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What If A Country Was Based On Critical Race Theory.

7. But most damaging of all, BBBEE has driven a catastrophic dilution of Eskom’s core human capital.

Eskom has experienced a skills carnage for many years, and the long spectre of race-based policies has never been far from the crime scene.

A decade after the skills shortages plaguing Eskom at the time of the 2008 financial crisis, it still cites ‘people issues’ as one of its major concerns. This is startling for a company where the staff complement has increased by almost 50% in the last 10 years. As recently as 2015 Eskom was talking about reducing the number of white engineers by 1,081 and white artisans by 2,179 in professional and mid-management positions in order that the utility could more accurately resemble the demographics of the country.

Estimates vary but Eskom has lost thousands of skilled personnel since 1994, and often paid a premium for it via costly severance packages. Many were taken up by individuals who could smell the blood in the water and for whom retirement or employment abroad presented a more attractive offer than sticking around for the looming apocalypse. [PoliticsWeb.za]

As time passes, the situation only gets bleaker for Eskom. The company’s infrastructure is aged and failing. Its workforce is unskilled or outright incompetent. Thanks to racially-motivated contracting, its logistics are breaking down.”
South Africa - The First Country Built on “Critical Race Theory” - Officially Implodes - Revolver

And Democrat "me too" policies are leading the same way.
There's a difference between leftist and Liberal."

I wish
It is not true, and will not be as long as the sub-groups you named vote Democrat.
And....they do.

I hear you. But i think that many LIBERALS are seeing what this administration is doing....and they're concerned. I don't think LIBERALS want to see this nation go socialist or communist. I believe they are worried about authoritarianism.. What did liberals always say to government....'get out of our lives, our bedrooms, our bodies'. This government now run by radical leftists is dangerous to liberals and conservatives. Liberals want out of that mess but they are told that we are devils. They are worried about being cancelled by the left just as the right is being cancelled as well as their liberal more reasonable friends. Clapton, Rowling, and many others. These liberals are afraid of what the left will do to them so they keep their mouths shut for lack of knowing what else to do.
I hear you. But i think that many LIBERALS are seeing what this administration is doing....and they're concerned. I don't think LIBERALS want to see this nation go socialist or communist. I believe they are worried about authoritarianism.. What did liberals always say to government....'get out of our lives, our bedrooms, our bodies'. This government now run by radical leftists is dangerous to liberals and conservatives. Liberals want out of that mess but they are told that we are devils. They are worried about being cancelled by the left just as the right is being cancelled as well as their liberal more reasonable friends. Clapton, Rowling, and many others. These liberals are afraid of what the left will do to them so they keep their mouths shut for lack of knowing what else to do.

Those 'liberals' you hope to convince, are not as brave as you wish.
Of course, that is the aim of our Democrats/Progressives.

1. Here is the lens through which to view the idea:
Their motivation in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

2. "
South Africa is disintegrating.

After the jailing of Jacob Zuma, supporters of the former president took to the streets, ostensibly to protest but actually to simply plunder at will. The official death toll already runs into the dozens, but in a country as violent as South Africa (57 murders a day) the real toll will likely never be known for certain.


4. The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice.

South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.

5. Despite being the “economic superpower” of Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa’s brain drain is significant and accelerating. Those who have options are abandoning the country. More than four percent of all deaths are murders, and the murder rate is somehow still rising; last year it rose by 8.4 percent. But it’s not just about day-to-day violence. It’s the expectation for what is to come.

The Economic Freedom Fighters vow to seize white-owned land (without payment), nationalize the banking and mining sectors, and double welfare payments.
But EFF isn’t a radical outlier in South African politics. It’s the natural endgame for the country’s post-apartheid ideology. For decades, the South African economy has been shaped by a policy known as Broad Based Black Economic Employment. Despite its name, there is nothing “based” about BBBEE. Instead, the policy uses the same tactics to achieve “equity” that activists in the United States are demanding.
BBBEE relies openly and explicitly on injecting racial preferences throughout the economy. Companies receive a BBBEE scorecard based on hiring black workers, elevating black management, and giving black South Africans a share of ownership. Companies with high BBBEE scores are given favorable tax treatment and preferences in government contracts. Corporate actors are strongly incentivized to give contracts to high BBBEE scorers as well.

