What in the hell is wrong with people?

Liberal's have a need to hate the United States.

-- Like that, perfect example. QED.

By the way, Liberals invented the United States. And it is Liberals, not "Liberal is". Learn the English language.

By the other way, still waiting for your answer on that racism question. Four days later you're still running away.

The founders of this nation were NOT liberals, as we know liberals today. Continuing to post that lie does not make it magically become true.

Try to deny it all you like from the comfort of the Bubble :lalala: but...

>> Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the notions, common at the time, of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property[7] and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.

The revolutionaries of the Glorious Revolution, American Revolution, segments of the French Revolution, and other liberal revolutionaries from that time used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of what they saw as tyrannical rule. << (Liberalism Wiki)​

Countdown to the usual revisionista diaper rash that "oh no, that's "classical" Liberalism, we've changed the definition because it was inconvenient" in 5.... 4.... 3....

B-but but... that touchdown didn't count!! Waah! :eusa_boohoo:

Face it Boss. Mittens is a lifelong Republican who did the same thing to Massachusetts that O'bama did to the country. It was a stupid idea then and it's the same stupid idea now. So yes, what Governor Romney (R) did, regardless what state he was governor of, does indeed have to do with Republicans. By definition.

Drunken rambling rant in the wee hours of the morning: 17 minutes. Jumping to specious reasoning and wild generalizations as argument: 3.3 nanoseconds.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Face what? That Mittens is a lifelong Republican in the most Liberal state in America? That Romneycare is as an abysmal failure as Obamacare? That moderate establishment Republicans thought Romney was the ideal candidate? Hey, I have no problem facing those things. I can even accept Romney's rationale, that Romneycare was a state initiative at the state level, and not nationalized health care. But Mitt Romney hardly defines the GOP.

Now, I can't speak for all conservatives, but I don't think most of them have a problem with a state using it's own resources to shore up statewide health care, especially if the voters pass such initiatives at the ballot box. I actually think that should be encouraged more. My main problem is with a centralized federal bureaucracy in DC making determinations regarding the health and wellbeing of me and my family. Mandating that I must purchase products that I may not wish to own and punishing me punitively if I don't comply.

Yeah, we had problems with our healthcare system, Obamacare didn't fix any of them.

You're either ignorant or a liar.

The ACA doesn't 'mandate' anything &#8211; you and anyone else are at liberty to go without health insurance. The ACA contains no provisions to subject those with no health insurance to criminal prosecution or penalties.

And the problem with a state using its own resources to shore up statewide healthcare is that many states can't or won't, they either lack the resources to ensure all residents have coverage or refuse to do so for purely partisan reasons, such as the states that refused to take advantage of Medicaid expansion.

It's perfectly appropriate and Constitutional for the National government to seek to provide as many Americans as possible access to affordable healthcare, including citizens who live in poor states with republican members of state government more interested in playing partisan politics than helping the people of their state.

The Requirement to Buy Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act

Along with changes to the health insurance system that guarantee access to coverage to everyone regardless of pre-existing health conditions, the Affordable Care Act includes a requirement that many people be insured or pay a penalty. This simple flowchart illustrates how that requirement (sometimes known as an &#8220;individual mandate&#8221;) works.


I am voting for ignorant!! ... That would be for C_Clayton to be ignorant that is, just want to be clear!!
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Say Pogo,

While Rock laid out the straight scoop and avatar has shed some light on the problem in both rational and logically stated post.

You on the other hand have continued to call names, belittle and try your best to dehumanize others, while it is clearly evident that you have comprehension issues, you have done nothing but continued to prove him right and strengthen his case for him. He simply needs to sit back and let your rant to prove his point.
Your mind is closed to anything like reality. And you obviously haven't read the court cases. Carry on.

Personally I like to do things in order. When I think it's important to ask for photo ID, and I know people don't always have one because it's not required here or issued to everyone like in other western nations, even Mexico, I don't pass a law or if I do, I know that lots of people won't be able to use their right, which will be the intent of the law, keeping them from voting. You think this is about fraud, but it isn't. As long as you reject reality no one can help you.

