What in the hell is wrong with people?


People are paid and hired for jobs on the basis of a formula developed by the capitalist who has determined how to turn a profit. Trying to meddle with that formula from the outside is never going to result in satisfactory outcomes.

Uh, we did EXACTLY that after WWII, and it turned out just fine.

As for health care, you need to take your gripe up with Ruth Ginsberg, the most liberal member of the SCOTUS, who doesn't agree with you. And I don't think MOST Americans agree with you that Christianity is a bizarre religious belief. But here again... we get evidence of just how fucking insane you have become... The Supreme Court has ruled... it's settled law of the land... you remember that phrase, right?

Uh most Christians practice birth control. So, no, it's a bizarre belief that most of the faithful ignore.

Not really. What you end up paying in transportation costs and carrying costs and long delays and lead times really erases most of your profits. BUt it was never about being "Cheaper", it was about breaking the working class. Always was.

You've already exposed yourself as a union thug. Yes, people do often cite the auto industry because it was our leading manufacturing sector industry. Been to fucking Detroit lately???

Have you been to Tokyo lately? Oh, wait, all those Japanese are unionized.

That's funny because most of those companies are now building cars in the Southern US, where the UAW is not welcome or wanted. Where these plants are located, we find thriving communities who are happy to have them, and they seem happy to be there.

Again, you are a little confused here.

the ONLY reason why those companies opened plants in the South was during the 1980's, Ronald Reagan caught the Japanese "dumping" and passed a bunch of laws to keep them from doing that. Nissan and Toyota got around those laws by opening plants in the US to do final assembly.

These companies would have no problem with unions. Volkswagen was all for their shops unionizing in the US.

they just didn't realize they were dealing with a part of the country where they fly the Confederate flag like that was something to be proud of.

Ask the people working at the BMW, Mercedes, Subaru, Toyota, Kia, Hyundai, and Honda plants in the south if they are getting good wages and benefits without paying the UAW to "represent" them. Ask them if they want some of their earnings funnelled to the dem/lib party.

The UAW destroyed the once great city of Detroit. The southern states learned from that. Too bad the northern ones still have not.
Again, talking to Conservatives is like talking to a special retard.

YOu like to pretend that the federal income tax is the only tax out there.

Yes, the Income Tax hits the wealthy harder (although not hard enough to suit me). But flat taxes like Social Security, Medicare, State income taxes, sales taxes and so on hit the poor harder.

NO, the real problem is that the wealth has shifted to the 1%, which is why they are paying more as a percentage. they are the only ones who have anything.

That gap that pisses you off so greatly, has increased under obama.

Yes, everyone pays SS and medicare on their earned income, and if they live long enough the lower income people will get more back than they paid in. Are you proposing that SS and medicare be totally free for lower income people?

Everyone pays sales tax on stuff that they buy, the rich buy more stuff and pay more sales tax.

State income taxes are progressive just like federal income taxes, the rich pay the majority of state income taxes.

This is not complicated, you libs only attempt to make it complicated in order to justify your marxist collectivist agenda. Take that shit out of this country. Move your sorry ass to north korea.

THAT gap increased during the recession and is stagnant ... face reality for a change..

or be a special retard .. either way

It happened on Obama's watch. He has done nothing to fix it. It is on him and you fools who voted for him. He has had 6 years and has done nothing but make everything worse.

and you silly fuckheads continue to worship him. You are :cuckoo:
Again, talking to Conservatives is like talking to a special retard.

YOu like to pretend that the federal income tax is the only tax out there.

Yes, the Income Tax hits the wealthy harder (although not hard enough to suit me). But flat taxes like Social Security, Medicare, State income taxes, sales taxes and so on hit the poor harder.

NO, the real problem is that the wealth has shifted to the 1%, which is why they are paying more as a percentage. they are the only ones who have anything.

