What in the hell is wrong with people?

Always amazed when USMB Basement dwellers worry so much about the fucking rich.

Joe, a simple question, for what I know is a simple mind; which are you more likely to believe - that which you are told versus that which you can see with your own eyes? For instance, if a sitting president TOLD you one thing, but then signed his name to a document that proved otherwise, which would you believe?

Yawn, ho-hum. Marxist Socialist, let's repeat the tired mantras that got us through the Cold War.

Fact was, we enjoyed our greatest prosperity when the rich were taxed at confiscatory levels. WWII let FDR tax the rich at the proper rate, and we left those rates mostly intact until Reagan. ANd we enjoyed our greatest prosperity during that time.

When we taxed the wealthy at 90%, guess how much income the wealthy earned? They simply hid their wealth in securities and overseas accounts and didn't earn incomes. So it did not matter what rate we set for incomes on the wealthy, they didn't pay income tax. When Reagan lowered the top marginal rates to something reasonable, guess what the fuck started to happen? That's right, the wealthy started using their resources to earn incomes! Whereby, we were able to tax those incomes and GAIN revenue. We encouraged the wealthy to earn incomes and they responded. This brought about nearly 30 years of peacetime prosperity, the likes of which this country had never seen before. Now you want to jack the rates back up, and guess what the fuck is going to happen again? We're going to LOSE revenue!

Now... How do you suppose the wealthy earn incomes? Do they go out and get jobs at McDonalds? Nope... Do they even get mid-level accounting or management jobs? Nope... For the most part, they earn incomes by starting up new businesses with their investment capital that is just sitting there collecting interest. So now, you have these wealthy people pulling their money out of the cobwebs to build new factories, open new offices, create a bunch of new jobs for the average joe. All of this stimulates the economy and causes economic activity that otherwise would not exist. Because we're now causing economic stimulation, more people have money in their pockets to buy stuff, and that in turn creates even MORE jobs and MORE prosperity. More JOBS... where people earn MORE income, which generates MORE tax revenue.

If you jack up the income tax rates of the wealthy, or continue to jack up capital gains tax rates, you will not see a PENNY of their money. You can kiss it goodbye, because they are smart enough to shelter it where you can't get your grubby little liberal hands on it. They will stop earning incomes and stop investing in capital ventures, and you'll be sitting there wondering how the hell to make the economy go again. Your jobs will begin to evaporate, more and more people will be unemployed and dependent on government. This is exactly what your masters want! They seek to destroy free market capitalism, and this is how you collapse it. You serve as the "useful idiots" who enable them to fulfill this objective.
Yawn, ho-hum. Marxist Socialist, let's repeat the tired mantras that got us through the Cold War.

Fact was, we enjoyed our greatest prosperity when the rich were taxed at confiscatory levels. WWII let FDR tax the rich at the proper rate, and we left those rates mostly intact until Reagan. ANd we enjoyed our greatest prosperity during that time.

We enjoyed our greatest prosperity during a multidecade immigration moratorium. Labor scarcity does wonders for raising the share of national income which gets allocated to Labor and away from Capital.

And as Stormfront Retard as that sounds, please feel free to propose that.

But the fact is, unionization and heavy investments in infrastructure were a major part of that, too.
Yawn, ho-hum. Marxist Socialist, let's repeat the tired mantras that got us through the Cold War.

Fact was, we enjoyed our greatest prosperity when the rich were taxed at confiscatory levels. WWII let FDR tax the rich at the proper rate, and we left those rates mostly intact until Reagan. ANd we enjoyed our greatest prosperity during that time.

When we taxed the wealthy at 90%, guess how much income the wealthy earned? They simply hid their wealth in securities and overseas accounts and didn't earn incomes. So it did not matter what rate we set for incomes on the wealthy, they didn't pay income tax. When Reagan lowered the top marginal rates to something reasonable, guess what the fuck started to happen? That's right, the wealthy started using their resources to earn incomes! Whereby, we were able to tax those incomes and GAIN revenue. We encouraged the wealthy to earn incomes and they responded. This brought about nearly 30 years of peacetime prosperity, the likes of which this country had never seen before. Now you want to jack the rates back up, and guess what the fuck is going to happen again? We're going to LOSE revenue!

Uh, guy, no, he didn't. Reagan bought into what his Vice-President rightfully called "Voodoo Economics", and we didn't get prosperity. What we did get was a tripling of the national debt.

