What if there was no bullet to the back of JFK's head?


The master mind of JFK
Sep 10, 2010
Listening to the doctor who did the autopsy on JFK, right away, I could tell this guy was dirty and a fraud. The doctor pointed out the shoot to the neck could have been an entry wound but didn't turn JFK over to see the exit wound behind the neck. What kind of doctor is that?

OK! here's my case right here tell me what you think?

By drilling a hole in the back of Kennedy's head, that would cover-up the conspiracy and the conspirators could contemplate to the media that Oswald did the shooting and that their was only a lone-gunman...

Now, if they didn't drill a hole in the back of Kennedy's head it would be a game changer exposing the conspirators and that Oswald did not kill Kennedy and in fact a shooter from the front, shot JFK in the neck first and then a shot from the "grassy-knoll" which put's a total of 3 shooters at the scene...

So, it's important for the conspirators to have one of their doctors drill in the back of the head of JFK. This allows the conspirators to run a different take of what actually took place! Getting a plan to run the "Lone-Gunman Theory," on the American people that's the motive right there for the cover-up...

The doctor who drilled to the back of the head of JFK was key to changing the dynamics of the JFK conspiracy. It allowed the real number of shooters to be a Mystery and not reveal the true shooters and it would end the investigation right there...

And of course they didn't find any evidence, that, there was any other shooters at the scene because do you really think professional hit- men like Ruby and Patrick are going to leave evidence behind for the Dallas police dept. Righttttt!



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