Again, talking to Conservatives is like talking to a special retard. .....

like Glen Beck said "they're fragile"

The retards in this discussion are you libtardians. What I said is accurate and factual. What you fools said is bullshit propaganda.

if Obama never came along you would be bleeding out the gills ... lucky for the right a Dem got elected and got the BLAME
Again, talking to Conservatives is like talking to a special retard. .....

like Glen Beck said "they're fragile"

The retards in this discussion are you libtardians. What I said is accurate and factual. What you fools said is bullshit propaganda.

if Obama never came along you would be bleeding out the gills ... lucky for the right a Dem got elected and got the BLAME

Once more you demonstrate your ignorance. I came down hard on Bush for the stupid Iraq invasion, I disagreed openly with his tax policy, immigration policy and cozying up to the libs and dems. But, dispite his faults, Bush was an American who loves this country.

Obama hates the USA, blames it for all of the worlds problems, and is determined to bring it down and punish it for its success and for slavery. He is determined to "get even" with the evil USA. He is the worst president in history and a traitor.
The retards in this discussion are you libtardians. What I said is accurate and factual. What you fools said is bullshit propaganda.

if Obama never came along you would be bleeding out the gills ... lucky for the right a Dem got elected and got the BLAME

Once more you demonstrate your ignorance. I came down hard on Bush for the stupid Iraq invasion, I disagreed openly with his tax policy, immigration policy and cozying up to the libs and dems. But, dispite his faults, Bush was an American who loves this country.

Obama hates the USA, blames it for all of the worlds problems, and is determined to bring it down and punish it for its success and for slavery. He is determined to "get even" with the evil USA. He is the worst president in history and a traitor.

once more I never mentioned Bush, I said recession .. the mass exodus of jobs being outsourced slapped personal income out the window.. JOBS GONE that can't be replaced EVER. People took other jobs IF they could find one, and for less pay in a tough market... ergo income inequality.... and that crap went down BEFORE you could even spell Obama.
Boss hit the nail on the head. The left has lost all ability to think. They just take their orders from their masters and go out there, like programmed robots and spew forth the talking points given to them. I'm beginning to think there really IS some kind of kool aid being served.

I agree. The left appears to have gone bat shit crazy.
No matter how damning the evidence or how damaging to America they follow in lockstep.
I'm not giving the Republicans or Bush a pass by any means. The passing of the PA being his worst offense(that we know of).
But dems have taken it to a whole new level,they cry about unemployment and wage stagnation yet want to flood our country with illegals.
The whole Lois Lerner thing...Jesus Christ how much evidence do you need!!!

I could go on but I dont feel up to writing a novel...

The whole Lois Lerner thing?

Evidence of what? What are you certain that she did?

And there you have it folks.....the prime reason our country is going to shit.
Aside from the idiotic diatribe, the OP is right about one thing.

I see nothing wrong with verifying a person's ID when they come to cast a ballot if we, as a society, make those ID's free of charge. Anything more is a poll tax.

If we are going to have voter registration as to where you register to vote, I see nothing wrong with verifying that registration when someone casts a ballot.

I've heard the arguments against it from my friends here on the left. I feel honored and privileged to often be included as a member of the left on this board. However I feel that the arguments against are far outweighed by the positives.

For those that say there is something sacred about the right to vote that ties back to the constitution and somehow proving who you are on election day is too great a burden to bear; I feel that the mustering of the civic duty to cast a vote is an unspoken truth that the founders took for granted; that those wanting to vote in biennial or quadrennial elections would not just show up on a cold November morning every two or four years but would have a presence in society as to which they would be cognizant of the issues and candidates come election time. Again, as long as said ID is provided free of charge, there is nothing wrong with requiring folks to show it to verify who they are when a ballot is cast.

As to the argument that it jeopardizes those who rather, lets say, limit their interactions with authorities; I would submit that if your political party and/or candidate is reliant upon those who are frightened by such interaction or who are driven by not wanting to reveal their identity when casting their vote; your party and/or candidate is not worthy of winning. Decisions are made by those who show up. If you're not willing to show up, you should have no bearing on decision-making. That is, after all, the question asked by every election...."Who do you want."

