What in the hell is wrong with people?

Do you think liberals prefer the ACA to single payer? Where did the idea for the ACA come from? Does the ACA represent a form of compromise on the part of liberals?

Maybe you can explain to me how the math works here. NO Republicans voted for ACA with or without single payer. Liberal Democrats passed ACA all by themselves. But you are claiming ACA didn't include single payer because of Republicans... none of whom voted for ACA. It's also a bit strange to think ACA was a Republican idea when no Republican voted for it. But please do tell me about these compromises made by liberals to ZERO Republicans?

Of course not. Liberals are far too stupid to understand this isn't a battle of wills.

Yep. I think it was always a liberal strategy to force a government shutdown and then blame it on republicans.

Honestly dude.....you are living in upside-down backward land. Your conservative elected officials have publicly decried compromise and have stated their objective to oppose the president on every measure.

What is wrong with these people...........exactly.

Can you name anything in the past decade that was a Republican initiative where liberals compromised?

Democrats worked hand in glove with the Republican president on the No Child Left Behind Act, provided crucial votes in the Senate for his tax cuts, joined with Republicans for all the steps taken after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and supplied the key votes for the Bush administration’s financial bailout at the height of the economic crisis in 2008. They have continued Bush policies wrt the Patriot Act, the Iraq withdrawal timetable, etc...

Can't think of any examples where Republicans were willing to work across the aisle. Can you provide any examples?

Well.....Rubio did sponsor immigration ref.............oops.
B-but but... that touchdown didn't count!! Waah! :eusa_boohoo:

Face it Boss. Mittens is a lifelong Republican who did the same thing to Massachusetts that O'bama did to the country. It was a stupid idea then and it's the same stupid idea now. So yes, what Governor Romney (R) did, regardless what state he was governor of, does indeed have to do with Republicans. By definition.

Drunken rambling rant in the wee hours of the morning: 17 minutes. Jumping to specious reasoning and wild generalizations as argument: 3.3 nanoseconds.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Face what? That Mittens is a lifelong Republican in the most Liberal state in America? That Romneycare is as an abysmal failure as Obamacare? That moderate establishment Republicans thought Romney was the ideal candidate? Hey, I have no problem facing those things. I can even accept Romney's rationale, that Romneycare was a state initiative at the state level, and not nationalized health care. But Mitt Romney hardly defines the GOP.

Now, I can't speak for all conservatives, but I don't think most of them have a problem with a state using it's own resources to shore up statewide health care, especially if the voters pass such initiatives at the ballot box. I actually think that should be encouraged more. My main problem is with a centralized federal bureaucracy in DC making determinations regarding the health and wellbeing of me and my family. Mandating that I must purchase products that I may not wish to own and punishing me punitively if I don't comply.

Yeah, we had problems with our healthcare system, Obamacare didn't fix any of them.

My goodness....you use a lot of words to say nothing.

The mandate is a conservative ideal......loaded with personal responsibility. Ever since a Democratic POTUS adopted it....it became big bad government overreach. You are transparent.

Liberal projection from the king of the liberal dipshits. Nice work son ........ :thup:
B-but but... that touchdown didn't count!! Waah! :eusa_boohoo:

Face it Boss. Mittens is a lifelong Republican who did the same thing to Massachusetts that O'bama did to the country. It was a stupid idea then and it's the same stupid idea now. So yes, what Governor Romney (R) did, regardless what state he was governor of, does indeed have to do with Republicans. By definition.

Drunken rambling rant in the wee hours of the morning: 17 minutes. Jumping to specious reasoning and wild generalizations as argument: 3.3 nanoseconds.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Face what? That Mittens is a lifelong Republican in the most Liberal state in America? That Romneycare is as an abysmal failure as Obamacare? That moderate establishment Republicans thought Romney was the ideal candidate? Hey, I have no problem facing those things. I can even accept Romney's rationale, that Romneycare was a state initiative at the state level, and not nationalized health care. But Mitt Romney hardly defines the GOP.

Didn't say he does. The quotes you cut out as inconvenient were what was addressed here; first LoneLaugher's note that ACA was based on a Republican initiative, which you then reworded to "The ACA was not a Republican initiative". Once again, when you can't argue the point, change the other person's point into something you can handle? Please.

Fact is, Romney, who IS a Republican, did it first; the ACA followed suit. The political makeup of the state he was governor of that you keep tossing out like turds of deflection, is irrelevant. Massachusetts law never held that only Liberals were forced to buy health care.

Moving the goalposts after you've already lost the point: Such a deal. But it's fascinating how your drunken stupor OP lines up broad generalization after broad generalization and then when the shoe appears on the other foot, suddenly Mitt Romney becomes an island unto himself.