Reagan raised taxes under the guise of "Tax Reform", shifted too much of the tax burden onto the working class. Then the economy crashed and BUsh-41 raised taxes after he promised he wouldn't. Then Clinton unapologetically raised taxes on the rich, and we were all better off for it. We had prosperity, we had balanced budgets.

Then that fucking retard Bush cut taxes on the rich again, and the economy pretty much crashed and burned.

Trickle down is a joke. Seriously fuck the rich. They run to another country, send Seal Team Six to hunt their asses down.
yea when the rate was 90% UNANIMOUSLY ppl committed tax fraud and hid their incomes and then went ahead and TOLD everyone they were doing it such that "Boss" could know for certain that that's what EVERY rich person was doing.

uh huh
Yawn, ho-hum. Marxist Socialist, let's repeat the tired mantras that got us through the Cold War.

Fact was, we enjoyed our greatest prosperity when the rich were taxed at confiscatory levels. WWII let FDR tax the rich at the proper rate, and we left those rates mostly intact until Reagan. ANd we enjoyed our greatest prosperity during that time.

We enjoyed our greatest prosperity during a multidecade immigration moratorium. Labor scarcity does wonders for raising the share of national income which gets allocated to Labor and away from Capital.

And as Stormfront Retard as that sounds, please feel free to propose that.

But the fact is, unionization and heavy investments in infrastructure were a major part of that, too.

You are just flat out WRONG. Runaway union thuggery has completely obliterated the manufacturing sector jobs in America. Go take a walk through Detroit sometime... but be sure to carry your firearm.

Infrastructure... even IF we had the money to blow on it, does not produce one iota of economic prosperity. It temporarily provides a handful of jobs that go away as soon as the project is finished, and that's ALL the economic boost you get from such a venture. It's like if you are a family in debt up to your eyeballs, deciding that in order to deal with all your past due bills and debt is to build a completely new home! Yeah... that's it, because the new home would be more energy efficient, saving money on utility bills, and it would be larger than the old home so you could rent out a room! And all the bill collectors could clearly see that you are in the middle of building this new home, so they would better understand you not paying your bills! And hey, we can refinance our old home to pay for the cost of the new home, and when the mortage is due, we'll buy a new car! Yeah.. that's it... a new car!

You are an economic ILLITERATE! A liberal union HACK who is responsible for all our problems, and your solution is to do more of what got us into this situation to begin with!
We enjoyed our greatest prosperity during a multidecade immigration moratorium. Labor scarcity does wonders for raising the share of national income which gets allocated to Labor and away from Capital.

And as Stormfront Retard as that sounds, please feel free to propose that.

But the fact is, unionization and heavy investments in infrastructure were a major part of that, too.

You are just flat out WRONG. Runaway union thuggery has completely obliterated the manufacturing sector jobs in America. Go take a walk through Detroit sometime... but be sure to carry your firearm.

Infrastructure... even IF we had the money to blow on it, does not produce one iota of economic prosperity. It temporarily provides a handful of jobs that go away as soon as the project is finished, and that's ALL the economic boost you get from such a venture. It's like if you are a family in debt up to your eyeballs, deciding that in order to deal with all your past due bills and debt is to build a completely new home! Yeah... that's it, because the new home would be more energy efficient, saving money on utility bills, and it would be larger than the old home so you could rent out a room! And all the bill collectors could clearly see that you are in the middle of building this new home, so they would better understand you not paying your bills! And hey, we can refinance our old home to pay for the cost of the new home, and when the mortage is due, we'll buy a new car! Yeah.. that's it... a new car!

You are an economic ILLITERATE! A liberal union HACK who is responsible for all our problems, and your solution is to do more of what got us into this situation to begin with!

Infrastructure doesn't create economic prosperity?


Tell that to the entire system of shipping goods across the Country, i.e. the backbone of this economy in GENERAL.
yea when the rate was 90% UNANIMOUSLY ppl committed tax fraud and hid their incomes and then went ahead and TOLD everyone they were doing it such that "Boss" could know for certain that that's what EVERY rich person was doing.

uh huh

I didn't say people committed tax fraud. The only people who do that and get away with it are Democrats like Charlie Rangel. The top marginal income tax rate applies to earned income taxes. It does not apply to dividends from security investments and bonds which are tax deferred. It does not apply to foreign holdings.

