What in the hell is wrong with people?

Yes, we believe that one side has indeed lost its mind. And if you want to ask for ID, for something as important to this country as voting is, make sure everyone has one first. Cart after the horse, not before. Simple right, if you think about it.

You've somehow gotten things backwards in bizarro world... It's because voting IS important that we MUST require ID. We certainly do require ID for things much less important. We cannot "make sure everyone has one" any more than we can make sure everyone votes. All we can do is make IDs available for those who need them. I venture to guess, most "poor" people already have some form of ID with which they've applied for the various and sundry government benefits available. I don't know of any government benefit that is available without some form of ID. So this insane notion that we're somehow disenfranchising the poor by requiring a simple ID, is flat out bullshit.
There's nothing BS about it. The courts have already found this to be true. Your "guesses" are not good enough and if you want to ask for photo ID, fine, do so, right after you issue one to every eligible voter in the US.

And BTW, voting came long before ID, which makes it more important than ID, which is why you can't be casual about millions of people who would be unable to vote because of these laws. The courts have found that to be true as well...

Not the damn courts haven't decided any such thing, and the courts frankly don't have a thing to do with this.

What the hell do you mean voting came before ID? No it fucking didn't! There was a time when the only people who got to vote had to own land! How the hell do you think they determined how to let you vote then? I'm SURE you had to prove you owned some land in order to cast your vote. Everyone in this country has equal access to state identification. No one is barred from it, no one is prevented from obtaining it. In fact, MOST of these "poor people" you keep whining about, already have ID! They MUST have the ID to apply for welfare! Not only that, but everyone has to show ID to buy alcohol, to fly on a plane, to register for school, to cash a check, to go to an Obama rally!

If it's "discriminatory" to ask for a fucking ID, maybe we should all burn our driver's licenses and refuse to show ID for anything anymore, it's clearly "racist" and we don't want to be that, so let's just fucking abandon ID for EVERYTHING! MORON!

Let me help you out here, since you obviously think I am stupid... The reason YOU don't want voter ID is because that is how your sleaze bag liberal democrats WIN elections! It's been going on for years, and it still goes on today, worse than ever. You win elections by stuffing the ballot boxes with illegitimate votes, and you want to be able to keep on doing so. THAT is why you oppose voter ID!
You've somehow gotten things backwards in bizarro world... It's because voting IS important that we MUST require ID. We certainly do require ID for things much less important. We cannot "make sure everyone has one" any more than we can make sure everyone votes. All we can do is make IDs available for those who need them. I venture to guess, most "poor" people already have some form of ID with which they've applied for the various and sundry government benefits available. I don't know of any government benefit that is available without some form of ID. So this insane notion that we're somehow disenfranchising the poor by requiring a simple ID, is flat out bullshit.
There's nothing BS about it. The courts have already found this to be true. Your "guesses" are not good enough and if you want to ask for photo ID, fine, do so, right after you issue one to every eligible voter in the US.

And BTW, voting came long before ID, which makes it more important than ID, which is why you can't be casual about millions of people who would be unable to vote because of these laws. The courts have found that to be true as well...

Not the damn courts haven't decided any such thing, and the courts frankly don't have a thing to do with this.

What the hell do you mean voting came before ID? No it fucking didn't! There was a time when the only people who got to vote had to own land! How the hell do you think they determined how to let you vote then? I'm SURE you had to prove you owned some land in order to cast your vote. Everyone in this country has equal access to state identification. No one is barred from it, no one is prevented from obtaining it. In fact, MOST of these "poor people" you keep whining about, already have ID! They MUST have the ID to apply for welfare! Not only that, but everyone has to show ID to buy alcohol, to fly on a plane, to register for school, to cash a check, to go to an Obama rally!

If it's "discriminatory" to ask for a fucking ID, maybe we should all burn our driver's licenses and refuse to show ID for anything anymore, it's clearly "racist" and we don't want to be that, so let's just fucking abandon ID for EVERYTHING! MORON!

Let me help you out here, since you obviously think I am stupid... The reason YOU don't want voter ID is because that is how your sleaze bag liberal democrats WIN elections! It's been going on for years, and it still goes on today, worse than ever. You win elections by stuffing the ballot boxes with illegitimate votes, and you want to be able to keep on doing so. THAT is why you oppose voter ID!

