What Idiot Brings a Gun To a Wedding?

I wonder what political party he belongs to.....he said he has a permit and in New York that means he has connections and money.....and since it is New York there is a good chance he is a democrat......


Jesus Christ in a baby stroller -- he's STILL AT IT....

Partisan Hack
Someone who cares more about supporting a particular party or ideology than supporting what is morally right, or factually true.

You may be a partisan hack if:
- the other side is to blame totally for all that is wrong in the country.
- you think its o.k. for judges to legislate from the bench as long as it coincides with your position.
- you won't admit the opposing party probably has as many good and as many bad ideas as your own favorite party.​
well , cops sure didn't help you Charwin !!

Sure as hell didn't help me either Pismoe. If I'd been carrying I'd be dead now, possibly along with one of those police.

Again, that's what escalation does -- it escalates.

only if you're dumb enough to try to draw while they have a gun pointed at you. IF all they want is you wallet, give it to them. Then , when they flee, it's quite feasible to shoot them, retrieive your wallet and walk away. Why should pos's like this get away with it, to assault somebody else, hmm?

You admit yourself that in the second case, the guy did NOT have a gun pointed at you. I can beat such a fool to the draw quite easily, but then I don't carry my gun in my purse. :) If they are less than a step away, a hand to hand response is much faster than a concealed draw, anyway. Being shot does not = dying, either, especially with a handgun. The odds are 4 to 1 that a handgun hit to your person will not kill you (in the USA ) Our trauma care is superb, as is our transport, and most hits are poor hits, most handgun loads are feeble, too.
Listening to you guys looks like someone is trying to rob me or kill me while watching tv. Im more scared here listening to you guys than walking in the street.
I was rob twice in my life. One in Beijing took everything except my boxers short. A lady lend me towel to cover my self and her son drove to my hotel. I paid them well for their kindness.
Second 2008 outside Borgata casino in Atlantic city while I'm opening my car. Two white guy ( not black ) came next to me flash a gun under his coat.
If I have a gun in my waist on both robbery, it's impossible for me to pull my gun. And maybe they could have killed me if I tried.

Sounds like you have serious problems with situational awareness, choice of places to be, and place way too much value on your life compared to your possessions.

I'll take the chance going fir the gun before I give up the change in my pocket, nevermind anything more.
Are people really this frightened? You dont need to carry a gun unless you are a cop or have some duty that requires you to carry a gun. Leave your guns at home.

Waldorf Astoria Gun fires accidentally during wedding - CNN.com

"Guests were taking pictures at a lobby when the gun went off Saturday night, CNN affiliate WABC reported.

It was in the pocket of a 42-year-old guest when it went off, grazing a woman in the head when the bullet ricocheted. She was not seriously injured, the affiliate reported.

Four others were injured when they were hit by shattered glass or debris, and treated at local hospitals, according to the affiliate."
The "knocked up" gals dad...???:beer:

If that were true, at least there would be a reason, even if it was a reason reserved mostly for Jerry Springer guests. No. Most likely, it was some right wing gun nut who was embarrassed by his penis size, so he carried a gun to compensate.

Sounds like psychological projection to me.
you don't know what
why not this guy

Because he's clearly stupid.
For a gun to go off in your pocket, the safety must be off and the hammer back.
That's a state only an idiot would leave a gun in.
-------------- you don't know what you are talking about IFred , lots of guns have neither a safety or a visible hammer . Just being polite and informative , do some reading and check out some gun catalogues and look at the guns , read the descriptions .

Excellent - please pop in a link to a mass produced legal weapon that has no safety. As for the hammer, it hardly matters if it's visible or not, it has to be cocked to fire.
I await your link.

Edit - I forgot about double action revolvers. Of course, the hammer still needs to be back for an accidental discharge, but he could have been holding it with his dick.

Sadly there are many. Every revolver and most concealed carry semi autos.

Revolvers, as I said, don't need a safety because, unless you're stupid enough to leave it cocked, there is zero chance of an accidental discharge. You must pull the trigger hard enough to pull the hammer first - double action.

As for semi autos, you could be thinking of such as the Glock, but their internal safety features pretty much exclude the possibility of an accidental discharge unless you leave the thing cocked.

No matter how you cut this, the likelihood is an idiot had a loaded and cocked weapon in his pocket.
Unidentified guest, injuries downplayed, charges not filed? How much you wanna bet that the guy was a liberal hypocrite with political connections?
Unidentified guest, injuries downplayed, charges not filed? How much you wanna bet that the guy was a liberal hypocrite with political connections?

Partisan Hack

Someone who cares more about supporting a particular party or ideology than supporting what is morally right, or factually true.

You may be a partisan hack if:
- the other side is to blame totally for all that is wrong in the country.
- you think its OK for judges to legislate from the bench as long as it coincides with your position.
- you won't admit the opposing party probably has as many good and as many bad ideas as your own favorite party.
Yeah actually it is fear. If you werent afraid of being robbed, killed, or injured you wouldnt carry a weapon. Practically everybody knows that.

