What if Donald Trump is removed from office??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
The fact that Jeff Sessions, Rob Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and a number of Mueller's prosecutors are registered Republicans and appointed by Republicans, most Trump supporters are still convinced this entire Russia probe is all the work of "Angry Democrats" and the whole thing is a partisan witch hunt, this despite a number of felony guilty pleas and convictions after only 14 months of investigations. So....With Robert Mueller's investigation closing in on Donald Trump (not to mention the southern district of NY and the State of NY) what will Trump supporters do if Donald Trump is convicted of the crimes he is suspected of (conspiracy, financial crimes, and obstruction of justice) and removed from office? Riots? Violence? or simply continued legal action?

Frankly I don't think Trump supporters understand how very real this possibility is, this despite being shielded in part by congressional Republicans. Maybe it's time for Trump supporters to think on this...hard. :bye1:
The fact that Jeff Sessions, Rob Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and a number of Mueller's prosecutors are registered Republicans and appointed by Republicans, Trump supporters are convinced this entire Russia probe is all the work of "Angry Democrats" and the whole thing is a partisan witch hunt, this despite many felony guilty pleas and convictions after only 14 months of investigations. So....With Robert Mueller's investigation closing in on Donald Trump (not to mention the southern district of NY and the State of NY) what will Trump supporters do if Donald Trump is convicted of the crimes he is suspected of (conspiracy, financial crimes, and obstruction of justice) and removed from office? Riots? Violence? or simply continued legal action?

Frankly I don't think Trump supporters understand how very real this possibility is, this despite being shielded in part by congressional Republicans. Maybe it's time for Trump supporters to think on this...hard. :bye1:

I think that is a really great idea, especially after today. Trump is losing it.

No doubt about it. Everyday Trump offers us more infantile distractions and deceptions. He throws a bunch of shyt against the wall hoping something will stick. An illustration of that is this morning in the form of still another twitter storm and his comments to Bloomberg. None of this deserves any more than a passing glance by observers. He has done this so many times before, and it is all quite meaningless. His diatribe today, not unlike the others, is meant solely for his base. No one else could possibly believe it.

"The hatred and extreme bias of me by @CNN has clouded their thinking and made them unable to function," he tweeted. "When Lester Holt got caught fudging my tape on Russia, they were hurt badly!" Trump added.

"I just cannot state strongly enough how totally dishonest much of the Media is. Truth doesn’t matter to them, they only have their hatred & agenda. Enemy of the People!" Truth doesn’t matter to them, from Trump?!? You got to be kidding me! Regarding the free press as the enemy of the people has become a common theme with him. Hard to accept this is from our President.

"They love to portray chaos in the White House when they know that chaos doesn’t exist-just a “smooth running machine” with changing parts!" The “smooth running machine” was on full display Monday when the White House bungled the flag tribute for Senator McCain. The American people were collectively embarrassed and no doubt Putin, Kim, and China's Xi were laughing their fool heads off at the debacle.

"Wow, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr’s wife, is a Russia expert who is fluent in Russian. She worked for Fusion GPS where she was paid a lot." Yawn.

"The Rigged Russia Witch Hunt did not come into play, even a little bit, with respect to my decision on Don McGahn!" McGahn gave Mueller 30 hours of testimony.

Trump said his maligned attorney general is safe in his job ... at least until November. Trump made the comment in an interview with Bloomberg News.

"I just would love to have him do a great job," Bloomberg quoted Trump. That's a tall one. He has been assaulting Sessions for over a year because Sessions obeyed the law. No one has done more than Sessions in carrying out Trump's agenda, from immigration to control of the border to law enforcement issues.

Asked if he would comply with a subpoena from Mueller, Trump said, "I'll see what happens" and added: "I view it differently. I view it as an illegal investigation." By way of explanation, Trump told Bloomberg "great scholars" have said "there never should have been a special counsel."