No one told Boss a damn thing, Boss is able to read the public record issued by the IRS showing where tax revenues come from in any given year. The amount of income tax revenue received when the rate was 90% is miniscule, nearly non-existent.

You are just flat out WRONG. Runaway union thuggery has completely obliterated the manufacturing sector jobs in America. Go take a walk through Detroit sometime... but be sure to carry your firearm.

Here's the problem with that argument. That argument would work if Detroit was defeated by scab factories led by managers with a copy of Atlas Shrugged tucked under their arms.

they weren't.

They were defeated by Japanese and German automakers who arose from the ashes of World War II. These manufacturers followed the guidence of New Dealers sent in after the war on how to set up their economies. Their automakers are unionized, and the unions in Germany have work council that have to approve every change in process and procedure. The unions in Japan have a say in who sits on the board of directors.

These countries have socialized medicine which means, unlike GM, they aren't spending more on health care than steel. They have governments that actively support export and offer protections from cheap imports.

"But, but, Joe, these companies have non-union shops in the South that run cheaper than the UAW plants in the North!"

Yes, they do. But a couple points on this.

These are only final assembly plants. And they only opened them after Reagan put limits on how much they could export when he caught the Japanese "Dumping" cars in the US in the 1980s.

They also have to pay equivlent salaries to what the UAW pays. What they don't have are thousands of retirees to take care of.
yea when the rate was 90% UNANIMOUSLY ppl committed tax fraud and hid their incomes and then went ahead and TOLD everyone they were doing it such that "Boss" could know for certain that that's what EVERY rich person was doing.

uh huh

I didn't say people committed tax fraud. The only people who do that and get away with it are Democrats like Charlie Rangel. The top marginal income tax rate applies to earned income taxes. It does not apply to dividends from security investments and bonds which are tax deferred. It does not apply to foreign holdings.

No one told Boss a damn thing, Boss is able to read the public record issued by the IRS showing where tax revenues come from in any given year. The amount of income tax revenue received when the rate was 90% is miniscule, nearly non-existent.

kay show us those inflation adjusted tax revenues versus the Reagan years, mmkay?
Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind. At first, I thought it was just a simple difference in ideology, which is normally a good thing in political discourse, you need another side to certain arguments, it is a healthy thing for society to have contrasting viewpoints.

I started noticing during the Bush years, the rhetoric from the left became more shrill and harsh, the resentfulness and hostility was thick, and I chalked it all up to Bush just not being their cup of tea. Many on the left were still angry over what happened to Clinton, so I figured okay, turn about is fair play, Bush is going to be the scapegoat for all this angst. And of course, they railed on Bush and are still railing on Bush, but this goes even deeper.

It has now become outright ridiculous. Almost 6 years into the Obama presidency, and arguably the worst performance of a president in modern history with one failure on top of another as far as they eye can see. Scandals unfolding on a daily basis, and not just little meaningless ones, really big ones... impeachable ones, as a matter of fact. The economy is still in the crapper, jobs are still virtually non-existent, despite all the fluff and propaganda being fed to us daily. But still, I can rationalize that left-wing liberals are still standing by their guy because that's who brought them to the dance. Fair enough, Bush had avid supporters who loved everything he did and still do. This goes deeper.

We can go through a host of issues, it doesn't really matter what they are... Illegal immigration, voter IDs, gay marriage, global warming... whatever it is, the left has their talking points ready and are prepared to do battle. But it's not just these issues, it's the level at which they absolutely refuse to acknowledge any other viewpoint and just automatically reject anything the right has to say... on ANYTHING. Doesn't matter! If the political right came out tomorrow in favor of fuzzy puppies and fluffy kittens, the left would launch an anti-fuzzy puppy and fluffy kitten campaign, charging that the right were racist bigots who were out of touch with mainstream Americans.

I realized the level at which this has reached today, as I was discussing the Israeli mobilization on Gaza with a liberal friend. He says... "What right does Israel have to exist?" Now, this person has always been liberal, but I've always respected the arguments they made and felt like they articulated some valid points, even when I didn't agree with them. But this just blew me away. I couldn't believe he said that. Then I notice that he and several other liberals were posting all these videos put out by Al Jazeera, showing the civilian casualties and whatnot.

Then I come here and there is a debate about voter ID and some liberal is saying "you just don't want the poor to vote!" Like the poor are somehow suddenly unable to show identification to prove who they are, even though they must've shown ID to get food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, AFDC, EIC, and all other government subsidies. In another thread, some liberal is whining about the greedy corporations getting rich off the bailouts and stimulus that OBAMA DEMANDED!

