What If The Gop Took Over Government?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
1) Yes. Racism thrives in the GOP.
2) Yes. Religion comes before women's rights.
3) Republicans puts corporate interests before the benefit of the country as a whole.
4) Big fat no is right. Bigotry thrives in the Republican Party.
5) Israel comes before many American interests.
6) huge reduction for the poor. Children would starve because wages would either remain flat or decrease. Corporate welfare would thive.
7) Not necessarily.
8) Corporate interests come before the country as a whole. If corporations wanted to send jobs overseas, republicans would allow it.
9) That's hard to say. It would depend.
10) yes
11) all would be deported
12) Yes, the country would suffer

The GOP have no viable plans to improve our economy besides corporate welfare.
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
1) Yes. Racism thrives in the GOP.
2) Yes. Religion comes before women's rights.
3) Republicans puts corporate interests before the benefit of the country as a whole.
4) Big fat no is right. Bigotry thrives in the Republican Party.
5) Israel comes before many American interests.
6) huge reduction for the poor. Children would starve because wages would either remain flat or decrease. Corporate welfare would thive.
7) Not necessarily.
8) Corporate interests come before the country as a whole. If corporations wanted to send jobs overseas, republicans would allow it.
9) That's hard to say. It would depend.
10) yes
11) all would be deported
12) Yes, the country would suffer

The GOP have no viable plans to improve our economy besides corporate welfare.

So why would things change under the GOP today when they did not do these things when they were in power?
Would you get Bitch-Slapped for creating such a thread?

Yes or Yes?


We have a one party system.

Just say'in.

Sorry to rain on your GOP parade to no where.
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO or Maybe
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO

If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!

2 questions were answered yes. #8 is a pretty bs question.

So no the GOP needs to evolve.
"What If The Gop Took Over Government?"

The last time the GOP 'took over' government – 2001 to 2007 – we were left with two failed, illegal wars, bigger, more intrusive government, and a large budget deficit.

It's easy to understand why most don't want to see a republican 'takeover' of government again.

"What If The Gop Took Over Government?"

The last time the GOP 'took over' government – 2001 to 2007 – we were left with two failed, illegal wars, bigger, more intrusive government, and a large budget deficit.

It's easy to understand why most don't want to see a republican 'takeover' of government again.

certainly not people who suck on the government teat or want guns banned

if Bush has lost, Heller never would have happened because DEMS only appoint Justices who vote the way the party wants
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
1) Yes. Racism thrives in the GOP.
2) Yes. Religion comes before women's rights.
3) Republicans puts corporate interests before the benefit of the country as a whole.
4) Big fat no is right. Bigotry thrives in the Republican Party.
5) Israel comes before many American interests.
6) huge reduction for the poor. Children would starve because wages would either remain flat or decrease. Corporate welfare would thive.
7) Not necessarily.
8) Corporate interests come before the country as a whole. If corporations wanted to send jobs overseas, republicans would allow it.
9) That's hard to say. It would depend.
10) yes
11) all would be deported
12) Yes, the country would suffer

The GOP have no viable plans to improve our economy besides corporate welfare.

So why would things change under the GOP today when they did not do these things when they were in power?
On a long enough time line, all those things would happen.
"What If The Gop Took Over Government?"

The last time the GOP 'took over' government – 2001 to 2007 – we were left with two failed, illegal wars, bigger, more intrusive government, and a large budget deficit.

It's easy to understand why most don't want to see a republican 'takeover' of government again.

certainly not people who suck on the government teat or want guns banned

if Bush has lost, Heller never would have happened because DEMS only appoint Justices who vote the way the party wants

And NaziCons don't?
Would you get Bitch-Slapped for creating such a thread?

Yes or Yes?


We have a one party system.

Just say'in.

Sorry to rain on your GOP parade to no where.
And just where has the Donkey Party paraded this nation for the last six years?


Two Bitch-Slaps tonight. You're on a roll. :thup:

The Donkey Party has led us to the exact same place.

That's the beauty of it.
Invading the wrong country

Creating trillions in deficit

Watch and do nothing as millions of jobs moved to China

Watching over 40,000 factories close and doing nothing

Doing nothing to help the Christians in Iraq

Creating a friend for Iran

Letting Bin Laden go

Bush Tax cuts for the rich costing trillions because spending wasn't offset

Disbanding the Iraqi military

Deregulating the economy

All that took years to create. During the six years Republicans controlled the government under Bush. The country can't take any more right now. We are still trying to recover from the last GOP fiasco.
Would you get Bitch-Slapped for creating such a thread?

Yes or Yes?


We have a one party system.

Just say'in.

Sorry to rain on your GOP parade to no where.
And just where has the Donkey Party paraded this nation for the last six years?


Two Bitch-Slaps tonight. You're on a roll. :thup:

The Donkey Party has led us to the exact same place.

That's the beauty of it.

Not true. If true, things would be worse, not better. And they are better, in spite of the GOP attempting to block everything to punish the country for electing a black president.
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive
in the USA? YES or NO
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!

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