What If The Gop Took Over Government?

"What If The Gop Took Over Government?"

The last time the GOP 'took over' government – 2001 to 2007 – we were left with two failed, illegal wars, bigger, more intrusive government, and a large budget deficit.

It's easy to understand why most don't want to see a republican 'takeover' of government again.

Most ?

Are you not aware that the GOP is odd-on favorite to win back the senate ?

Most ?

Your bubble world is about to POP.
Odds on favorites this far out? Save your money

When is the election ?
Years from now. Obama has cancelled all elections for the next ten years.
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
1) Yes. Racism thrives in the GOP.
2) Yes. Religion comes before women's rights.
3) Republicans puts corporate interests before the benefit of the country as a whole.
4) Big fat no is right. Bigotry thrives in the Republican Party.
5) Israel comes before many American interests.
6) huge reduction for the poor. Children would starve because wages would either remain flat or decrease. Corporate welfare would thive.
7) Not necessarily.
8) Corporate interests come before the country as a whole. If corporations wanted to send jobs overseas, republicans would allow it.
9) That's hard to say. It would depend.
10) yes
11) all would be deported
12) Yes, the country would suffer

The GOP have no viable plans to improve our economy besides corporate welfare.
You do realize your claims are mere perceptions, do you not?
The problem you face is you are contributing to the very divisiveness with which you label all who are non liberal.
You're welcome to give me specifics of why I am wrong.
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We have a one party system.

Just say'in.

Sorry to rain on your GOP parade to no where.
And just where has the Donkey Party paraded this nation for the last six years?


Two Bitch-Slaps tonight. You're on a roll. :thup:

The Donkey Party has led us to the exact same place.

That's the beauty of it.

Not true. If true, things would be worse, not better. And they are better, in spite of the GOP attempting to block everything to punish the country for electing a black president.

I agree that things will only get worse. The only question is, what empty suit will occupy the Oval Office that will get blamed.
Of course the problem isn't really republicans, it's conservatives – the social right in particular.

Republicans are to blame for allowing extremists hostile to the Constitution and its case law to take over the GOP.

Wut? Conservatives are hostile to the Constitution? Now that's a new one on me.

So tell us, do you think Obama should have the power to vote for a law and then selectively ignore that law? In fact, the same law he said was Constitutional, he sold as anything but a tax. However, SCOTUS declared that Obamacare must be a tax in order to make is somewhat Constitutional.

I though Obozo was an expert on the Constitution? In fact, conservatives were mocked to derision for suggesting that it was not Constitutional.
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We have a one party system.

Just say'in.

Sorry to rain on your GOP parade to no where.
And just where has the Donkey Party paraded this nation for the last six years?


Two Bitch-Slaps tonight. You're on a roll. :thup:

The Donkey Party has led us to the exact same place.

That's the beauty of it.

Not true. If true, things would be worse, not better. And they are better, in spite of the GOP attempting to block everything to punish the country for electing a black president.

Things are not better. Just ask anyone looking for a job how good things are these days. Just ask the folks in Furgesen how much better things are under Obozo.

No, the real issue is that the federal government has taken over everything, and both party's will continue to lie about what they are gonna do in order to sell votes.

That means democrats like Obama will continue to lie about such things as ending wars abroad and "fixing" health care so that we won't have to pay more and can keep the same coverage. Conversely, the GOP must get out there and sell the notion that they are for smaller government, while doing anything but while in office.

What needs to happen is for states to amend the Constitution and resume their rights and powers under the Constitution. For example, Congress only has a 10% approval rating, but they keep getting elected anyway. They need to go! We need term limits! The federal government won't fix itself, which is why the Founders provided a way under Article V to amend the Constitution. Otherwise, we can continue to try and vote for the most benevolent dictator every 4 years, and continue to scratch our heads as people like Harry Reid and John Boner keeps getting elected even though everyone hates them.
If either one of these parties "took over" the government...


I'd rather not think about that.

You still don't get it. They are one big happy party.

Stop drinking the cool aid, and yes, it's scary.
It depends on the Republicans. If it's the Rove/Cheney/Starkey Axis of Evil Republicans, then no, it will be like Obama never left

If it's Rand Paul with Amash as Speaker and Cruz as Senate Majority Leader, then "Happy Days Are Here Again!"
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We have a one party system.

Just say'in.

Sorry to rain on your GOP parade to no where.
And just where has the Donkey Party paraded this nation for the last six years?


Two Bitch-Slaps tonight. You're on a roll. :thup:

The Donkey Party has led us to the exact same place.

That's the beauty of it.

Not true. If true, things would be worse, not better. And they are better, in spite of the GOP attempting to block everything to punish the country for electing a black president.

Things are not better. Just ask anyone looking for a job how good things are these days. Just ask the folks in Furgesen how much better things are under Obozo.

No, the real issue is that the federal government has taken over everything, and both party's will continue to lie about what they are gonna do in order to sell votes.

That means democrats like Obama will continue to lie about such things as ending wars abroad and "fixing" health care so that we won't have to pay more and can keep the same coverage. Conversely, the GOP must get out there and sell the notion that they are for smaller government, while doing anything but while in office.