I don't give a damn about "court cases" when it comes to the integrity of the democratic process. I'm going to tell you like it is, this problem will be rectified or we'll take up arms in protest. This is not acceptable and not negotiable. I want a system that ensures integrity of the vote, that means EVERY vote that is legitimate is counted and IS NOT offset by a fraudulent vote being cast by someone illegitimate. If you are going to obstruct this, you best be buying up your ammo, motherfucker, because it's about to get REAL!


Ah, Boss. I see you've gone on to the internet tough guy routine.
Liberal's have a need to hate the United States.

-- Like that, perfect example. QED.

By the way, Liberals invented the United States. And it is Liberals, not "Liberal is". Learn the English language.

By the other way, still waiting for your answer on that racism question. Four days later you're still running away.

The founders of this nation were NOT liberals, as we know liberals today. Continuing to post that lie does not make it magically become true.
You don't know Liberals today, you just parrot what you've been told, and Liberals today are 230 years smarter than those who founded the place so we've made some updates, as they would have expected us to do so. Liberals founded the nation and it's still a liberal nation.

Try asking next time, instead of telling.
Your mind is closed to anything like reality. And you obviously haven't read the court cases. Carry on.

Personally I like to do things in order. When I think it's important to ask for photo ID, and I know people don't always have one because it's not required here or issued to everyone like in other western nations, even Mexico, I don't pass a law or if I do, I know that lots of people won't be able to use their right, which will be the intent of the law, keeping them from voting. You think this is about fraud, but it isn't. As long as you reject reality no one can help you.

I don't give a damn about "court cases" when it comes to the integrity of the democratic process. I'm going to tell you like it is, this problem will be rectified or we'll take up arms in protest. This is not acceptable and not negotiable. I want a system that ensures integrity of the vote, that means EVERY vote that is legitimate is counted and IS NOT offset by a fraudulent vote being cast by someone illegitimate. If you are going to obstruct this, you best be buying up your ammo, motherfucker, because it's about to get REAL!

You're actually threatening the entire country with violence over a cheap political talking point?

Ah, life in the land of the unhinged.... :cuckoo:

An invalid and nonrepresentational election process is a cheap talking-point?

Guess they feel the same in Communist China too. North Korea perhaps?

Keep pushing your agenda down the people's throats and you'll soon find out why liberals hate private gun ownership.
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-- Like that, perfect example. QED.

By the way, Liberals invented the United States. And it is Liberals, not "Liberal is". Learn the English language.

By the other way, still waiting for your answer on that racism question. Four days later you're still running away.

The founders of this nation were NOT liberals, as we know liberals today. Continuing to post that lie does not make it magically become true.
You don't know Liberals today, you just parrot what you've been told, and Liberals today are 230 years smarter than those who founded the place so we've made some updates, as they would have expected us to do so. Liberals founded the nation and it's still a liberal nation.

Try asking next time, instead of telling.

Sorry Liberals, America Was (Also) Founded As A Religious Nation
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It&#8217;s the Fourth of July!

Happy Birthday, America!

Yay freedom!

Also, especially given the latest goings-on, it&#8217;s time to remind you, America, between your liberalism and your bad religion, that you were founded as a religious and a Christian nation.

There&#8217;s a lot of confusion about this, on both sides, so it&#8217;s important to get things right.

On the progressive side, the following things are true: (a) yes, many of the Founding Fathers were not Christian, or not strongly religious; many of them were Deists or Unitarians; there is even some controversy over whether George Washington had a religion; (b) yes, the Founding Fathers built an explicitly secular government and structure for the state, based also on Enlightenment values. It&#8217;s important for conservatives to remember that America was never intended to be a theocracy or even a sorta-theocracy.

With that being said&#8230;

The problem is that from these few facts progressives get a great very many things wrong.

You see, if there&#8217;s anything the Founding Fathers understood&#8211;and that too many progressives seem to have a harder time getting a grasp on&#8211;it&#8217;s the difference between the state and the society. And another difference they too rarely seem to grasp is the difference between a government explicitly affiliated with a religious tradition and a government animated by values drawn from this religious tradition.

