What in the hell is wrong with people?

Some people thrive on the challenge of life others have a very difficult time with it. They think a wealthy society should be able to give them their every need. life just can't work like that...it's not designed to work that way, it's unnatural. That is why a free society works better. There is a trickle down to capitalism and the lie that there is not comes straight from hell. A rising tide raises all boats and it's a damnable lie to say it doesn't.
I stand by my previous statement.
And rest my case. Trickle down theory is just what it is,Theory.

Some people thrive on the challenge of life others have a very difficult time with it. They think a wealthy society should be able to give them their every need. life just can't work like that...it's not designed to work that way, it's unnatural. That is why a free society works better. There is a trickle down to capitalism and the lie that there is not comes straight from hell. A rising tide raises all boats and it's a damnable lie to say it doesn't.
Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind.


and after you define what a 'liberal' is you will be exposed. why? because your caricature is one force fed by right wing media that demands a polarized society -- with us or against us -- conservative or liberal


Not quite true. It is not the right wing that practices group politics, that deliberately polarize society. It is not the right wing that says my way or the highway. Many of you so called "liberals" believe that any disagreement with your political agenda is divisive and evil. Afterall, who could possibly be against the poor and minorities, while supporting that evil capitalist system that creates rich people.
Some people thrive on the challenge of life others have a very difficult time with it. They think a wealthy society should be able to give them their every need. life just can't work like that...it's not designed to work that way, it's unnatural. That is why a free society works better. There is a trickle down to capitalism and the lie that there is not comes straight from hell. A rising tide raises all boats and it's a damnable lie to say it doesn't.

Straight from hell? Damnable?

You seem very reasonable and measured. Please, tell us more about this magic.
Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind.


and after you define what a 'liberal' is you will be exposed. why? because your caricature is one force fed by right wing media that demands a polarized society -- with us or against us -- conservative or liberal


Not quite true. It is not the right wing that practices group politics, that deliberately polarize society. It is not the right wing that says my way or the highway. Many of you so called "liberals" believe that any disagreement with your political agenda is divisive and evil. Afterall, who could possibly be against the poor and minorities, while supporting that evil capitalist system that creates rich people.

You are right! The right wing is very open to liberal ideas. Everyone knows that!
I stand by my previous statement.
And rest my case. Trickle down theory is just what it is,Theory.

Some people thrive on the challenge of life others have a very difficult time with it. They think a wealthy society should be able to give them their every need. life just can't work like that...it's not designed to work that way, it's unnatural. That is why a free society works better. There is a trickle down to capitalism and the lie that there is not comes straight from hell. A rising tide raises all boats and it's a damnable lie to say it doesn't.

Actually, it's not a theory, and liberals believe in it as well. You simply have a different source of the trickle. You want the trickle to come from government instead of capitalists. You want the government to confiscate the money from the capitalists to trickle it down to the chosen ones. The problem is, your theory leads to economic stagnation.
That's right.....show the OP how much conservatives are open to working with liberals. Good boy.
Working with liberals to do what, accelerate the demise of our country? Screw you, when is the last time Democrats worked with Republicans or even compromised one inch on anything? Maybe if Obama acted like a president and thought about what's best for the country instead of acting like a dictator and what's best for him, he would get some help, but when he says shit like "If Congress won't do what I tell them, I'll do it without them", wtf do you expect? Yeah, drink some more of that kool aid.

Broken record. Democrats compromised too much. When we stopped....your guys threw a tantrum and shut down the government. Your entire political agenda hinges on NOT COMPROMISING. One of Obama's weaknesses is thinking that the GOP were going to be honest players. He failed to see that no help was coming.

Was that before, or after, he told the Republicans to shut up and get to the back of the bus?

It takes two sides to have an impasse, and it takes two sides to shut down the government. Isn't it strange that you cretins are now trying to blame Obamacare on the Republicans? Maybe those Democrats should have found out what was in it before they passed it into law.
Working with liberals to do what, accelerate the demise of our country? Screw you, when is the last time Democrats worked with Republicans or even compromised one inch on anything? Maybe if Obama acted like a president and thought about what's best for the country instead of acting like a dictator and what's best for him, he would get some help, but when he says shit like "If Congress won't do what I tell them, I'll do it without them", wtf do you expect? Yeah, drink some more of that kool aid.

Broken record. Democrats compromised too much. When we stopped....your guys threw a tantrum and shut down the government. Your entire political agenda hinges on NOT COMPROMISING. One of Obama's weaknesses is thinking that the GOP were going to be honest players. He failed to see that no help was coming.

Was that before, or after, he told the Republicans to shut up and get to the back of the bus?

It takes two sides to have an impasse, and it takes two sides to shut down the government. Isn't it strange that you cretins are now trying to blame Obamacare on the Republicans? Maybe those Democrats should have found out what was in it before they passed it into law.

Obama never told anyone to shut up and get in the back of the bus. That is a lie that you were told and that you believed. Do you feel stupid?

When you come back and admit that you were duped...and have believed that lie for several years....we can move on to discussing what it takes to have an impasse.
It is total theory. Live in the land of make believe all you wish.
No where in any of my post will you see an advocation of what you have stated about I saying government giving me anything financially.
Your lies are just what they are, LIES!
Trickle down economics is total theory.