What needs to happen is for states to amend the Constitution and resume their rights and powers under the Constitution. For example, Congress only has a 10% approval rating, but they keep getting elected anyway. They need to go! We need term limits! The federal government won't fix itself, which is why the Founders provided a way under Article V to amend the Constitution. Otherwise, we can continue to try and vote for the most benevolent dictator every 4 years, and continue to scratch our heads as people like Harry Reid and John Boner keeps getting elected even though everyone hates them.

What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border?
No, but not for lack of trying. The fact is there is no practical way to completely seal our borders and the MRP (I refuse to call the current incarnation of the Republican Party the "GOP", because they are noting like the GOP, hence the Modern Republican Party, or MRP) knows it.
2) Would abortion be banned?
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first?
Probably not. After all corporations like multinational trade
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all?
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel?
Probably not, but, again, not for lack of trying. Although I do take issue with the characterization "doing the bidding..."
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State?
Again,. I take issue with the characterization "Welfare State", but yes.
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools?
Probably not. Legislating this doesn't really seem to be a big priority for the MRP, at the moment
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA?
I love how you word that to make it sound so innocuous. Translation: Will the MRP destroy the EPA, unions, consumer protection, and make corporations as close to tax-exempt as possible? Yes. Yes, they would.
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations?
No. No we wouldn't. The MRP love their wars.
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
Thank you. You have done a better job of illuminating why we can never give the modern incarnation of the Republican party the chance to have control of Washington. This is why I absolutely support these extremists to speak out as loudly, and as often as they can.

Now, there are those who would say, "But, they have never done this before!" I would remind those people of 2010. You have to remember we've never had this Republican Party before. With the Rise of the Tea Party this Republican Party has become more extreme, more aggressive, and more bold. You wanna clue about what they would do federally? Just look at what they are doing to their states. Look at the vaginal probe legislation. Look at Brownback, and the economic decimation of Kansas. Look at all of the Southern States that are shutting down clinics. You don't think Republicans in charge would be the end of civilization as we know it? Look at the cluster-fuck they are turning their states into.

So, by all means, Republicans, keep talking. Keep letting undecided voters know just how extreme, and dangerous you have become, so they will know, without doubt, who to never vote for.
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!

to Answer in order-

1) No, the GOP wants illegals to easily exploit.
2) They might ban abortion, but abortion will still go on. This would not be a good thing.
3) The GOP is pro- Free Trade.
4) The GOP has really stopped fighting onthe gay marriage issue. Too many were getting the stink-eye from their lesbian nieces at Thanksgiving.
5) We'd probably still do Israel's bidding.
6) No. We'd probably see an increase.
7) Maybe. Not that it would do any good. Shit, if Christians actually READ the bible, we'd have more atheists.
8) We've pretty much given business everything it asked for. Where are the jobs?
9) No. Definitely not.
10) Yes, working people getting fair wages is the problem. Really. You are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
11) Again, the rich want illegals.
12) Yes, it would be far, far worse. Did you all forget what a clusterfuck Dubya BUsh was?
"What If The Gop Took Over Government?"

The last time the GOP 'took over' government – 2001 to 2007 – we were left with two failed, illegal wars, bigger, more intrusive government, and a large budget deficit.

It's easy to understand why most don't want to see a republican 'takeover' of government again.

well for sure there was no Democrats at that time. they are brand spanking new just under Obama. :cuckoo:
well for sure there was no Democrats at that time. they are brand spanking new just under Obama. :cuckoo:

Oh, yeah! Democrats had alllll the power from 2000 - 2006. By the time Democrats had control of either house of Congress, we were already at war - in both countries! It's also worth noting that "Cowboy Bob", and his Iraqi Rodeo show lied to Congress, lied to the UN, and lied to the American People in order to bolster support for his little excursion into Iraq. And, well...we all see how well that worked out.
well for sure there was no Democrats at that time. they are brand spanking new just under Obama. :cuckoo:

Oh, yeah! Democrats had alllll the power from 2000 - 2006. By the time Democrats had control of either house of Congress, we were already at war - in both countries! It's also worth noting that "Cowboy Bob", and his Iraqi Rodeo show lied to Congress, lied to the UN, and lied to the American People in order to bolster support for his little excursion into Iraq. And, well...we all see how well that worked out.

You do have all the DNC talking points down pat.
way to go now march
We alrady saw what would happen if we gave the government over to Republicans

From 2001 to 2009 we bought into their low taxes, deregulated, small government with a strong defense

What happened?
1. We gave up the worst terrorist attack in history
2. We started two preemptive wars
3. We botched two wars
4. We engaged in torture
5. We looked the other way on environmental and labor violations
6. We suffered the worst economic collapse in 75 years
We alrady saw what would happen if we gave the government over to Republicans

From 2001 to 2009 we bought into their low taxes, deregulated, small government with a strong defense

Really shitflinger? Because if recall, the Khmer Rouge democrats took both houses in 2006 - right about the time everything went to shit.

Can you point to legislation they passed in 2007-2008 that caused things to go to shit?
"What If The Gop Took Over Government?"

The last time the GOP 'took over' government – 2001 to 2007 – we were left with two failed, illegal wars, bigger, more intrusive government, and a large budget deficit.

It's easy to understand why most don't want to see a republican 'takeover' of government again.

Yabut that was last time....This time will be different tho. I swear

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