What Idiot Brings a Gun To a Wedding?

Are people really this frightened? You dont need to carry a gun unless you are a cop or have some duty that requires you to carry a gun. Leave your guns at home.

Waldorf Astoria Gun fires accidentally during wedding - CNN.com

"Guests were taking pictures at a lobby when the gun went off Saturday night, CNN affiliate WABC reported.

It was in the pocket of a 42-year-old guest when it went off, grazing a woman in the head when the bullet ricocheted. She was not seriously injured, the affiliate reported.

Four others were injured when they were hit by shattered glass or debris, and treated at local hospitals, according to the affiliate."

He's not the only one this year. This idiot accidently shot his mother.
Former Sheriff s Deputy Shooting Ruled Accidental - LEX18.com Continuous News and StormTracker Weather
So you THINK that cops are "highly trained" with guns or hand to hand? That's a JOKE man, Unless they train on their own, (ie, less than 1% of them) they are pathetically inept. That's the reality of it. I don't go to weddings or church much, but when I go anywhere, the gun goes with me. It's an insurance policy. You don't think that your house will burn or your car will be wrecked, but you also don't want your insurance to be not in effect (24-7)! I'm not scared. I just don't want the pos to get away after I stop him.
I cant wrap my mind around the amount of fear necessary to provoke someone to carry a gun out in public. Its mind blowing that people are that frightened.

It's not fear. It's preparation. We don't know when the evils of this world are going to be thrust into our lives. Better to be prepared than to be robbed, injured or killed
Some of us choose not to go out in public without a means to defend ourselves if necessary.

The father of my former roommate carried his revolver at her wedding. He had to carry it in a cross draw holster because it was hitting her hip when he was walking her down the aisle during rehearsal while wearing the strong side rig.

Yes some people are really scared.
The idiot was playing with the gun, probably showing it off to someone. They don't just 'go off'.
That claim is a priori admission of guilt. He should be prosecuted.
and nothing to do with FEAR , many people just like to be 'Prepared' Gentlemen and its entirely legal in many parts of the USA . Show me the law in the state where this happened that says that its illegal to carry a gun to a wedding .
I cant wrap my mind around the amount of fear necessary to provoke someone to carry a gun out in public. Its mind blowing that people are that frightened.

It's not fear. It's preparation. We don't know when the evils of this world are going to be thrust into our lives. Better to be prepared than to be robbed, injured or killed
Yeah actually it is fear. If you werent afraid of being robbed, killed, or injured you wouldnt carry a weapon. Practically everybody knows that.
and nothing to do with FEAR , many people just like to be 'Prepared' Gentlemen and its entirely legal in many parts of the USA . Show me the law in the state where this happened that says that its illegal to carry a gun to a wedding .
I didnt say it wasnt legal. Stop deflecting. I said its fear based and idiotic. No reason to bring a gun to a wedding.
The idiot was playing with the gun, probably showing it off to someone. They don't just 'go off'.
That claim is a priori admission of guilt. He should be prosecuted.
well , maybe there will be charges '4eye' , keep checking the story for updates if you are interested in the outcome .
it takes 200 hours (or so) of intense training to get adequately skilled with a pistol, the law, etc, to be skilled at a cop's sort of thing. They get 40 hours, at best. then it takes another 100 hours per year to STAY that good, and they get maybe 10 hours, at best. Plus, a lot of cops are panic-striken punks.
and nothing to do with FEAR , many people just like to be 'Prepared' Gentlemen and its entirely legal in many parts of the USA . Show me the law in the state where this happened that says that its illegal to carry a gun to a wedding .

It is fear and paranoia. I have never carried nor have I needed a gun. I know lots of people who were born and died never needing to carry. Stop being so scared.
oh, so now you KNOW when you are going to be attacked, right? the wedding is in everyone's front yard, NOBODY has to travel to get there? Travel, for a lot of people, exposes them to many pos's. While it may happen only once in your lifetime, that once can be ANY time and ANY place. it's happened to me several times, mostly in otherwise bucolic surroundings.
PREPARATION is all it is Ace . Guy probably has a pocket knife on him to clean his fingernails if they get dirty or to cut cut string . Nothing wrong with carrying tools that might be needed Ace !!
you know people who limit their travel and activities to that of some grandma, obviously. i go where and when I want, and I've been attacked, or nearly attacked, a dozen times. Many of those times were by dogs.
and nothing to do with FEAR , many people just like to be 'Prepared' Gentlemen and its entirely legal in many parts of the USA . Show me the law in the state where this happened that says that its illegal to carry a gun to a wedding .

It is fear and paranoia. I have never carried nor have I needed a gun. I know lots of people who were born and died never needing to carry. Stop being so scared.
The one time I carried a gun was when there was a this one cop that was beating up people in my neighborhood. I was afraid he was going to get me so I intended to make him pay with his life.
'Went off'! How can anyone seriously use such an expression. Someone else here experienced with firearms, just in case my word isn't enough, please tell us about having ever known a firearm to, by itself, 'go off'. In a fire, maybe, but a pistol, nor any other firearm, does not discharge if it is not being handled.
Better yet why was the safety off? Maybe it was a Glock.
Even a Glock has to have one in the chamber for it to fire
PREPARATION is all it is Ace . Guy probably has a pocket knife on him to clean his fingernails if they get dirty or to cut cut string . Nothing wrong with carrying tools that might be needed Ace !!
No one thinks you need a gun unless you are afraid you are going to need it.
its his RIGHT to carry a gun anywhere he likes in some states Gents , cops do it , why not this guy . Seems to me that the problem was with the gun going and off not with his carrying the gun . Besides that , no one is dead as far as I know !! And as I leave , heck , cops also have negligent gun discharges on occasion , so looks like another 'Big deal anti gun' thread , thanks Ace and ilk !!
Not in NY, especially, NYC.
Are people really this frightened? You dont need to carry a gun unless you are a cop or have some duty that requires you to carry a gun. Leave your guns at home.

Waldorf Astoria Gun fires accidentally during wedding - CNN.com

"Guests were taking pictures at a lobby when the gun went off Saturday night, CNN affiliate WABC reported.

It was in the pocket of a 42-year-old guest when it went off, grazing a woman in the head when the bullet ricocheted. She was not seriously injured, the affiliate reported.

Four others were injured when they were hit by shattered glass or debris, and treated at local hospitals, according to the affiliate."

I bet the guest was some yahoo from a red state where that stuff is normal
and lots of people are robbed every hour of everyday , best to be Prepared . Guy probably has a spare tire and jack in his car and maybe a fire extinguisher in case of fire Brian . Best to be Prepared Gents and Brian !!

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