What If The Gop Took Over Government?

Most admit Roe is pretty much dead. States have been hemming in abortion slowly (except in California where they should do a late term abortion on Jerry Brown)

Are you some kind of retard? Yes, the backwards states are making life very difficult for the women who have medical needs for abortions.

But most abortions are still being performed in the early months.
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!

You and your ilk would LOVE it...

Most admit Roe is pretty much dead. States have been hemming in abortion slowly (except in California where they should do a late term abortion on Jerry Brown)

Are you some kind of retard? Yes, the backwards states are making life very difficult for the women who have medical needs for abortions.

But most abortions are still being performed in the early months.

Actually, I think you are the evident retard.

Most people agree that Roe is dead. What's your beef with that claim.....?

Oh, I forgot...you can't speak normally. You've always got what's coming out your mouth confused with what's coming out your ass.
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!

Would we see any difference? No, not really.
Actually, I think you are the evident retard.

Most people agree that Roe is dead. What's your beef with that claim.....?

Oh, I forgot...you can't speak normally. You've always got what's coming out your mouth confused with what's coming out your ass.

who are "most people'? Frankly, most of these knuckle dragging laws are knocked down in the courts.

So you found a few backwaters where you've made it so difficult for abortion clinics to operate women have to drive to other states to get abortions.

This by you is progress?
Most admit Roe is pretty much dead. States have been hemming in abortion slowly (except in California where they should do a late term abortion on Jerry Brown)

Abortion was legal in California before the SCOTUS created law to allow abortion. That's the way it should be, states deciding the question via their own legislatures - answerable to the voters of that state.
Please provide evidence 22 million illegals are voting.

Irrelevant. We have no problem with our Northern Border - the straw man you erected is flaccid.

I am pro-life. Very much so. I also live in reality. Even if Roe v. Wade were overturned, it would not affect the rate of abortions in the slightest.


Roe V. Wade is a perversion of our system of law. As a nation predicated on law, to allow the SCOTUS to dictate law by fiat undermines the very concept of constitutional governance.

So...you can't outline a plan, I see.

Stemming the infringement on the private sector by your party is the plan.

This will happen, and you will weep: Low oil and natural gas prices will jump-start the economy. Right or wrong, the Republicans will enjoy the credit. In 2016 they will campaign on turning around the disaster of the Obama economy and will take the White House.

You will blame the suppression of voter fraud for your loss and will wail and gnash teeth.

You can already do that, so his question obviously had to do with going beyond that. Why did you not get that unless you are...stupid?

Suppressing civil liberty is an important goal of you democrats. Hazing school children is something you of the left have done for decades. You got slapped down in the 90's and indeed students have a right to read a Bible in school.

This, boys and girls, is what is known as a straw man fallacy. Uncensoredf has a bad habit of using them often.

You don't grasp what a "straw man" is. :thup:

You really are stupid! Eliminating tax expenditures is a CONSERVATIVE cause, you idiot. And I have explained many times how they come out of other people's pockets. I can't help it if you are too stupid to comprehend a basic conservative principle.

Tax breaks only come out of other peoples pockets IF one believes as you do, that all assets rightfully belong to the state.

allow someone a tax break, then the cost of that break has to be made up for elsewhere.

Utter nonsense.

BECAUSE you think that all assets rightfully belong to the state, you see deductions as theft.

IF you could grasp that the money involved belongs to the business in the first place, you would understand how foolish your Marxist view is.

This is achieved by higher tax rates and borrowing. Dumbass. If we eliminated all tax expenditures, we could lower tax rates for everyone, INCLUDING BUSINESSES.


Communities offer tax breaks to attract business. This in fact increase their tax base as more consumer activity occurs and sales taxes increase. Offering a lower business tax to a McDonald's franchise for 3 years generally increases revenue as the sales tax paid by customers pours in.

Now I know what you're thinking, "GREEDY CAPITALIST PIG PAYS NOTHING WHILE GLORIOUS PROLETARIAT MAKE UP DIFFERENCE," but that's just your Marxist stupidity at work. The tax deferral has no impact at all on the sales tax collected. The consumer pays exactly the same tax either way. More consumers due to the business being in the city earns more revenue.