All over my facebook, there are my liberal friends posting cartoons which depict the Mayflower arriving to the shores of America and the Native American's watching... the meme is about how they look like "illegal immigrants" to them! Each day, I see images of literally thousands of illegals climbing the fences into America and nothing being done to stop it... in fact, we're sending them aid! Hell, they're probably getting Obama phones and food stamps by now!

What in the hell is wrong with people, have they just lost their goddamn minds? Has one political faction in this country gone completely insane? Because that is how it seems to me, and I don't know why. It's not simply politics, it's mentally disturbing. It's as if the left is poised to take a counter position to rationality in any form. The more off-the-rails the better! And it's not just a handful of nutters, it's the whole entire left wing. It's not just a little bit of stupid, it's complete ignorance of anything approaching common sense reasoning. They don't even bother debating anymore, they just blurt out something sublimely ignorant and start hurling names at republicans and "teabaggers!"

Is this something in the water they're drinking? Hormones in the meat? Have radical Islamists contaminated our food supply? Are they under some kind of hypnotic spell? Minds being controlled by aliens? What in the hell is wrong with people??? :eusa_shifty:

Thank you for a completely partisan diatribe

"At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. "
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Infrastructure doesn't create economic prosperity?


Tell that to the entire system of shipping goods across the Country, i.e. the backbone of this economy in GENERAL.

What the fuck are you even yammering about, idiot? Things being shipped across the country are happening as a result of private free market capitalism, not the goddamn infrastructure!

We've already built an interstate highway system, it already exists! We don't need another one! We can't afford to pay for another redundant interstate system, moron! And even IF we could, it wouldn't mean one new dime of economic prosperity.

In the most recent "economic recovery stimulus" package, Obama was given $80 billion for "infrastructure projects" and he couldn't find any shovel ready jobs! Now a LOT of that money ended up going to Solyndra for "green jobs" but the cronies at Solyndra got rich and filed bankruptcy... so there was your infrastructure funding! Gone! *POOF* And here you are like the idiot moron liberal you are, pleading for MORE MONEY! Not only are you fuckers INSANE, you must think the rest of us are as well!
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Yawn, ho-hum. Marxist Socialist, let's repeat the tired mantras that got us through the Cold War.

Fact was, we enjoyed our greatest prosperity when the rich were taxed at confiscatory levels. WWII let FDR tax the rich at the proper rate, and we left those rates mostly intact until Reagan. ANd we enjoyed our greatest prosperity during that time.

When we taxed the wealthy at 90%, guess how much income the wealthy earned? They simply hid their wealth in securities and overseas accounts and didn't earn incomes. So it did not matter what rate we set for incomes on the wealthy, they didn't pay income tax. When Reagan lowered the top marginal rates to something reasonable, guess what the fuck started to happen? That's right, the wealthy started using their resources to earn incomes! Whereby, we were able to tax those incomes and GAIN revenue. We encouraged the wealthy to earn incomes and they responded. This brought about nearly 30 years of peacetime prosperity, the likes of which this country had never seen before. Now you want to jack the rates back up, and guess what the fuck is going to happen again? We're going to LOSE revenue!

Uh, guy, no, he didn't. Reagan bought into what his Vice-President rightfully called "Voodoo Economics", and we didn't get prosperity. What we did get was a tripling of the national debt.

Reagan raised taxes under the guise of "Tax Reform", shifted too much of the tax burden onto the working class. Then the economy crashed and BUsh-41 raised taxes after he promised he wouldn't. Then Clinton unapologetically raised taxes on the rich, and we were all better off for it. We had prosperity, we had balanced budgets.

Then that fucking retard Bush cut taxes on the rich again, and the economy pretty much crashed and burned.

Trickle down is a joke. Seriously fuck the rich. They run to another country, send Seal Team Six to hunt their asses down.

FACT: Under Reagan's economic plan, we had the longest period of peacetime prosperity in American history. The economy did NOT crash, it recovered from the Carter Malaise. It continued to thrive even after Bush I betrayed his lips and raised taxes and even after Clinton gave us the largest tax increase in history. Two years later, Clinton lowered taxes because the Gingrich Revolution demanded it.