6. The results are predictable. Remember those rolling blackouts Revolver mentioned above? Eskom, South Africa’s public electric utility company, is one of the most aggressive adopters of BBBEE. South African National Assemblywoman Gwen Ngwenya described the outcome of this approach in a 2019 column:

In her column, Ngwenya explains how BBBEE has fueled the decay of South Africa’s power utility at every step of the process. The country has two expensive, botched power plants because Hitachi’s African subsidiary secured contracts based on black empowerment criteria rather than actual expertise. Eskom has problems with coal supply because it gave favoritism to black-owned mining companies, and even pushed foreign firms to divest from the country. In one case, the CEO of Wescoal resigned his position solely because having a white CEO hindered the company’s ability to compete in South Africa."

If you voted Democrat......

.....this is the future you voted for.

How does one "atone" for making up for wrongs done in the past? How much money will it take? How much wealth? How many possessions?

Answer: There is no way to make up for it, thus the Left will always be seeking to take from whites and give to blacks, just like Affirmative Action and other programs of racial discrimination has done in the past. And those who were wronged are long dead but the narrative is that the offspring of these people should be treated like they should have been even though they had nothing to do with any of it.

There is no end to this.

Notice the Left says NOTHING about the American Indian who suffered far more.

Very telling
Uhm....i beg to differ, it was when the brown turd Obammy took office that racial strife escalated 10 fold.

Can't disagree with the effect President Obama's victory in 2008 had. The Racist Rabid Right became absolutely unglued, leaving no doubt where the GOP was headed. Forward into the past.
Of course, that is the aim of our Democrats/Progressives.

1. Here is the lens through which to view the idea:
Their motivation in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

2. "
South Africa is disintegrating.

After the jailing of Jacob Zuma, supporters of the former president took to the streets, ostensibly to protest but actually to simply plunder at will. The official death toll already runs into the dozens, but in a country as violent as South Africa (57 murders a day) the real toll will likely never be known for certain.


4. The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice.

South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.

5. Despite being the “economic superpower” of Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa’s brain drain is significant and accelerating. Those who have options are abandoning the country. More than four percent of all deaths are murders, and the murder rate is somehow still rising; last year it rose by 8.4 percent. But it’s not just about day-to-day violence. It’s the expectation for what is to come.

The Economic Freedom Fighters vow to seize white-owned land (without payment), nationalize the banking and mining sectors, and double welfare payments.
But EFF isn’t a radical outlier in South African politics. It’s the natural endgame for the country’s post-apartheid ideology. For decades, the South African economy has been shaped by a policy known as Broad Based Black Economic Employment. Despite its name, there is nothing “based” about BBBEE. Instead, the policy uses the same tactics to achieve “equity” that activists in the United States are demanding.
BBBEE relies openly and explicitly on injecting racial preferences throughout the economy. Companies receive a BBBEE scorecard based on hiring black workers, elevating black management, and giving black South Africans a share of ownership. Companies with high BBBEE scores are given favorable tax treatment and preferences in government contracts. Corporate actors are strongly incentivized to give contracts to high BBBEE scorers as well.

6. The results are predictable. Remember those rolling blackouts Revolver mentioned above? Eskom, South Africa’s public electric utility company, is one of the most aggressive adopters of BBBEE. South African National Assemblywoman Gwen Ngwenya described the outcome of this approach in a 2019 column:

In her column, Ngwenya explains how BBBEE has fueled the decay of South Africa’s power utility at every step of the process. The country has two expensive, botched power plants because Hitachi’s African subsidiary secured contracts based on black empowerment criteria rather than actual expertise. Eskom has problems with coal supply because it gave favoritism to black-owned mining companies, and even pushed foreign firms to divest from the country. In one case, the CEO of Wescoal resigned his position solely because having a white CEO hindered the company’s ability to compete in South Africa."

If you voted Democrat......

.....this is the future you voted for.

Imagine two similar countries, both with a history of racism. One country hides their history and refuses to acknowledge it's past while the other is unafraid to take an honest look at itself. Which country do you think will grow and end it's racism and which will allow racism to continue to exist?
Why don't you leave this government country and find one that has no government control moron?

Why would an American, imbued with the values that made this a great nation.....moi......leave, and let your sort.....a gutless totalitarian, remain???

For clarity:

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives.....me
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats......you
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

The Democrats check every one of those boxes.

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

And you still won't confront the racial policies of the Democrats.

How does one "atone" for making up for wrongs done in the past? How much money will it take? How much wealth? How many possessions?

Answer: There is no way to make up for it, thus the Left will always be seeking to take from whites and give to blacks, just like Affirmative Action and other programs of racial discrimination has done in the past. And those who were wronged are long dead but the narrative is that the offspring of these people should be treated like they should have been even though they had nothing to do with any of it.

There is no end to this.

Notice the Left says NOTHING about the American Indian who suffered far more.

