What Idiot Brings a Gun To a Wedding?

well , cops sure didn't help you Charwin !!

Sure as hell didn't help me either Pismoe. If I'd been carrying I'd be dead now, possibly along with one of those police.

Again, that's what escalation does -- it escalates.


Moron...you have no clue.......do some research into self defense......
Are people really this frightened? You dont need to carry a gun unless you are a cop or have some duty that requires you to carry a gun. Leave your guns at home.

Waldorf Astoria Gun fires accidentally during wedding - CNN.com

"Guests were taking pictures at a lobby when the gun went off Saturday night, CNN affiliate WABC reported.

It was in the pocket of a 42-year-old guest when it went off, grazing a woman in the head when the bullet ricocheted. She was not seriously injured, the affiliate reported.

Four others were injured when they were hit by shattered glass or debris, and treated at local hospitals, according to the affiliate."
You hate guns we get it.
Interesting pro-gun editorial comment in the report, using the passive voice in saying the "gun went off", thus absolving anyone of responsibility.
good enough for me '4eye' , I'm not looking to hang anyone for this incident !!
So, you are saying guns are dangerous because they discharge spontaneously.
morning '4eye' , i'm saying that I don't care , guy had an accident . No one killed , reminds me of the old days way of doing things . No death or grave bodily harm , just don't do it again 'bonehead' !!
its preparedness because gun carriers have common sense and they have the RIGHT to carry Ace .
You keep doing the sheep thing and saying you have a right which I have no argument with. Its not common sense to have a gun with you outside your home unless you live in a state of perpetual fear or you are hunting or you are a cop that cant back down once off the clock..

Are you really this stupid......there is an understanding...there are bad people in the world, and they rob, rape, and murder other human beings...every day, all around the world, even here in the United States...in President obama's neighborhood where he has his fake residency, and in Joe biden's neighborhood......every day....

And ask the victims of any of these violent criminal attacks..."Did you know that morning that a violent criminal was going to attack you later in the day, or that night?" And guess what guys.........they are going to say they had no idea.....and I bet almost all of them would tell you, " I have never been a victim of crime before and no one in my family has either."

and yet you fools think that carrying a gun the way you carry a cell phone, look both ways crossing the street, or buckling your seat belt is paranoid and stupid......

Ask the survivors of rape, beatings, stabbings, robberies....or attempted murder (since the victims drowned in their own cars after having been raped by two teenagers usually can't be reached for comment)........and see if they would like to have had a gun just before the attack.....

you guys are fucking clueless....

And most those victims are involved in criminal activity. Most of us will never need a gun for defense. I haven't and you haven't needed one.

And the family in Washington D.C. probably never needed one either...until that day.......

Or the woman walking her dog....she probably never needed one...until the two guys with the baseball bat tried to kidnap her........and today she is glad she has one.....
You forgot to mention the thousands of people in jail that wish they never owned a gun cowboy.
For someone who doesn't care, you certainly do express a lot of support for idiots toting heat.
I don't care about the discharge accident '4eye' !! People have the RIGHT to carry , no one was killed or grave bodily harm happened , that's the end of it as far as I am concerned !!
Interesting pro-gun editorial comment in the report, using the passive voice in saying the "gun went off", thus absolving anyone of responsibility.

Actually, that is just journalistic ignorance of guns. Most journalists have no experience or knowledge of guns......so they don't report on them accurately. And if they do have knowlege...then they are trying to imply that guns are so dangerous sometimes they just "go off' for no reason....this scares uninformed regular people.
Some of us choose not to go out in public without a means to defend ourselves if necessary.

The father of my former roommate carried his revolver at her wedding. He had to carry it in a cross draw holster because it was hitting her hip when he was walking her down the aisle during rehearsal while wearing the strong side rig.

I cant wrap my mind around the amount of fear necessary to provoke someone to carry a gun out in public. Its mind blowing that people are that frightened.

You are incapable of understanding the point...then again, you are well known to not be all that bright, so I'm hardly surprised.

I don't know if my uncle was carrying at my wedding...I assume he was, since he almost always is.
Well thats what I already said. I've never experienced fear that intense that I would bring a gun to a wedding. You guys are a bunch of pussies. You can pass that along.

And why would you think it is fear.....of course as a lefty you already have a low opinion of the human race...why else would the 20th century have been filled with the mass graves of lefties.......and the humans they don't like.......