The argument was never that America had or ought to have a religious government, it&#8217;s that it was founded as a religious nation. The nation includes the government (at its various levels), but also the society. And this is indisputably true.

Because there is one inescapable fact: at the time of the American founding, the reason why so many Englishmen had come to settle in the United States was for religious reasons. They were Puritans and other sorts of radical Christians whose religion had been oppressed in Britain and who came to the United States to practice their religion in peace.

It is this crucial fact that gave the wonderful balance that gave rise to America: because so many Americans were fervently Christian, the Nation would have a Christian culture and society; but because they had seen their religious freedom oppressed, and because they were so many denominations, the government would be neutral with regard to institutional forms of Christianity and with regard to specific denominations. It was seen as self-evident than in a country where most people were Christians, their democratic representatives would govern according to Christian values.

Hence the Establishment Clause, which says absolutely nothing about Christian values in government, but says everything about the English experience and the experience of some states in the United States: the belief by the new Americans that having an established religion is wrong, not so much to protect the government but rather to protect religion.

Even the non-Christians among the Founders knew this. The Founders were nothing if not steeped in the Enlightenment and its rationalism, but they also understood the importance of Christian values in animating society and government. A great example of this is the famous &#8220;Jefferson Bible&#8220;, which Jefferson built by literally cutting out the miraculous elements of the Bible, but keeping the ethical teaching. In other words, even as Jefferson rejected the core of Christianity as it had been understood for 17 centuries&#8211;the divinity of Jesus, and his atoning death and bodily resurrection&#8211;he recognized that the ethics of Christianity were still vital to a sound moral order and a sound life. (And yes, one can&#8217;t help but wonder if he had accepted everything about Christianity, how his behavior in re: slavery would have been different.)

And of course, it is no coincidence that the Founders proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence that the reason why people had human rights was because they were so endowed by their Creator. (Even as they said nothing about the precise identity of this Creator, to protect religious pluralism.)

In short, it is totally correct to say that America was founded, yes, with a &#8220;secular&#8221; government, but as a religious Nation.

This is something that the greatest analyst of America, Alexis de Tocqueville, plainly recognized. He thought religion was absolutely vital to the American experiment. Here&#8217;s how he saw it: if you have a society where there is great freedom and great equality of rights, people will never stop competing with each other and comparing each other to each other; the successful will want to lord it over the less-successful, and the less-successful will resent the more successful, and political battles will become extremely polarized (sound familiar?); only with a robust Christianity can America avoid such an outcome, because then people&#8217;s attentions will be drawn away from each other and towards God. It is a crucial part of the mix, as crucial as the Bill of Rights and pluralism.

You may loathe the idea of a &#8220;religious Nation&#8221; and that&#8217;s fine. To say that a country&#8217;s culture and society is religious is not to say it has to be sectarian or theocratic. But I would just say this: the system we were bequeathed was designed to work with this element as a crucial part of the mix. Is it any wonder that our system of government has become wonky in the past decades? It&#8217;s the elephant in the room.

Regardless of your views about what we should do today, it&#8217;s nonetheless the case that this is how America was originally designed and envisioned.

Happy Fourth of July!

&#8230;and God bless America.

I don't ask shit, I tell people the fucking facts as verifiable by sanctioned internet content!!
You should give a damn, that's what the courts are trying to protect, the right of the people to vote.

And spare us your Big Patriot on the Internet drama queen act. We've heard it all before.

Hey crack pipe.... How the hell are they upholding the right for YOU to vote if I can vote twice? Three times? Four times? If I can vote for my dead grandmother?

What YOU are trying to protect (not a court) is YOUR right to throw elections and install your liberal totalitarians into power, like some 3rd-world shithole.

What REALLY takes the cake here is how you're all on the Court bandwagon for this.. oh yeah... COURTS are the deciders! The COURT has spoken! Yet when the COURT speaks in the case of Hobby Lobby or Citizens United..... aww Hell No! Can't have that! Gotta do something to overturn the COURT! This is how you people operate... total and complete disregard for anything other than marching in lockstep toward your liberal totalitarian agenda! Lawlessness, unconstitutional, cheating and disenfranchising, doesn't matter... ALL that matters is to keep moving toward totalitarianism.

