What in the hell is wrong with people?

I can tell who a liberal is just by stating ANY position as a right wing conservative. As a right wing conservative, I think we should all support fuzzy kittens! ...Now let's wait for a liberal to jump on that and tell me why I am a racist who is out of touch with mainstream Americans!

You are and always have been out of touch with mainstream Americans because you state everything in terms of black and white, liberal and conservative.


Conservatives, for the most part, seek simplistic 'solutions' to difficult, complex problems adhering blindly to rightist dogma – there's no effort to find the truth of an issue, to discover the facts, and to predicate policies on those facts, and to find actual, viable solutions to those problems.

All we hear from the right is the same failed, moronic nonsense: 'ban' abortion, throw out 'illegals,' cut taxes – all absent a comprehensive understanding as to the consequences of such reckless and irresponsible 'policies.'

I favor banning abortions after 20 weeks. I favor deporting 'illegals' since they entered this country illegally and broke US immigration law. I favor cutting federal spending so taxes do not have to be raised.

Which of these positions do you oppose or favor?
What are some of the countless things that liberals believe that are counter to reality?

Here's another one. Liberals seem to understand that if they raise taxes on gasoline that this will result in making driving more expensive and more people will migrate towards public transit. They also seem to understand that if they raise the taxes on cigarettes that this will reduce the consumption of cigarettes but when it comes to taxes on income or capital gains, they believe that people's behavior will not be influenced. Does that seem rational to you? That sure looks like faith to me.

The tax on capital gains is lower than the tax on income, so I'm not seeing your point.

I'm actually against taxes on cigarettes and gasoline, because they impact the working class more than the rich.

The reason why these kinds of taxes are so popular is that they are easy to collect and easy to raise. Non-smokers are just as happy to let smokers pay the tax, and smokers say to themselves, "Well, fifty cents a pack more, maybe I will quit this year!"
OP- What you're witnessing today is something I have been scratching my head over. In fact, I wrote a blog a couple years ago how "The Decay of Society' which touches on some of your points.

To quote

"I’m not sure America can win this war. And make no mistake, that is exactly how it feels to many in this country who have not gone through the indoctrination process. Like I mentioned, the investment in our education system to reach this point, combined with the media assaults and the never ending coverage of the Obama’s and their escapades, have all come together at the right place and time"

That's really what's in play here. The anti-American leftist movement is a well oiled machine. Remembering Nikita Khrushchev and one of his quotes comes to mind- "We must take a shovel and dig a deep grave, and bury colonialism as deep as we can". For those waiting for complete oppression to arrive with the flick of a switch are going to miss the show. The left movement is not a sprint but a marathon. The left communist regime has been decaying our society from within. Take a look around you and the signs are everywhere. No more T-ball or Pony league MVP's. No, no... Can't have that.... Everyone gets a trophy, albeit absent of any names. Why? That would offer the premise of 'Individuality' instead that of a common core approach relative to one team, one fight. You see, the liberals miss the point that individual contributions from 'elite' players, MVP's feed the overall success of the 'team' that actually does lead to a Championship trophy that all players receive.

The political orgy taking place today is not by mistake. It was planned. The left has been investing in our youth for a number of years. They have succeeded in removing the 'Pledge' from class. Not positive, but very few states allow corporal punishment anymore. They teach you being 'gay' is normal and that your parents allowing a blue or pink stocking to be put on your head at birth was a mistake. Can't have an institution determining your sex.

The damaging liberal left are a product of poor parenting, schools/Universities and complete disregard of the American way.

IOW- Liberals are pretty sick individuals :lol:

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The underlying problem with those examples is that the people who eventualy broke away never really agreed to be part of those countries to start with.

Educate me. When did the US hold a referendum on the question of purposely changing the racial and ethnic balance of the US population?

Senator Edward Kennedy took to the floor of the Senate and assured the nation that his scheme would NOT result in what we see today.

“Out of deference to the critics, I want to comment on … what the bill will not do. First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same … Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset … Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S.500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia. In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think. Thirdly, the bill will not permit the entry of subversive persons, criminals, illiterates, or those with contagious disease or serious mental illness. As I noted a moment ago, no immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is likely to become a public charge … the charges I have mentioned are highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out of line with the obligations of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of our heritage.”

Your position is that the examples I pointed to all indicate involuntary associations between groups of people and that the US is different in this regard, so when did we decide to voluntarily reengineer the racial demographics of America? If we didn't voluntarily bring this on ourselves, if it was imposed on us by liberal liars, then aren't we in the same boat as the societies I referenced, that is, this was imposed upon us?