You claim people had IDs in the 1780s?
We've already built an interstate highway system, it already exists! We don't need another one! We can't afford to pay for another redundant interstate system, moron! And even IF we could, it wouldn't mean one new dime of economic prosperity.

Yes, because everyone knows that infrastructure doesn't require any maintenance. None of the people that have almost doubled the population increase since the system was started use the system either. We haven't had to expand it at all.

The stupid is strong with you.

No, the stupid is overwhelming you. As far as I know, we've not disbanded the DOT or Highway Dept. nor have we defunded those massive beuracracies. They still get billions and billions of dollars every year to maintain US and Interstate highways, which they do.

We've really got to get rid of you idiots. It's never been more clear than in this thread. You're a bunch of complete and absolute morons. Nothing you are saying is even making rational sense, it's just one meme after another, bolstered with lies and distortions, fluffed up with liberal democrat talking points and abject idiocy of the highest order.
You've somehow gotten things backwards in bizarro world... It's because voting IS important that we MUST require ID. We certainly do require ID for things much less important. We cannot "make sure everyone has one" any more than we can make sure everyone votes. All we can do is make IDs available for those who need them. I venture to guess, most "poor" people already have some form of ID with which they've applied for the various and sundry government benefits available. I don't know of any government benefit that is available without some form of ID. So this insane notion that we're somehow disenfranchising the poor by requiring a simple ID, is flat out bullshit.
There's nothing BS about it. The courts have already found this to be true. Your "guesses" are not good enough and if you want to ask for photo ID, fine, do so, right after you issue one to every eligible voter in the US.

And BTW, voting came long before ID, which makes it more important than ID, which is why you can't be casual about millions of people who would be unable to vote because of these laws. The courts have found that to be true as well...

Not the damn courts haven't decided any such thing, and the courts frankly don't have a thing to do with this.

What the hell do you mean voting came before ID? No it fucking didn't! There was a time when the only people who got to vote had to own land! How the hell do you think they determined how to let you vote then? I'm SURE you had to prove you owned some land in order to cast your vote. Everyone in this country has equal access to state identification. No one is barred from it, no one is prevented from obtaining it. In fact, MOST of these "poor people" you keep whining about, already have ID! They MUST have the ID to apply for welfare! Not only that, but everyone has to show ID to buy alcohol, to fly on a plane, to register for school, to cash a check, to go to an Obama rally!

If it's "discriminatory" to ask for a fucking ID, maybe we should all burn our driver's licenses and refuse to show ID for anything anymore, it's clearly "racist" and we don't want to be that, so let's just fucking abandon ID for EVERYTHING! MORON!

Let me help you out here, since you obviously think I am stupid... The reason YOU don't want voter ID is because that is how your sleaze bag liberal democrats WIN elections! It's been going on for years, and it still goes on today, worse than ever. You win elections by stuffing the ballot boxes with illegitimate votes, and you want to be able to keep on doing so. THAT is why you oppose voter ID!
Your mind is closed to anything like reality. And you obviously haven't read the court cases. Carry on.

Personally I like to do things in order. When I think it's important to ask for photo ID, and I know people don't always have one because it's not required here or issued to everyone like in other western nations, even Mexico, I don't pass a law or if I do, I know that lots of people won't be able to use their right, which will be the intent of the law, keeping them from voting. You think this is about fraud, but it isn't. As long as you reject reality no one can help you.
You claim people had IDs in the 1780s?

YES.. .Even in the 1780s people had to confirm their identity when they voted. How in the hell are we supposed to know who is eligible to vote, who has already voted, that they haven't voted more than once, and if the right person is voting? Why don't you go stick your finger back up your nose until you can formulate an intelligent question? --MORON!
You claim people had IDs in the 1780s?

YES.. .Even in the 1780s people had to confirm their identity when they voted. How in the hell are we supposed to know who is eligible to vote, who has already voted, that they haven't voted more than once, and if the right person is voting? Why don't you go stick your finger back up your nose until you can formulate an intelligent question? --MORON!
In his tiny mind it looked something like this:
We've already built an interstate highway system, it already exists! We don't need another one! We can't afford to pay for another redundant interstate system, moron! And even IF we could, it wouldn't mean one new dime of economic prosperity.

Yes, because everyone knows that infrastructure doesn't require any maintenance. None of the people that have almost doubled the population increase since the system was started use the system either. We haven't had to expand it at all.

The stupid is strong with you.

