What in the hell is wrong with people?

Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind. At first, I thought it was just a simple difference in ideology, which is normally a good thing in political discourse, you need another side to certain arguments, it is a healthy thing for society to have contrasting viewpoints.

I started noticing during the Bush years, the rhetoric from the left became more shrill and harsh, the resentfulness and hostility was thick, and I chalked it all up to Bush just not being their cup of tea. Many on the left were still angry over what happened to Clinton, so I figured okay, turn about is fair play, Bush is going to be the scapegoat for all this angst. And of course, they railed on Bush and are still railing on Bush, but this goes even deeper.

It has now become outright ridiculous. Almost 6 years into the Obama presidency, and arguably the worst performance of a president in modern history with one failure on top of another as far as they eye can see. Scandals unfolding on a daily basis, and not just little meaningless ones, really big ones... impeachable ones, as a matter of fact. The economy is still in the crapper, jobs are still virtually non-existent, despite all the fluff and propaganda being fed to us daily. But still, I can rationalize that left-wing liberals are still standing by their guy because that's who brought them to the dance. Fair enough, Bush had avid supporters who loved everything he did and still do. This goes deeper.

We can go through a host of issues, it doesn't really matter what they are... Illegal immigration, voter IDs, gay marriage, global warming... whatever it is, the left has their talking points ready and are prepared to do battle. But it's not just these issues, it's the level at which they absolutely refuse to acknowledge any other viewpoint and just automatically reject anything the right has to say... on ANYTHING. Doesn't matter! If the political right came out tomorrow in favor of fuzzy puppies and fluffy kittens, the left would launch an anti-fuzzy puppy and fluffy kitten campaign, charging that the right were racist bigots who were out of touch with mainstream Americans.

I realized the level at which this has reached today, as I was discussing the Israeli mobilization on Gaza with a liberal friend. He says... "What right does Israel have to exist?" Now, this person has always been liberal, but I've always respected the arguments they made and felt like they articulated some valid points, even when I didn't agree with them. But this just blew me away. I couldn't believe he said that. Then I notice that he and several other liberals were posting all these videos put out by Al Jazeera, showing the civilian casualties and whatnot.

Then I come here and there is a debate about voter ID and some liberal is saying "you just don't want the poor to vote!" Like the poor are somehow suddenly unable to show identification to prove who they are, even though they must've shown ID to get food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, AFDC, EIC, and all other government subsidies. In another thread, some liberal is whining about the greedy corporations getting rich off the bailouts and stimulus that OBAMA DEMANDED!

All over my facebook, there are my liberal friends posting cartoons which depict the Mayflower arriving to the shores of America and the Native American's watching... the meme is about how they look like "illegal immigrants" to them! Each day, I see images of literally thousands of illegals climbing the fences into America and nothing being done to stop it... in fact, we're sending them aid! Hell, they're probably getting Obama phones and food stamps by now!

What in the hell is wrong with people, have they just lost their goddamn minds? Has one political faction in this country gone completely insane? Because that is how it seems to me, and I don't know why. It's not simply politics, it's mentally disturbing. It's as if the left is poised to take a counter position to rationality in any form. The more off-the-rails the better! And it's not just a handful of nutters, it's the whole entire left wing. It's not just a little bit of stupid, it's complete ignorance of anything approaching common sense reasoning. They don't even bother debating anymore, they just blurt out something sublimely ignorant and start hurling names at republicans and "teabaggers!"

Is this something in the water they're drinking? Hormones in the meat? Have radical Islamists contaminated our food supply? Are they under some kind of hypnotic spell? Minds being controlled by aliens? What in the hell is wrong with people??? :eusa_shifty:

Yeah, give Bush a pass. He's just "not our cup of tea". If anyone is under some kind of spell, it has to be republicans. I swear, if Obama came out tomorrow in favor of breathing, republicans would all be turning blue within minutes.
Missing the point.
The fact that Obama wouldcome out in favor of breathing IS the problem.
The point is, it is not the job of the Chief Executive to stick his or her nose in every little facet of life in the Untied States..
Some examples...
The Sandra Fluke thing....The Cambridge Cops/beer summit
Trayvon Martin
Obama feels as though he has to express a position on everything..
And of course the WH Press Corps suckers this guy into responding to every little issue.
Why?.....No reason. Other than, because they can. And of course Obama obliges them because a person with the gigantic amount of self importance, MUST have an answer.
Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind. At first, I thought it was just a simple difference in ideology, which is normally a good thing in political discourse, you need another side to certain arguments, it is a healthy thing for society to have contrasting viewpoints.