Finally, I often hear the argument that the Republicans/Conservatives wish to limit access to voting. I think this is true since minorities and the poor vote for the Democrats. However, a state like West Virginia or Texas has a bizarrely huge population of poor white folks. The dark red states are have the highest rates of poverty.


These 9 Maps Should Absolutely Outrage Southerners

If requiring ID hurts poor folks, the GOP is shooting it'self in the foot in a way that is both efficient and grandiose when you consider their base is almost all of the red states in the graphic above.

What you should see wrong is that they have already verified their ID when they registered to vote, they don't need to keep doing it again every time they vote.

And the courts have determined it unconstitutional as well.

weak argument

showing an identification at one place in time is no guarantee that the person presenting the registration care is that same person sometimes up to two years later at the time of the election
once more I never mentioned Bush, I said recession .. the mass exodus of jobs being outsourced slapped personal income out the window.. JOBS GONE that can't be replaced EVER. People took other jobs IF they could find one, and for less pay in a tough market... ergo income inequality.... and that crap went down BEFORE you could even spell Obama.

Here you demonstrate how stupid liberals think. Jobs being outsourced is related directly to unreasonable demands from unionized labor, increased burden of regulation and taxation from government, and a receptive foreign source of labor willing to work for less.

In ANY free market system there will be income inequality. The only way to avoid that is for everyone to be equally POOR under a Marxist economic system. And this is what you're pushing for because you've given up on free market capitalism.

You're disillusioned and you want to disillusion others. You don't think it's possible to get the jobs back or to recover economically. You believe we have to resign ourselves to the "new economy" and get accustomed to dependency on government. The problem is, there is no magic money fairy who bestows wealth on government, and eventually our credit lines run out. Then society collapses into chaos and no one has a pot to piss in.

On the flip side, some of us still believe in free market American capitalism and the ability it has to turn things around and restore America to former glory. We're not done, far from it... it's not time to throw in the towel, it's time to roll up our sleeves and tackle our problems with resolve and confidence. We can bring jobs back by rejecting your anti-capitalist policies and marginalizing you as a political voice. You are morons who have no plan for our future, no ambition, no hope for any change in spite of your rhetoric. You just want to sit and whine and bitch about republicans and capitalists, and push us closer and closer to Marxist-Maoist Socialism.
if Obama never came along you would be bleeding out the gills ... lucky for the right a Dem got elected and got the BLAME

Once more you demonstrate your ignorance. I came down hard on Bush for the stupid Iraq invasion, I disagreed openly with his tax policy, immigration policy and cozying up to the libs and dems. But, dispite his faults, Bush was an American who loves this country.

Obama hates the USA, blames it for all of the worlds problems, and is determined to bring it down and punish it for its success and for slavery. He is determined to "get even" with the evil USA. He is the worst president in history and a traitor.

once more I never mentioned Bush, I said recession .. the mass exodus of jobs being outsourced slapped personal income out the window.. JOBS GONE that can't be replaced EVER. People took other jobs IF they could find one, and for less pay in a tough market... ergo income inequality.... and that crap went down BEFORE you could even spell Obama.

Jobs left the USA because of the liberal policy (from both parties) of placing high tax rates on job creators and successful small and large businesses.

Liberalism is the enemy, and both parties share the blame. But the dems have a larger share because more of them are libtardians.
NO, the real problem is that the wealth has shifted to the 1%, which is why they are paying more as a percentage. they are the only ones who have anything.

Just so you understand what you are parroting... This is verbatim, the exact same argument Mao Zedong made as he sparked a People's Revolution in China. That is where this 1% vs. 99% argument came from.

Yeah, if a Commie said it, then it must be totally invalid.

And who knew Mao spoke English? He probably said something like "Ching-chon mau zhen ping pang"

Okay, let's get to the real world.

In the US, the top 20% control 87% of the wealth.
The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth.

