What If The Gop Took Over Government?

We alrady saw what would happen if we gave the government over to Republicans

From 2001 to 2009 we bought into their low taxes, deregulated, small government with a strong defense

What happened?
1. We gave up the worst terrorist attack in history
2. We started two preemptive wars
3. We botched two wars
4. We engaged in torture
5. We looked the other way on environmental and labor violations
6. We suffered the worst economic collapse in 75 years

lol, you full of rage today and the fear mongering is shrill. I do believe what we are "smelling" is shit getting ready to hit the Democrat party fan right out of POWER

VOTE them out folks.
"lets roll"
We alrady saw what would happen if we gave the government over to Republicans

From 2001 to 2009 we bought into their low taxes, deregulated, small government with a strong defense

What happened?
1. We gave up the worst terrorist attack in history
2. We started two preemptive wars
3. We botched two wars
4. We engaged in torture
5. We looked the other way on environmental and labor violations
6. We suffered the worst economic collapse in 75 years

lol, you full of rage today and the fear mongering is shrill. I do believe what we are "smelling" is shit getting ready to hit the Democrat party fan right out of POWER

VOTE them out folks.
"lets roll"
Don't retreat....RELOAD

Hey Remember that one time when we were attacked on 9/11 thousands died and the Republican in office when presented with the intel before it happened said "Ok you've covered your ass" and did nothing about it.

Good times. Cant wait till that typa leadership comes back
well for sure there was no Democrats at that time. they are brand spanking new just under Obama. :cuckoo:

Oh, yeah! Democrats had alllll the power from 2000 - 2006. By the time Democrats had control of either house of Congress, we were already at war - in both countries! It's also worth noting that "Cowboy Bob", and his Iraqi Rodeo show lied to Congress, lied to the UN, and lied to the American People in order to bolster support for his little excursion into Iraq. And, well...we all see how well that worked out.

You do have all the DNC talking points down pat.
way to go now march
Nice non-sequitur. Let us know when you actually have something of consequence to say.
"What If The Gop Took Over Government?"

The last time the GOP 'took over' government – 2001 to 2007 – we were left with two failed, illegal wars, bigger, more intrusive government, and a large budget deficit.

Now republicans are telling voters none of that will happen again, they'll get it right this time, just give them a second chance.
FDR said it best -

We alrady saw what would happen if we gave the government over to Republicans

From 2001 to 2009 we bought into their low taxes, deregulated, small government with a strong defense

Really shitflinger? Because if recall, the Khmer Rouge democrats took both houses in 2006 - right about the time everything went to shit.
You get the irony of that statement, right? Let's blame the Democrats for the cluster-fuck that was already falling apart when they finally got a foot-hold in Congress. Really? LOL
"What If The Gop Took Over Government?"

The last time the GOP 'took over' government – 2001 to 2007 – we were left with two failed, illegal wars, bigger, more intrusive government, and a large budget deficit.

It's easy to understand why most don't want to see a republican 'takeover' of government again.

Yabut that was last time....This time will be different tho. I swear
Frighteningly enough, I believe it would be. I just don't think the "difference" would be better.
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!