I started noticing during the Bush years, the rhetoric from the left became more shrill and harsh, the resentfulness and hostility was thick, and I chalked it all up to Bush just not being their cup of tea. Many on the left were still angry over what happened to Clinton, so I figured okay, turn about is fair play, Bush is going to be the scapegoat for all this angst. And of course, they railed on Bush and are still railing on Bush, but this goes even deeper.

It has now become outright ridiculous. Almost 6 years into the Obama presidency, and arguably the worst performance of a president in modern history with one failure on top of another as far as they eye can see. Scandals unfolding on a daily basis, and not just little meaningless ones, really big ones... impeachable ones, as a matter of fact. The economy is still in the crapper, jobs are still virtually non-existent, despite all the fluff and propaganda being fed to us daily. But still, I can rationalize that left-wing liberals are still standing by their guy because that's who brought them to the dance. Fair enough, Bush had avid supporters who loved everything he did and still do. This goes deeper.

We can go through a host of issues, it doesn't really matter what they are... Illegal immigration, voter IDs, gay marriage, global warming... whatever it is, the left has their talking points ready and are prepared to do battle. But it's not just these issues, it's the level at which they absolutely refuse to acknowledge any other viewpoint and just automatically reject anything the right has to say... on ANYTHING. Doesn't matter! If the political right came out tomorrow in favor of fuzzy puppies and fluffy kittens, the left would launch an anti-fuzzy puppy and fluffy kitten campaign, charging that the right were racist bigots who were out of touch with mainstream Americans.

I realized the level at which this has reached today, as I was discussing the Israeli mobilization on Gaza with a liberal friend. He says... "What right does Israel have to exist?" Now, this person has always been liberal, but I've always respected the arguments they made and felt like they articulated some valid points, even when I didn't agree with them. But this just blew me away. I couldn't believe he said that. Then I notice that he and several other liberals were posting all these videos put out by Al Jazeera, showing the civilian casualties and whatnot.

Then I come here and there is a debate about voter ID and some liberal is saying "you just don't want the poor to vote!" Like the poor are somehow suddenly unable to show identification to prove who they are, even though they must've shown ID to get food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, AFDC, EIC, and all other government subsidies. In another thread, some liberal is whining about the greedy corporations getting rich off the bailouts and stimulus that OBAMA DEMANDED!

All over my facebook, there are my liberal friends posting cartoons which depict the Mayflower arriving to the shores of America and the Native American's watching... the meme is about how they look like "illegal immigrants" to them! Each day, I see images of literally thousands of illegals climbing the fences into America and nothing being done to stop it... in fact, we're sending them aid! Hell, they're probably getting Obama phones and food stamps by now!

What in the hell is wrong with people, have they just lost their goddamn minds? Has one political faction in this country gone completely insane? Because that is how it seems to me, and I don't know why. It's not simply politics, it's mentally disturbing. It's as if the left is poised to take a counter position to rationality in any form. The more off-the-rails the better! And it's not just a handful of nutters, it's the whole entire left wing. It's not just a little bit of stupid, it's complete ignorance of anything approaching common sense reasoning. They don't even bother debating anymore, they just blurt out something sublimely ignorant and start hurling names at republicans and "teabaggers!"

Is this something in the water they're drinking? Hormones in the meat? Have radical Islamists contaminated our food supply? Are they under some kind of hypnotic spell? Minds being controlled by aliens? What in the hell is wrong with people??? :eusa_shifty:

Yeah, give Bush a pass. He's just "not our cup of tea". If anyone is under some kind of spell, it has to be republicans. I swear, if Obama came out tomorrow in favor of breathing, republicans would all be turning blue within minutes.
Missing the point.
The fact that Obama wouldcome out in favor of breathing IS the problem.
The point is, it is not the job of the Chief Executive to stick his or her nose in every little facet of life in the Untied States..
Some examples...
The Sandra Fluke thing....The Cambridge Cops/beer summit
Trayvon Martin
Obama feels as though he has to express a position on everything..
And of course the WH Press Corps suckers this guy into responding to every little issue.

Exactly the same is true of every POTUS.

Why?.....No reason. Other than, because they can. And of course Obama obliges them because a person with the gigantic amount of self importance, MUST have an answer.

So --- you don't think the President of the United States is important?
OK then.