The top 200 rich people have more wealth than the bottom 50% of the country.

This is the kind of wealth inequality that created guys like Mao and Lenin and Castro.

As Herbert Hoover observed the last time the wealthy destroyed the economy, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned greedy!"
Ask the people working at the BMW, Mercedes, Subaru, Toyota, Kia, Hyundai, and Honda plants in the south if they are getting good wages and benefits without paying the UAW to "represent" them. Ask them if they want some of their earnings funnelled to the dem/lib party.

The UAW destroyed the once great city of Detroit. The southern states learned from that. Too bad the northern ones still have not.

Uh, the plants in the South only do final assembly of parts made elsewhere. That's how these companies avoid the anti-dumping laws Reagan put into place.

Yes, St. Ronnie of Hollywood was not a "Free-Trader". Imagine that.

And yes, the Japanese companies (and others) pay about equivlent to UAW wages to keep the UAW out.

Because most of them don't know how butt-ignorant your average southerner is.
Once more you demonstrate your ignorance. I came down hard on Bush for the stupid Iraq invasion, I disagreed openly with his tax policy, immigration policy and cozying up to the libs and dems. But, dispite his faults, Bush was an American who loves this country.

Obama hates the USA, blames it for all of the worlds problems, and is determined to bring it down and punish it for its success and for slavery. He is determined to "get even" with the evil USA. He is the worst president in history and a traitor.

once more I never mentioned Bush, I said recession .. the mass exodus of jobs being outsourced slapped personal income out the window.. JOBS GONE that can't be replaced EVER. People took other jobs IF they could find one, and for less pay in a tough market... ergo income inequality.... and that crap went down BEFORE you could even spell Obama.

Jobs left the USA because of the liberal policy (from both parties) of placing high tax rates on job creators and successful small and large businesses.

Liberalism is the enemy, and both parties share the blame. But the dems have a larger share because more of them are libtardians.


Jobs left the USA because employers sought cheaper labor and greater profits, having nothing to do with how high or low taxes might be.

Indeed, the jobs were going to go overseas regardless how low the corporate taxes – there's no way low taxes can beat low wages in India or China.

The rest of your post is moronic idiocy, as usual.
NO, the real problem is that the wealth has shifted to the 1%, which is why they are paying more as a percentage. they are the only ones who have anything.

Just so you understand what you are parroting... This is verbatim, the exact same argument Mao Zedong made as he sparked a People's Revolution in China. That is where this 1% vs. 99% argument came from.

Yeah, if a Commie said it, then it must be totally invalid.

And who knew Mao spoke English? He probably said something like "Ching-chon mau zhen ping pang"

Okay, let's get to the real world.

In the US, the top 20% control 87% of the wealth.
The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth.

The top 200 rich people have more wealth than the bottom 50% of the country.

This is the kind of wealth inequality that created guys like Mao and Lenin and Castro.

As Herbert Hoover observed the last time the wealthy destroyed the economy, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned greedy!"

Again... you are only spewing the kind of mindless anti-capitalism that Mao sparked a revolution with. Almost verbatim. You can make your cute little jokes about Mao not speaking English, but his argument was the same as yours. Wealth inequality!

Now... Here is what Mao did when he came into power, just in case you are ignorant of this as well... He first confiscated the wealth holdings of all the capitalists, then he executed them. He implemented anti-capitalist policies and did away with all capitalist trade with other countries. His logic was China is large enough to produce all it needs and there is no need for foreign trade.

The Results: China was plunged into economic darkness for 40 years. 70 million people were killed, millions more starved to death. Of course, this DID solve the pesky "wealth inequality" issue, everyone was equally poor. China had the lowest per capita income of any place on the planet. There were no more "rich greedy capitalists" they had all been executed. So where did all the wealth go? Well, it was mostly squandered by the ruling class who controlled it.