"Great scholars?" Aw, come on, now that is funny. :roflol:

All kidding aside, there is something seriously wrong with Trump. I am no psychiatrist, but paranoid schizophrenia tops my list.
The fact that Jeff Sessions, Rob Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and a number of Mueller's prosecutors are registered Republicans and appointed by Republicans, most Trump supporters are still convinced this entire Russia probe is all the work of "Angry Democrats" and the whole thing is a partisan witch hunt, this despite a number of felony guilty pleas and convictions after only 14 months of investigations. So....With Robert Mueller's investigation closing in on Donald Trump (not to mention the southern district of NY and the State of NY) what will Trump supporters do if Donald Trump is convicted of the crimes he is suspected of (conspiracy, financial crimes, and obstruction of justice) and removed from office? Riots? Violence? or simply continued legal action?

Frankly I don't think Trump supporters understand how very real this possibility is, this despite being shielded in part by congressional Republicans. Maybe it's time for Trump supporters to think on this...hard. :bye1:

Those Halfacrats are involved, of course, but Trump cannot be convicted of crimes he is merely "suspected of" (by their reckoning).

The likelihood of Trump being removed from office based upon what is now known is null.

If my assessment of modern human nature is valid, any attempted coup on the part of Democrats will result in de facto war.

Not a threat. Merely an observation. The anger meter is pegged in this country, and there is no common ground remaining.
Fantasies notwithstanding, what is going to happen when republicans sweep the midterms? Will the crazies attempt anarchy?
The fact that Jeff Sessions, Rob Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and a number of Mueller's prosecutors are registered Republicans and appointed by Republicans, most Trump supporters are still convinced this entire Russia probe is all the work of "Angry Democrats" and the whole thing is a partisan witch hunt, this despite a number of felony guilty pleas and convictions after only 14 months of investigations. So....With Robert Mueller's investigation closing in on Donald Trump (not to mention the southern district of NY and the State of NY) what will Trump supporters do if Donald Trump is convicted of the crimes he is suspected of (conspiracy, financial crimes, and obstruction of justice) and removed from office? Riots? Violence? or simply continued legal action?

Frankly I don't think Trump supporters understand how very real this possibility is, this despite being shielded in part by congressional Republicans. Maybe it's time for Trump supporters to think on this...hard. :bye1:

I think you can forget the violence on any wide scale. You'll have flashpoints of hate that boil over but as far as any organized assault on our government apparatuses; no. Even if there was, it would be put down quickly given how trigger happy and armed-to-the-teeth cops are nowadays.
President Trump isn't going nowhere.

The people like the booming Trump economy, they don't want to go back to Obamunistic Malaise.

I really don't care what Mueller says in his report, Congress isn't going to tell millions of people their votes don't matter , and forget America returning to greatness.

Its fantasyland to suggest that Donald J Trump is going to go anywhere.
The fact that Jeff Sessions, Rob Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and a number of Mueller's prosecutors are registered Republicans and appointed by Republicans, most Trump supporters are still convinced this entire Russia probe is all the work of "Angry Democrats" and the whole thing is a partisan witch hunt, this despite a number of felony guilty pleas and convictions after only 14 months of investigations. So....With Robert Mueller's investigation closing in on Donald Trump (not to mention the southern district of NY and the State of NY) what will Trump supporters do if Donald Trump is convicted of the crimes he is suspected of (conspiracy, financial crimes, and obstruction of justice) and removed from office? Riots? Violence? or simply continued legal action?

Frankly I don't think Trump supporters understand how very real this possibility is, this despite being shielded in part by congressional Republicans. Maybe it's time for Trump supporters to think on this...hard. :bye1:

I think you can forget the violence on any wide scale. You'll have flashpoints of hate that boil over but as far as any organized assault on our government apparatuses; no. Even if there was, it would be put down quickly given how trigger happy and armed-to-the-teeth cops are nowadays.

The police have to live in the same neighborhoods as the opposition. They have families.

Why would they risk them for you people?

Again, merely an observation.
What if what if what if...

What if toads had wings?

They wouldn't bump their ass with each hop.
President Trump isn't going nowhere.

The people like the booming Trump economy, they don't want to go back to Obamunistic Malaise.

I really don't care what Mueller says in his report, Congress isn't going to tell millions of people their votes don't matter , and forget America returning to greatness.

Its fantasyland to suggest that Donald J Trump is going to go anywhere.

“I can tell you right now. I saw jobs when Obama was in office, and I saw jobs when Trump’s in office, it’s night and day,” Hughes told Flock. I couldn’t go out in rural communities and get a job when Obama was president. I can’t keep up with the jobs now that Trump is in office.”