Yugoslavia, for example was not the Croats and Slovenes and Serbs all getting together like a garage band and saying, "Let's make an awesome country". Instead it was a case of other countries putting Croats and Slovenes under the thumbs of the Serbs, and then wondering they they didn't like it.

You think that the United States as it exists today is the result of a national referendum in the past which resulted in a garage-band consensus that we should radically alter the racial demographics of the nation in the coming decades? We're where we are today because liberals staged a silent coup, as is their want, and imposed this clusterfuck on us and their propaganda masters even coined a slogan that many have come to accept as an article of faith, even while we see freedoms being shredded left and right in order to make this Rube Goldberg society that they've imposed on us function at some bare minimum level, hence even Saint Obama says that the US is ungovernable.
Broken record. Democrats compromised too much. When we stopped....your guys threw a tantrum and shut down the government. Your entire political agenda hinges on NOT COMPROMISING. One of Obama's weaknesses is thinking that the GOP were going to be honest players. He failed to see that no help was coming.

Was that before, or after, he told the Republicans to shut up and get to the back of the bus?

It takes two sides to have an impasse, and it takes two sides to shut down the government. Isn't it strange that you cretins are now trying to blame Obamacare on the Republicans? Maybe those Democrats should have found out what was in it before they passed it into law.

Obama never told anyone to shut up and get in the back of the bus. That is a lie that you were told and that you believed. Do you feel stupid?

When you come back and admit that you were duped...and have believed that lie for several years....we can move on to discussing what it takes to have an impasse.

Not in so many words, but by his actions.

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’
Referring specifically to Republicans such as Senator John McCain, who formerly supported an overhaul but now are stressing border security and supporting strict immigration laws like Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration measure, Mr. Obama said, “Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values.”
From the NY Times:

During a three-day Western trip that ended Wednesday, Obama announced initiatives that could help 1.6 million college students repay their federal loans, 1 million homeowners meet their mortgage payments, and 8,000 veterans find jobs.
The Democratic president did this with nary a negotiation with congressional Republicans.

The cards aren't exactly aces, however. Unlike acts of Congress, executive actions cannot appropriate money. And they can be wiped off the books by courts, Congress or the next president.
Obama uses executive actions instead of law ? USATODAY.com
The tax on capital gains is lower than the tax on income, so I'm not seeing your point.

The point is that liberals CAN understand that taxes will affect the behavior of the person who is taxed but they believe that this dynamic magically doesn't exist when it comes to income tax rates because their faith in egalitarianism overrides the residue of logic which still clings to life in the nooks and crannies of their noggins.
The underlying problem with those examples is that the people who eventualy broke away never really agreed to be part of those countries to start with.

Educate me. When did the US hold a referendum on the question of purposely changing the racial and ethnic balance of the US population?

Senator Edward Kennedy took to the floor of the Senate and assured the nation that his scheme would NOT result in what we see today.

“Out of deference to the critics, I want to comment on … what the bill will not do. First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same … Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset … Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S.500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia. In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think. Thirdly, the bill will not permit the entry of subversive persons, criminals, illiterates, or those with contagious disease or serious mental illness. As I noted a moment ago, no immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is likely to become a public charge … the charges I have mentioned are highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out of line with the obligations of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of our heritage.”

Your position is that the examples I pointed to all indicate involuntary associations between groups of people and that the US is different in this regard, so when did we decide to voluntarily reengineer the racial demographics of America? If we didn't voluntarily bring this on ourselves, if it was imposed on us by liberal liars, then aren't we in the same boat as the societies I referenced, that is, this was imposed upon us?

Yugoslavia, for example was not the Croats and Slovenes and Serbs all getting together like a garage band and saying, "Let's make an awesome country". Instead it was a case of other countries putting Croats and Slovenes under the thumbs of the Serbs, and then wondering they they didn't like it.

You think that the United States as it exists today is the result of a national referendum in the past which resulted in a garage-band consensus that we should radically alter the racial demographics of the nation in the coming decades? We're where we are today because liberals staged a silent coup, as is their want, and imposed this clusterfuck on us and their propaganda masters even coined a slogan that many have come to accept as an article of faith, even while we see freedoms being shredded left and right in order to make this Rube Goldberg society that they've imposed on us function at some bare minimum level, hence even Saint Obama says that the US is ungovernable.

NO, there was no national referendum.

230 years ago, a bunch of white slave holders put together a constitution that consolidated power in the hands of white male slave holders. And then they invited in a bunch of people from Europe to do the cheap labor when they wouldn't let them kidnap people from Africa anymore.

