What if Glenn Beck is Actually Mentally Retarded?

And do you know what we would have GIVEN Iraq? CHEMICAL WEAPONS just like we did in the past Iran Iraq war.

Prove THAT wrong. We also gave him military inteligence against Iran. We also tried to get the norther Kurds to take Saddam out during GW1 and do you know what happened to them? The CIA left them with their DICKS hanging out and Saddam slaughtered them. WE DID NOTHING to prevent or even take any punitive action against Iraq.
wait, so we GAVE him chem weapons, but he didnt have any

that's convoluted logic sir
And do you know what we would have GIVEN Iraq? CHEMICAL WEAPONS just like we did in the past Iran Iraq war.

Prove THAT wrong. We also gave him military inteligence against Iran. We also tried to get the norther Kurds to take Saddam out during GW1 and do you know what happened to them? The CIA left them with their DICKS hanging out and Saddam slaughtered them. WE DID NOTHING to prevent or even take any punitive action against Iraq.
wait, so we GAVE him chem weapons, but he didnt have any

that's convoluted logic sir

Yeah we gave him the shit in the EIGHTIES!!!! Nearly THIRTY YEARS AGO!! Without proper containment these agents lose their viability as chem weapons.
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Rumsfeld 'offered help to Saddam'Declassified papers leave the White House hawk exposed over his role during the Iran-Iraq war
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Julian Borger in Washington The Guardian, Tuesday 31 December 2002 15.52 GMT Article historyThe Reagan administration and its special Middle East envoy, Donald Rumsfeld, did little to stop Iraq developing weapons of mass destruction in the 1980s, even though they knew Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons "almost daily" against Iran, it was reported yesterday.

US support for Baghdad during the Iran-Iraq war as a bulwark against Shi'ite militancy has been well known for some time, but using declassified government documents, the Washington Post provided new details yesterday about Mr Rumsfeld's role, and about the extent of the Reagan administration's knowledge of the use of chemical weapons.

The details will embarrass Mr Rumsfeld, who as defence secretary in the Bush administration is one of the leading hawks on Iraq, frequently denouncing it for its past use of such weapons.

The US provided less conventional military equipment than British or German companies but it did allow the export of biological agents, including anthrax; vital ingredients for chemical weapons; and cluster bombs sold by a CIA front organisation in Chile, the report says.

Intelligence on Iranian troop movements was provided, despite detailed knowledge of Iraq's use of nerve gas.

Rick Francona, an ex-army intelligence lieutenant-colonel who served in the US embassy in Baghdad in 1987 and 1988, told the Guardian: "We believed the Iraqis were using mustard gas all through the war, but that was not as sinister as nerve gas.

"They started using tabun [a nerve gas] as early as '83 or '84, but in a very limited way. They were probably figuring out how to use it. And in '88, they developed sarin."

On November 1 1983, the secretary of state, George Shultz, was passed intelligence reports of "almost daily use of CW [chemical weapons]" by Iraq.

However, 25 days later, Ronald Reagan signed a secret order instructing the administration to do "whatever was necessary and legal" to prevent Iraq losing the war.

In December Mr Rumsfeld, hired by President Reagan to serve as a Middle East troubleshooter, met Saddam Hussein in Baghdad and passed on the US willingness to help his regime and restore full diplomatic relations.

Mr Rumsfeld has said that he "cautioned" the Iraqi leader against using banned weapons. But there was no mention of such a warning in state department notes of the meeting.
Listen people, yes........Saddam DID have chemical weapons, but those were the only WMD type weapons that he had, which he'd bought from us.

He wasn't going to use them on US troops, as he'd already used them in an attempt to eliminate the Kurds.

WMD's was just an excuse to justify a war for oil and pride.

Those Chem weapons have a rather short life span. After so many years they were no more effective then the shit Chem Lawn sprays on your yard.
That is simply not true.

Actually, Qua Si Modo, it is true. Trust me........I've spent the better part of 20 years as a member of the NBC Warfare team on every ship I've been on. Stands for Nuclear Biological and Chemical Warfare.

A lot of the chemical agents will start to dilute as soon as they hit the ground. And, if they are not PROPERLY STORED, they will end up losing their potentcy. Same thing will happen with CBR suits, they're useless after being out of the bag only a short time. Something along the lines of a couple months. If you pop a charcoal filter out of its storage can, it will only be good for 6 months. Same with some of the armor that is being used over there...........it also has an expiration date.