Very telling
Except those who were wronged are NOT long dead. How many lynching occurred that affected families with members living today? How many Black families today are impoverished compared to what would otherwise have been because Tulsa's Black businesses were destroyed by Whites. How many Blacks living today are poorer because of systemic racism after WWII?

How does one "atone" for making up for wrongs done in the past? How much money will it take? How much wealth? How many possessions?

Answer: There is no way to make up for it, thus the Left will always be seeking to take from whites and give to blacks, just like Affirmative Action and other programs of racial discrimination has done in the past. And those who were wronged are long dead but the narrative is that the offspring of these people should be treated like they should have been even though they had nothing to do with any of it.

There is no end to this.

Notice the Left says NOTHING about the American Indian who suffered far more.

Very telling

White folks, and certainly not moi.....are responsible for zero "wrongs done in the past."

We should underscore the biblical concept on which this nation was built....Genesis 1:26

.....and remember what our mothers taught us: two wrongs do not make a right.
Can't disagree with the effect President Obama's victory in 2008 had. The Racist Rabid Right became absolutely unglued, leaving no doubt where the GOP was headed. Forward into the past.

There is no way to get you to come to terms with the truth.

I would assume it is your fear of your masters.

Imagine two similar countries, both with a history of racism. One country hides their history and refuses to acknowledge it's past while the other is unafraid to take an honest look at itself. Which country do you think will grow and end it's racism and which will allow racism to continue to exist?

Another gutless Democrat boot-licker.

The OP holds the mirror up to the racialist policies you voted for, and you refuse to accept what has happened to South Africa as a result.

Now go wipe the shoe polish off your tongue.
Except those who were wronged are NOT long dead. How many lynching occurred that affected families with members living today? How many Black families today are impoverished compared to what would otherwise have been because Tulsa's Black businesses were destroyed by Whites. How many Blacks living today are poorer because of systemic racism after WWII?

"How many lynching...."

Have you no shame?

You vote for the party of lynchings.

Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill the Republicans brought up???

"The lynchings were Southern whites' extrajudicial efforts to maintain social control, white supremacy, and Democratic Party rule, ..... From 1882 to 1968, "...nearly 200 anti-lynching bills were introduced in Congress, and three passed the House. Seven presidents between 1890 and 1952 petitioned Congress to pass a federal law."[10] Not one bill was approved by the Senate because of the powerful opposition of the Southern Democratic voting block."


Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill - Wikipedia

8. “Just like in the United States, rampant affirmative action is an invitation to naked cronyism, insider dealing, and corruption. Burdensome racial quota laws fall heaviest on small and up-and-coming businesses, while the largest mega-corporations have the easiest time complying. If a company is to be politically rewarded for handing out ownership based on race, why not gain even more security and let the politically connected into the ownership caste?

If you have to hire unqualified hacks for senior management, why not give the jobs to politicians’ children? Corrupt behavior like this happens even in the best systems. But as one South African observer notes, in that country it’s by design:

Across state in-house institutions like the South African Revenue Service, the National Prosecuting Authority and the National Intelligence Agency, black-first narratives were used to effect ‘state capture’ which meant shielding those corrupt rent-seekers (black and white) who used BEE deals, slush-funds and tax dodging to fizz their champagne while flattening the rest of us.

[In America, for decades, Democrats have tried to entice the black vote with racial policies that hurt everyone. Midnight basketball rather than insisting on remedial education.]

In the private sector, BEE is one of many onerous costs of business that the biggest, well-established firms can bear while their up-and-coming competition is hounded off the grid or else simply bankrupted. This creates a winner-take-all economy while the sum of it all shrinks. The Small Business Project’s (SBP) landmark new analysis finds that contrary to former expectations there are not millions of formal Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) but only about 250 000. It also notes that formal SMEs ‘only account for 28% of the jobs’ while, ‘based on international trends, this should be about 60% or 70%’. [South African Institute of Race Relations]
Op. Cit.

The handwriting is on the wall.
Can't disagree with the effect President Obama's victory in 2008 had. The Racist Rabid Right became absolutely unglued, leaving no doubt where the GOP was headed. Forward into the past.
Obama’s father was 87.5% Arab, so you’re implying the first black POTUS, which is incorrect. (Letter from Matar, Women in Green, Jerusalem.)
Of course, that is the aim of our Democrats/Progressives.

1. Here is the lens through which to view the idea:
Their motivation in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

2. "
South Africa is disintegrating.

After the jailing of Jacob Zuma, supporters of the former president took to the streets, ostensibly to protest but actually to simply plunder at will. The official death toll already runs into the dozens, but in a country as violent as South Africa (57 murders a day) the real toll will likely never be known for certain.


4. The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice.

South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.