Now you might think you can confiscate the wealth of American citizens, but you better ammo up if you expect to pull that off, because as long as there is a 4th Amendment, you can't. FUCK YOU!
Infrastructure doesn't create economic prosperity?


Tell that to the entire system of shipping goods across the Country, i.e. the backbone of this economy in GENERAL.

What the fuck are you even yammering about, idiot? Things being shipped across the country are happening as a result of private free market capitalism, not the goddamn infrastructure!

We've already built an interstate highway system, it already exists! We don't need another one! We can't afford to pay for another redundant interstate system, moron! And even IF we could, it wouldn't mean one new dime of economic prosperity.

In the most recent "economic recovery stimulus" package, Obama was given $80 billion for "infrastructure projects" and he couldn't find any shovel ready jobs! Now a LOT of that money ended up going to Solyndra for "green jobs" but the cronies at Solyndra got rich and filed bankruptcy... so there was your infrastructure funding! Gone! *POOF* And here you are like the idiot moron liberal you are, pleading for MORE MONEY! Not only are you fuckers INSANE, you must think the rest of us are as well!

Um, so many fallacies in this argument.

First, the Solyndra loan was approved under the Bush Administration under a totally different program to develop alternative energy, and there was an expectation that about half the companies that got these funds were going fail. It was built into the program.

Second, while we do have a interstate system, a lot of it is crumbling, and some of it is inadequate. For instance, in Chicago, we have five expressways that go into the city- The Kennedy, the Ike, the Stevenson, the Dan Ryan and the Edens. And usually traffic become horribly snarled during Rush hour. Mostly because we have six times as many cars on it than we had in 1960 when they were built.
FACT: Under Reagan's economic plan, we had the longest period of peacetime prosperity in American history. The economy did NOT crash, it recovered from the Carter Malaise. It continued to thrive even after Bush I betrayed his lips and raised taxes and even after Clinton gave us the largest tax increase in history. Two years later, Clinton lowered taxes because the Gingrich Revolution demanded it.

Now you might think you can confiscate the wealth of American citizens, but you better ammo up if you expect to pull that off, because as long as there is a 4th Amendment, you can't. FUCK YOU!

I'm starting to suspect you are in your 20's and regurgitating some Young Republican crap you've heard somewhere.

Here's the reality. The economy got a HELL of a lot worse under Reagan. Unemployment peaked at a whopping 11.3% in 1983. Mostly because Reagan continued Carter's fed policies to keep unemployment rates high in order to get inflation under control. It was a deliberate and intentional attempt to hobble the working class.

Trickle down doesn't.

supply side really is Voodoo Economics. The fine folks in Kansas are just finding that out now.

and heck, has anyone noticed the pace of recovery has picked up now that we finally let the Bush tax giveaways expire?
Infrastructure doesn't create economic prosperity?


Tell that to the entire system of shipping goods across the Country, i.e. the backbone of this economy in GENERAL.

What the fuck are you even yammering about, idiot? Things being shipped across the country are happening as a result of private free market capitalism, not the goddamn infrastructure!

We've already built an interstate highway system, it already exists! We don't need another one! We can't afford to pay for another redundant interstate system, moron! And even IF we could, it wouldn't mean one new dime of economic prosperity.

In the most recent "economic recovery stimulus" package, Obama was given $80 billion for "infrastructure projects" and he couldn't find any shovel ready jobs! Now a LOT of that money ended up going to Solyndra for "green jobs" but the cronies at Solyndra got rich and filed bankruptcy... so there was your infrastructure funding! Gone! *POOF* And here you are like the idiot moron liberal you are, pleading for MORE MONEY! Not only are you fuckers INSANE, you must think the rest of us are as well!

Um, so many fallacies in this argument.

First, the Solyndra loan was approved under the Bush Administration under a totally different program to develop alternative energy, and there was an expectation that about half the companies that got these funds were going fail. It was built into the program.

Second, while we do have a interstate system, a lot of it is crumbling, and some of it is inadequate. For instance, in Chicago, we have five expressways that go into the city- The Kennedy, the Ike, the Stevenson, the Dan Ryan and the Edens. And usually traffic become horribly snarled during Rush hour. Mostly because we have six times as many cars on it than we had in 1960 when they were built.

Yea, I took his meltdown as a concession.

The interstate is a great example he brought up - it brought about economic prosperity in that it allowed businesses to do more and in shorter order.