Your mind is closed to anything like reality. And you obviously haven't read the court cases. Carry on.

Personally I like to do things in order. When I think it's important to ask for photo ID, and I know people don't always have one because it's not required here or issued to everyone like in other western nations, even Mexico, I don't pass a law or if I do, I know that lots of people won't be able to use their right, which will be the intent of the law, keeping them from voting. You think this is about fraud, but it isn't. As long as you reject reality no one can help you.

I don't give a damn about "court cases" when it comes to the integrity of the democratic process. I'm going to tell you like it is, this problem will be rectified or we'll take up arms in protest. This is not acceptable and not negotiable. I want a system that ensures integrity of the vote, that means EVERY vote that is legitimate is counted and IS NOT offset by a fraudulent vote being cast by someone illegitimate. If you are going to obstruct this, you best be buying up your ammo, motherfucker, because it's about to get REAL!

You're actually threatening the entire country with violence over a cheap political talking point?

Ah, life in the land of the unhinged.... :cuckoo:

Let me make it clear, I am not THREATENING anything. I am telling you that IF the integrity of our election process is compromised and you obstruct it from being legitimized, you can bet your ass there is about to be a Revolution.

If this is a cheap political talking point to you, I suggest you snap out of it in a hurry. I assure you, the vast majority of America will pick up arms so fast your goofy head will spin, and we WILL successfully defend democracy.
I don't give a damn about "court cases" when it comes to the integrity of the democratic process. I'm going to tell you like it is, this problem will be rectified or we'll take up arms in protest. This is not acceptable and not negotiable. I want a system that ensures integrity of the vote, that means EVERY vote that is legitimate is counted and IS NOT offset by a fraudulent vote being cast by someone illegitimate. If you are going to obstruct this, you best be buying up your ammo, motherfucker, because it's about to get REAL!

You're actually threatening the entire country with violence over a cheap political talking point?

Ah, life in the land of the unhinged.... :cuckoo:

Let me make it clear, I am not THREATENING anything. I am telling you that IF the integrity of our election process is compromised and you obstruct it from being legitimized, you can bet your ass there is about to be a Revolution.

If this is a cheap political talking point to you, I suggest you snap out of it in a hurry. I assure you, the vast majority of America will pick up arms so fast your goofy head will spin, and we WILL successfully defend democracy.

It's all about voter fraud. Urban Democrats do not want anybody to monitor the process in those districts.
You should give a damn, that's what the courts are trying to protect, the right of the people to vote.

And spare us your Big Patriot on the Internet drama queen act. We've heard it all before.

Hey crack pipe.... How the hell are they upholding the right for YOU to vote if I can vote twice? Three times? Four times? If I can vote for my dead grandmother?

What YOU are trying to protect (not a court) is YOUR right to throw elections and install your liberal totalitarians into power, like some 3rd-world shithole.

What REALLY takes the cake here is how you're all on the Court bandwagon for this.. oh yeah... COURTS are the deciders! The COURT has spoken! Yet when the COURT speaks in the case of Hobby Lobby or Citizens United..... aww Hell No! Can't have that! Gotta do something to overturn the COURT! This is how you people operate... total and complete disregard for anything other than marching in lockstep toward your liberal totalitarian agenda! Lawlessness, unconstitutional, cheating and disenfranchising, doesn't matter... ALL that matters is to keep moving toward totalitarianism.

Insane is believing that we have a voter fraud problem, when we don't. Insane is thinking that it's okay to demand photo ID from people who don't have it, and aren't required to, and then deny them their right to vote. Insane is ignoring the politics around voter ID laws and the courts decisions on such matters. Insane little friend, is you who are unable to be, so far, rational about this issue.

