What if Trump compromised with the democrats to dump Obama care and gave them

Nothing is free. Someone has to pay the bill and that someone is the taxpayers of America.

I'm not interested in paying for someone's college. I'm not interested in bankrolling anyones life for them.

Short-sighted, selfish, and not well thought out.

Free education is what made the United States the most successful country in the world. You had the BEST public education system in the world, and Republicans destroyed it.

You starved the system of cash so that poor kids get such a substandard level of education they have little hope of getting out of poverty. You pay your teachers so poorly, they can barely survive on teacher's wages, and good people can ill afford to pay back student loans and provide for their families, so the best people can't really afford to go into the profession.

But the best of it is you blame teachers for turning our "liberals". The history of the world is liberals pushing change, and overcoming conservative resistance. Republican states set the cirriculum and what's being taught, but citizens blame teachers unions for the problem.

What a pile of horseshit you posted.

Our education system sucks. We have kids who can't read and a system that's failed them.

Teachers who are more concerned with the union than teaching.

Oh and speaking of short sighted, selfish and not well thought out that just what your post is.

Stick it up you're liberal ass. What a dumbass you are.
You must be a student of Obama that didn't know how to compromise.

Please STFU, as you are clearly clueless.

Obamacare was a REPUBLICAN PLAN, spawned by Heritage foundation as alternative to Clinton's single payer push and blueprinted ROMNEYCARE in Massachusetts, which was touted as big time conservative victory and a model for the rest of the country by the likes of Gingrich....and then Obama signed up for it.

Democrats don't know how to compromise? You are out of your fucking mind.
You must be a student of Obama that didn't know how to compromise.

Please STFU, as you are clearly clueless.

Obamacare was a REPUBLICAN PLAN, spawned by Heritage foundation as alternative to Clinton's single payer push and blueprinted ROMNEYCARE in Massachusetts, which was touted as big time conservative victory and a model for the rest of the country by the likes of Gingrich....and then Obama signed up for it.

Democrats don't know how to compromise? You are out of your fucking mind.

Not true. While there ARE similarities, The 1993 bill did not expand Medicaid as Obamacare does, and it did have medical malpractice tort reform, which the current law does not. In contrast to the current employer mandate, the 1993 bill required employers to offer insurance, but they were under no obligation to help pay for it. So, your characterization of it being a Republican plan is incorrect.

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