If the GOP actually balanced the budget, enforced the border, helped to make a more business friendly environment, made sure that people could go back to work, protected the nation, shrank the size of government, curtailed spending, etc. Then they will have my support, but they still want to act like the far left lite on to many things..
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border?NO, not "completely", but probably much better than what it is today.
2) Would abortion be banned?NO, but they'd probably let the people vote and decide on it state by state.
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? I doubt it, but not really sure what "global trade treaties" you are referring to.
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? NO, there will always be queer-enabling progressives to push that agenda.
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? Seeing that the UN and Israel are on totally different ends of the spectrum, I find it odd you lump them together. Stop doing the bidding of the UN? I would hope so. Israel? Probably not.
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES, definately.
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? I doubt it would be banned, is it illegal now in all schools?
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES, I think so.
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES, we would stop being "police officers". But they also wouldn't let threats thrive and grow.
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES.
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES.
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES. We'd have a government that isn't intent on destroying America. They'd screw some things up, but no where near as bad as Dems.
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What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border?
No, but not for lack of trying. The fact is there is no practical way to completely seal our borders and the MRP (I refuse to call the current incarnation of the Republican Party the "GOP", because they are noting like the GOP, hence the Modern Republican Party, or MRP) knows it.
2) Would abortion be banned?
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first?
Probably not. After all corporations like multinational trade
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all?
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel?
Probably not, but, again, not for lack of trying. Although I do take issue with the characterization "doing the bidding..."
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State?
Again,. I take issue with the characterization "Welfare State", but yes.
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools?
Probably not. Legislating this doesn't really seem to be a big priority for the MRP, at the moment
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA?
I love how you word that to make it sound so innocuous. Translation: Will the MRP destroy the EPA, unions, consumer protection, and make corporations as close to tax-exempt as possible? Yes. Yes, they would.
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations?
No. No we wouldn't. The MRP love their wars.
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
Thank you. You have done a better job of illuminating why we can never give the modern incarnation of the Republican party the chance to have control of Washington. This is why I absolutely support these extremists to speak out as loudly, and as often as they can.

Now, there are those who would say, "But, they have never done this before!" I would remind those people of 2010. You have to remember we've never had this Republican Party before. With the Rise of the Tea Party this Republican Party has become more extreme, more aggressive, and more bold. You wanna clue about what they would do federally? Just look at what they are doing to their states. Look at the vaginal probe legislation. Look at Brownback, and the economic decimation of Kansas. Look at all of the Southern States that are shutting down clinics. You don't think Republicans in charge would be the end of civilization as we know it? Look at the cluster-fuck they are turning their states into.

So, by all means, Republicans, keep talking. Keep letting undecided voters know just how extreme, and dangerous you have become, so they will know, without doubt, who to never vote for.

Did your crystal ball tell abortion would be banned? But hey there's nothing "extreme" about sucking out a potential human being out of the body of a woman, is there?
your fear mongering is pathetic as is you long winded postings
You get the irony of that statement, right? Let's blame the Democrats for the cluster-fuck that was already falling apart when they finally got a foot-hold in Congress. Really? LOL

Shitflinger is a partisan hack, as apparently you are too. Shitflinger cannot reason and lacks the integrity to hold a conversation with. The occasional jab with a sharp stick is the appropriate response to his mindless demagoguery.

democrats own a great deal of the blame for the housing bubble. The Carter era CRA was an insanely irresponsible act, designed to buy minority votes with no care of the damage done to the economy. Clinton doubled down on stupid, with Witch Hunter Janet Reno taking the unprecedented step of using the DOJ to file CIVIL suits against banks that failed to meet CRA quotas. Add to this the Carter era changes to securities regulation that permitted mortgage backed securities, and the recipe for disaster is complete.

Basically, Jimmy Carter threw a lit cigarette in the bed. Clinton poured gasoline on it and fanned the flames, and Bush ignored the smoke. But you blame Bush, because party above all...
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO

Nope. And I find it interesting you singled out the SOUTHERN border. Our northern border is far, far, far more open.

Thanks for so openly admitting your bigotry.

2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO

Nope. Roe v. Wade would not be overturned. And even if it was, most states would legalize abortion at their level.

3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO

Nope. Is that even in the GOP platform?

4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO

Gay marriage is here to stay. Sorry! This is a big, fat loser issue for the GOP.

5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
We will always be a strong ally and friend to Israel. You have a problem with that?

6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
Only if the economy turns around. What's the GOP plan for that? Take your time, but please do answer the question. And answer it with more than bullshit platitudes about "freedom" or somesuch bullshit. Outline an actual plan.

7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
No. Why would you even ask such a stupid question unless you are...stupid?

8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO

Incentives. Is that code for "special tax breaks" that have to come out of other people's pockets?

9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO

Since we are talking about Republicans, then the screamingly obvious answer, based on past performance, is not only NO, but FUCK NO. We will probably start another two or three wars under a GOP government.

10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO

We would cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions and start caving in to pressure from right wing institutions. You probably think that is a good thing. In fact, caving in to special interests of any stripe is a bad thing.

