What if Newt wins South Carolina?

If he wins by a little, it doesn't mean much.

If he wins big, it could open up the race and make things interesting.

You have to wonder what Mitt is thinking during this period. He has the money. He has the organization. But Newt appears to be taking on the "anyone but Mitt" crown. Can he take a SC win into Florida and maintain momentum?


If Newt wins Florida, that's a game changer. It's a big moderate state where TV matters.

And remember, he was leading in FL a month or so ago.

Tip it too much, it will sink.

If Newt Wins, I think the happiest man in the Country will be President Obama.

Just keep repeating that over and over. About 6 months ago the word from the White House was that they were scared to death that the Reps would nominate Huntsman.

If Obama is saying he wants to run against Newt, you can bet the Big 0 is waking up in cold sweats dreaming he's debating Newt, lost his homework and forgot to get dressed.

Tip it too much, it will sink.

If Newt Wins, I think the happiest man in the Country will be President Obama.

Just keep repeating that over and over. About 6 months ago the word from the White House was that they were scared to death that the Reps would nominate Huntsman.

If Obama is saying he wants to run against Newt, you can bet the Big 0 is waking up in cold sweats dreaming he's debating Newt, lost his homework and forgot to get dressed.

His dog ate it...

Tip it too much, it will sink.

If Newt Wins, I think the happiest man in the Country will be President Obama.

Just keep repeating that over and over. About 6 months ago the word from the White House was that they were scared to death that the Reps would nominate Huntsman.

If Obama is saying he wants to run against Newt, you can bet the Big 0 is waking up in cold sweats dreaming he's debating Newt, lost his homework and forgot to get dressed.

If Newt becomes the Republican Nominee, the debates become meaningless.

Obama can still botch it...don't get me wrong but Newt isn't going to convince anybody who isn't predisposed to vote for him to cast a ballot for him.

Huntsman would have been a much more devastating opponent for President Obama. He's not bloodthirsty enough to be popular with the Republican base however.
Many in the GOP seem to have convinced themselves that the Democrats are "afraid" of Gingrich. I keep seeing it. I think they actually mean it.

I fully admit that I never know when partisans are serious or just playing games, but I really think they actually mean it.

Democrats aren't afraid of Gingrich because they are firm in their ideaology.

TOTUS might be afraid of Gingrich, because the TOTUS can't scroll that fast.
If he wins by a little, it doesn't mean much.

If he wins big, it could open up the race and make things interesting.

You have to wonder what Mitt is thinking during this period. He has the money. He has the organization. But Newt appears to be taking on the "anyone but Mitt" crown. Can he take a SC win into Florida and maintain momentum?


If Newt wins Florida, that's a game changer. It's a big moderate state where TV matters.

And remember, he was leading in FL a month or so ago.

True. But a couple things.

First, Mitt gets really panicky when he suffers a reverse. He's getting panicky now. I remember in 08, when he lost IA and NH, and he went to Michigan practically crying to stay in the race. I guess the people in MI felt bad for him and stuff, so he won there, but in SC and Florida, he lost again until he crashed and burned on Super Tuesday.

Second, Florida tends to be fickle. This was supposed to be Rudy's big state in 2008, and he wound up in fourth place, I believe.

Third and final point, according to the RCP average, Romney's only averaging 40% in FL. And that was before we found out about his Cayman stuff. The combined averages of Newt, Santorum and Perry combine to 40%. Perry's out, and I don't think Santorum is still going to be in this after tonight when he finishes behind Crazy Ron Paul.

IF this was a fair contest, Romney would be out... but I'm not seeing the contest as fair, the establishment's been rigging the game all along.
Many in the GOP seem to have convinced themselves that the Democrats are "afraid" of Gingrich. I keep seeing it. I think they actually mean it.

I fully admit that I never know when partisans are serious or just playing games, but I really think they actually mean it.


I don't think those opinions are coming from anybody other than those who haven't thought it through.

I know, for one, that I would much rather face Newt instead of Romney of the two. Romney's "baggage" is a knapsack compared to Newt who should have bought stock in Samsonite he has so much luggage.

Newt is simply put, mean. Which is one of the many reasons why his front runner status was there long enough to have a cup of coffee.
Maybe we need a mean candidate... Sorry, you don't think Obamasky's going to pull out every stop to stay in power, you are kidding yourself.

I don't want a guy who's going to bring a knife to a gun fight. I want a guy whose going to bring a bazooka!
Maybe we need a mean candidate... Sorry, you don't think Obamasky's going to pull out every stop to stay in power, you are kidding yourself.

I don't want a guy who's going to bring a knife to a gun fight. I want a guy whose going to bring a bazooka!

Meanness alienates people. People are voters. Except those who want to characterize elections as some sort of armed encounter.
obama can't beat Gingrich in a debate. That's just understood. Either he won't debate at all or he'll try to get more favorable rules or a far left moderator.
Maybe we need a mean candidate... Sorry, you don't think Obamasky's going to pull out every stop to stay in power, you are kidding yourself.

I don't want a guy who's going to bring a knife to a gun fight. I want a guy whose going to bring a bazooka!

Meanness alienates people. People are voters. Except those who want to characterize elections as some sort of armed encounter.

Well, maybe. Maybe not. I remember Clinton getting downright nasty with President Bush at times. Draft Dodging hippy ripping a War Hero.

Politics ain't beanbag. I want a guy whose going to get out there and fight, because you know Obamasky's going to come out swinging.

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