Incidentally, bleach is a really good agent for getting rid of CBR agents (Chemical, Biological, Radiological).

And...........if you don't have bleach, just wash it out with water, which will dilute it and make it safer to be around. Navy ships do the same thing with the salt water washdown system.
And do you know what we would have GIVEN Iraq? CHEMICAL WEAPONS just like we did in the past Iran Iraq war.

Prove THAT wrong. We also gave him military inteligence against Iran. We also tried to get the norther Kurds to take Saddam out during GW1 and do you know what happened to them? The CIA left them with their DICKS hanging out and Saddam slaughtered them. WE DID NOTHING to prevent or even take any punitive action against Iraq.
wait, so we GAVE him chem weapons, but he didnt have any

that's convoluted logic sir

Sigh. He used them on the Kurds. Yeah, Rummy et al were in on it, because we needed Middle East allies against Iran at the time. halabja,halabjah, iraq, north iraq, kurdistan, kurdland, kurd,bloody friday
Show some "Fox" lies!! You've hammered on the couple of misstatements from Hannity. And you have yet to defend the lies of MSNBC. Perhaps because there is no defense for MSNBC. So how about those "Fox" lies?

Race bait: MSNBC lies, edits out black gun owner, says 'white people with guns' threaten Obama

Everytime I link you to fox lying, you say they mis spoke.

California truth squad counters Sean Hannity's lies
Conservative talk show host Sean Hannity aired live from the San Joaquin Valley tonight to garner national attention for California’s water crisis. Instead of illustrating how outrageous water speculation and irresponsible agricultural practices are adding to a natural drought, Hannity fueled partisan politics and blamed President Obama for refusing to lift a series of federal mandates and environmental rulings that order a small amount of water to be used to restore regional fisheries and protect the balance of the entire Northern California coastal ecosystem. State water experts counted a total of 10 incorrect statements in Hannity’s broadcast.
California truth squad counters Sean Hannity's lies | Badlands Journal

Read the story, Hannity is such a hack.

No you attempt to show Hannity lying. Hannity is not Fox. Hannity is a Reagan conservative and operates an opinion show on Fox. Do you know the difference between an opinion and a news report? Your obsession with Hannity is quite obvious. Hopefully there's a therapist somewhere in your future.

So exactly who does Hannity represent, MSNBC? :lol:


Now your trying to disassociate Hannity and I guess Beck with Fox? When I say Fox lies, I mean the people WHO WORK FOR THEM. Does this make sense? Its in my signature. Fox lies.

I just remembered something...during that damn OJ thing, the one person who represented racism more than anyone in the country at that time was Mark Furhman. Guess who hired him eventually? Take a guess.

I know its media matters, but read this. Its good stuff. See if its factual.

Sean Hannity: Media Matters' 2008 Misinformer of the Year
Sean Hannity: Media Matters ' 2008 Misinformer of the Year | Media Matters for America

Dispute the link, I understand, but show me where its not factual please.
Everytime I link you to fox lying, you say they mis spoke.

California truth squad counters Sean Hannity's lies
Conservative talk show host Sean Hannity aired live from the San Joaquin Valley tonight to garner national attention for California’s water crisis. Instead of illustrating how outrageous water speculation and irresponsible agricultural practices are adding to a natural drought, Hannity fueled partisan politics and blamed President Obama for refusing to lift a series of federal mandates and environmental rulings that order a small amount of water to be used to restore regional fisheries and protect the balance of the entire Northern California coastal ecosystem. State water experts counted a total of 10 incorrect statements in Hannity’s broadcast.
California truth squad counters Sean Hannity's lies | Badlands Journal

Read the story, Hannity is such a hack.

No you attempt to show Hannity lying. Hannity is not Fox. Hannity is a Reagan conservative and operates an opinion show on Fox. Do you know the difference between an opinion and a news report? Your obsession with Hannity is quite obvious. Hopefully there's a therapist somewhere in your future.

So exactly who does Hannity represent, MSNBC? :lol:


Now your trying to disassociate Hannity and I guess Beck with Fox? When I say Fox lies, I mean the people WHO WORK FOR THEM. Does this make sense? Its in my signature. Fox lies.

I just remembered something...during that damn OJ thing, the one person who represented racism more than anyone in the country at that time was Mark Furhman. Guess who hired him eventually? Take a guess.

I know its media matters, but read this. Its good stuff. See if its factual.