Fear is an emotional state....a pretty intense one.....I can't say I ever walk around in "Fear" of anyone or anything.....I am prepared....I drive safely, I lock my doors at night, I look both ways before I cross the street and I carry a cell phone in case I need help, medical or if a car breaks down...and I carry a pistol in case my unlucky number comes up.....fear doesn't play a part in it....
SOME people MAY have a 'right' to carry. Obviously, some should be prevented.
Some of us choose not to go out in public without a means to defend ourselves if necessary.

The father of my former roommate carried his revolver at her wedding. He had to carry it in a cross draw holster because it was hitting her hip when he was walking her down the aisle during rehearsal while wearing the strong side rig.

I cant wrap my mind around the amount of fear necessary to provoke someone to carry a gun out in public. Its mind blowing that people are that frightened.

You are incapable of understanding the point...then again, you are well known to not be all that bright, so I'm hardly surprised.

I don't know if my uncle was carrying at my wedding...I assume he was, since he almost always is.
Well thats what I already said. I've never experienced fear that intense that I would bring a gun to a wedding. You guys are a bunch of pussies. You can pass that along.

And why would you think it is fear.....of course as a lefty you already have a low opinion of the human race...

Umm.... if you're walking around enslaved to the good/evil dichotomy, it's you that has a low opinion of the human race.

Your friend,
Captain Obvious

why else would the 20th century have been filled with the mass graves of lefties.......and the humans they don't like.......

Fear is an emotional state....a pretty intense one.....I can't say I ever walk around in "Fear" of anyone or anything.....I am prepared....I drive safely, I lock my doors at night, I look both ways before I cross the street and I carry a cell phone in case I need help, medical or if a car breaks down...and I carry a pistol in case my unlucky number comes up.....fear doesn't play a part in it....

"I don't walk in fear but I carry a gun" :lmao:
Denial overflows its banks....
This is not really a 2nd amendment rights issue. I have guns myself. I am wondering what level of fear is needed to provoke someone to bring one to a wedding?
Why do you even own guns? What are you afraid of?
I'm afraid of someone breaking into my home and harming my girls. Home is sacred and my safe place. Someone robbing me in the street I can shake off. Someone invading where I lay my head down to rest is completely different.
Some of us choose not to go out in public without a means to defend ourselves if necessary.

The father of my former roommate carried his revolver at her wedding. He had to carry it in a cross draw holster because it was hitting her hip when he was walking her down the aisle during rehearsal while wearing the strong side rig.

I cant wrap my mind around the amount of fear necessary to provoke someone to carry a gun out in public. Its mind blowing that people are that frightened.

You are incapable of understanding the point...then again, you are well known to not be all that bright, so I'm hardly surprised.

I don't know if my uncle was carrying at my wedding...I assume he was, since he almost always is.
Well thats what I already said. I've never experienced fear that intense that I would bring a gun to a wedding. You guys are a bunch of pussies. You can pass that along.

And why would you think it is fear.....of course as a lefty you already have a low opinion of the human race...why else would the 20th century have been filled with the mass graves of lefties.......and the humans they don't like.......

Fear is an emotional state....a pretty intense one.....I can't say I ever walk around in "Fear" of anyone or anything.....I am prepared....I drive safely, I lock my doors at night, I look both ways before I cross the street and I carry a cell phone in case I need help, medical or if a car breaks down...and I carry a pistol in case my unlucky number comes up.....fear doesn't play a part in it....
Youre simply whistling past the graveyard dude. Everyone knows you are timid. Thats why you carry a gun. You have a low opinion of the human race. I have faith that most humans are not going to rob you in public.
silly post Ace , I'm pretty sure that you have never met the Gent that you aimed post 277 at . Just trying to be insulting ehh . As far as where you have guns , well cool , do as you like while others carry guns to weddings and church , 'pta' and its all good Ace !!
You dont have to meet people to know they are timid. Actions always speak louder than words. You carry weapons for no good reason out in public that tells me you are controlled by fear. Basically a pussy. I'm just offering my opinion. If that opinion hits a sore spot as it so obviously has with you then I would suggest you toughen up. Everyone knows that if you were secure that your decision was not due to fear you wouldnt have an issue with my opinion. See? I have never met you before and pegged you.
When carrying a firearm, one assures that wherever she/he goes, there's a gun. What has not been assured is who will use that instrument of destruction.

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