By the way the Sandra Fluke thing, that was Lush Rimjob who had to stick his nose in (for three days no less) -- speaking of inflated self-importance. He's not even elected. Why doesn't he just shut the fuck up?
The whole problem here is that you want to downplay the absolute disaster Bush's presidency was and shrilly harp that we have "illegals".

The Crash of 2008.

Bush pretty much fucked up everything, is there a good reason to listen to the right on any subject?
Yeah, and Obama doubled-down on Bush.

I don't see anything Obama did that is as bad as the Iraq War. Or the fouled up response to Katrina. Or the 2008 Crash.

Has Obama made mistakes? Yup.

Is he still a damned sight better than Bush. Yup.
What leaves you without any credibility is that regardless of the person who occupies the Oval Office, you can always fall back on your crusade against the wealthy.
Why? Because you believe that if you're not miserable, something is wrong.
Obama as been president for 6 years and you are STILL pissed off. See how this works "Joey have you ever been in a Turkish prison"?
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By the way the Sandra Fluke thing, that was Lush Rimjob who had to stick his nose in (for three days no less) -- speaking of inflated self-importance. He's not even elected. Why doesn't he just shut the fuck up?

LOL.. Why doesn't Jon Stewart, Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Bob Beckel, Steve Colbert, Alec Baldwin, Alan Colmes, Juan Williams? I'll let you answer your own stupid question.
Democrats worked hand in glove with the Republican president on the No Child Left Behind Act, provided crucial votes in the Senate for his tax cuts, joined with Republicans for all the steps taken after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and supplied the key votes for the Bush administration’s financial bailout at the height of the economic crisis in 2008. They have continued Bush policies wrt the Patriot Act, the Iraq withdrawal timetable, etc...

Can't think of any examples where Republicans were willing to work across the aisle. Can you provide any examples?

Okay... So you cite NCLB and 9/11, things that clearly happened in 2001, as evidence of "the past decade" ....do you understand what "decade" means? :doubt:

Also... "Hand in glove?" Seems to me there was a lot of bashing and criticism of both NCLB and 9/11 policies from Democrats... prominent ones who ran for president and stuff.

The bailouts? You mean the thing that Democrats are currently using to accuse greedy rich corporations of profiteering on the backs of the poor and working class? Those bailouts? And yes... the dear old Patriot Act, the Democrats held onto that, only now it is used primarily to spy on political adversaries so the IRS knows who to bring down. Iraq withdrawal timetable? You mean the agreement we signed with Iraq that couldn't have been changed anyway, in spite of all the over-the-top campaign rhetoric?

As for my examples, I gave my list... scroll up. Numerous times the House has been willing to work with Harry Reid and the Senate, but Dirty Harry won't allow amendments to bills, so they die in the Senate.

They were all Republican initiatives passed with Democrat support.

No they weren't. Not in the past decade, and not without extensive liberal bleating and whining.... much of which still goes on to this day.

How many Democratic initiatives died due to Republican filibusters?

None that I can recall. Can you cite any?

How many Republican initiatives were voted down by Republicans when the initiatives had broad support just to deny Obama a win?

Well, Republicans don't control the Senate, so they haven't been able to vote down anything that had "broad support" there. What Republican initiatives have Republicans voted down to keep Obama from a win?
...We can go through a host of issues, it doesn't really matter what they are... Illegal immigration, voter IDs, gay marriage, global warming... whatever it is, the left has their talking points ready and are prepared to do battle. But it's not just these issues, it's the level at which they absolutely refuse to acknowledge any other viewpoint and just automatically reject anything the right has to say... on ANYTHING. Doesn't matter! If the political right came out tomorrow in favor of fuzzy puppies and fluffy kittens, the left would launch an anti-fuzzy puppy and fluffy kitten campaign, charging that the right were racist bigots who were out of touch with mainstream Americans....

After reading that is there any wonder anyone of common sense and intelligence would 'reject anything the right has to say?' It wouldn't matter what your political leaning, the author says nothing substantive. You could place the fool in the 15th century and substitute witches or the devil and you'd have the same finger pointing nonsense. The inability of the right in America to do anything at all except point to President Obama is rather tiring given their record of doing nothing. Were any around during our last republican, right wing President? Anyone?