Black Trump Supporter 'Can't Keep Up' with Job Creation in Indiana
The fact that a lot of Republican (rinos) are working against our President is proof the deep state is most career politicians, not just Democrats. Trump was elected to drain the swamp which includes members of all partyies. I can’t think of anyone more up to the task than Mr Trump. He is not beholden to anyone but the citizens of this country. Name any other politician that doesn’t depend on contributions from expect something in return. The clintons are a prime example of this.
Trump has been President for aroune 20 months ane this country is in better shape than any time since Reagan.Low unemployment, higher GDP than anytime in recent history, a general feeling the country is now headed in the right direction. It took Trump such a short time to accomplish so much it makes you wonder if the last few presidents were even trying to solve the problems we had. The industry we were told would never come back are coming back, we are about to become energy independent and even on track to become one of the majoe oil exporters in the world.
Any of our last few presidents could have accomplished the same if they wanted to. Obama made multimillionaires out of the green energy people that contributed to his campaign. The same with the unions and pretty much anyone that contributed to him. The bushes owed big oil and for some reason Saudi Arabia. The clintons just used the office to create massive wealth for themselves.
Mr Trump is our once in a lifetime opportunity to save our country. He doesn’t owe anyone and he is already rich. There are alot of rich politicians but they are so greedy they just think they deserve more.
Mr Trump didn’t need all the crap he has to deal with as President, he could just set home and enjoy his wealth but he is a true patriot and about the only person I can think of that is willing to put himself and his family through the shitstorm he and his family face daily.
God Bless you Mr Trump and protect you and your family. The deep state will not go easily but with your leadership maybe we will get to see most of them in prison.
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The fact that Jeff Sessions, Rob Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and a number of Mueller's prosecutors are registered Republicans and appointed by Republicans, most Trump supporters are still convinced this entire Russia probe is all the work of "Angry Democrats" and the whole thing is a partisan witch hunt, this despite a number of felony guilty pleas and convictions after only 14 months of investigations. So....With Robert Mueller's investigation closing in on Donald Trump (not to mention the southern district of NY and the State of NY) what will Trump supporters do if Donald Trump is convicted of the crimes he is suspected of (conspiracy, financial crimes, and obstruction of justice) and removed from office? Riots? Violence? or simply continued legal action?

Frankly I don't think Trump supporters understand how very real this possibility is, this despite being shielded in part by congressional Republicans. Maybe it's time for Trump supporters to think on this...hard. :bye1:

I think you can forget the violence on any wide scale. You'll have flashpoints of hate that boil over but as far as any organized assault on our government apparatuses; no. Even if there was, it would be put down quickly given how trigger happy and armed-to-the-teeth cops are nowadays.
Many of the cops will instigate this.

Throwing urine at cops doesn’t pay off.
The fact that Jeff Sessions, Rob Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and a number of Mueller's prosecutors are registered Republicans and appointed by Republicans, most Trump supporters are still convinced this entire Russia probe is all the work of "Angry Democrats" and the whole thing is a partisan witch hunt, this despite a number of felony guilty pleas and convictions after only 14 months of investigations. So....With Robert Mueller's investigation closing in on Donald Trump (not to mention the southern district of NY and the State of NY) what will Trump supporters do if Donald Trump is convicted of the crimes he is suspected of (conspiracy, financial crimes, and obstruction of justice) and removed from office? Riots? Violence? or simply continued legal action?

Frankly I don't think Trump supporters understand how very real this possibility is, this despite being shielded in part by congressional Republicans. Maybe it's time for Trump supporters to think on this...hard. :bye1:

felony convictions that had nothing to do with the Russians? so someone got a fisa warrant because they suspected Trump of conspiracy based on paid for election dirt?

Riots? Violence? no way, we are civilized people and were all Americans, though members of ANIFA hardly resemble that description. It will just be a deep sense of dissapointment that the entrenched deep state does not allow a president other than the one they have pre-selected. Thats what this is all about.

Hillary broke the law and Comey gave her a pass she had evidence destroyed and Comey said there was no intent. She got a pass.. cleared before the investigation was ever done.

It will be a betrayal to the American people. the CIA and FBI are not supposed to be partisan in an election. This crap is completely unbelievable.

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