Trump wants to know what happens to electric planes if there is no sun in the air

All of the media are talking about how bad Biden was last night and surfacing chatter of replacing him. So, Trump decides to do a rally today and say even more of his usual allotment of insane stuff to try to get the focus back on him.

Desperately trying to give a deliberate impression of general ignorance through your pretended lack of comprehension of a simple and elementary fact -- electric vehicles of all sorts need batteries that can be guaranteed safe and effective at all times .
Sure his brain ran ahead of his words but that happens constantly with ultra smart people .
They don’t sink because of weight and don’t electrocute you
Actually if a tesla battery gets wet it become volatile... so what the hell man.... they are heavier than a combustible engine and they can't recharge if its cloudy... so I guess you just float around waiting for the sun....
EV's will go down in history as the biggest con and mistake in the history of mankind....
They don’t sink because of weight and don’t electrocute you
I have a neighbor who bought a Tesla about 4 years ago... they installed solar to charge it at home... and they loved it and had nothing bad to say about the car... fast forward to today... and its just a toy to take to the store and back... can't go on long trips and in winter with the sun low in the sky they have a hard time keeping it charged so they have to take it to a charging station and sit and wait for an hour....
Both said they wouldn't buy another EV....
By the way our charging station in our town is run by a giant diesel generator....
Actually if a tesla battery gets wet it become volatile... so what the hell man.... they are heavier than a combustible engine and they can't recharge if its cloudy... so I guess you just float around waiting for the sun....
EV's will go down in history as the biggest con and mistake in the history of mankind....
You forgot about the sharks
He's being funny you old stiff.... come on Dont Taz Me Bro are you going to make a fool out of yourself all the way to November?...
I would ask how a plane will get those batteries off the ground without taking out about 20 rows of seats and a fat flight attendant....

He was just being silly but they do have prototypes of electric planes that work. They have short ranges and limited seats. The vision for them is that they could be used as an affordable way to shuttle people from airports nearby with no airline service to the closest ones with service as opposed to taking an ubber or shuttle van or driving and parking.
He was just being silly but they do have prototypes of electric planes that work. They have short ranges and limited seats. The vision for them is that they could be used as an affordable way to shuttle people from airports nearby with no airline service to the closest ones with service as opposed to taking an ubber or shuttle van or driving and parking.
Would you get on one?....
An electric plane is just like a drone big enough to carry people I would think... so its possible but at what cost...
I guess one day they could wrap the exterior with solar cells and it could fly over the clouds... but I'm going to pass on being the first guy on it....
You don't have to be faster than the lion... just faster than the guy you are with....
He was just being silly but they do have prototypes of electric planes that work. They have short ranges and limited seats. The vision for them is that they could be used as an affordable way to shuttle people from airports nearby with no airline service to the closest ones with service as opposed to taking an ubber or shuttle van or driving and parking.

Don't worry .
Once they are forced to release Zero Point Energy technology the planet is changed a million fold .

That is the one undelying cause of the present WW3 against Deep State .

Dr Stephen Greer is probably the most clued-up on this topic and an able advocate .

Major disclosure in mid July ?
Joking.... but he makes a good point... heavy boats need more power to move through the water... dummy...
Every time the moron says something absurd,Trump's cult always claims he was "Joking".

Would you get on one?....
I would fly in one as long as the weather was fair. Maybe not the first one. But once they have a safety record, if all is good I would give it a whirl. For instance, we are too close to GSO and RDU airports to get subsidized commuter service from any of the airlines since they tightened up the distances and we lost ours. These planes would be cheap enough someone could start an air taxi service so we could just park at the local airport and connect that way instead if having to drive in and pay to park at RDU or GSO (We almost always use RDU but my sister's work usually has her flying out of GSO because of the company's preferred airline)

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