I stand by my previous statement.
And rest my case. Trickle down theory is just what it is,Theory.

Some people thrive on the challenge of life others have a very difficult time with it. They think a wealthy society should be able to give them their every need. life just can't work like that...it's not designed to work that way, it's unnatural. That is why a free society works better. There is a trickle down to capitalism and the lie that there is not comes straight from hell. A rising tide raises all boats and it's a damnable lie to say it doesn't.

Actually, it's not a theory, and liberals believe in it as well. You simply have a different source of the trickle. You want the trickle to come from government instead of capitalists. You want the government to confiscate the money from the capitalists to trickle it down to the chosen ones. The problem is, your theory leads to economic stagnation.
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I can tell who a liberal is just by stating ANY position as a right wing conservative. As a right wing conservative, I think we should all support fuzzy kittens! ...Now let's wait for a liberal to jump on that and tell me why I am a racist who is out of touch with mainstream Americans!

You are and always have been out of touch with mainstream Americans because you state everything in terms of black and white, liberal and conservative.


Conservatives, for the most part, seek simplistic 'solutions' to difficult, complex problems adhering blindly to rightist dogma – there's no effort to find the truth of an issue, to discover the facts, and to predicate policies on those facts, and to find actual, viable solutions to those problems.

All we hear from the right is the same failed, moronic nonsense: 'ban' abortion, throw out 'illegals,' cut taxes – all absent a comprehensive understanding as to the consequences of such reckless and irresponsible 'policies.'

Perhaps you should start listening to the right itself, and spend less time getting your opinions and talking points from left wing blogs.

You don't even have a comprehensive understanding of the bullcrap you just posted, let alone anything more complicated or complex.

Anyone who can be led to believe that increased taxes benefits an economy, has no understanding of simple finance, let alone macro-economics. Taking money out of any enterprise could not possibly be a boon to that enterprise. That applies to your personal finances, and to the economy as a whole.

And anyone who believes that adhering to the law is reckless and irresponsible, is in no position to lecture anyone on understanding.

Last but not least, is the fact that Roe vs Wade made abortion a personal right, and anyone concerned what others think about banning abortion is a fool. It would require a constitutional amendment, and that is not going to happen any time soon.
I wondered for years how on earth did Hitler or Stalin or Mao come to wield such absolute power. I've found my answer witnessing the "new left" and their utter devotion to a leader and they walk in lock step with the ideaology never waivering, never questioning.

Progressives aren't liberals at all. They are pro government in your face control freaks but who pretend to be liberal.

One of the most disturbing trends of late is the "get Congress out of the way and let Obama do his job" talking point.

It's jaw dropping unreal because left wing whackos genuinely believe that Obama should rule by EO.

So I've found my answer to an old question and it's most disturbing to say the least.

ETA: i am not saying Obama is Hitler, Stalin or Mao. Just wanted to be perfectly clear. It's the devotees, the rabid followers of any "leader" that disturbingly are willing to give said leader/government the power of complete control over their lives.

Progressives fit the bill. And I do differentiate between Progressives and true classical liberals.
"It's jaw dropping unreal because left wing whackos genuinely believe that Obama should rule by EO."
This is the "screw the establishment" mantra of the the 60's radical liberal...
Here's the rub. The modern day liberal/progressive has become closed minded, exclusionary and has developed the attitude that "there is no other point of view".
Examples of this are illustrated by the "dis-invitations' by college campus loudmouths who cannot stomach the idea of a non liberal having the right to speak.
The fact is, today's modern lib has become the 'establishment'...In essence they have become the very same people they hated 50 years ago.
Today's liberal is neither liberal nor progressive.
You are and always have been out of touch with mainstream Americans because you state everything in terms of black and white, liberal and conservative.


Conservatives, for the most part, seek simplistic 'solutions' to difficult, complex problems adhering blindly to rightist dogma – there's no effort to find the truth of an issue, to discover the facts, and to predicate policies on those facts, and to find actual, viable solutions to those problems.

All we hear from the right is the same failed, moronic nonsense: 'ban' abortion, throw out 'illegals,' cut taxes – all absent a comprehensive understanding as to the consequences of such reckless and irresponsible 'policies.'

Perhaps you should start listening to the right itself, and spend less time getting your opinions and talking points from left wing blogs.

You don't even have a comprehensive understanding of the bullcrap you just posted, let alone anything more complicated or complex.

Anyone who can be led to believe that increased taxes benefits an economy, has no understanding of simple finance, let alone macro-economics. Taking money out of any enterprise could not possibly be a boon to that enterprise. That applies to your personal finances, and to the economy as a whole.

And anyone who believes that adhering to the law is reckless and irresponsible, is in no position to lecture anyone on understanding.

Last but not least, is the fact that Roe vs Wade made abortion a personal right, and anyone concerned what others think about banning abortion is a fool. It would require a constitutional amendment, and that is not going to happen any time soon.

