out there that would get you more hits on your threads, but it would be expected here that politics is going to be the main focus point.
But I know I have registered here to discuss the presidential election and I am still among you, as I say at the beginning of my thread I was at another forum to tell my paranormal story. I did not like the other forum too harsh. And it's not the same atmosphere.
And moreover perhaps in the future members will come in the paranormal section.
Otherwise I like it here.
So much negativity around the Politics forum, it's hard sometimes to avoid getting sucked into it. That and a few other places, I think you need to start conversations in some of the more civil areas that might be a little more rewarding. Maybe we need a thread in the General Discussion area or wherever just to post an announcement that you're starting a thread on a topic that anyone else might want to talk or learn about, hopefully without getting into a fight with somebody. I wonder if threads get lost sometimes maybe cuz many people didn't know it was out there.
You are right, let's take the example of all the subjects that I have done on the paranormal, I did not really get answers. I also asked to create a section about various facts, I did not get any answers. It's really annoying.
The political section there are always clashes it becomes less annoying especially if one can do some mischievous acts against the leftists. But then again it's better to go into the rubber room or the flame zone, I do not go too much because I do not know when it's humor or if it's serious since I am Not American. It's more risky for me
I would be bored on a board about French politics, too. Don't you have political boards in France that talk more to things you are familiar with?
I am sure there are discussion boards on the paranormal, too, but this is an American politics board.
I really liked your thread on "What Is This?" that was fun.
So much negativity around the Politics forum, it's hard sometimes to avoid getting sucked into it. That and a few other places, I think you need to start conversations in some of the more civil areas that might be a little more rewarding. Maybe we need a thread in the General Discussion area or wherever just to post an announcement that you're starting a thread on a topic that anyone else might want to talk or learn about, hopefully without getting into a fight with somebody. I wonder if threads get lost sometimes maybe cuz many people didn't know it was out there.
You are right, let's take the example of all the subjects that I have done on the paranormal, I did not really get answers. I also asked to create a section about various facts, I did not get any answers. It's really annoying.
The political section there are always clashes it becomes less annoying especially if one can do some mischievous acts against the leftists. But then again it's better to go into the rubber room or the flame zone, I do not go too much because I do not know when it's humor or if it's serious since I am Not American. It's more risky for me
I would be bored on a board about French politics, too. Don't you have political boards in France that talk more to things you are familiar with?
I am sure there are discussion boards on the paranormal, too, but this is an American politics board.
I really liked your thread on "What Is This?" that was fun.
I have the impression that you and ChrisL gently ask me to leave the premises?
The French forums do not suit me it is too strict and it is not the same as you Americans it is even more annoying.
What thread are you talking about?
So much negativity around the Politics forum, it's hard sometimes to avoid getting sucked into it. That and a few other places, I think you need to start conversations in some of the more civil areas that might be a little more rewarding. Maybe we need a thread in the General Discussion area or wherever just to post an announcement that you're starting a thread on a topic that anyone else might want to talk or learn about, hopefully without getting into a fight with somebody. I wonder if threads get lost sometimes maybe cuz many people didn't know it was out there.
You are right, let's take the example of all the subjects that I have done on the paranormal, I did not really get answers. I also asked to create a section about various facts, I did not get any answers. It's really annoying.
The political section there are always clashes it becomes less annoying especially if one can do some mischievous acts against the leftists. But then again it's better to go into the rubber room or the flame zone, I do not go too much because I do not know when it's humor or if it's serious since I am Not American. It's more risky for me
I would be bored on a board about French politics, too. Don't you have political boards in France that talk more to things you are familiar with?
I am sure there are discussion boards on the paranormal, too, but this is an American politics board.
I really liked your thread on "What Is This?" that was fun.
I have the impression that you and ChrisL gently ask me to leave the premises?
The French forums do not suit me it is too strict and it is not the same as you Americans it is even more annoying.
What thread are you talking about?
NO! I don't want that at all! I was just listening to your complaints and wondering if there was a way to make you happier. It is because of the old social worker in me--we feel the need to solve everyone's problems. LOL
So much negativity around the Politics forum, it's hard sometimes to avoid getting sucked into it. That and a few other places, I think you need to start conversations in some of the more civil areas that might be a little more rewarding. Maybe we need a thread in the General Discussion area or wherever just to post an announcement that you're starting a thread on a topic that anyone else might want to talk or learn about, hopefully without getting into a fight with somebody. I wonder if threads get lost sometimes maybe cuz many people didn't know it was out there.
You are right, let's take the example of all the subjects that I have done on the paranormal, I did not really get answers. I also asked to create a section about various facts, I did not get any answers. It's really annoying.
The political section there are always clashes it becomes less annoying especially if one can do some mischievous acts against the leftists. But then again it's better to go into the rubber room or the flame zone, I do not go too much because I do not know when it's humor or if it's serious since I am Not American. It's more risky for me
I would be bored on a board about French politics, too. Don't you have political boards in France that talk more to things you are familiar with?
I am sure there are discussion boards on the paranormal, too, but this is an American politics board.
I really liked your thread on "What Is This?" that was fun.
I have the impression that you and ChrisL gently ask me to leave the premises?
The French forums do not suit me it is too strict and it is not the same as you Americans it is even more annoying.
What thread are you talking about?
NO! I don't want that at all! I was just listening to your complaints and wondering if there was a way to make you happier. It is because of the old social worker in me--we feel the need to solve everyone's problems. LOL
Ha! Thank you very much, I wanted to say that I was bored a little more at the forum lately but I found interesting thread in the meantime. NK and obamacare.
And also we have confirmation that this forum is much less rigid than others.
That was fun, although some of them were really hard.
I like this game too but people did not participe a lot and in my rules i ask for the one who find the name of the object to present at is turn a new object but people did not follow the rule
I couldn't figure out what they were. But I checked it out whenever it was active.
The last one is still not found
Hypocritically mocking the French has always been a Chickenhawk meme. Those of us who didn't shirk our duty should recognize that France took a bullet for us in 1914 and 1940, and later against the Communists in Vietnam and the jihadists in Algeria. To the French, GI Joe has always been Johnny Come Lately.

