What Idiot Brings a Gun To a Wedding?

:cuckoo: Youre delusional Bullshit. Your blow up dolls cant talk back to you. :laugh:

You've raped a blow-up doll....it's written all over your face.

I've told you before your selfie was sorta racist.
Yeah actually it is fear. If you werent afraid of being robbed, killed, or injured you wouldnt carry a weapon. Practically everybody knows that.

No, it's preparation. In less than 20 years carrying I've already had two instances where the mere presence of the gun stopped potential incidents before they escalated. That's exactly what it us meant to do..... Stop the incident before it starts (one way or another)
Who brings a gun to a wedding? If it's a shotgun wedding, or deeply devoted NRA members, a VIP wedding with bodyguard. Poor black gang members. I give, what idiots bring a gun to a wedding? That was a rhetorical question, though, wasn't it?
How about wealthy gang members like the mafia and poor white trash gang members?
Something is amiss when people need a firearm in public. To protect themselves from other people with guns, usually.
Who brings a gun to a wedding? If it's a shotgun wedding, or deeply devoted NRA members, a VIP wedding with bodyguard. Poor black gang members. I give, what idiots bring a gun to a wedding? That was a rhetorical question, though, wasn't it?
How about wealthy gang members like the mafia and poor white trash gang members?
People NEED guns to protect thems selves from OTHER people with guns, kind offs els sustain vicious cycle going on there.
Who brings a gun to a wedding? If it's a shotgun wedding, or deeply devoted NRA members, a VIP wedding with bodyguard. Poor black gang members. I give, what idiots bring a gun to a wedding? That was a rhetorical question, though, wasn't it?
How about wealthy gang members like the mafia and poor white trash gang members?
Mexican drug lords, Meth dealers. This paranoid vicious cycle is fueled by other people with guns, so if we take firearms out of the equation,.. off topic, I know.
Yeah actually it is fear. If you werent afraid of being robbed, killed, or injured you wouldnt carry a weapon. Practically everybody knows that.

No, it's preparation. In less than 20 years carrying I've already had two instances where the mere presence of the gun stopped potential incidents before they escalated. That's exactly what it us meant to do..... Stop the incident before it starts (one way or another)
Sounds more like karma to me. You attract what you think about the most. I dont worry about someone robbing or killing me and guess what?...never had an incident.
I've always coached my women not to pull the pistola from the purse....takes too long...Of course the weapon can't be buried under all the junk they keep in a handbag.....just aim the weapon and the purse and squeeze off the round. You'd be amazed at how many have said "but that would ruin my purse!" :rolleyes-41:

Variety of Concealed Carry purses on the market
Yeah actually it is fear. If you werent afraid of being robbed, killed, or injured you wouldnt carry a weapon. Practically everybody knows that.

No, it's preparation. In less than 20 years carrying I've already had two instances where the mere presence of the gun stopped potential incidents before they escalated. That's exactly what it us meant to do..... Stop the incident before it starts (one way or another)
Sounds more like karma to me. You attract what you think about the most. I dont worry about someone robbing or killing me and guess what?...never had an incident.

The only people who ever pulled guns on me were cops. Except they never identified themselves as such, so if I had been following the advice of the internet tough guy gun fetishists around here, I'd either be dead or at the least imprisoned for taking a cop down.

That's what happens when you're stupid enough to fight a fire by drenching it with gasoline.
I've always coached my women not to pull the pistola from the purse....takes too long...Of course the weapon can't be buried under all the junk they keep in a handbag.....just aim the weapon and the purse and squeeze off the round. You'd be amazed at how many have said "but that would ruin my purse!" :rolleyes-41:

Variety of Concealed Carry purses on the market

That is usually a bad idea.....carrying on the body is the best choice if you can.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong.

For over 60 years liberals have fought for the civil rights of every American – opposed by conservatives every step of the way. From fighting against segregation and discrimination in the 1950s, to defending the voting rights of African-American during the 60s, a woman's right to privacy during the 70s, the due process rights of immigrants during the 80s, and the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law today, liberals have been at the forefront of defending citizens' rights from conservative efforts to violate those rights through force of law.

Given the dismal, reprehensible conservative record concerning citizens' Constitutional rights, you and others on the right are in absolutely no position to accuse 'liberals' of being 'hostile' to the civil liberties of any American.