My original reply to their totally useless whining is here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...ning-and-otherwise-engaging-in-criticism.html

But I want to add a recent personal observation, we are dining with a group of mostly republican conservatives who are starting to feel the changes that come with age and the economy in America. They all drive fancy foreign cars, this is a personal grip with me. If you are going to complain about the economy and jobs then at least support your own nation. Weird that they worry about immigration as they immigrate autos that pay for union workers and support foreign nations with universal healthcare as they complain about America's lack of reasonably priced healthcare, and wonder if social security will still be around for them as they vote for those who want to destroy it. Odd don't you think, if you think, the OP writer missed that facility as do most on the right wing. Carry on children carry on.
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Again, for the mentally slow... Trickle Down is how all free market economy works. Even when you are attempting to install socialist top-down government policies. You simply wish for Big Brother to control the trickle, where we think it's better for capitalists and consumers to control it. We think it's better for the trickle to be determined by market forces, supply and demand, entrepreneurial freedom, consumer freedom and capitalism... you think the trickle should be determined by confiscatory policies of tax and regulation on capitalists and consumers, then systemically directed to those your government deems worthy of the trickle. But the Trickle Down happens either way, as that is the only way a free market economic system can work.

Now.... Greed and corruption are going to happen in ANY system. It happens with wealthy people and it happens with poor people, whether they are "allowed" to keep more of what they earn or not. In fact, an argument can be made that those who do not "earn" are the most greedy of all, since that is what "greed" is.... ascertaining that which is not rightfully yours at the expense of someone else.

We enjoyed our greatest prosperity when the workforce was largely unionized and the wealth paid confiscatory taxes.

the rich are parasites that have convinced stupid people like you that they are vital organs.
The whole problem here is that you want to downplay the absolute disaster Bush's presidency was and shrilly harp that we have "illegals".

The Crash of 2008.

Bush pretty much fucked up everything, is there a good reason to listen to the right on any subject?
Yeah, and Obama doubled-down on Bush.

I don't see anything Obama did that is as bad as the Iraq War. Or the fouled up response to Katrina. Or the 2008 Crash.

Has Obama made mistakes? Yup.

Is he still a damned sight better than Bush. Yup.

The Iraq war was a big positive for Bush until the Democrats decided that in order to win elections they had to make the war a negative. So they proceeded to have their media broadcast military dead repeatedly until all you heard was about another soldier dying in combat. Nevermind the fact that it's still happening under Obama. You just never hear about it anymore.

If it's not in the mainstream media is must not be real.

So Obama drops the ball in Iraq and ISIS is currently killing and butchering not only non-Muslims but Shiites as well. Not Obama's problem. He has fundraisers to attend. Syria is still killing people by the thousands, Obama has fundraisers to attend. Russia shoots down an airliner with 298 civilians aboard, and Obama has fundraisers to attend. Our border is being invaded, and Obama has fundraisers to attend.

I don't think it's so much what Obama has done but what he hasn't done that is so terrible.

Again, for the mentally slow... Trickle Down is how all free market economy works. Even when you are attempting to install socialist top-down government policies. You simply wish for Big Brother to control the trickle, where we think it's better for capitalists and consumers to control it. We think it's better for the trickle to be determined by market forces, supply and demand, entrepreneurial freedom, consumer freedom and capitalism... you think the trickle should be determined by confiscatory policies of tax and regulation on capitalists and consumers, then systemically directed to those your government deems worthy of the trickle. But the Trickle Down happens either way, as that is the only way a free market economic system can work.

Now.... Greed and corruption are going to happen in ANY system. It happens with wealthy people and it happens with poor people, whether they are "allowed" to keep more of what they earn or not. In fact, an argument can be made that those who do not "earn" are the most greedy of all, since that is what "greed" is.... ascertaining that which is not rightfully yours at the expense of someone else.

We enjoyed our greatest prosperity when the workforce was largely unionized and the wealth paid confiscatory taxes.

the rich are parasites that have convinced stupid people like you that they are vital organs.

Dude, when you keep spouting this Marxist nonsense it's clear you've never been a Republican.
By the way the Sandra Fluke thing, that was Lush Rimjob who had to stick his nose in (for three days no less) -- speaking of inflated self-importance. He's not even elected. Why doesn't he just shut the fuck up?

LOL.. Why doesn't Jon Stewart, Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Bob Beckel, Steve Colbert, Alec Baldwin, Alan Colmes, Juan Williams? I'll let you answer your own stupid question.

NO Democrat pisses himself at the thought that Whoopi Goldberg might diss him.

Republicans are terrified of Limbaugh, to the point none of them had the balls to call him on his repulsive comments about Fluke.

Now, there actually was a valid argument here, should employers be forced to pay for treatments they find objectionable.

