What If MLK Had Not Died?


Apr 20, 2010
Cleveland. Feel mah pain.
If Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had not been killed in 1968 and instead were still alive today, he'd be 82 years old. It's a safe bet he wouldn't be particularly active at that age, but what about the decades between?

Would we have elected him POTUS?

Would the busing riots have been avoided?

After Vietnam, what issues would he have addressed beyond civil rights?
They'd have found some way to discredit him.

A sex scandal most likely.

Or, if he'd continued to get power?

Power corrupts.
If MLK were still alive he would not like this board. There is so much hate on here from both whites and blacks that he would feel that noone listened to a damn thing he said when he gave the "I Have A Dream" speech.
He would have like every one of his contemporaries have been grateful for the progress we have made and sad at how little hearts of some Americans have changed.

I fear like editec said he would have been discredited by some forces.

They did it to every other black leader of his time.

That is one of the reasons why Bill Clinton was affectionately called the first black president.

They did the same thing to him that they did to the black leaders.

They never went after the personal affairs of all the presidents before him.

Many a president and presidential candidate was protected in their personal life until Clinton.

The old school republicans had many a problem when the veil was lifted after Clinton.

They did not realize that there was no longer an unspoken rule to leave thier personal picadillos out of the press.

They changed the rules and forgot it applied to them now too.
If Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had not been killed in 1968 and instead were still alive today,
The negroes wouldn't have their own special holiday and there would be no such thing as MLK Blvd's in murkas jung.......I mean cities.

This is not a holiday just for Negroes, this is a holiday for all people who want to be respested as human beings with the freedom to live their lives without fear and be able to work and be treated as equals on the job where they work, and raise their families in any neighborhood without being harassed. You are a trouble maker and you like it. You hide behind your computer and say things to piss people off b/c you get a kick out of it. Oh, well. Have your fun while you can b/c as the saying goes " you reap what you sow". I'm glad I won't be in your shoes when your sowing day bites you in the behind. There's another saying, "God does not like ugly". That means when you need God to help you out of a situation where your life is on the line, God just may turn a blind eye and let you see how it feels to be treated the way you treat people with your tongue. Have a nice day!!
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Most likely he would have died of old age by now.

In reference to your Super Bowl prediction. Do you seriously think Pittsburg is not going to the Super Bowl? I am not a Pittsburg fan and hope they get their asses kicked but I seriously doubt they won't be there.
And even the "heroes" enjoy FreeDumb too. Dat ryte. Those fine men and women risking their lives to protect and serve.
I wonder. Editec has a point, his influence may not have lasted or, alternatively, could have gone to his head.

But ideally?

I wonder if his voice would have been a moderating factor in not just the subsequent most visible spokespeople for the civil rights movement, who would have had the opportunity to mature in his message, but politics in general. I wonder what he would have had to say about the attitude of divide and conquer that's flourished in what passes for political discourse since he passed.

Somehow I doubt he'd be pleased.
If Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had not been killed in 1968 and instead were still alive today,
The negroes wouldn't have their own special holiday and there would be no such thing as MLK Blvd's in murkas jung.......I mean cities.

The sad thing is you really do think this holiday is only for black people
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If Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had not been killed in 1968 and instead were still alive today, he'd be 82 years old. It's a safe bet he wouldn't be particularly active at that age, but what about the decades between?

Would we have elected him POTUS?

Would the busing riots have been avoided?

After Vietnam, what issues would he have addressed beyond civil rights?

I think he would have been damn disappointed in black youth today. MLK was about education and for a lack of better words 'making a better life for yourself'. He didn't want hand outs. What he wanted was equality.

He would be appalled with the black drug culture, the emulation of "ghetto" behavior and speaking, and the institutional lifestyle of welfare.

He would have like every one of his contemporaries have been grateful for the progress we have made and sad at how little hearts of some Americans have changed.

I fear like editec said he would have been discredited by some forces.

They did it to every other black leader of his time.

That is one of the reasons why Bill Clinton was affectionately called the first black president.

They did the same thing to him that they did to the black leaders.

They never went after the personal affairs of all the presidents before him.

Many a president and presidential candidate was protected in their personal life until Clinton.

The old school republicans had many a problem when the veil was lifted after Clinton.

They did not realize that there was no longer an unspoken rule to leave thier personal picadillos out of the press.

They changed the rules and forgot it applied to them now too.

Guess they reapplied the rule to crack smoking Obama. That little tidbit never made it out during the election campaign.
He would have like every one of his contemporaries have been grateful for the progress we have made and sad at how little hearts of some Americans have changed.

I fear like editec said he would have been discredited by some forces.

They did it to every other black leader of his time.

That is one of the reasons why Bill Clinton was affectionately called the first black president.

They did the same thing to him that they did to the black leaders.

They never went after the personal affairs of all the presidents before him.

Many a president and presidential candidate was protected in their personal life until Clinton.

The old school republicans had many a problem when the veil was lifted after Clinton.

They did not realize that there was no longer an unspoken rule to leave thier personal picadillos out of the press.

They changed the rules and forgot it applied to them now too.

Guess they reapplied the rule to crack smoking Obama. That little tidbit never made it out during the election campaign.

You know what, God decided that a Black man was going to be President of our country and he chose who it was going to be long before that man, you or I were even born. Now if you got a problem with that then you take it up with the man who REALLY ELECTED HIM. Get my drift?
If Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had not been killed in 1968 and instead were still alive today, he'd be 82 years old. It's a safe bet he wouldn't be particularly active at that age, but what about the decades between?

Would we have elected him POTUS?

Would the busing riots have been avoided?

After Vietnam, what issues would he have addressed beyond civil rights?

I think he would have been damn disappointed in black youth today. MLK was about education and for a lack of better words 'making a better life for yourself'. He didn't want hand outs. What he wanted was equality.

He would be appalled with the black drug culture, the emulation of "ghetto" behavior and speaking, and the institutional lifestyle of welfare.


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