No. They have been fighting democrats at every step of the way and still are...the kkk, jim crow, the hangings, the bombings and the killings...all done by democrats....Republicans fought every step of the way to free blacks and to help them get their rights.....

Nice attempt to hide the truth moron........

How come you changed "Liberals" to "Democrats"? Are you illiterate?

You have no basis anyway.

They were democrats....all of them......besides...back then you assholes weren't using "liberal" it was some other word to describe statists.........and the Republicans were the ones defending blacks...after having freed them from the democrat slave masters. The Republicans stood up for the Constitution while you morons were bombing churches, enforcing poll taxes and literacy tests.....

Wrong. As I said you have no basis and your ignorance of history is profound. Maybe you should stick with something you know like shooting guns.

You don't really say what time period you have in mind but in the mid-19th century the Republicans were the "statists", the party of "big government" and "affirmative action". The KKK was founded by six veteran soldiers who had no known political affiliation, and revived by a Georgia salesman who also had none. You're deliberately trying to conflate "Liberal" with "Democrat" in order to run up scores on your juvenile political scoreboard, and to avoid inconvenient complexities. The fact is, 150 years ago the Liberals were Republicans. All that shifted since then. But here you are trying to reduce American history to a political scoreboard, because you can't handle the complexities.

-- Which I guess is to be expected from a "shoot first, ask questions later" kind of asshat. Again, can't handle complexities so just shoot it.


Moron......you can try to hide the fact that the democrats owned the slaves, created the kkk and jim crow

"Hide" it? I can directly refute it. But it's your contention -- burden of proof is on you.
I've been here before pal. I'm loaded. Just try me.
So...odds are he didn't have it in a pocket holster.....probably a guy who votes anti gun but carries one himself.....
Vladimir Gotlibovsky, 42, had the gun in his pocket and accidentally set it off when reaching for his seating card, according to New York police.
Do they have purses or carry permits for Bazookas? If I want a weapon, I want it do the job, one shot.
You might find a purse big enough for a Bazooka, I've seen some that look it, but I doubt you'd be able to get a Bazooka legally.
Actually one simply carries his firearm everywhere he's legally allowed to carry.

Of course this concerns concealed carry – which means no one knows one is carrying a firearm, as it should be, affording the gun owner the advantages of carrying concealed – in that, again, no one knows he's carrying a firearm.

When done correctly there are no issues.
Who brings a gun to a wedding? If it's a shotgun wedding, or deeply devoted NRA members, a VIP wedding with bodyguard. Poor black gang members. I give, what idiots bring a gun to a wedding? That was a rhetorical question, though, wasn't it?
How about wealthy gang members like the mafia and poor white trash gang members?
Something is amiss when people need a firearm in public. To protect themselves from other people with guns, usually.
Who brings a gun to a wedding? If it's a shotgun wedding, or deeply devoted NRA members, a VIP wedding with bodyguard. Poor black gang members. I give, what idiots bring a gun to a wedding? That was a rhetorical question, though, wasn't it?
How about wealthy gang members like the mafia and poor white trash gang members?
People NEED guns to protect thems selves from OTHER people with guns, kind offs els sustain vicious cycle going on there.
Who brings a gun to a wedding? If it's a shotgun wedding, or deeply devoted NRA members, a VIP wedding with bodyguard. Poor black gang members. I give, what idiots bring a gun to a wedding? That was a rhetorical question, though, wasn't it?
How about wealthy gang members like the mafia and poor white trash gang members?
Mexican drug lords, Meth dealers. This paranoid vicious cycle is fueled by other people with guns, so if we take firearms out of the equation,.. off topic, I know.

"A few jewels to my son...Knowledge is wealth.
First law of survival...preserve yourself.
Remember courage dont come from the gun
its what you made of
A coward is too scared to face what he afraid of
-Young Noble
No. They have been fighting democrats at every step of the way and still are...the kkk, jim crow, the hangings, the bombings and the killings...all done by democrats....Republicans fought every step of the way to free blacks and to help them get their rights.....

Nice attempt to hide the truth moron........

How come you changed "Liberals" to "Democrats"? Are you illiterate?

You have no basis anyway.