No, it's preparation. In less than 20 years carrying I've already had two instances where the mere presence of the gun stopped potential incidents before they escalated. That's exactly what it us meant to do..... Stop the incident before it starts (one way or another)
Sounds more like karma to me. You attract what you think about the most. I dont worry about someone robbing or killing me and guess what?...never had an incident.

The only people who ever pulled guns on me were cops. Except they never identified themselves as such, so if I had been following the advice of the internet tough guy gun fetishists around here, I'd either be dead or at the least imprisoned for taking a cop down.

That's what happens when you're stupid enough to fight a fire by drenching it with gasoline.
I heard more and more of innocent adults and kids getting killed by a gun than saving lives.
The world is not getting prettier because of more guns. The world is getting uglier because of more guns..

its because the msm only reports the 2% of bad stories.
Some of us choose not to go out in public without a means to defend ourselves if necessary.

The father of my former roommate carried his revolver at her wedding. He had to carry it in a cross draw holster because it was hitting her hip when he was walking her down the aisle during rehearsal while wearing the strong side rig.

I cant wrap my mind around the amount of fear necessary to provoke someone to carry a gun out in public. Its mind blowing that people are that frightened.

You are incapable of understanding the point...then again, you are well known to not be all that bright, so I'm hardly surprised.

I don't know if my uncle was carrying at my wedding...I assume he was, since he almost always is.
I cant wrap my mind around the amount of fear necessary to provoke someone to carry a gun out in public. Its mind blowing that people are that frightened.

It's not fear. It's preparation. We don't know when the evils of this world are going to be thrust into our lives. Better to be prepared than to be robbed, injured or killed
Yeah actually it is fear. If you werent afraid of being robbed, killed, or injured you wouldnt carry a weapon. Practically everybody knows that.

No matter how often you repeat that, it is still bullshit.
'Went off'! How can anyone seriously use such an expression. Someone else here experienced with firearms, just in case my word isn't enough, please tell us about having ever known a firearm to, by itself, 'go off'. In a fire, maybe, but a pistol, nor any other firearm, does not discharge if it is not being handled.
Better yet why was the safety off? Maybe it was a Glock.
Even a Glock has to have one in the chamber for it to fire

All the carry people have one in the chamber. Part of the paranoia.

Stop lying, pisshead.
display of Preparedness Ace , and I think that would depend on whether the gun is concealed or openly carried but most open carriers only carry because its conveniant and easier than concealed carry Ace .

Or they are in a place where concealed carry is not allowed.
If I get beat up I will just live with the ass whooping. Thats part of defending yourself as a man. I'm pretty confident that wont ever happen to me or what you think would happen to my wife and kids. Thats because I am not paralyzed with fear and need a binky in the form of a gun to make myself feel secure.

Hope you end up shitting your diapers and eating through a straw for a good long time.
guy made a mistake , had an accident or whatever you want to call it , negligent discharge , no one dead , no big deal in my opinion Gents . Lets see if there are charges brought against him .
I'm assuming you carry without a reason like being a cop. Can you explain the mindset? You wake up in the morning, get ready, eat breafast, and then you think about the possibility of being robbed or killed and grab your gun before you leave?
I already told you if you read the thread Ace , people that carry carry so that they are Prepared , Same reason that people save cash , have extra food in the house , carry pocket knives , have Zippos , a spare set of eye glasses , extra medication , fire extinguishers , spare tires , smoke alarms and the list goes on depending on what a person thinks is important . He11 , why do people have house insurance , beg for 'obamacare' , carry 'obamaphones' and why does government have pamphlets on disaster PREPAREDNESS ?? Many smart people just want to be PREPARED Ace !!
You keep saying "prepared". I prepare myself for things that are likely to happen. I save money for the likelihood that an emergency will happen. I understand being prepared. My question is why do you carry a gun? Do you live in a crime ridden area or something?

are you this stupid? People from everywhere carry guns legally btw to save lives and protect themselves.

Yes. He is, in fact, that stupid.
Are people really this frightened? You dont need to carry a gun unless you are a cop or have some duty that requires you to carry a gun. Leave your guns at home.

Waldorf Astoria Gun fires accidentally during wedding - CNN.com

"Guests were taking pictures at a lobby when the gun went off Saturday night, CNN affiliate WABC reported.

It was in the pocket of a 42-year-old guest when it went off, grazing a woman in the head when the bullet ricocheted. She was not seriously injured, the affiliate reported.

Four others were injured when they were hit by shattered glass or debris, and treated at local hospitals, according to the affiliate."

yes, because criminals, carjackers, rapists, thieves and murderers wait until you get home to rob you.
This guy obviously thought they did it weddings. I wonder what the chances are of this happening at a wedding with a million witnesses? Pretty slim dont you think?
If I get beat up I will just live with the ass whooping. Thats part of defending yourself as a man. I'm pretty confident that wont ever happen to me or what you think would happen to my wife and kids. Thats because I am not paralyzed with fear and need a binky in the form of a gun to make myself feel secure.

Hope you end up shitting your diapers and eating through a straw for a good long time.
Hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster. You'll die of Alzheimers long before I get where I need Depends like you currently wear.

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