You see, the real problem is you complain about the non-whites having more power now, but who brought them in? Yup, the rich people who are pulling your strings.

The real problem is that some white folks are waking up to the fact that they have more in common with the Hispanic Lesbian Chick in the next cubicle than they do with their fellow white male in the corner office who is sitting their plotting a way to get you off the payroll because you made medical claims against insurance last year.
What are some of the countless things that liberals believe that are counter to reality?

Just about everything liberals believe are counter to reality or rationality. No need in listing them for you, we already know how you'll react. You'll chortle and guffaw, rolling your eyes and pretending we're being ridiculous, because you live in a different reality. It's a complete waste of time since you don't intend to have an honest discussion.
What are some of the countless things that liberals believe that are counter to reality?

Just about everything liberals believe are counter to reality or rationality. No need in listing them for you, we already know how you'll react. You'll chortle and guffaw, rolling your eyes and pretending we're being ridiculous, because you live in a different reality. It's a complete waste of time since you don't intend to have an honest discussion.

So you can't actually name a specific thing.

You just make an assertation.
So investing in our roads, bridges and infrastructure = counter to reality!
Top tier science institutions = counter to reality!
A safety net = counter to reality!
Education = counter to reality!

I'll tell you what's counter to reality; the fucking tea party!
What are some of the countless things that liberals believe that are counter to reality?

Just about everything liberals believe are counter to reality or rationality. No need in listing them for you, we already know how you'll react. You'll chortle and guffaw, rolling your eyes and pretending we're being ridiculous, because you live in a different reality. It's a complete waste of time since you don't intend to have an honest discussion.

So you can't actually name a specific thing.

You just make an assertation.

Nah...he's right on the money.
How do you have a conversation with someone who thinks Lois Lerner did nothing wrong?
Just about everything liberals believe are counter to reality or rationality. No need in listing them for you, we already know how you'll react. You'll chortle and guffaw, rolling your eyes and pretending we're being ridiculous, because you live in a different reality. It's a complete waste of time since you don't intend to have an honest discussion.

So you can't actually name a specific thing.

You just make an assertation.

Nah...he's right on the money.
How do you have a conversation with someone who thinks Lois Lerner did nothing wrong?

Maybe by proving she did something that was wrong?

Not something you don't like, just something that was wrong.
So investing in our roads, bridges and infrastructure = counter to reality!
Top tier science institutions = counter to reality!
A safety net = counter to reality!
Education = counter to reality!

I'll tell you what's counter to reality; the fucking tea party!

Roads and bridges are built by state and local governments when there is a need expressed by the people for roads and bridges to be built. THAT is reality. It's counter to reality to expect a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington to know where people need roads and bridges built or fund such ventures in any sort of proportionally fair manner.

We already have science institutions, safety nets and education, that is reality. It is counter to reality to think more government can improve these things when more government has resulted in their decline. You've spent over $17 trillion fighting the War on Poverty with your socialist LBJ Great Society programs and our poverty levels are virtually unchanged. We currently pay more per student for education than any other country on the planet and produce some of the worst GPAs. Science has literally become an ongoing racket of grants to study the most obscure and bizarre things which have no relevance to the non-insane world most of us live in.

The Tea Party are the only people who have been right about everything for the past 10 years.
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Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind. At first, I thought it was just a simple difference in ideology, which is normally a good thing in political discourse, you need another side to certain arguments, it is a healthy thing for society to have contrasting viewpoints.

I started noticing during the Bush years, the rhetoric from the left became more shrill and harsh, the resentfulness and hostility was thick, and I chalked it all up to Bush just not being their cup of tea. Many on the left were still angry over what happened to Clinton, so I figured okay, turn about is fair play, Bush is going to be the scapegoat for all this angst. And of course, they railed on Bush and are still railing on Bush, but this goes even deeper.

It has now become outright ridiculous. Almost 6 years into the Obama presidency, and arguably the worst performance of a president in modern history with one failure on top of another as far as they eye can see. Scandals unfolding on a daily basis, and not just little meaningless ones, really big ones... impeachable ones, as a matter of fact. The economy is still in the crapper, jobs are still virtually non-existent, despite all the fluff and propaganda being fed to us daily. But still, I can rationalize that left-wing liberals are still standing by their guy because that's who brought them to the dance. Fair enough, Bush had avid supporters who loved everything he did and still do. This goes deeper.