How would the economy do if there were no taxes?
Broken record. Democrats compromised too much. When we stopped....your guys threw a tantrum and shut down the government. Your entire political agenda hinges on NOT COMPROMISING. One of Obama's weaknesses is thinking that the GOP were going to be honest players. He failed to see that no help was coming.

Was that before, or after, he told the Republicans to shut up and get to the back of the bus?

It takes two sides to have an impasse, and it takes two sides to shut down the government. Isn't it strange that you cretins are now trying to blame Obamacare on the Republicans? Maybe those Democrats should have found out what was in it before they passed it into law.

Obama never told anyone to shut up and get in the back of the bus. That is a lie that you were told and that you believed. Do you feel stupid?

When you come back and admit that you were duped...and have believed that lie for several years....we can move on to discussing what it takes to have an impasse.

Come on, man.....you can do better than that. Those aren't initiatives as much as they are little pokes and partisan plays. Shit....you weren't even specific enough for me to figure out what you are talking about. Let's try again.

The Keystone has substantial Democratic support.
Repeal the medical devise tax....an initiative? Please.
Extending deadline? Please.
The exchange audit bill? Please.
New sanctions on Iran? That is bipartisan legislation. Fail
Jobs bills.........come on, man. Have some respect.
Funding for securing the border? Obama just asked for funds to secure the border.
Amendments? Are those initiatives? No.

Give me a GOP initiative.....one that isn't steeped in political bullshit. Something substantial. Come on......you can do it.

Nope... done with you until you can address my extensive list with something more than "Please!" And let's not NOW change the goal post to include your caveat of "not steeped in political bullshit" because we both know that pretty much disqualifies any bill of any kind in Washington. You asked for examples of Republican initiatives (yes amendments count) that Democrats refused to work with Republicans on, and I presented 10 as you requested. These are all from the most recent session, I could probably find another dozen or so from the last session as well. My point is made, you've not refuted it with "Please!" Sorry.

Try harder. Your list is not as advertised. You've had a rough day.

:lol: You got your ass handed to you in this thread..
Nope... done with you until you can address my extensive list with something more than "Please!" And let's not NOW change the goal post to include your caveat of "not steeped in political bullshit" because we both know that pretty much disqualifies any bill of any kind in Washington. You asked for examples of Republican initiatives (yes amendments count) that Democrats refused to work with Republicans on, and I presented 10 as you requested. These are all from the most recent session, I could probably find another dozen or so from the last session as well. My point is made, you've not refuted it with "Please!" Sorry.

Try harder. Your list is not as advertised. You've had a rough day.

:lol: You got your ass handed to you in this thread..

Well....apart from your experience in getting your ass handed to you....you ain't much of a judge. So.....I'll hold my tears.
Some people thrive on the challenge of life others have a very difficult time with it. They think a wealthy society should be able to give them their every need. life just can't work like that...it's not designed to work that way, it's unnatural. That is why a free society works better. There is a trickle down to capitalism and the lie that there is not comes straight from hell. A rising tide raises all boats and it's a damnable lie to say it doesn't.


The rest of us are happy to work for what we have and we shouldn't be victimized by the minority who is too selfish and unethical to take a lot more than they need.

The "Trickle Down" lie has been disproven. The greedy don't get less greedy if you let them keep more.
Try harder. Your list is not as advertised. You've had a rough day.

:lol: You got your ass handed to you in this thread..

Well....apart from your experience in getting your ass handed to you....you ain't much of a judge. So.....I'll hold my tears.

She's right. You popped off that smug liberal mouth and got your ass handed to you on a platter, then studdered and stammered around with "Please!" and "give me a break!" You never addressed my list which you requested. Then you moved the goal posts and started talking cocky like you had won the argument.

You're really a pathetic and dishonest little POS Liberal.
...but your ass is mounted on my wall of shame! :D
Some people thrive on the challenge of life others have a very difficult time with it. They think a wealthy society should be able to give them their every need. life just can't work like that...it's not designed to work that way, it's unnatural. That is why a free society works better. There is a trickle down to capitalism and the lie that there is not comes straight from hell. A rising tide raises all boats and it's a damnable lie to say it doesn't.


The rest of us are happy to work for what we have and we shouldn't be victimized by the minority who is too selfish and unethical to take a lot more than they need.

The "Trickle Down" lie has been disproven. The greedy don't get less greedy if you let them keep more.

Again, for the mentally slow... Trickle Down is how all free market economy works. Even when you are attempting to install socialist top-down government policies. You simply wish for Big Brother to control the trickle, where we think it's better for capitalists and consumers to control it. We think it's better for the trickle to be determined by market forces, supply and demand, entrepreneurial freedom, consumer freedom and capitalism... you think the trickle should be determined by confiscatory policies of tax and regulation on capitalists and consumers, then systemically directed to those your government deems worthy of the trickle. But the Trickle Down happens either way, as that is the only way a free market economic system can work.

Now.... Greed and corruption are going to happen in ANY system. It happens with wealthy people and it happens with poor people, whether they are "allowed" to keep more of what they earn or not. In fact, an argument can be made that those who do not "earn" are the most greedy of all, since that is what "greed" is.... ascertaining that which is not rightfully yours at the expense of someone else.

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