There is ALWAYS a Top 1% who control most of the wealth. That is a fact of life and reality that can't be avoided. The question is, should that 1% be free market capitalists in a free society which affords every citizen the right to participate and become one of the 1% ....OR.... A system where the ruling class elite are the 1% and there is no hope or opportunity for the masses?
Ask the people working at the BMW, Mercedes, Subaru, Toyota, Kia, Hyundai, and Honda plants in the south if they are getting good wages and benefits without paying the UAW to "represent" them. Ask them if they want some of their earnings funnelled to the dem/lib party.

The UAW destroyed the once great city of Detroit. The southern states learned from that. Too bad the northern ones still have not.

Uh, the plants in the South only do final assembly of parts made elsewhere. That's how these companies avoid the anti-dumping laws Reagan put into place.

Yes, St. Ronnie of Hollywood was not a "Free-Trader". Imagine that.

And yes, the Japanese companies (and others) pay about equivlent to UAW wages to keep the UAW out.

Because most of them don't know how butt-ignorant your average southerner is.

This is a little cheeky because... don't ALL auto assembly plants build cars from parts made elsewhere? I don't know of any example where an auto maker produces parts and assembles cars under the same roof.

Ronald Reagan was a free trader, and he didn't put anti dumping laws into place, they had existed for decades before Reagan. For those in the dark, anti dumping law prohibits countries from selling something in the US for less than they sell it at home. It was most notably used in the 70s to countervail cheap foreign steel.

As for the "ignorant Southerners" ...seems to me they are happy with their good paying auto factory jobs and you are full of bitterness and resentment.
Again... you are only spewing the kind of mindless anti-capitalism that Mao sparked a revolution with. Almost verbatim. You can make your cute little jokes about Mao not speaking English, but his argument was the same as yours. Wealth inequality!

Now... Here is what Mao did when he came into power, just in case you are ignorant of this as well... He first confiscated the wealth holdings of all the capitalists, then he executed them. He implemented anti-capitalist policies and did away with all capitalist trade with other countries. His logic was China is large enough to produce all it needs and there is no need for foreign trade.

The Results: China was plunged into economic darkness for 40 years. 70 million people were killed, millions more starved to death. Of course, this DID solve the pesky "wealth inequality" issue, everyone was equally poor. China had the lowest per capita income of any place on the planet. There were no more "rich greedy capitalists" they had all been executed. So where did all the wealth go? Well, it was mostly squandered by the ruling class who controlled it.

There is ALWAYS a Top 1% who control most of the wealth. That is a fact of life and reality that can't be avoided. The question is, should that 1% be free market capitalists in a free society which affords every citizen the right to participate and become one of the 1% ....OR.... A system where the ruling class elite are the 1% and there is no hope or opportunity for the masses?

Okay, guy, if you want to go with that kind of weird interpretation of Chinese history.

Two people who would laugh at you.

Asian Studies Scholars.

Actual Chinese people.

Not to excuse Mao, because he was a brutal asshole. So was Chiang. So were most of the warlords who followed the decline of the Manchu Dynasty.

But the whole idea of saying, "Hey, what we are doing isn't working" can be excused by, "Look what China did!"

Yes, China emerged from being a war-torn country to a major superpower.

Good going, China. Except for all the human rights violations.

This is a little cheeky because... don't ALL auto assembly plants build cars from parts made elsewhere? I don't know of any example where an auto maker produces parts and assembles cars under the same roof.

Ronald Reagan was a free trader, and he didn't put anti dumping laws into place, they had existed for decades before Reagan. For those in the dark, anti dumping law prohibits countries from selling something in the US for less than they sell it at home. It was most notably used in the 70s to countervail cheap foreign steel.

As for the "ignorant Southerners" ...seems to me they are happy with their good paying auto factory jobs and you are full of bitterness and resentment.

Actually, if you look at the charts, the South is the poorest, most butt-ignorant part of the country. It has more people on welfare, more people barely scraping by. The South is a Third World Country we unfortunately got strapped to our ass.

