What if Glenn Beck is Actually Mentally Retarded?

Fact is Saddam did use water as a weapon. SADDAM water wars

At Karbala, U.S. troops stumbled upon 55-gallon drums of pesticides at what appeared to be a very large "agricultural supply" area, Hanson says. Some of the drums were stored in a "camouflaged bunker complex" that was shown to reporters - with unpleasant results. "More than a dozen soldiers, a Knight-Ridder reporter, a CNN cameraman, and two Iraqi POWs came down with symptoms consistent with exposure to a nerve agent,"

A rocket that can accept toxic chemicals into its warhead near a 55-gallon drum of cyclosarin-based "pesticide" is a chemical weapon, and it should be defined as such.

Oh and I guess O'Reilly lied, if you claim that changing one's opinion is lying.

I'm sure I can find more to defend these Fox reports, but unfortunately I have work to do.
yeah, that old "dual use" nonsense
they were for agricultural use, but were stored in a weapons depot

You know, by that definition there are a LOT of things that could be considered chemical weapons.

Just because you find an empty warhead next to pesticide DOES NOT MEAN IT'S A WEAPON!

Most of those things have to be aerosolized (vaporized) in order to be distributed, and not every chemical is capable of that without very specific modifications to it.

Was the pesticide able to be distributed via that manner or not? Hey, I've got a slingshot, some hollow rubber balls and a jug of Roundup in my garage. Does that mean I'm also in possession of chemical weapons and should be invaded?
is your garage a weapons depot?
saying "i'm going to do this" and not doing "this" is a lie
except he HAS done it

so, are you wrong, or are you lying by saying he hasnt

he did not apologize or renounce his trust in the bush administration, so yes it was a lie.
yes, he did

i saw him do it and he has done it several times since
and since i dont watch his show every day, you would have to be either not watching at all, or a total liar to claim he hasnt
Listen people, yes........Saddam DID have chemical weapons, but those were the only WMD type weapons that he had, which he'd bought from us.

He wasn't going to use them on US troops, as he'd already used them in an attempt to eliminate the Kurds.

WMD's was just an excuse to justify a war for oil and pride.

How much oil did we manage to get?


Wasn't the topic Glen Beck and whether he was retarded? Maybe WMD should be left to another thread?

It appears that some posters* have serious issues, which include being able to stay vaguely on topic.

*Present poster excluded.
Listen people, yes........Saddam DID have chemical weapons, but those were the only WMD type weapons that he had, which he'd bought from us.

He wasn't going to use them on US troops, as he'd already used them in an attempt to eliminate the Kurds.

WMD's was just an excuse to justify a war for oil and pride.

How much oil did we manage to get?


Wasn't the topic Glen Beck and whether he was retarded? Maybe WMD should be left to another thread?

It appears that some posters* have serious issues, which include being able to stay vaguely on topic.

*Present poster excluded.

Riiiiiiiiiight............you're not the one that got your knickers in a twist and your pubes tied up in knots because I called you a ****, when in reality, your n00b ass has been fucking with friends of mine.

Get back on topic Confused Neurotic Underfed Tramp Cali Girl.

As far as the WMD's and the war? It's a legitimate topic that has been brought up for several threads.

Try again bitch.
How much oil did we manage to get?


Wasn't the topic Glen Beck and whether he was retarded? Maybe WMD should be left to another thread?

It appears that some posters* have serious issues, which include being able to stay vaguely on topic.

*Present poster excluded.

Riiiiiiiiiight............you're not the one that got your knickers in a twist and your pubes tied up in knots because I called you a ****, when in reality, your n00b ass has been fucking with friends of mine.

Get back on topic Confused Neurotic Underfed Tramp Cali Girl.

As far as the WMD's and the war? It's a legitimate topic that has been brought up for several threads.

Try again bitch.

You talk mighty tough... to girls. I bet you have mommy issues. Poor gaybikershithead!
Listen people, yes........Saddam DID have chemical weapons, but those were the only WMD type weapons that he had, which he'd bought from us.

He wasn't going to use them on US troops, as he'd already used them in an attempt to eliminate the Kurds.

WMD's was just an excuse to justify a war for oil and pride.

Those Chem weapons have a rather short life span. After so many years they were no more effective then the shit Chem Lawn sprays on your yard.
Listen people, yes........Saddam DID have chemical weapons, but those were the only WMD type weapons that he had, which he'd bought from us.

He wasn't going to use them on US troops, as he'd already used them in an attempt to eliminate the Kurds.

WMD's was just an excuse to justify a war for oil and pride.

Those Chem weapons have a rather short life span. After so many years they were no more effective then the shit Chem Lawn sprays on your yard.

So if they were in your neighbors yard, you would have no issue with that? Better yet, you would rub any residual on your hands?
Listen people, yes........Saddam DID have chemical weapons, but those were the only WMD type weapons that he had, which he'd bought from us.

He wasn't going to use them on US troops, as he'd already used them in an attempt to eliminate the Kurds.

WMD's was just an excuse to justify a war for oil and pride.

Those Chem weapons have a rather short life span. After so many years they were no more effective then the shit Chem Lawn sprays on your yard.
That is simply not true.
Listen people, yes........Saddam DID have chemical weapons, but those were the only WMD type weapons that he had, which he'd bought from us.

He wasn't going to use them on US troops, as he'd already used them in an attempt to eliminate the Kurds.

WMD's was just an excuse to justify a war for oil and pride.

Those Chem weapons have a rather short life span. After so many years they were no more effective then the shit Chem Lawn sprays on your yard.
That is simply not true.

No it is ABSOLUTELY 100% true.
Listen people, yes........Saddam DID have chemical weapons, but those were the only WMD type weapons that he had, which he'd bought from us.

He wasn't going to use them on US troops, as he'd already used them in an attempt to eliminate the Kurds.

WMD's was just an excuse to justify a war for oil and pride.

Those Chem weapons have a rather short life span. After so many years they were no more effective then the shit Chem Lawn sprays on your yard.

So if they were in your neighbors yard, you would have no issue with that? Better yet, you would rub any residual on your hands?

If I wanted to die from CANCER 20 years later I would. I may get MINOR chem burns but nothing worse. THEY USE THE SHIT EVERY DAY and I suspect MANY of your neighbors do to!
And do you know what we would have GIVEN Iraq? CHEMICAL WEAPONS just like we did in the past Iran Iraq war.

Prove THAT wrong. We also gave him military inteligence against Iran. We also tried to get the norther Kurds to take Saddam out during GW1 and do you know what happened to them? The CIA left them with their DICKS hanging out and Saddam slaughtered them. WE DID NOTHING to prevent or even take any punitive action against Iraq.
Those Chem weapons have a rather short life span. After so many years they were no more effective then the shit Chem Lawn sprays on your yard.

So if they were in your neighbors yard, you would have no issue with that? Better yet, you would rub any residual on your hands?

If I wanted to die from CANCER 20 years later I would. I may get MINOR chem burns but nothing worse. THEY USE THE SHIT EVERY DAY and I suspect MANY of your neighbors do to!
CW are both mustard based and nerve agents. Do you think only one type was found?

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