All of which got drowned out by Limbaugh's misogyny.

Again, for the mentally slow... Trickle Down is how all free market economy works. Even when you are attempting to install socialist top-down government policies. You simply wish for Big Brother to control the trickle, where we think it's better for capitalists and consumers to control it. We think it's better for the trickle to be determined by market forces, supply and demand, entrepreneurial freedom, consumer freedom and capitalism... you think the trickle should be determined by confiscatory policies of tax and regulation on capitalists and consumers, then systemically directed to those your government deems worthy of the trickle. But the Trickle Down happens either way, as that is the only way a free market economic system can work.

Now.... Greed and corruption are going to happen in ANY system. It happens with wealthy people and it happens with poor people, whether they are "allowed" to keep more of what they earn or not. In fact, an argument can be made that those who do not "earn" are the most greedy of all, since that is what "greed" is.... ascertaining that which is not rightfully yours at the expense of someone else.

We enjoyed our greatest prosperity when the workforce was largely unionized and the wealth paid confiscatory taxes.

the rich are parasites that have convinced stupid people like you that they are vital organs.

Dude, when you keep spouting this Marxist nonsense it's clear you've never been a Republican.

Dude, what I describe is the status quo under Eisenhower, who was hardly a commie.

In fact, when JFK suggested dropping the top marginal rate from 93% to 70%, REPUBLICANS called him fiscally irresponsible. There was a time when Republicans did not slavishly follow every whim of the rich, and they weren't "Marxists".

Even Barry Goldwater never suggested cutting taxes for the rich. He wanted to cut the size of government, but not taxes.

No, this crazy shit of shifting the burden from the rich to the working class - that's a recent thing.

I didn't change. The GOP did.
Yeah, and Obama doubled-down on Bush.

I don't see anything Obama did that is as bad as the Iraq War. Or the fouled up response to Katrina. Or the 2008 Crash.

Has Obama made mistakes? Yup.

Is he still a damned sight better than Bush. Yup.

The Iraq war was a big positive for Bush until the Democrats decided that in order to win elections they had to make the war a negative.
So they proceeded to have their media broadcast military dead repeatedly until all you heard was about another soldier dying in combat. Nevermind the fact that it's still happening under Obama. You just never hear about it anymore.

If it's not in the mainstream media is must not be real.

So Obama drops the ball in Iraq and ISIS is currently killing and butchering not only non-Muslims but Shiites as well. Not Obama's problem. He has fundraisers to attend. Syria is still killing people by the thousands, Obama has fundraisers to attend. Russia shoots down an airliner with 298 civilians aboard, and Obama has fundraisers to attend. Our border is being invaded, and Obama has fundraisers to attend.

I don't think it's so much what Obama has done but what he hasn't done that is so terrible.

The Dems made the Iraq war a disaster? Because the media started showing the dead soldiers from the stupid war. That's your story eh? I remember the News Hour honoring the dead every night on the news. Bet you hated that "honoring of the dead.".

Because you have no honor and are one fucked up individual. Better to stick your head up your fat ass and pretend like you know what the fuck you are talking about. Asshole.

The Iraq war was a big positive for Bush until the Democrats decided that in order to win elections they had to make the war a negative. So they proceeded to have their media broadcast military dead repeatedly until all you heard was about another soldier dying in combat. Nevermind the fact that it's still happening under Obama. You just never hear about it anymore.

You mean it was a positive until AMericans figured out 1) Bush lied his ass off about Weapons of Mass Destruction and 2) The Iraqis apparently hadn't gotten the message "Mission Accomplished" and kept fighting. Don't blame the media when Americans figured out that this was a horrible idea.

If it's not in the mainstream media is must not be real.

So Obama drops the ball in Iraq and ISIS is currently killing and butchering not only non-Muslims but Shiites as well. Not Obama's problem. He has fundraisers to attend. Syria is still killing people by the thousands, Obama has fundraisers to attend. Russia shoots down an airliner with 298 civilians aboard, and Obama has fundraisers to attend. Our border is being invaded, and Obama has fundraisers to attend.

I don't think it's so much what Obama has done but what he hasn't done that is so terrible.

What happens in Syria and Iraq is none of our fucking business.

Neither is what is going on in the Ukraine. Yes, it's unfortunate a pilot was dumb enough to fly his plane over a war zone, but it's a fucking war zone.

And I don't stay up that we are under seige by brown toddlers.

Seriously, guy, you need to get over your ODS.

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