Ronald Reagan was not a "Free Trader". He realized American job needed to be protected.

Here's something from that commie, pinko liberal, Pat Buchanan.

Steel Dump for the World - Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website

On Sept. 22, 1984, he took to the airwaves to denounce “predatory practices” that had made America a “steel dump for the rest of the world.” “(T)hat simply isn’t acceptable,” said Reagan, as he pledged “swift, effective action.” He was true to his word.

“Voluntary export restraints” were imposed on steel dumpers who had grabbed 26.4 percent of our market. Imports were rolled back to 18.5 percent. With the U.S. market cordoned off for U.S. steel, $22 billion in investment capital poured into the industry. Productivity soared.

Reagan showed how strong governments act to protect their own in tough times. That economic patriotism is making a comeback. Before Congress adjourned, populist Democrat James A. Traficant introduced a resolution demanding a year’s cutoff of steel imports from any country caught violating U.S. anti-dumping laws.
Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind.


and after you define what a 'liberal' is you will be exposed. why? because your caricature is one force fed by right wing media that demands a polarized society -- with us or against us -- conservative or liberal


I can tell who a liberal is just by stating ANY position as a right wing conservative. As a right wing conservative, I think we should all support fuzzy kittens! ...Now let's wait for a liberal to jump on that and tell me why I am a racist who is out of touch with mainstream Americans!

Those of us on the right can be just as guilty SOMETIMES. There were people who had no problem with the Patriot Act (I didn't at the time either) but lost their minds when the moonbat messiah and his minions both extended and expanded it. Republicrats waited until 2006 before they finally were concerned about the growing debt. We gave Bush a lot of passes for things we shouldn't have.

Of course obozo has doubled down on almost everything Bush did wrong that the bed wetters howled about for 8 years (they're still howling about it for that matter) but give the moonbat messiah a total pass on everything.

Hopefully when the republicrats take the government back the voters will keep them under watch so that gov't power is diminished, rather than relax as they seemed to have after 2002. By 2006 the republicrats could have scaled back all sorts of libtard lunacy. Instead we got No Child Left Behind and 4 trillion dollars deeper in debt. This is why "moderates" are tools, "centrists" are mindless. You don't "compromise" with people who are wrong.

If someone walks up to you on a dark city street brandishing a knife, do you "compromise" with him and let him take your cash but not your jewelry? Or do you pull out a .45 and run a failure drill?

Furthermore the left is never satisfied with the compromise, they always come back for your jewelry.

I agree. The left appears to have gone bat shit crazy.
No matter how damning the evidence or how damaging to America they follow in lockstep.
I'm not giving the Republicans or Bush a pass by any means. The passing of the PA being his worst offense(that we know of).
But dems have taken it to a whole new level,they cry about unemployment and wage stagnation yet want to flood our country with illegals.
The whole Lois Lerner thing...Jesus Christ how much evidence do you need!!!

I could go on but I dont feel up to writing a novel...

The whole Lois Lerner thing?

Evidence of what? What are you certain that she did?

And there you have it folks.....the prime reason our country is going to shit.

Ignorance is the greatest liability we have.

It would be one thing if there were still only 3 TV stations and no talk radio. Then I could understand such uninformed mindless stupidity.

With the internet, cable/satellite TV, and every sort of opinion broadcast on AM radio, we still have braindead libtards who not only parrot the stupid shit they hear, but will resist independent thinking at all cost. As it has been pointed out, this is exactly how mass murdering despots acquired and maintained their power. Sniveling servile ass licking parasites will back a "Dear Leader" as long as there's resources flowing to them.

If it wasn't for such genetic garbage, there wouldn't have been the sort of people that dumped Zyklon B down the shafts at Sobibor, Treblinka and Auschwitz.

And yes I'm comparing libtards with murderous nazi SS men.

Funny thread. A review of counter points makes the OP all the more ridiculous but that doesn't matter to ideologues. I did find it funny that there were 'thanks' to this meaningless un-substantive OP.