Start here: http://www.propublica.org/article/everything-youve-ever-wanted-to-know-about-voter-id-laws

And get rational about it.
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I don't give a damn about "court cases" when it comes to the integrity of the democratic process. I'm going to tell you like it is, this problem will be rectified or we'll take up arms in protest. This is not acceptable and not negotiable. I want a system that ensures integrity of the vote, that means EVERY vote that is legitimate is counted and IS NOT offset by a fraudulent vote being cast by someone illegitimate. If you are going to obstruct this, you best be buying up your ammo, motherfucker, because it's about to get REAL!

You're actually threatening the entire country with violence over a cheap political talking point?

Ah, life in the land of the unhinged.... :cuckoo:

Let me make it clear, I am not THREATENING anything. I am telling you that IF the integrity of our election process is compromised and you obstruct it from being legitimized, you can bet your ass there is about to be a Revolution.

If this is a cheap political talking point to you, I suggest you snap out of it in a hurry. I assure you, the vast majority of America will pick up arms so fast your goofy head will spin, and we WILL successfully defend democracy.

shaddup cornball
The OP is hilarious because if you replace "liberal" with "conservative and "Bush" with "Obama" I think most Democrats would agree with his post.

If you think there is nothing going on in America but the members of two opposite sides of the same coin pointing fingers at each other then you are part of the problem.

OP is right.

One side is most at fault in this and that is the fault of the Left.

You leftists have always been the way you are but you ratcheted this shit up until it pegged the meter.

And the solution rests with you Leftists and changes that have been made by the Left caused these problems and changes on the Left are what's required to fix these problems.


[ TITLE: 11pm, JULY 25th 1967 ]

PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON: Law and order have broken down in Detroit, Michigan. Pillage, looting, murder…

VO: Only a few years before, President Johnson had promised policies that would create a new and a better world in America. He had called it "the Great Society."

[ TITLE: President LYNDON JOHNSON, 1964 ]

JOHNSON: The Great Society is in place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind. It is a place where the City of Man…

VO: But now, in the wake of some of the worst riots ever seen in America, that dream seemed to have ended in violence and hatred. One prominent liberal journalist called Irving Kristol began to question whether it might actually be the policies themselves that were causing social breakdown.

IRVING KRISTOL: If you had asked any liberal in 1960, we are going to pass these laws, these laws, these laws, and these laws, mentioning all the laws that in fact were passed in the 1960s and ‘70s, would you say crime will go up, drug addiction will go up, illegitimacy will go up, or will they get down?

Obviously, everyone would have said, they will get down.

And everyone would have been wrong.

Now, that's not something that the liberals have been able to face up to. They've had their reforms, and they have led to consequences that they did not expect and they don't know what to do about.

Power of Nightmares

When you are confronted by Liberals who want to assert that the Right is just as flawed and just as much to blame for this country's ills, don't believe it.

Liberalism is fucked up and will spell our doom.

And the Left just wants MORE Progressivism!

They will have to find out the hard way that they are innocent villains.
You're actually threatening the entire country with violence over a cheap political talking point?

Ah, life in the land of the unhinged.... :cuckoo:

Let me make it clear, I am not THREATENING anything. I am telling you that IF the integrity of our election process is compromised and you obstruct it from being legitimized, you can bet your ass there is about to be a Revolution.

If this is a cheap political talking point to you, I suggest you snap out of it in a hurry. I assure you, the vast majority of America will pick up arms so fast your goofy head will spin, and we WILL successfully defend democracy.

shaddup cornball

He's right.

You shaddup.
You should give a damn, that's what the courts are trying to protect, the right of the people to vote.

And spare us your Big Patriot on the Internet drama queen act. We've heard it all before.

Hey crack pipe.... How the hell are they upholding the right for YOU to vote if I can vote twice? Three times? Four times? If I can vote for my dead grandmother?

What YOU are trying to protect (not a court) is YOUR right to throw elections and install your liberal totalitarians into power, like some 3rd-world shithole.

What REALLY takes the cake here is how you're all on the Court bandwagon for this.. oh yeah... COURTS are the deciders! The COURT has spoken! Yet when the COURT speaks in the case of Hobby Lobby or Citizens United..... aww Hell No! Can't have that! Gotta do something to overturn the COURT! This is how you people operate... total and complete disregard for anything other than marching in lockstep toward your liberal totalitarian agenda! Lawlessness, unconstitutional, cheating and disenfranchising, doesn't matter... ALL that matters is to keep moving toward totalitarianism.