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Hypocritically mocking the French has always been a Chickenhawk meme. Those of us who didn't shirk our duty should recognize that France took a bullet for us in 1914 and 1940, and later against the Communists in Vietnam and the jihadists in Algeria. To the French, GI Joe has always been Johnny Come Lately.

The French don't always recognize what the American give up for there liberty. Charles de Gaule walk on Paris saying that he liberate France but he did not. I prefer American culture to French culture.
Hypocritically mocking the French has always been a Chickenhawk meme. Those of us who didn't shirk our duty should recognize that France took a bullet for us in 1914 and 1940, and later against the Communists in Vietnam and the jihadists in Algeria. To the French, GI Joe has always been Johnny Come Lately.

Yes, indeed. The pomposity of some of the politicians can be hilarious at times, and one just can't resist ridiculing some of it, but over all the French have voted with the U.S. at the UN more than any other country, for instance, and do more than their share of volunteerism as well. My granddaughter is currently going to a French school, the equivalent of an 'Arts Magnet' school here, only far better.

I'll add that the France's hard line nuclear policy during the Cold War was most likely the biggest deterrent to Soviet imperialism in Europe, more so than our own pretty weak one; they made it perfectly clear they wouldn't wait on anybody, didn't give a rat's ass about 'keeping it a conventional war' and would launch full scale right off if the Warsaw Pact moved on Europe.
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Ha! Thank you very much, I wanted to say that I was bored a little more at the forum lately but I found interesting thread in the meantime. NK and obamacare.
And also we have confirmation that this forum is much less rigid than others.

Well, it's summertime, and many do stuff outside this time of year, and travel as well. I've been in Vegas and in Germany visiting my son and daughter-in-law there, attending my grandson's graduation in Switzerland and an arts exhibit at my granddaughter's school, keeping me busy. I hate flying, so overseas is hard on me, coming and going.

Boards do slow down according to time of year, or from just boredom and a lack of real news. I hope you stick around, I enjoy your posts, I just don't comment in all your threads, unless I think I have something to add, but I do read them, and other posters as well.
Thanks to the forum
I come here in this section to say what I think about the forum and the fact that I was at another American forum to see how it worked, rules, members, answers ... etc.
I was also because I wanted to tell my paranormal experience ( And also because this forum here is not very active in this section) and I got answers to my questions more or less.
It's been a while since I come here now the time passes so quickly I have attached myself to many of you even those with whom I had clashes at times.
What I like too is that the staff is not too rigid, one can express themselves, one can make a thread that has already been done and it is not the end of the world.
I can speak French by moment and again it is not the end of the world. The forum and very cool, but I'm bored a little lately here.
I do not know if others feel like me?
Thanks for the answers.

The best thing about the forum is the ignore button. I just don't want to see half the nonsense on this board. I don't want to see the bullies, those just using it for their own personal entertainment etc.
Thanks to the forum
I come here in this section to say what I think about the forum and the fact that I was at another American forum to see how it worked, rules, members, answers ... etc.
I was also because I wanted to tell my paranormal experience ( And also because this forum here is not very active in this section) and I got answers to my questions more or less.
It's been a while since I come here now the time passes so quickly I have attached myself to many of you even those with whom I had clashes at times.
What I like too is that the staff is not too rigid, one can express themselves, one can make a thread that has already been done and it is not the end of the world.
I can speak French by moment and again it is not the end of the world. The forum and very cool, but I'm bored a little lately here.
I do not know if others feel like me?
Thanks for the answers.

The best thing about the forum is the ignore button. I just don't want to see half the nonsense on this board. I don't want to see the bullies, those just using it for their own personal entertainment etc.
Ha, but you do it too ... you've already done it with Pogo and you got stuck your hand in the bag.

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