5. Despite being the “economic superpower” of Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa’s brain drain is significant and accelerating. Those who have options are abandoning the country. More than four percent of all deaths are murders, and the murder rate is somehow still rising; last year it rose by 8.4 percent. But it’s not just about day-to-day violence. It’s the expectation for what is to come.

The Economic Freedom Fighters vow to seize white-owned land (without payment), nationalize the banking and mining sectors, and double welfare payments.
But EFF isn’t a radical outlier in South African politics. It’s the natural endgame for the country’s post-apartheid ideology. For decades, the South African economy has been shaped by a policy known as Broad Based Black Economic Employment. Despite its name, there is nothing “based” about BBBEE. Instead, the policy uses the same tactics to achieve “equity” that activists in the United States are demanding.
BBBEE relies openly and explicitly on injecting racial preferences throughout the economy. Companies receive a BBBEE scorecard based on hiring black workers, elevating black management, and giving black South Africans a share of ownership. Companies with high BBBEE scores are given favorable tax treatment and preferences in government contracts. Corporate actors are strongly incentivized to give contracts to high BBBEE scorers as well.

6. The results are predictable. Remember those rolling blackouts Revolver mentioned above? Eskom, South Africa’s public electric utility company, is one of the most aggressive adopters of BBBEE. South African National Assemblywoman Gwen Ngwenya described the outcome of this approach in a 2019 column:

In her column, Ngwenya explains how BBBEE has fueled the decay of South Africa’s power utility at every step of the process. The country has two expensive, botched power plants because Hitachi’s African subsidiary secured contracts based on black empowerment criteria rather than actual expertise. Eskom has problems with coal supply because it gave favoritism to black-owned mining companies, and even pushed foreign firms to divest from the country. In one case, the CEO of Wescoal resigned his position solely because having a white CEO hindered the company’s ability to compete in South Africa."

If you voted Democrat......

.....this is the future you voted for.

Why does a theory scare you so much? Do you have that much trouble thinking for yourself?
Of course, that is the aim of our Democrats/Progressives.

1. Here is the lens through which to view the idea:
Their motivation in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.

Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

2. "
South Africa is disintegrating.

After the jailing of Jacob Zuma, supporters of the former president took to the streets, ostensibly to protest but actually to simply plunder at will. The official death toll already runs into the dozens, but in a country as violent as South Africa (57 murders a day) the real toll will likely never be known for certain.


4. The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice.

South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.

5. Despite being the “economic superpower” of Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa’s brain drain is significant and accelerating. Those who have options are abandoning the country. More than four percent of all deaths are murders, and the murder rate is somehow still rising; last year it rose by 8.4 percent. But it’s not just about day-to-day violence. It’s the expectation for what is to come.

The Economic Freedom Fighters vow to seize white-owned land (without payment), nationalize the banking and mining sectors, and double welfare payments.
But EFF isn’t a radical outlier in South African politics. It’s the natural endgame for the country’s post-apartheid ideology. For decades, the South African economy has been shaped by a policy known as Broad Based Black Economic Employment. Despite its name, there is nothing “based” about BBBEE. Instead, the policy uses the same tactics to achieve “equity” that activists in the United States are demanding.
BBBEE relies openly and explicitly on injecting racial preferences throughout the economy. Companies receive a BBBEE scorecard based on hiring black workers, elevating black management, and giving black South Africans a share of ownership. Companies with high BBBEE scores are given favorable tax treatment and preferences in government contracts. Corporate actors are strongly incentivized to give contracts to high BBBEE scorers as well.

6. The results are predictable. Remember those rolling blackouts Revolver mentioned above? Eskom, South Africa’s public electric utility company, is one of the most aggressive adopters of BBBEE. South African National Assemblywoman Gwen Ngwenya described the outcome of this approach in a 2019 column:

In her column, Ngwenya explains how BBBEE has fueled the decay of South Africa’s power utility at every step of the process. The country has two expensive, botched power plants because Hitachi’s African subsidiary secured contracts based on black empowerment criteria rather than actual expertise. Eskom has problems with coal supply because it gave favoritism to black-owned mining companies, and even pushed foreign firms to divest from the country. In one case, the CEO of Wescoal resigned his position solely because having a white CEO hindered the company’s ability to compete in South Africa."

If you voted Democrat......

.....this is the future you voted for.

What is CRT and where is it being taught?
It's funny how racism over the past 8 to 10 years had been becoming less and less an issue in general. Then suddenly less than 2 years ago it exploded and became more of an issue than it had ever been before. And to top it off anti racists have become the most racist people this country has ever seen.

Is it what was called the "Ferguson Effect"?


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