Insane is believing that we have a voter fraud problem, when we don't. Insane is thinking that it's okay to demand photo ID from people who don't have it, and aren't required to, and then deny them their right to vote. Insane is ignoring the politics around voter ID laws and the courts decisions on such matters. Insane little friend, is you who are unable to be, so far, rational about this issue.

Start here: http://www.propublica.org/article/everything-youve-ever-wanted-to-know-about-voter-id-laws

And get rational about it.

Hey PantyHose, under which big rock will you scurry when America returns to its senses and you'll discover you have no place to belong?
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Hey crack pipe.... How the hell are they upholding the right for YOU to vote if I can vote twice? Three times? Four times? If I can vote for my dead grandmother?

What YOU are trying to protect (not a court) is YOUR right to throw elections and install your liberal totalitarians into power, like some 3rd-world shithole.

What REALLY takes the cake here is how you're all on the Court bandwagon for this.. oh yeah... COURTS are the deciders! The COURT has spoken! Yet when the COURT speaks in the case of Hobby Lobby or Citizens United..... aww Hell No! Can't have that! Gotta do something to overturn the COURT! This is how you people operate... total and complete disregard for anything other than marching in lockstep toward your liberal totalitarian agenda! Lawlessness, unconstitutional, cheating and disenfranchising, doesn't matter... ALL that matters is to keep moving toward totalitarianism.

Insane is believing that we have a voter fraud problem, when we don't. Insane is thinking that it's okay to demand photo ID from people who don't have it, and aren't required to, and then deny them their right to vote. Insane is ignoring the politics around voter ID laws and the courts decisions on such matters. Insane little friend, is you who are unable to be, so far, rational about this issue.

Start here: http://www.propublica.org/article/everything-youve-ever-wanted-to-know-about-voter-id-laws

And get rational about it.

Hey PantyHose, under which big rock will you scurry when America returns to its senses and you'll discover you have no place to belong?
It's my country, my kind founded it, and it continues on being a liberal nation. You're the one who needs to started packing, before the rabid married secular gays attack your house en mass, and redecorate...
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I don't give a damn about "court cases" when it comes to the integrity of the democratic process. I'm going to tell you like it is, this problem will be rectified or we'll take up arms in protest. This is not acceptable and not negotiable. I want a system that ensures integrity of the vote, that means EVERY vote that is legitimate is counted and IS NOT offset by a fraudulent vote being cast by someone illegitimate. If you are going to obstruct this, you best be buying up your ammo, motherfucker, because it's about to get REAL!

You're actually threatening the entire country with violence over a cheap political talking point?

Ah, life in the land of the unhinged.... :cuckoo:

Let me make it clear, I am not THREATENING anything. I am telling you that IF the integrity of our election process is compromised and you obstruct it from being legitimized, you can bet your ass there is about to be a Revolution.

If this is a cheap political talking point to you, I suggest you snap out of it in a hurry. I assure you, the vast majority of America will pick up arms so fast your goofy head will spin, and we WILL successfully defend democracy.

I see. So you're threatening violence from "everybody else" while you sit and watch with an ice cream. Cool. That'll save some work. :cool:

Btw the voting process is already "legitimized" by the Constitution.
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You're actually threatening the entire country with violence over a cheap political talking point?

Ah, life in the land of the unhinged.... :cuckoo:

Let me make it clear, I am not THREATENING anything. I am telling you that IF the integrity of our election process is compromised and you obstruct it from being legitimized, you can bet your ass there is about to be a Revolution.

If this is a cheap political talking point to you, I suggest you snap out of it in a hurry. I assure you, the vast majority of America will pick up arms so fast your goofy head will spin, and we WILL successfully defend democracy.

I see. So you're threatening violence from "everybody else" while you sit and watch with an ice cream. Cool. That'll save some work. :cool:

Btw the voting process is already "legitimized" by the Constitution.

Actually it's not, it's not in the Constitution. Don't tell anyone...


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