11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
Would real immigration reform that actually solves the problem get enacted? Not only NO but FUCK NO. Bigotry and hate would continue to reign supreme.

12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO

Nope. They both double the national debt when in power. They both trample the shit out of the Constitution when in power. They both lose guns in Mexico when in power. They both lose American lives in attacks on diplomatic missions when in power. They both increase the police state powers of the federal government when in power. They both increase the size and scope of the federal government when in power.

Wakey wakey!

If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
Too bad, then, that the answer to all of the above is NO.
Nope. And I find it interesting you singled out the SOUTHERN border. Our northern border is far, far, far more open.

Thanks for so openly admitting your bigotry.

Comrade, do you think 22 million Canadians are in the USA, illegally voting for democrats and collecting social welfare?

Why the Southern border? A better question is why are you so fucking stupid.

Nope. Roe v. Wade would not be overturned. And even if it was, most states would legalize abortion at their level.

Roe V. Wade, just like Dred Scott and Ferguson, undermines the integrity of jurisprudence.and makes a mockery of the idea that we are a nation of laws.

There is no legal basis for RvW - it is legislation dictated by those with no authority to do so.

Only if the economy turns around. What's the GOP plan for that? Take your time, but please do answer the question. And answer it with more than bullshit platitudes about "freedom" or somesuch bullshit. Outline an actual plan.

Comrade, can you conceive of a scenario where the welfare state creates prosperity for the Proles? I realize that you oppose free market ideas, but how is the cradle to grave system you promote helping the average American?

No. Why would you even ask such a stupid question unless you are...stupid?

Actually Comrade, despite the best efforts of your party, students cannot be prohibited from reading Bibles at school.

Incentives. Is that code for "special tax breaks" that have to come out of other people's pockets?

Comrade, I realize that you believe all wealth belongs to the state, and anyone who earns more is just greedy. But if a country or state offers to not collect a portion of tax from a business to attract them and the jobs they create, how exactly does that come out of "other peoples pockets?"

You Communists can never provide a rational answer to this.

Since we are talking about Republicans, then the screamingly obvious answer, based on past performance, is not only NO, but FUCK NO. We will probably start another two or three wars under a GOP government.

Sure Comrade, I mean, your god is such a peaceful guy. Look at the ISIS he brought us...

We would cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions and start caving in to pressure from right wing institutions. You probably think that is a good thing. In fact, caving in to special interests of any stripe is a bad thing.

Do you think government unions should have the power to set wages for government workers without oversight?

Would real immigration reform that actually solves the problem get enacted? Not only NO but FUCK NO. Bigotry and hate would continue to reign supreme.

I assume you view "real reform" as citizenship papers in return for every DNC registration card, da?

Nope. They both double the national debt when in power. They both trample the shit out of the Constitution when in power. They both lose guns in Mexico when in power. They both lose American lives in attacks on diplomatic missions when in power. They both increase the police state powers of the federal government when in power. They both increase the size and scope of the federal government when in power.

Wakey wakey!

Comrade, what has happened to the national debt since your little tin god took power?
Nope. And I find it interesting you singled out the SOUTHERN border. Our northern border is far, far, far more open.

Thanks for so openly admitting your bigotry.

Comrade, do you think 22 million Canadians are in the USA, illegally voting for democrats and collecting social welfare?

Please provide evidence 22 million illegals are voting.

Nope. Roe v. Wade would not be overturned. And even if it was, most states would legalize abortion at their level.

Roe V. Wade, just like Dred Scott and Ferguson, undermines the integrity of jurisprudence.and makes a mockery of the idea that we are a nation of laws.

There is no legal basis for RvW - it is legislation dictated by those with no authority to do so.

I am pro-life. Very much so. I also live in reality. Even if Roe v. Wade were overturned, it would not affect the rate of abortions in the slightest.

Only if the economy turns around. What's the GOP plan for that? Take your time, but please do answer the question. And answer it with more than bullshit platitudes about "freedom" or somesuch bullshit. Outline an actual plan.

Comrade, can you conceive of a scenario where the welfare state creates prosperity for the Proles? I realize that you oppose free market ideas, but how is the cradle to grave system you promote helping the average American?

So...you can't outline a plan, I see.