Sean Hannity: Media Matters' 2008 Misinformer of the Year
Sean Hannity: Media Matters ' 2008 Misinformer of the Year | Media Matters for America

Dispute the link, I understand, but show me where its not factual please.

I read the link and Hannity was right on every issue the first about invading Pakistan:

"Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday that he would send troops into Pakistan to hunt down terrorists even without local permission if warranted — an attempt to show strength when his chief rival has described his foreign policy skills as naive."
Obama Vows To Hunt Terrorists In Pakistan - CBS News

At an August 13, 2007, campaign stop, Obama said regarding the war in Afghanistan: "We've got to get the job done there and that requires us to have enough troops so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous pressure over there."

The National Journal announced that Barack Obama was the "most liberal" senator in 2007, according to their ranking system.

"I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending. I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of Future Combat Systems." This an argument over semantics, bottom line is Obama will cut spending on defense, wasteful or otherwise.

Attacks on family and associates, perfectly legitimate and accurate.

GOP mouthpiece? That's debatable. Although he is a Reagan conservative and does promote republican causes.

Smears? All true and all opinion.

It appears everything Hannity stated is factual, now I admit his use of hyperbole was ever present , but it doesn't negate the message.

But nice try.....

Media matters indeed.
Those Chem weapons have a rather short life span. After so many years they were no more effective then the shit Chem Lawn sprays on your yard.
That is simply not true.

Actually, Qua Si Modo, it is true. Trust me........I've spent the better part of 20 years as a member of the NBC Warfare team on every ship I've been on. Stands for Nuclear Biological and Chemical Warfare.

A lot of the chemical agents will start to dilute as soon as they hit the ground. And, if they are not PROPERLY STORED, they will end up losing their potentcy. Same thing will happen with CBR suits, they're useless after being out of the bag only a short time. Something along the lines of a couple months. If you pop a charcoal filter out of its storage can, it will only be good for 6 months. Same with some of the armor that is being used over there...........it also has an expiration date.

Incidentally, bleach is a really good agent for getting rid of CBR agents (Chemical, Biological, Radiological).

And...........if you don't have bleach, just wash it out with water, which will dilute it and make it safer to be around. Navy ships do the same thing with the salt water washdown system.

It is NOT true that the chemical weapons found in Iraq were no more dangerous than the chemicals sprayed on your lawn.
Ummmmm..........Qua Si Modo, the Navy doesn't use lawn pesticides. They use the real thing. That is what I trained for on the NBC teams.

Try again.
Ummmmm..........Qua Si Modo, the Navy doesn't use lawn pesticides. They use the real thing. That is what I trained for on the NBC teams.

Try again.

But I'll recap for the insane.

A poster claimed that the CW found in Iraq were no more effective than what ChemLawn sprays on a lawn.

I said that is not true.

You said it is and posted other stuff that had nothing to do with the contested point.

It remains NOT true for two reasons: (1) the original assertion is not supported (2) even if supporting information is provided, I will still demonstrate that it is not true.

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If they are not properly stored, they lose their potentcy. That is what they were saying. If they are left long enough (over a year) improperly stored, they will be no more hazardous than your basic termite/bug/weed spray.

Most of them were designed to be diluted to safe levels 6 months after initial use.
If they are not properly stored, they lose their potentcy. That is what they were saying. If they are left long enough (over a year) improperly stored, they will be no more hazardous than your basic termite/bug/weed spray.

Most of them were designed to be diluted to safe levels 6 months after initial use.
Your first sentence is true for single component nerve agent weapons. Your second sentence I cannot say with such vagueness of the original claim that the CW weapons in Iraq are as innocuous as ChemLawn's. Your third sentence is true for single component nerve agent weapons.

Not all CW are nerve agents, not all are or were improperly stored, and not all are single component.
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except he HAS done it

so, are you wrong, or are you lying by saying he hasnt

he did not apologize or renounce his trust in the bush administration, so yes it was a lie.
yes, he did

i saw him do it and he has done it several times since
and since i dont watch his show every day, you would have to be either not watching at all, or a total liar to claim he hasnt

source and credible quotations please.
If they are not properly stored, they lose their potentcy. That is what they were saying. If they are left long enough (over a year) improperly stored, they will be no more hazardous than your basic termite/bug/weed spray.

Most of them were designed to be diluted to safe levels 6 months after initial use.
Your first sentence is true for single component nerve agent weapons. Your second sentence I cannot say with such vagueness of the original claim that the CW weapons in Iraq are as innocuous as ChemLawn's. Your third sentence is true for single component nerve agent weapons.

