What if Obama made this November 8th a national holiday?

If the Right had any...you know...SOLUTIONS to our problems, instead of just constantly whining about them and being fearmongering pessimists, they might actually start looking attractive to people.

If something is broken, and one dipshit says we should sprinkle magic fairy dust on it, and another dipshit offers NOTHING, then the crowd is going to go with the magic fairy dust option. Every time.

That's how we got ObamaCare. The Democrats offered magic fairy dust for our broken health care system, and the GOP offered NOTHING.

You want votes? Stop blaming Mexicans. Stop screaming there's a murderous Muslim under your bed. You look and sound like a retard.
Ahahaha the fool has been on holiday since getting elected and going on the public dole, how would Nov 8th be any different?

Hillary is losing. The hate sites have FINALLY let the drones in on this fact. The drones are in complete panic and don't know what to do.

They are told that if they can get the young people - you know, the Bernie supporters who fucking hate Hillary, to vote, then Hillary will win.

They are trying to come up with ways to get those predisposed to government givaways to vote. This holiday is an act of desperation, but has logic that the mindless drones promoting it don't grasp. Because the ONLY people who would get such a holiday are government workers, this would in theory skew the impact of government workers.

The problem is that it would be challenged in court and even if the party prevailed, it would be too late to influence the election.
If you could prove "bribery" then you may have a point....BUT, just admit it (its good for the soul) you'd rather that just old, white, conservative republicans should be allowed to vote.....Come on, admit it!!!

Right, a "holiday" for government workers to go vote for the party! :thup:

You Bolsheviks are hoot. I've said all along that this is going to be a fun election, because not only are the moron leftists losing, but you are in such a shocked state of disbelief that you're melting down.

See, I knew from the start that Trump would steam roll you. (no, I am not a Trump supporter) and you are only now beginning to grasp the harsh reality. (Your hate sites lie to you, and lacking reason you were not able to draw independent conclusions.) But I saw this a year ago. Your masters just don't grasp how pissed off America is.

Trump will be a shitty president, because like Obama he is all ego. But this is WAY better than a civil war, which was the other option.
To counter the voters' suppression, openly admitted by some states' right wing politicians, what would happen if, by EO, Obama made the voting Tuesdays for national elections a public holiday?

Would this increase voters' turn-out? Who can openly argue AGAINST a high voters' turnout within a democracy? Would minority voters be more likely to vote during a national holiday?

It's an interesting idea, but I doubt it will have a significant effect. Most states already offer early voting, a trend that will surely continue. Essential, voting takes place days prior to Election Day. Turning Election Day into a holiday will more likely end up in a 4 day weekend holiday rather than a day where people vote. I vote no on the idea.
History of early voting in U.S. presidential elections
Early votes Source
2008 30.6% [12]
2004 22%
2000 16% [13]
1992 7%
Right, a "holiday" for government workers to go vote for the party! :thup:

NO, moron.....government workers ALREADY have time allocated to go vote......Admit that what you and your "ilk" fear the most, is that lowly roofer or dishwasher having time to honestly vote instead of having barely enough time before the polls close......HYPOCRITE !!!
Who can openly argue AGAINST a high voters' turnout within a democracy?

Ummm... the ACTUAL RESULTS of "high voters turnout within a democracy" can, the last thing we need is more foaming at the mouth, clueless morons turning up the polls to vote themselves "free" gub'mint distributed goodies and voting away their own and everybody Else's liberty .

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." -- Winston Churchill
Your mistake is that you STILL believe the GOP loses the Presidential election "because gifts".
Congratulations on building a very handsome STRAW MAN, well done, what's on deck for your next act ? Red Herring perhaps?
The actual reason is because the GOP broadcasts hate and fear and pessimism 24/7. That kind of strategy attracts very ugly, spiritually dead people and turns off everyone else.
That's nice, apparently you've mistaken me for someone that gives a fuck about the GOP.

... now back to what I originally wrote which made no mention of the crime family also known as the GOP.

It's an interesting idea, but I doubt it will have a significant effect. Most states already offer early voting, a trend that will surely continue. Essential, voting takes place days prior to Election Day. Turning Election Day into a holiday will more likely end up in a 4 day weekend holiday rather than a day where people vote. I vote no on the idea.
History of early voting in U.S. presidential elections
Early votes Source
2008 30.6% [12]
2004 22%
2000 16% [13]

Actually, if you really are not AGAINST a high voters' turnout, election day would be on a Sunday...But, of course, evangelical nut-jobs would object....(About 60 other countries have their election on either a Saturday or Sunday.)
NO, moron.....government workers ALREADY have time allocated to go vote......Admit that what you and your "ilk" fear the most, is that lowly roofer or dishwasher having time to honestly vote instead of having barely enough time before the polls close......HYPOCRITE !!!

What would I fear?

Hillary will lose, I've known this for ages. The hate sites that do your thinking have just now given you these thoughts.

But the fear is entirely yours, you are in a panic trying to come up with ways that Hillary could still win.

Government workers have to use PTO current, and most of them won't squander it to support your filthy party.
Colorado, Washington, and Oregon vote entirely by mail.

During the 2014 election, 53.7 percent of eligible voters in Colorado voted. 50.9 percent in Oregon voted, and 41.2 percent in Washington.

Those are all above the 36.7 percent national average for the 2014 election. Colorado and Oregon were well above the national average in particular.
Minnesota and Maine have the highest voter turnouts, and both states attribute that to same-day voter registration.

More than 60 percent of Minnesotans have taken advantage of same-day registration.
Hillary will lose, I've known this for ages. The hate sites that do your thinking have just now given you these thoughts.

But the fear is entirely yours, you are in a panic trying to come up with ways that Hillary could still win.

Government workers have to use PTO current, and most of them won't squander it to support your filthy party.

You could always buy a Hillary doll and stick pins in it to help your cause, imbecile.....
...and btw, there are ways for government workers to get time off to go vote, if certain criteria are met such as shift hours and distance to a polling place.

You right wingers are a bit more dense today than your usual inanity.
Again, in a better democracy an increase in voters' participation is always best....

To do so there are ways to achieve this...A national holiday on voting day; Voting on a Saturday or Sunday; Or offering a $20 off one's income tax liability if one actually casts a ballot.
Minnesota, Alaska, Colorado, Washington, South Dakota and Maine have the highest voter turnouts of the 50 states.

Those are also some of the whitest states in America.

I guess that blows the whole "darkies voting themselves gifts" theory out of the water.

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