What Idiot Brings a Gun To a Wedding?

The same people that gave me the right of free speech, religion, etc.

It's not a 'privilege'.

A drivers license is a privilege.
Thanks WILL , these lefty 'subjects' don't belive in RIGHTS , they like their government granted civil rights , privleges that can be changed at the whim of their rulers .
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong.

For over 60 years liberals have fought for the civil rights of every American – opposed by conservatives every step of the way. From fighting against segregation and discrimination in the 1950s, to defending the voting rights of African-American during the 60s, a woman's right to privacy during the 70s, the due process rights of immigrants during the 80s, and the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law today, liberals have been at the forefront of defending citizens' rights from conservative efforts to violate those rights through force of law.

Given the dismal, reprehensible conservative record concerning citizens' Constitutional rights, you and others on the right are in absolutely no position to accuse 'liberals' of being 'hostile' to the civil liberties of any American.

No. They have been fighting democrats at every step of the way and still are...the kkk, jim crow, the hangings, the bombings and the killings...all done by democrats....Republicans fought every step of the way to free blacks and to help them get their rights.....

Nice attempt to hide the truth moron........

How come you changed "Liberals" to "Democrats"? Are you illiterate?

You have no basis anyway.

They were democrats....all of them......besides...back then you assholes weren't using "liberal" it was some other word to describe statists.........and the Republicans were the ones defending blacks...after having freed them from the democrat slave masters. The Republicans stood up for the Constitution while you morons were bombing churches, enforcing poll taxes and literacy tests.....

Wrong. As I said you have no basis and your ignorance of history is profound. Maybe you should stick with something you know like shooting guns.

You don't really say what time period you have in mind but in the mid-19th century the Republicans were the "statists", the party of "big government" and "affirmative action". The KKK was founded by six veteran soldiers who had no known political affiliation, and revived by a Georgia salesman who also had none. You're deliberately trying to conflate "Liberal" with "Democrat" in order to run up scores on your juvenile political scoreboard, and to avoid inconvenient complexities. The fact is, 150 years ago the Liberals were Republicans. All that shifted since then. But here you are trying to reduce American history to a political scoreboard, because you can't handle the complexities.

-- Which I guess is to be expected from a "shoot first, ask questions later" kind of asshat. Again, can't handle complexities so just shoot it.

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Sounds like that guy was an idiot no matter where he happened to be.

I carried my gun aty daughter's wedding. It didn't go off at all. Must be something wrong with it right?
Yeah he was an idiot for bringing a gun to a wedding. Was that your excuse as well?

He was like you, an idiot no matter where he happened to be.
Sounds like you were the idiot for bringing a gun to a wedding. What were you going to do? Shoot fish in a barrel?

You are just boring me, retard.
So why did they have to get "Civil Rights" in order to vote again?

(answer. Yes I send your posts in to show how shockingly ignorant some of our citizens are)

You know...if you lefties actually studied real history....and not leftist history....you would be less likely to be lefties......

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You know....if you had a dictionary in front of you that you might not make mistakes like this to show how illiterate you are. What does segregation have to do with voting "rights" :laugh:

Wow....you are that fucking stupid.......try rereading the post on the history of jim crow laws....and then use that as starting place to read about the civil rights movement and understand...you lefty teachers hid the fact that the democrats were the ones in charge of the murder and the killings of blacks simply trying to vote and to live civilized lives......
You seem have gone off the deep end and started talking about democrats. My question was what does Jim Crow have to do with the "right" to vote not actually being a right but a privilege extended to white males?

democrats instituted poll taxes and literacy tests as a way to deny blacks the right to vote...it was part and parcel of their enacting of jim crow laws...that created the need for the civil rights movement......
I stopped reading after you wrote democrats. Let me know when you can make a connection.
Some of us choose not to go out in public without a means to defend ourselves if necessary.

The father of my former roommate carried his revolver at her wedding. He had to carry it in a cross draw holster because it was hitting her hip when he was walking her down the aisle during rehearsal while wearing the strong side rig.
I cant wrap my mind around the amount of fear necessary to provoke someone to carry a gun out in public. Its mind blowing that people are that frightened.
Imagine being able to defend yourself if need be.

How horrible.

There are no people whom may assault us or a loved one outside of our home.

Welcome to reality.
I dont have to imagine. I can defend myself. I thought most adult males could with no problem?

Yes.....please...I ask you...when you get the crap kicked out of you someday...please tell us...and when your wife or husband or children are victimized by criminals.....come back and tell us how we are paranoid....moron....
If I get beat up I will just live with the ass whooping. Thats part of defending yourself as a man. I'm pretty confident that wont ever happen to me or what you think would happen to my wife and kids. Thats because I am not paralyzed with fear and need a binky in the form of a gun to make myself feel secure.
Sounds like that guy was an idiot no matter where he happened to be.

I carried my gun aty daughter's wedding. It didn't go off at all. Must be something wrong with it right?
Yeah he was an idiot for bringing a gun to a wedding. Was that your excuse as well?

He was like you, an idiot no matter where he happened to be.
Sounds like you were the idiot for bringing a gun to a wedding. What were you going to do? Shoot fish in a barrel?

You are just boring me, retard.
I cant tell by how you are responding to me you are bored. :laugh:
Better yet why was the safety off? Maybe it was a Glock.
Even a Glock has to have one in the chamber for it to fire

All the carry people have one in the chamber. Part of the paranoia.

No, they don't.

Yes they do. Then they have one extra round in the gun that they won't need.