Not all CW are nerve agents, not all are or were improperly stored, and not all are single component.

You're right....there is also blood, blister and choking agents.

Most of them are diluted after 6 months as well. Shit.......you don't want to drop an NBC weapon and not be able to use the property do you? Why do you think they spent so much time developing the neutrino bomb?

Chem agents are designed to disperse after a while so that the conquering force can occupy the land after the battle.
If they are not properly stored, they lose their potentcy. That is what they were saying. If they are left long enough (over a year) improperly stored, they will be no more hazardous than your basic termite/bug/weed spray.

Most of them were designed to be diluted to safe levels 6 months after initial use.
Your first sentence is true for single component nerve agent weapons. Your second sentence I cannot say with such vagueness of the original claim that the CW weapons in Iraq are as innocuous as ChemLawn's. Your third sentence is true for single component nerve agent weapons.

Not all CW are nerve agents, not all are or were improperly stored, and not all are single component.

You're right....there is also blood, blister and choking agents.

Most of them are diluted after 6 months as well. Shit.......you don't want to drop an NBC weapon and not be able to use the property do you? Why do you think they spent so much time developing the neutrino bomb?

Chem agents are designed to disperse after a while so that the conquering force can occupy the land after the battle.
And, yet, this is still with material that has been improperly stored/exposed to the environment.

The CW (nerve and mustard) found in Iraq were contained in shells. Many of the nerve agents were binary weapons. That makes them quite dangerous.
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he did not apologize or renounce his trust in the bush administration, so yes it was a lie.
yes, he did

i saw him do it and he has done it several times since
and since i dont watch his show every day, you would have to be either not watching at all, or a total liar to claim he hasnt

source and credible quotations please.
it was done over 5 years ago

sorry, i'm not gonna waste my time for someone that clearly never watches the show
and is likely to not accept any source i post
Your first sentence is true for single component nerve agent weapons. Your second sentence I cannot say with such vagueness of the original claim that the CW weapons in Iraq are as innocuous as ChemLawn's. Your third sentence is true for single component nerve agent weapons.

Not all CW are nerve agents, not all are or were improperly stored, and not all are single component.

You're right....there is also blood, blister and choking agents.

Most of them are diluted after 6 months as well. Shit.......you don't want to drop an NBC weapon and not be able to use the property do you? Why do you think they spent so much time developing the neutrino bomb?

Chem agents are designed to disperse after a while so that the conquering force can occupy the land after the battle.
And, yet, this is still with material that has been improperly stored/exposed to the environment.

The CW (nerve and mustard) found in Iraq were contained in shells. Many of the nerve agents were binary weapons. That makes them quite dangerous.

You DO realize that they have to be stored at very specific temperatures, right? You also realize that during Desert Storm we took out a lot of power stations, right?

Do the math dude.
You're right....there is also blood, blister and choking agents.

Most of them are diluted after 6 months as well. Shit.......you don't want to drop an NBC weapon and not be able to use the property do you? Why do you think they spent so much time developing the neutrino bomb?

Chem agents are designed to disperse after a while so that the conquering force can occupy the land after the battle.
And, yet, this is still with material that has been improperly stored/exposed to the environment.

The CW (nerve and mustard) found in Iraq were contained in shells. Many of the nerve agents were binary weapons. That makes them quite dangerous.

You DO realize that they have to be stored at very specific temperatures, right? You also realize that during Desert Storm we took out a lot of power stations, right?

Do the math dude.
Math has little to do with this. It's chemistry. In binary weapons, neither of the compounds is unstable and/or prone to decomposition at those temperatures. Sulfur mustard, if not exposed to the environment, will not decompose at that temperature. The compound that would have issues (at that temp or not) would be sarin as there were inherent impurities in Saddam's processes that allowed for hydrolysis even when stored properly. Even then, the decomposition reaction is an equilibrium reaction that does not have a large equilibirum constant - that means that the components in the mixture of starting materials (sarin and impurities) and products (hydrolyzed sarin) at equilibrium will still have a significant amount of sarin present at any given time, even at a desert temperature.

As the CW found in Iraq were not just single component weapons and most were stored in munitions, I still fail to see the relevance of what you say.

Pay attention to the chemistry.
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You know.....I did pay attention to the chemistry.

For 20 years.

As a member of the NBC warfare team.

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