They were democrats....all of them......besides...back then you assholes weren't using "liberal" it was some other word to describe statists.........and the Republicans were the ones defending blacks...after having freed them from the democrat slave masters. The Republicans stood up for the Constitution while you morons were bombing churches, enforcing poll taxes and literacy tests.....

Wrong. As I said you have no basis and your ignorance of history is profound. Maybe you should stick with something you know like shooting guns.

You don't really say what time period you have in mind but in the mid-19th century the Republicans were the "statists", the party of "big government" and "affirmative action". The KKK was founded by six veteran soldiers who had no known political affiliation, and revived by a Georgia salesman who also had none. You're deliberately trying to conflate "Liberal" with "Democrat" in order to run up scores on your juvenile political scoreboard, and to avoid inconvenient complexities. The fact is, 150 years ago the Liberals were Republicans. All that shifted since then. But here you are trying to reduce American history to a political scoreboard, because you can't handle the complexities.

-- Which I guess is to be expected from a "shoot first, ask questions later" kind of asshat. Again, can't handle complexities so just shoot it.


Moron......you can try to hide the fact that the democrats owned the slaves, created the kkk and jim crow

"Hide" it? I can directly refute it. But it's your contention -- burden of proof is on you.
I've been here before pal. I'm loaded. Just try me.

In all the history classes I have had, in the history you read about Slavery and the civil rights movement.....they always forget to mention the kkk guys hanging blacks, bombing churches....and passing jim crow laws, fire hosing and beating blacks were democrats....they always use "Southerners" or Southern racists....until they mention Kennedy and LBJ...who both put off helping blacks until there was no other option to keep their political power...since blacks were actually going to get their civil rights and start voting for real......then all of a sudden the democrats "switched sides" and accused the Republicans of being racists.....the biggest political magic trick in history....
How come you changed "Liberals" to "Democrats"? Are you illiterate?

You have no basis anyway.

They were democrats....all of them......besides...back then you assholes weren't using "liberal" it was some other word to describe statists.........and the Republicans were the ones defending blacks...after having freed them from the democrat slave masters. The Republicans stood up for the Constitution while you morons were bombing churches, enforcing poll taxes and literacy tests.....

Wrong. As I said you have no basis and your ignorance of history is profound. Maybe you should stick with something you know like shooting guns.

You don't really say what time period you have in mind but in the mid-19th century the Republicans were the "statists", the party of "big government" and "affirmative action". The KKK was founded by six veteran soldiers who had no known political affiliation, and revived by a Georgia salesman who also had none. You're deliberately trying to conflate "Liberal" with "Democrat" in order to run up scores on your juvenile political scoreboard, and to avoid inconvenient complexities. The fact is, 150 years ago the Liberals were Republicans. All that shifted since then. But here you are trying to reduce American history to a political scoreboard, because you can't handle the complexities.

-- Which I guess is to be expected from a "shoot first, ask questions later" kind of asshat. Again, can't handle complexities so just shoot it.


Moron......you can try to hide the fact that the democrats owned the slaves, created the kkk and jim crow

"Hide" it? I can directly refute it. But it's your contention -- burden of proof is on you.
I've been here before pal. I'm loaded. Just try me.

In all the history classes I have had, in the history you read about Slavery and the civil rights movement.....they always forget to mention the kkk guys hanging blacks, bombing churches....and passing jim crow laws, fire hosing and beating blacks were democrats....they always use "Southerners" or Southern racists....until they mention Kennedy and LBJ...who both put off helping blacks until there was no other option to keep their political power...since blacks were actually going to get their civil rights and start voting for real......then all of a sudden the democrats "switched sides" and accused the Republicans of being racists.....the biggest political magic trick in history....

Translation: "I have no such documentation, I'm just pulling it out of my ass".
Ah the simple life of partisan hackery. No demands but to put bogus points up on an imaginary scoreboard in a simplistic moron-world where everything is convenienty reduced to "Democrats" and "Republicans".... how sweet to be an idiot.

Oh they "forgot to mention"! History doesn't know but I do!" :lmao:
I read the Weapons shop, by AE van Vought. The right to own weapons is the right to be free, I loved that story. But then I realized that the gimmick of that story was magical technology of weapons that wouldn't shoot good guys. Until that happens, that story is just a pipedream, and weapons hurt good guys and bad just the same, they don't have a magical conscience for the shooter.

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