No. Why would you even ask such a stupid question unless you are...stupid?

Actually Comrade, despite the best efforts of your party, students cannot be prohibited from reading Bibles at school.

You can already do that, so his question obviously had to do with going beyond that. Why did you not get that unless you are...stupid?

Incentives. Is that code for "special tax breaks" that have to come out of other people's pockets?

Comrade, I realize that you believe all wealth belongs to the state, and anyone who earns more is just greedy.

This, boys and girls, is what is known as a straw man fallacy. Uncensoredf has a bad habit of using them often.

But if a country or state offers to not collect a portion of tax from a business to attract them and the jobs they create, how exactly does that come out of "other peoples pockets?"

You Communists can never provide a rational answer to this.

You really are stupid! Eliminating tax expenditures is a CONSERVATIVE cause, you idiot. And I have explained many times how they come out of other people's pockets. I can't help it if you are too stupid to comprehend a basic conservative principle.

If you allow someone a tax break, then the cost of that break has to be made up for elsewhere. This is achieved by higher tax rates and borrowing. Dumbass. If we eliminated all tax expenditures, we could lower tax rates for everyone, INCLUDING BUSINESSES.

Since we are talking about Republicans, then the screamingly obvious answer, based on past performance, is not only NO, but FUCK NO. We will probably start another two or three wars under a GOP government.

Sure Comrade, I mean, your god is such a peaceful guy. Look at the ISIS he brought us...

I see no difference between the Republicans and Democrats in this respect. None. Your demented mind's ability to translate this into an admiration for Obama requires seven pounds of brain damage.

We would cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions and start caving in to pressure from right wing institutions. You probably think that is a good thing. In fact, caving in to special interests of any stripe is a bad thing.

Do you think government unions should have the power to set wages for government workers without oversight?

What part of "caving in to special interests of any stripe is a bad thing" do you not understand? I'd like to help. Do you need smaller words?

Would real immigration reform that actually solves the problem get enacted? Not only NO but FUCK NO. Bigotry and hate would continue to reign supreme.

I assume you view "real reform" as citizenship papers in return for every DNC registration card, da?

You really love constructing straw men in your head, don't you. I'm sorry to inform you this habit prevents you from being connected to the truth or reality.

Nope. They both double the national debt when in power. They both trample the shit out of the Constitution when in power. They both lose guns in Mexico when in power. They both lose American lives in attacks on diplomatic missions when in power. They both increase the police state powers of the federal government when in power. They both increase the size and scope of the federal government when in power.

Wakey wakey!

Comrade, what has happened to the national debt since your little tin god took power?

What part of "double the national debt" do you not understand? I would like to help. I can use smaller words.

What you need to wake the fuck up to is the fact that BOTH parties have done the EXACT same things. Doubled the debt, increased the size and scope of federal government, shit on the Constituion, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum.

Wakey wakey!
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border?NO, not "completely", but probably much better than what it is today.

No, dumbass. The people who run your party WANT illegal immigrants to exploit. And they want to keep you mad about it. It's why that fence never gets built even when Republicans are in power. Obama has sent back more illegals than Bush ever did.

2) Would abortion be banned?NO, but they'd probably let the people vote and decide on it state by state.

Well, no, you still have Roe v. Wade in place. there's really not much you can do about that.
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border?NO, not "completely", but probably much better than what it is today.

No, dumbass. The people who run your party WANT illegal immigrants to exploit. And they want to keep you mad about it. It's why that fence never gets built even when Republicans are in power. Obama has sent back more illegals than Bush ever did.

2) Would abortion be banned?NO, but they'd probably let the people vote and decide on it state by state.

Well, no, you still have Roe v. Wade in place. there's really not much you can do about that.

Most admit Roe is pretty much dead. States have been hemming in abortion slowly (except in California where they should do a late term abortion on Jerry Brown)
"What If The Gop Took Over Government?"

The last time the GOP 'took over' government – 2001 to 2007 – we were left with two failed, illegal wars, bigger, more intrusive government, and a large budget deficit.

Now republicans are telling voters none of that will happen again, they'll get it right this time, just give them a second chance.

are you talking about the DNC under Obama?

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