I see no difference between the Republicans and Democrats in this respect. None. Your demented mind's ability to translate this into an admiration for Obama requires seven pounds of brain damage.


But you had said that if Republicans take over they would send us to war..

What part of "caving in to special interests of any stripe is a bad thing" do you not understand? I'd like to help. Do you need smaller words?

I don't consider government employee unions to be "right wing," comrade.:dunno:

What part of "double the national debt" do you not understand? I would like to help. I can use smaller words.

Then what do you imagine your point might be?

What you need to wake the fuck up to is the fact that BOTH parties have done the EXACT same things. Doubled the debt, increased the size and scope of federal government, shit on the Constituion, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum.

Wakey wakey!

You are confused.

The Republicans are like a bad case of Herpes.

democrats are full blown AIDS.
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What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
I can tell you exactly what would happen if we had a Republican President, a Republican House, a Republican Senate and a Conservative Supreme Court.

You would see a President who would lose guns in Mexico, have several Americans killed in attacks on our diplomatic missions, spy on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, torture prisoners, create an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, help double the national debt, start three wars, treat the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvent Congress, imprison American citizens without a writ of habeas corpus, harass and spy on reporters, have several corruption scandals in his Administration, take a bunch of vacations, create a new Cabinet department with abusive police powers, and lay the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.

How do I know this?


Now take your list of questions and answer them according to what the Bush/GOP Congress/Conservative Court did when they were in power.
Actually, I think you are the evident retard.

Most people agree that Roe is dead. What's your beef with that claim.....?

Oh, I forgot...you can't speak normally. You've always got what's coming out your mouth confused with what's coming out your ass.

who are "most people'? Frankly, most of these knuckle dragging laws are knocked down in the courts.

So you found a few backwaters where you've made it so difficult for abortion clinics to operate women have to drive to other states to get abortions.

This by you is progress?

Are you always a stupid asswipe or just when you are awake ?

I never said anything about what is and isn't progress.

What I said was that just because the SCOTUS says something (as in Roe), does not mean it does not change.

Most people are those connected to the issue on both sides. The left feels they've been screwed. The right feels they've been stifled.

I don't get into the issue much.

So pay attention after you screw yourself.
I can tell you exactly what would happen if we had a Republican President, a Republican House, a Republican Senate and a Conservative Supreme Court.

You would see a President who would lose guns in Mexico, have several Americans killed in attacks on our diplomatic missions, spy on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, torture prisoners, create an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, help double the national debt, start three wars, treat the Constitution like toilet paper, circumvent Congress, imprison American citizens without a writ of habeas corpus, harass and spy on reporters, have several corruption scandals in his Administration, take a bunch of vacations, create a new Cabinet department with abusive police powers, and lay the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.

How do I know this?


Now take your list of questions and answer them according to what the Bush/GOP Congress/Conservative Court did when they were in power.

SO, you've been on a jag since the shellacking you took on Tuesday, then?
What I said was that just because the SCOTUS says something (as in Roe), does not mean it does not change.

Most people are those connected to the issue on both sides. The left feels they've been screwed. The right feels they've been stifled.

I don't get into the issue much.

I think you are confusing yourself. Point is, abortion is just as common as it was 40 years ago. Wingnuts huff and puff and they throw on some silly restriction about corridor width and think they've accomplished something until the courts slap it down.

And then the Wingnuts you elect screw over working people and more working class women choose abortions because you stupid fucks destroyed their ability to afford a kid.
What I said was that just because the SCOTUS says something (as in Roe), does not mean it does not change.

Most people are those connected to the issue on both sides. The left feels they've been screwed. The right feels they've been stifled.

I don't get into the issue much.

I think you are confusing yourself. Point is, abortion is just as common as it was 40 years ago. Wingnuts huff and puff and they throw on some silly restriction about corridor width and think they've accomplished something until the courts slap it down.

And then the Wingnuts you elect screw over working people and more working class women choose abortions because you stupid fucks destroyed their ability to afford a kid.

No asshole.....

This is about how the SCOTUS can reverse itself.

Piss on Roe.....

Pick something else.