No, the stupid is overwhelming you. As far as I know, we've not disbanded the DOT or Highway Dept. nor have we defunded those massive beuracracies. They still get billions and billions of dollars every year to maintain US and Interstate highways, which they do.

We've really got to get rid of you idiots. It's never been more clear than in this thread. You're a bunch of complete and absolute morons. Nothing you are saying is even making rational sense, it's just one meme after another, bolstered with lies and distortions, fluffed up with liberal democrat talking points and abject idiocy of the highest order.

They aren't maintaining them well enough as there isn't enough money to do so. Have you traveled around this country at all?

The biggest moron in this thread is the OP.
Your mind is closed to anything like reality. And you obviously haven't read the court cases. Carry on.

Personally I like to do things in order. When I think it's important to ask for photo ID, and I know people don't always have one because it's not required here or issued to everyone like in other western nations, even Mexico, I don't pass a law or if I do, I know that lots of people won't be able to use their right, which will be the intent of the law, keeping them from voting. You think this is about fraud, but it isn't. As long as you reject reality no one can help you.

I don't give a damn about "court cases" when it comes to the integrity of the democratic process. I'm going to tell you like it is, this problem will be rectified or we'll take up arms in protest. This is not acceptable and not negotiable. I want a system that ensures integrity of the vote, that means EVERY vote that is legitimate is counted and IS NOT offset by a fraudulent vote being cast by someone illegitimate. If you are going to obstruct this, you best be buying up your ammo, motherfucker, because it's about to get REAL!
You claim people had IDs in the 1780s?

YES.. .Even in the 1780s people had to confirm their identity when they voted. How in the hell are we supposed to know who is eligible to vote, who has already voted, that they haven't voted more than once, and if the right person is voting? Why don't you go stick your finger back up your nose until you can formulate an intelligent question? --MORON!

They did it like this:


Now we do it like this:

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Your mind is closed to anything like reality. And you obviously haven't read the court cases. Carry on.

Personally I like to do things in order. When I think it's important to ask for photo ID, and I know people don't always have one because it's not required here or issued to everyone like in other western nations, even Mexico, I don't pass a law or if I do, I know that lots of people won't be able to use their right, which will be the intent of the law, keeping them from voting. You think this is about fraud, but it isn't. As long as you reject reality no one can help you.

I don't give a damn about "court cases" when it comes to the integrity of the democratic process. I'm going to tell you like it is, this problem will be rectified or we'll take up arms in protest. This is not acceptable and not negotiable. I want a system that ensures integrity of the vote, that means EVERY vote that is legitimate is counted and IS NOT offset by a fraudulent vote being cast by someone illegitimate. If you are going to obstruct this, you best be buying up your ammo, motherfucker, because it's about to get REAL!
You should give a damn, that's what the courts are trying to protect, the right of the people to vote.

And spare us your Big Patriot on the Internet drama queen act. We've heard it all before.
The OP is hilarious because if you replace "liberal" with "conservative and "Bush" with "Obama" I think most Democrats would agree with his post.

I think that's precisely the point.

It doesn't matter what the truth is anymore, it's who is saying it that matters.....

Hide your political leanings and they will listen. Tell them you're a hated conservative and their minds close like a steel trap. No matter how Gaudawful the Democrats have been running things their intentions are all that matters....and whatever the GOP does it's wrong.
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Your mind is closed to anything like reality. And you obviously haven't read the court cases. Carry on.

Personally I like to do things in order. When I think it's important to ask for photo ID, and I know people don't always have one because it's not required here or issued to everyone like in other western nations, even Mexico, I don't pass a law or if I do, I know that lots of people won't be able to use their right, which will be the intent of the law, keeping them from voting. You think this is about fraud, but it isn't. As long as you reject reality no one can help you.

I don't give a damn about "court cases" when it comes to the integrity of the democratic process. I'm going to tell you like it is, this problem will be rectified or we'll take up arms in protest. This is not acceptable and not negotiable. I want a system that ensures integrity of the vote, that means EVERY vote that is legitimate is counted and IS NOT offset by a fraudulent vote being cast by someone illegitimate. If you are going to obstruct this, you best be buying up your ammo, motherfucker, because it's about to get REAL!

You're actually threatening the entire country with violence over a cheap political talking point?