G'job proving himself wrong here and melting down while doing so.
We've already built an interstate highway system, it already exists! We don't need another one! We can't afford to pay for another redundant interstate system, moron! And even IF we could, it wouldn't mean one new dime of economic prosperity.

Yes, because everyone knows that infrastructure doesn't require any maintenance. None of the people that have almost doubled the population increase since the system was started use the system either. We haven't had to expand it at all.

The stupid is strong with you.
Has one political faction in this country gone completely insane?

Yes, we believe that one side has indeed lost its mind. And if you want to ask for ID, for something as important to this country as voting is, make sure everyone has one first. Cart after the horse, not before. Simple right, if you think about it.

You've somehow gotten things backwards in bizarro world... It's because voting IS important that we MUST require ID. We certainly do require ID for things much less important. We cannot "make sure everyone has one" any more than we can make sure everyone votes. All we can do is make IDs available for those who need them. I venture to guess, most "poor" people already have some form of ID with which they've applied for the various and sundry government benefits available. I don't know of any government benefit that is available without some form of ID. So this insane notion that we're somehow disenfranchising the poor by requiring a simple ID, is flat out bullshit.
There's nothing BS about it. The courts have already found this to be true. Your "guesses" are not good enough and if you want to ask for photo ID, fine, do so, right after you issue one to every eligible voter in the US.

And BTW, voting came long before ID, which makes it more important than ID, which is why you can't be casual about millions of people who would be unable to vote because of these laws. The courts have found that to be true as well...
Infrastructure doesn't create economic prosperity?


Tell that to the entire system of shipping goods across the Country, i.e. the backbone of this economy in GENERAL.

What the fuck are you even yammering about, idiot? Things being shipped across the country are happening as a result of private free market capitalism, not the goddamn infrastructure!

We've already built an interstate highway system, it already exists! We don't need another one! We can't afford to pay for another redundant interstate system, moron! And even IF we could, it wouldn't mean one new dime of economic prosperity.

In the most recent "economic recovery stimulus" package, Obama was given $80 billion for "infrastructure projects" and he couldn't find any shovel ready jobs! Now a LOT of that money ended up going to Solyndra for "green jobs" but the cronies at Solyndra got rich and filed bankruptcy... so there was your infrastructure funding! Gone! *POOF* And here you are like the idiot moron liberal you are, pleading for MORE MONEY! Not only are you fuckers INSANE, you must think the rest of us are as well!

Um, so many fallacies in this argument.

First, the Solyndra loan was approved under the Bush Administration under a totally different program to develop alternative energy, and there was an expectation that about half the companies that got these funds were going fail. It was built into the program.

Second, while we do have a interstate system, a lot of it is crumbling, and some of it is inadequate. For instance, in Chicago, we have five expressways that go into the city- The Kennedy, the Ike, the Stevenson, the Dan Ryan and the Edens. And usually traffic become horribly snarled during Rush hour. Mostly because we have six times as many cars on it than we had in 1960 when they were built.

No, Solyndra is OBAMA's botched abortion baby, not Bush's! And NO, we did not spend billions of dollars with the expectation that half of it would be wasted on companies that would go tits up, and IF we did, everyone who voted for such a foolish endeavor needs to be kicked so far out of office they won't know where the hell they landed. That is about the boldest apologist rhetoric I've ever heard!

As for your traffic problems in Chicago, I really don't give a good fuck, it's not MY problem! Why do you think that you are entitled to MY tax dollars to fix your fucked up highways? In MY state, whenever we have a traffic problem, our state legislature votes to appropriate state funds to fix it, and if it's an Interstate, they apply through appropriate channels to the US DOT for partial federal funding. That's always been how those things are done, and there is no reason it can't be done in Chicago. Why didn't Senator Community Organizer fix your goddamn highways when he was there? Was he too busy fundraising and golfing then too???

Here's an illustration of just how fucked in the head you people have become... you think we have all this money piled up in Washington just waiting to fund whatever the hell your idiot heads can dream up to blow it on! We're fucking BROKE! We are $17.5 trillion in debt and rising! This year, we'll have to BORROW another $1.7 trillion just to keep the lights on! Now, it would be one thing if you were requesting we spend more money on treating disabled veterans who are literally dying in their wheelchairs waiting to see a doctor... but you're idiot ass is here lobbying for money to fix your goddamn highways because of rush hour traffic!

:cuckoo: Liberal fucktards!

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