What If Kamala Knows Whereof She Speaks???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I've always honored the wise Yogi,....
'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.'

But......the dunce who got 2% of the Democrat vote before they selected here as VP.....might be one of those squirrels who finally found an acorn:

"Flashback: Kamala Harris Predicts What Happens in Virginia Will Determine the Future of the National Democrat Party [OOPS!]

Kamala Harris’ prediction Virginia is a ‘bellwether’ for 2022 and 2024 bites Dems in the donkey​

November 3, 2021 | Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | Print Article

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Vice President Kamala Harris is no doubt regretting her prediction that what happens in the Virginia gubernatorial race will largely determine what happens in the 2022 midterm elections and in the 2024 presidential election after Virginia turned red on Tuesday."
I've always honored the wise Yogi,....
'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.'

But......the dunce who got 2% of the Democrat vote before they selected here as VP.....might be one of those squirrels who finally found an acorn:

"Flashback: Kamala Harris Predicts What Happens in Virginia Will Determine the Future of the National Democrat Party [OOPS!]

Kamala Harris’ prediction Virginia is a ‘bellwether’ for 2022 and 2024 bites Dems in the donkey​

November 3, 2021 | Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | Print Article

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Vice President Kamala Harris is no doubt regretting her prediction that what happens in the Virginia gubernatorial race will largely determine what happens in the 2022 midterm elections and in the 2024 presidential election after Virginia turned red on Tuesday."
Bull. You no more believe in the utterances of VP Harris than I do. She's an empty pantsuit from the word go.
Bull. You no more believe in the utterances of VP Harris than I do. She's an empty pantsuit from the word go.
Yet you voted for the shitter in chief who babbles even with a script, and that empty pantsuit who cackles when she is pressed with easy questions..

Yet you voted for the shitter in chief who babbles even with a script, and that empty pantsuit who cackles when she is pressed with easy questions..

View attachment 559888
Had to get rid of Trump if we wanted to save the country in the long run. Totalitarian rule will not fly in this country in the foreseeable future.
Had to get rid of Trump if we wanted to save the country in the long run. Totalitarian rule will not fly in this country in the foreseeable future.

"Had to get rid of Trump"


What Trump policies did you vote to reverse......or are you simply one of those who take orders from the Democrat Party?

Bet that leaves you speechless.
Had to get rid of Trump if we wanted to save the country in the long run. Totalitarian rule will not fly in this country in the foreseeable future.

" Totalitarian rule...."

That would be the party of anti-white racism, infanticide, censorship, socialism, and mandates, you dunce.

The party you voted for.
I've always honored the wise Yogi,....
'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.'

But......the dunce who got 2% of the Democrat vote before they selected here as VP.....might be one of those squirrels who finally found an acorn:

"Flashback: Kamala Harris Predicts What Happens in Virginia Will Determine the Future of the National Democrat Party [OOPS!]

Kamala Harris’ prediction Virginia is a ‘bellwether’ for 2022 and 2024 bites Dems in the donkey​

November 3, 2021 | Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | Print Article

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Vice President Kamala Harris is no doubt regretting her prediction that what happens in the Virginia gubernatorial race will largely determine what happens in the 2022 midterm elections and in the 2024 presidential election after Virginia turned red on Tuesday."

"Had to get rid of Trump"


What Trump policies did you vote to reverse......or are you simply one of those who take orders from the Democrat Party?

Bet that leaves you speechless.
His policy of disregard of constitutional, political, and historic norms, along with his lack of ethics, willingness to break any oath (as witnessed by F#cking around on all three wives, even before running of pres and paying off for silence when he did) his admiration for criminals at the highest levels of influence, and the total subservience of the party to him, no matter what he did. It was enough for me.
" Totalitarian rule...."

That would be the party of anti-white racism, infanticide, censorship, socialism, and mandates, you dunce.

The party you voted for.
Your opinion, not mine.
Had to get rid of Trump if we wanted to save the country in the long run. Totalitarian rule will not fly in this country in the foreseeable future.
"President Biden closed by promising that “together, we shall write an American story of hope, not fear. Of unity, not division. Of light, not darkness. An American story of decency and dignity. Of love and of healing. Of greatness and of goodness."
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., “Inaugural Address by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.,” WhiteHouse.gov, January 20, 2021, Inaugural Address by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. | The White House

"And then, within hours, he signed 17 documents, 17 executive actions that began the process of dividing America, of rubbing salt in America’s wounds, of killing well-paying jobs, of discarding hope and truth while undermining justice.

AT A LITTLE AFTER 5 p.m. on Inauguration Day, President Biden entered the Oval Office for the first time as president and seated himself behind the Resolute Desk. There, in the space of about 20 minutes, he destroyed women’s sports, slammed the brakes on America’s economic recovery, eliminated thousands of jobs, made American families poorer, opened America’s borders, angered our ally Canada, and gave a huge gift to America’s worst international foes, including Russia and Communist China. All in a day’s work for the president who, a few hours earlier, had pledged, “I will be a president for all Americans.” By placing his signature on 17 executive actions, he had sent America careening far to the left."
Sean Spicer, "Radical Nation"

And you voted for this.
His policy of disregard of constitutional, political, and historic norms, along with his lack of ethics, willingness to break any oath (as witnessed by F#cking around on all three wives, even before running of pres and paying off for silence when he did) his admiration for criminals at the highest levels of influence, and the total subservience of the party to him, no matter what he did. It was enough for me.
"His policy of disregard of constitutional, political, and historic norms,"

Name any, liar.
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His policy of disregard of constitutional, political, and historic norms, along with his lack of ethics, willingness to break any oath (as witnessed by F#cking around on all three wives, even before running of pres and paying off for silence when he did) his admiration for criminals at the highest levels of influence, and the total subservience of the party to him, no matter what he did. It was enough for me.

"willingness to break any oath"

Name any that compare to what you voted for here:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

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