Thanks for what? :lol:

AgentSparky (Yesterday), AntiParty (07-21-2014), BluesMistress (07-21-2014), bripat9643 (07-21-2014), Claudette (Yesterday), Dayton3 (07-21-2014), deltex1 (07-21-2014), Erand7899 (07-21-2014), Freewill (07-21-2014), healthmyths (07-21-2014), HereWeGoAgain (07-21-2014), hortysir (07-21-2014), LadyGunSlinger (07-21-2014), Locke11_21 (Yesterday), NLT (07-21-2014), Pete7469 (Yesterday), Rambunctious (07-21-2014), Redfish (Yesterday), SAYIT (07-21-2014), thereisnospoon (07-21-2014), tinydancer (07-21-2014), Toddsterpatriot (07-21-2014), Wildcard (07-21-2014), Wildman (07-21-2014)

My reply is below, but I will comment again on manufacturing in America and cars in particular. Putting pieces together is one part of making an auto, if we are serious about our jobs and technology we have to consider the many other pieces: design, development, testing, manufacture, and even distribution. Foreign car makers make lots here and of course they put the cars together in the South, what else can they do when they have little manufacturing and their industries all went to China? Consider clothing and furniture as examples. The right wing in America is so brain washed by corporate think tanks and other propaganda sources they'd cut off their nose..... This site is for the non-ideologues who still think about America's workers and its values.

The Level Field Institute


How Germany Builds Twice As Many Cars As The U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice As Much - Forbes

"In every society, manufacturing builds the lower middle class. If you give up manufacturing, you end up with haves and have-nots and you get social polarization. The whole lower middle class sinks." Vaclav Smil This Is the Man Bill Gates Thinks You Absolutely Should Be Reading | Science | WIRED

"Thanks to the rules, many of which are written by corporations, a company can pull up stakes and use cheap foreign labor to make the same product it once did in America. It no longer has to meet environmental standards. It no longer has to abide by U.S. labor laws. It no longer has to pay a decent wage. Then the company can ship the product back to the United States where, courtesy of the rules, it will pay little if any duty. How can American workers hope to compete against that? They can't.

Lisa Gentner worked at a company called Carrollton Specialty Products, housed in a one-story warehouse in Moberly, Missouri, a town of 15,000 in central Missouri. Carrollton was a subcontractor for Hallmark Cards, the global greeting card giant based 125 miles west in Kansas City, Missouri. The largely female workforce of 200 provided the hand assembly for a variety of Hallmark products. They tied bows and affixed them to valentines and anniversary greetings. They glued buttons, rhinestones, and pop-ups inside birthday cards. They made gift baskets.

As in many towns across the country, the plant was an economic anchor for Moberly. Manufacturing is often pictured as a big-city enterprise, but a substantial number of plants are the lifeblood of small to medium-sized cities...."

Quote from p24 'Assault on the Middle Class' in 'The Betrayal of the American Dream' authors, Barlett and Steele
The whole Lois Lerner thing?

Evidence of what? What are you certain that she did?

And there you have it folks.....the prime reason our country is going to shit.

Ignorance is the greatest liability we have.

It would be one thing if there were still only 3 TV stations and no talk radio. Then I could understand such uninformed mindless stupidity.

With the internet, cable/satellite TV, and every sort of opinion broadcast on AM radio, we still have braindead libtards who not only parrot the stupid shit they hear, but will resist independent thinking at all cost. As it has been pointed out, this is exactly how mass murdering despots acquired and maintained their power. Sniveling servile ass licking parasites will back a "Dear Leader" as long as there's resources flowing to them.

If it wasn't for such genetic garbage, there wouldn't have been the sort of people that dumped Zyklon B down the shafts at Sobibor, Treblinka and Auschwitz.

And yes I'm comparing libtards with murderous nazi SS men.

Neither of you idiots took a shot at the question. What are you certain....as in without question....that Lois Lerner has done? What evidence are you referring to?

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