We can go through a host of issues, it doesn't really matter what they are... Illegal immigration, voter IDs, gay marriage, global warming... whatever it is, the left has their talking points ready and are prepared to do battle. But it's not just these issues, it's the level at which they absolutely refuse to acknowledge any other viewpoint and just automatically reject anything the right has to say... on ANYTHING. Doesn't matter! If the political right came out tomorrow in favor of fuzzy puppies and fluffy kittens, the left would launch an anti-fuzzy puppy and fluffy kitten campaign, charging that the right were racist bigots who were out of touch with mainstream Americans.

I realized the level at which this has reached today, as I was discussing the Israeli mobilization on Gaza with a liberal friend. He says... "What right does Israel have to exist?" Now, this person has always been liberal, but I've always respected the arguments they made and felt like they articulated some valid points, even when I didn't agree with them. But this just blew me away. I couldn't believe he said that. Then I notice that he and several other liberals were posting all these videos put out by Al Jazeera, showing the civilian casualties and whatnot.

Then I come here and there is a debate about voter ID and some liberal is saying "you just don't want the poor to vote!" Like the poor are somehow suddenly unable to show identification to prove who they are, even though they must've shown ID to get food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, AFDC, EIC, and all other government subsidies. In another thread, some liberal is whining about the greedy corporations getting rich off the bailouts and stimulus that OBAMA DEMANDED!

All over my facebook, there are my liberal friends posting cartoons which depict the Mayflower arriving to the shores of America and the Native American's watching... the meme is about how they look like "illegal immigrants" to them! Each day, I see images of literally thousands of illegals climbing the fences into America and nothing being done to stop it... in fact, we're sending them aid! Hell, they're probably getting Obama phones and food stamps by now!

What in the hell is wrong with people, have they just lost their goddamn minds? Has one political faction in this country gone completely insane? Because that is how it seems to me, and I don't know why. It's not simply politics, it's mentally disturbing. It's as if the left is poised to take a counter position to rationality in any form. The more off-the-rails the better! And it's not just a handful of nutters, it's the whole entire left wing. It's not just a little bit of stupid, it's complete ignorance of anything approaching common sense reasoning. They don't even bother debating anymore, they just blurt out something sublimely ignorant and start hurling names at republicans and "teabaggers!"

Is this something in the water they're drinking? Hormones in the meat? Have radical Islamists contaminated our food supply? Are they under some kind of hypnotic spell? Minds being controlled by aliens? What in the hell is wrong with people??? :eusa_shifty:
This is pure flame.

Utter nonsense, the entire post.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Roads and bridges are built by state and local governments when there is a need expressed by the people for roads and bridges to be built. THAT is reality. It's counter to reality to expect a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington to know where people need roads and bridges built or fund such ventures in any sort of proportionally fair manner.

Except that it didn't work. World War II came along and Ike found it took 66 days to get an Army Unit from the East Coast to the West Coast using roads that were made by local governments.

So he had the brilliant idea to build a NATIONAL highway system of bridges and roads to link up the country. It made us stronger, more economically competitive and improved our lives.

If Republicans were like Ike, they'd be sane.

Roads and bridges are built by state and local governments when there is a need expressed by the people for roads and bridges to be built. THAT is reality. It's counter to reality to expect a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington to know where people need roads and bridges built or fund such ventures in any sort of proportionally fair manner.

Except that it didn't work. World War II came along and Ike found it took 66 days to get an Army Unit from the East Coast to the West Coast using roads that were made by local governments.

So he had the brilliant idea to build a NATIONAL highway system of bridges and roads to link up the country. It made us stronger, more economically competitive and improved our lives.

If Republicans were like Ike, they'd be sane.

So you consider it to be sane and rational to pretend the reality we live in is 1950, and we are in need of an interstate highway system because we don't have that? :cuckoo:

Roads and bridges are built by state and local governments when there is a need expressed by the people for roads and bridges to be built. THAT is reality. It's counter to reality to expect a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington to know where people need roads and bridges built or fund such ventures in any sort of proportionally fair manner.

Except that it didn't work. World War II came along and Ike found it took 66 days to get an Army Unit from the East Coast to the West Coast using roads that were made by local governments.

So he had the brilliant idea to build a NATIONAL highway system of bridges and roads to link up the country. It made us stronger, more economically competitive and improved our lives.

If Republicans were like Ike, they'd be sane.

The national interstate highway system was, and is, good for the country. Bridges to nowhere (pork bridges) are not. Thats the point.

As to Ike, if he was alive today he would be a charter member of the tea party, so would Jack Kennedy and Harry Truman.
Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind. At first, I thought it was just a simple difference in ideology, which is normally a good thing in political discourse, you need another side to certain arguments, it is a healthy thing for society to have contrasting viewpoints.