Most people I know that carry a revolver have the hammer on an empty chamber, My son in law carries an auto, as do I, and neither of us, nor anyone I know, have one in the chamber.

Kills your THEY ALL DO rant
Carrying on an empty chamber is so "cowboy days".
Thanks WILL , these lefty 'subjects' don't belive in RIGHTS , they like their government granted civil rights , privleges that can be changed at the whim of their rulers .
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong.

For over 60 years liberals have fought for the civil rights of every American – opposed by conservatives every step of the way. From fighting against segregation and discrimination in the 1950s, to defending the voting rights of African-American during the 60s, a woman's right to privacy during the 70s, the due process rights of immigrants during the 80s, and the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law today, liberals have been at the forefront of defending citizens' rights from conservative efforts to violate those rights through force of law.

Given the dismal, reprehensible conservative record concerning citizens' Constitutional rights, you and others on the right are in absolutely no position to accuse 'liberals' of being 'hostile' to the civil liberties of any American.

No. They have been fighting democrats at every step of the way and still are...the kkk, jim crow, the hangings, the bombings and the killings...all done by democrats....Republicans fought every step of the way to free blacks and to help them get their rights.....

Nice attempt to hide the truth moron........

How come you changed "Liberals" to "Democrats"? Are you illiterate?

You have no basis anyway.

They were democrats....all of them......besides...back then you assholes weren't using "liberal" it was some other word to describe statists.........and the Republicans were the ones defending blacks...after having freed them from the democrat slave masters. The Republicans stood up for the Constitution while you morons were bombing churches, enforcing poll taxes and literacy tests.....

Wrong. As I said you have no basis and your ignorance of history is profound. Maybe you should stick with something you know like shooting guns.

You don't really say what time period you have in mind but in the mid-19th century the Republicans were the "statists", the party of "big government" and "affirmative action". The KKK was founded by six veteran soldiers who had no known political affiliation, and revived by a Georgia salesman who also had none. You're deliberately trying to conflate "Liberal" with "Democrat" in order to run up scores on your juvenile political scoreboard, and to avoid inconvenient complexities. The fact is, 150 years ago the Liberals were Republicans. All that shifted since then. But here you are trying to reduce American history to a political scoreboard, because you can't handle the complexities.

-- Which I guess is to be expected from a "shoot first, ask questions later" kind of asshat. Again, can't handle complexities so just shoot it.


Moron......you can try to hide the fact that the democrats owned the slaves, created the kkk and jim crow and fought to keep blacks from voting but the truth is out....and it will keep getting out........and once blacks in this country come to grips with the mistake they made in putting their lives in the hands of the former slave owners......there is going to be big trouble....that is why the democrats are now importing new voters from Mexico......they no longer need the black vote.......they will just import new serfs to do their voting....
you don't know what
why not this guy

Because he's clearly stupid.
For a gun to go off in your pocket, the safety must be off and the hammer back.
That's a state only an idiot would leave a gun in.
-------------- you don't know what you are talking about IFred , lots of guns have neither a safety or a visible hammer . Just being polite and informative , do some reading and check out some gun catalogues and look at the guns , read the descriptions .
Some semi-autos are designed to be carried in conditions one – a 1911 pattern gun in particular, the safest gun to carry with a round in the chamber.

A DA/SA auto-loader in condition one with the safely engaged is less preferable, where most carry such a gun in condition two – round in the chamber, hammer down (just as problematic is lowering the hammer on a live, chambered round).

Striker-fired semi-autos are of course default condition one, unless the owner elects to simply load a charged magazine and not chamber the initial round (condition three). This is extremely safe, of course, but in the event of an incident will one have enough time and discipline to cycle the action so the gun can be used for self-defense; at least with a hammer-fired DA/SA pistol in condition two one need only pull the trigger.

The problem with striker-fired semi-autos is that although they may have trigger and internal safeties, most lack an external safety that comprehensively disables the action, what likely happened at the hotel in New York.

Conversely, most prefer a striker-fired pistol without a safety so it can be use quickly in the event of an incident, avoiding fumbling to disengage the safety when there are often only seconds to react.

Needless to say personal preference, skill level, and experience contribute to one's decision as to what gun to carry concealed and the condition of that firearm; but this doesn't absolve one of the requirement to carry in a responsible manner.
Who brings a gun to a wedding? If it's a shotgun wedding, or deeply devoted NRA members, a VIP wedding with bodyguard. Poor black gang members. I give, what idiots bring a gun to a wedding? That was a rhetorical question, though, wasn't it?
I've always coached my women not to pull the pistola from the purse....takes too long...Of course the weapon can't be buried under all the junk they keep in a handbag.....just aim the weapon and the purse and squeeze off the round. You'd be amazed at how many have said "but that would ruin my purse!" :rolleyes-41:
Who brings a gun to a wedding? If it's a shotgun wedding, or deeply devoted NRA members, a VIP wedding with bodyguard. Poor black gang members. I give, what idiots bring a gun to a wedding? That was a rhetorical question, though, wasn't it?
How about wealthy gang members like the mafia and poor white trash gang members?
I've always coached my women not to pull the pistola from the purse....takes too long...Of course the weapon can't be buried under all the junk they keep in a handbag.....just aim the weapon and the purse and squeeze off the round. You'd be amazed at how many have said "but that would ruin my purse!" :rolleyes-41:
:cuckoo: Youre delusional Bullshit. Your blow up dolls cant talk back to you. :laugh:
:cuckoo: Youre delusional Bullshit. Your blow up dolls cant talk back to you. :laugh:

You've raped a blow-up doll....it's written all over your face.


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