Ah, life in the land of the unhinged.... :cuckoo:
What in the hell is wrong with people, have they just lost their goddamn minds? Has one political faction in this country gone completely insane? Because that is how it seems to me, and I don't know why. It's not simply politics, it's mentally disturbing. It's as if the left is poised to take a counter position to rationality in any form. The more off-the-rails the better! And it's not just a handful of nutters, it's the whole entire left wing. It's not just a little bit of stupid, it's complete ignorance of anything approaching common sense reasoning. They don't even bother debating anymore, they just blurt out something sublimely ignorant and start hurling names at republicans and "teabaggers!"

Is this something in the water they're drinking? Hormones in the meat? Have radical Islamists contaminated our food supply? Are they under some kind of hypnotic spell? Minds being controlled by aliens? What in the hell is wrong with people??? :eusa_shifty:

You say "people" as if you're talking in general, but your entire rant was a big dump on liberals.
I'll tell you the answer boss. And it will be controversial.

The Spirit of the Lord has stopped striving with the people.

As people refuse to repent and accept responsibility for themselves, the spirit withdrawals. Eventually it reaches a point where people can't even see recognize their own self interest and start killing one another.

And this is happening on the left and right. And the biggest sign of it is pride.

We need to be be humble, seek justice, and extend mercy to others. If we do those three things, we will fix our nation. If we don't... well I am not looking forward to what happens next.
I'll tell you the answer boss. And it will be controversial.

The Spirit of the Lord has stopped striving with the people.

As people refuse to repent and accept responsibility for themselves, the spirit withdrawals. Eventually it reaches a point where people can't even see recognize their own self interest and start killing one another.

And this is happening on the left and right. And the biggest sign of it is pride.

We need to be be humble, seek justice, and extend mercy to others. If we do those three things, we will fix our nation. If we don't... well I am not looking forward to what happens next.

Ironic post from a guy who just minutes ago dehumanized an entire bloc of people over here...

None so blind as he who will not see --- or look in the mirror...
I'll tell you the answer boss. And it will be controversial.

The Spirit of the Lord has stopped striving with the people.

As people refuse to repent and accept responsibility for themselves, the spirit withdrawals. Eventually it reaches a point where people can't even see recognize their own self interest and start killing one another.

And this is happening on the left and right. And the biggest sign of it is pride.

We need to be be humble, seek justice, and extend mercy to others. If we do those three things, we will fix our nation. If we don't... well I am not looking forward to what happens next.

Ironic post from a guy who just minutes ago dehumanized an entire bloc of people over here...

None so blind as he who will not see --- or look in the mirror...

So calling people what they are is dehumanizing. I'm a Christian. Does that somehow dehumanize me?

Now if I said All progressives are the same, that's one thing. But pointing out this is still the progressive movement and that the movement changes labels when an old one gets unpopular is hardly dehumanizing.
I'll tell you the answer boss. And it will be controversial.

The Spirit of the Lord has stopped striving with the people.

As people refuse to repent and accept responsibility for themselves, the spirit withdrawals. Eventually it reaches a point where people can't even see recognize their own self interest and start killing one another.

And this is happening on the left and right. And the biggest sign of it is pride.

We need to be be humble, seek justice, and extend mercy to others. If we do those three things, we will fix our nation. If we don't... well I am not looking forward to what happens next.

Ironic post from a guy who just minutes ago dehumanized an entire bloc of people over here...

None so blind as he who will not see --- or look in the mirror...

So calling people what they are is dehumanizing. I'm a Christian. Does that somehow dehumanize me?

Now if I said All progressives are the same, that's one thing. But pointing out this is still the progressive movement and that the movement changes labels when an old one gets unpopular is hardly dehumanizing.

Oh, bullshit.

You're pinning a label on an entire group of people without their consent or input. Then you go "hey, she was asking for it". Please, hypocrite. Any time you lump a group of individuals into a blanket generalization, you are by definition dehumanizing them by demonizing them.

Then again it's the same thing the OP did in its drunken stupor, so at least you're not off topic. :thup:
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Liberal's have a need to hate the United States.

-- Like that, perfect example. QED.

By the way, Liberals invented the United States. And it is Liberals, not "Liberal is". Learn the English language.

By the other way, still waiting for your answer on that racism question. Four days later you're still running away.
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Liberal's have a need to hate the United States.

-- Like that, perfect example. QED.

By the way, Liberals invented the United States. And it is Liberals, not "Liberal is". Learn the English language.

By the other way, still waiting for your answer on that racism question. Four days later you're still running away.

The founders of this nation were NOT liberals, as we know liberals today. Continuing to post that lie does not make it magically become true.

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