I started noticing during the Bush years, the rhetoric from the left became more shrill and harsh, the resentfulness and hostility was thick, and I chalked it all up to Bush just not being their cup of tea. Many on the left were still angry over what happened to Clinton, so I figured okay, turn about is fair play, Bush is going to be the scapegoat for all this angst. And of course, they railed on Bush and are still railing on Bush, but this goes even deeper.

It has now become outright ridiculous. Almost 6 years into the Obama presidency, and arguably the worst performance of a president in modern history with one failure on top of another as far as they eye can see. Scandals unfolding on a daily basis, and not just little meaningless ones, really big ones... impeachable ones, as a matter of fact. The economy is still in the crapper, jobs are still virtually non-existent, despite all the fluff and propaganda being fed to us daily. But still, I can rationalize that left-wing liberals are still standing by their guy because that's who brought them to the dance. Fair enough, Bush had avid supporters who loved everything he did and still do. This goes deeper.

We can go through a host of issues, it doesn't really matter what they are... Illegal immigration, voter IDs, gay marriage, global warming... whatever it is, the left has their talking points ready and are prepared to do battle. But it's not just these issues, it's the level at which they absolutely refuse to acknowledge any other viewpoint and just automatically reject anything the right has to say... on ANYTHING. Doesn't matter! If the political right came out tomorrow in favor of fuzzy puppies and fluffy kittens, the left would launch an anti-fuzzy puppy and fluffy kitten campaign, charging that the right were racist bigots who were out of touch with mainstream Americans.

I realized the level at which this has reached today, as I was discussing the Israeli mobilization on Gaza with a liberal friend. He says... "What right does Israel have to exist?" Now, this person has always been liberal, but I've always respected the arguments they made and felt like they articulated some valid points, even when I didn't agree with them. But this just blew me away. I couldn't believe he said that. Then I notice that he and several other liberals were posting all these videos put out by Al Jazeera, showing the civilian casualties and whatnot.

Then I come here and there is a debate about voter ID and some liberal is saying "you just don't want the poor to vote!" Like the poor are somehow suddenly unable to show identification to prove who they are, even though they must've shown ID to get food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, AFDC, EIC, and all other government subsidies. In another thread, some liberal is whining about the greedy corporations getting rich off the bailouts and stimulus that OBAMA DEMANDED!

All over my facebook, there are my liberal friends posting cartoons which depict the Mayflower arriving to the shores of America and the Native American's watching... the meme is about how they look like "illegal immigrants" to them! Each day, I see images of literally thousands of illegals climbing the fences into America and nothing being done to stop it... in fact, we're sending them aid! Hell, they're probably getting Obama phones and food stamps by now!

What in the hell is wrong with people, have they just lost their goddamn minds? Has one political faction in this country gone completely insane? Because that is how it seems to me, and I don't know why. It's not simply politics, it's mentally disturbing. It's as if the left is poised to take a counter position to rationality in any form. The more off-the-rails the better! And it's not just a handful of nutters, it's the whole entire left wing. It's not just a little bit of stupid, it's complete ignorance of anything approaching common sense reasoning. They don't even bother debating anymore, they just blurt out something sublimely ignorant and start hurling names at republicans and "teabaggers!"

Is this something in the water they're drinking? Hormones in the meat? Have radical Islamists contaminated our food supply? Are they under some kind of hypnotic spell? Minds being controlled by aliens? What in the hell is wrong with people??? :eusa_shifty:
This is pure flame.

Utter nonsense, the entire post.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Nope, everything he said is true, a little exaggerated maybe, but true. You, my little friend, are the flamer.

Roads and bridges are built by state and local governments when there is a need expressed by the people for roads and bridges to be built. THAT is reality. It's counter to reality to expect a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington to know where people need roads and bridges built or fund such ventures in any sort of proportionally fair manner.

Except that it didn't work. World War II came along and Ike found it took 66 days to get an Army Unit from the East Coast to the West Coast using roads that were made by local governments.

So he had the brilliant idea to build a NATIONAL highway system of bridges and roads to link up the country. It made us stronger, more economically competitive and improved our lives.

If Republicans were like Ike, they'd be sane.

The national interstate highway system was, and is, good for the country. Bridges to nowhere (pork bridges) are not. Thats the point.

As to Ike, if he was alive today he would be a charter member of the tea party, so would Jack Kennedy and Harry Truman.

Speculation fallacy, but one that is at least entertainingly wackadoodle. :cuckoo:

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