Slaughterhouse Cases, for instance.

I know you've been told how dense your are....repeatedly.
No asshole.....

This is about how the SCOTUS can reverse itself.

Piss on Roe.....

Pick something else.

Slaughterhouse Cases, for instance.

I know you've been told how dense your are....repeatedly.

Hey, Mormon-boy. The delusion you anti-choice nuts have is that there was a wonderful abortion free time before Roe.

Nope. Women had a shitload of abortions before Roe. Doctors did them in the privacy of their offices and marked down "D&C" on their charts.

All the Court did was end the lie.
No asshole.....

This is about how the SCOTUS can reverse itself.

Piss on Roe.....

Pick something else.

Slaughterhouse Cases, for instance.

I know you've been told how dense your are....repeatedly.

Hey, Mormon-boy. The delusion you anti-choice nuts have is that there was a wonderful abortion free time before Roe.

Nope. Women had a shitload of abortions before Roe. Doctors did them in the privacy of their offices and marked down "D&C" on their charts.

All the Court did was end the lie.

I really don't care.

I really don't care.

I really don't care.

Roe was an example....not a policy position.

Last time I am explaining it.

You want to argue abortion...find someone who cares.

SCOTUS has reversed it's opinion on a bunch of topics.
"Took over"? Is it a Freudian slip by radicals who actually plan to "take over" the government? Americans are smarter than small minded left wing hypocrites.
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border?

no. the concept is a mere illusion promulgated by BOTH parties. The democrats want to protect their welfare state. The Republicans want to prevent their constituencies from being exposed to too much brown skin.

Show me whee the Republicans have pledged to abolish or reduce the welfare/warfare police state.

I really don't care.

I really don't care.

I really don't care.

Roe was an example....not a policy position.

Last time I am explaining it.

You want to argue abortion...find someone who cares.

SCOTUS has reversed it's opinion on a bunch of topics.

wow, I love watching Mormons Melting down.

SCOTUS reverses itself when the facts change.
"What If The Gop Took Over Government?"

The last time the GOP 'took over' government – 2001 to 2007 – we were left with two failed, illegal wars, bigger, more intrusive government, and a large budget deficit.

It's easy to understand why most don't want to see a republican 'takeover' of government again.

certainly not people who suck on the government teat or want guns banned

if Bush has lost, Heller never would have happened because DEMS only appoint Justices who vote the way the party wants

And republicans don't? Oh come on.

Heller was 5-4. Scalia, Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas, Alito.

That would be Bush, Reagan, Reagan, Bush and Bush votes in the Supreme Court. There were two appointees from the Republicans who voted against, both were appointed prior to Reagan. So we can see a massive shift in how the Supreme Court has moved because of political appointments from Reagan onwards if you just take this case into account. Scalia, joined by Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas, Alito

Florida v. Jardines saw Alito, Roberts, Kennedy, Brier which is 3 republican appointees, one Clinton appointee against two republican and three democrat. Hmm, suggests both sets of justices will move where they like.

Clapper v. Amnesty International USA, saw five Republican appointees go together as a majority. Alito, joined by Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas. Same as Heller.

Windsor v. U.S
Kennedy (opinion), joined by Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan, so Kennedy moved with the more left wing.

Hollingsworth v. Perry
Roberts, joined by Scalia, Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan. So we have two right and three left appointees.

So, I think you'll find that if the left never change, the right never change either, because it's simply not true.

Would you get Bitch-Slapped for creating such a thread?

Yes or Yes?


We have a one party system.

Just say'in.

Sorry to rain on your GOP parade to no where.
And just where has the Donkey Party paraded this nation for the last six years?


Two Bitch-Slaps tonight. You're on a roll. :thup:
Obama was not elected by the American people to give you warm and fuzzy feelings.
I really don't care.

I really don't care.

I really don't care.

Roe was an example....not a policy position.

Last time I am explaining it.

You want to argue abortion...find someone who cares.

SCOTUS has reversed it's opinion on a bunch of topics.

wow, I love watching Mormons Melting down.

SCOTUS reverses itself when the facts change.

Your posts, like most of them, makes zero sense.

Have I mentioned that I left the mormon church.

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