As I said, Having it both ways: Priceless. :eusa_dance:
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Broken record. Democrats compromised too much. When we stopped....your guys threw a tantrum and shut down the government. Your entire political agenda hinges on NOT COMPROMISING. One of Obama's weaknesses is thinking that the GOP were going to be honest players. He failed to see that no help was coming.

You have not cited a single example of Democrats compromising with Republicans to pass a Republican initiative. The only example of a Democrat initiative where you claim they compromised is ACA, which garnered NO Republican votes.

Give me 10 GOP initiatives that have passed and were signed by the POTUS in the past decade. Hurry.

I can give you a rather lengthy list of Republican House initiatives passed but killed by Harry Reid in the Senate. I asked YOU for examples of Democrats compromising with Republicans to pass Republican initiatives and you couldn't cite any. It's laughable that you think the lack of GOP initiatives passed by a Democrat Senate and signed into law by a Democrat president, somehow makes your point about being great compromisers.
Face what? That Mittens is a lifelong Republican in the most Liberal state in America? That Romneycare is as an abysmal failure as Obamacare? That moderate establishment Republicans thought Romney was the ideal candidate? Hey, I have no problem facing those things. I can even accept Romney's rationale, that Romneycare was a state initiative at the state level, and not nationalized health care. But Mitt Romney hardly defines the GOP.

Now, I can't speak for all conservatives, but I don't think most of them have a problem with a state using it's own resources to shore up statewide health care, especially if the voters pass such initiatives at the ballot box. I actually think that should be encouraged more. My main problem is with a centralized federal bureaucracy in DC making determinations regarding the health and wellbeing of me and my family. Mandating that I must purchase products that I may not wish to own and punishing me punitively if I don't comply.

Yeah, we had problems with our healthcare system, Obamacare didn't fix any of them.

My goodness....you use a lot of words to say nothing.

The mandate is a conservative ideal......loaded with personal responsibility. Ever since a Democratic POTUS adopted it....it became big bad government overreach. You are transparent.

Liberal projection from the king of the liberal dipshits. Nice work son ........ :thup:

Who are you again? Remind me.
My goodness....you use a lot of words to say nothing.

The mandate is a conservative ideal......loaded with personal responsibility. Ever since a Democratic POTUS adopted it....it became big bad government overreach. You are transparent.

Liberal projection from the king of the liberal dipshits. Nice work son ........ :thup:

Who are you again? Remind me.

Internet message board poster says what ?........ :dunno:
You have not cited a single example of Democrats compromising with Republicans to pass a Republican initiative. The only example of a Democrat initiative where you claim they compromised is ACA, which garnered NO Republican votes.

Give me 10 GOP initiatives that have passed and were signed by the POTUS in the past decade. Hurry.

I can give you a rather lengthy list of Republican House initiatives passed but killed by Harry Reid in the Senate. I asked YOU for examples of Democrats compromising with Republicans to pass Republican initiatives and you couldn't cite any. It's laughable that you think the lack of GOP initiatives passed by a Democrat Senate and signed into law by a Democrat president, somehow makes your point about being great compromisers.

Give me the list. I am having difficulty coming up with GOP initiatives. Give me ten. I'm going to research them with you. Give me ten GOP INITIATIVES. They have so many....this should be easy for you.
Didn't say he does. The quotes you cut out as inconvenient were what was addressed here; first LoneLaugher's note that ACA was based on a Republican initiative, which you then reworded to "The ACA was not a Republican initiative". Once again, when you can't argue the point, change the other person's point into something you can handle? Please.

Now wait a damn minute, I have not changed anyone's quotes. I often delete nested quotes for sake of brevity, the original post is there if anyone wants to go back and see what was said. LoneLaughter claimed ACA was a Republican initiative, and that is false. Not a single Republican voted for ACA. How anyone who isn't mentally insane can view that as their initiative, when none of them voted for it, is beyond me. :cuckoo:

Fact is, Romney, who IS a Republican, did it first; the ACA followed suit. The political makeup of the state he was governor of that you keep tossing out like turds of deflection, is irrelevant. Massachusetts law never held that only Liberals were forced to buy health care.

No, Romney didn't nationalize health care. Sorry! And yes, the political makeup of the state is very relevant here. It was the state legislature that passed a bill that Romney signed. Governors do not have the authority to write and pass their own bills. I have no idea why you're arguing the law never held that only liberals were forced to buy health care, I never claimed it did. The law was passed by liberals in a very liberal state where liberals wanted state-run health care. Romney gave them what they wanted.

Moving the goalposts after you've already lost the point: Such a deal. But it's fascinating how your drunken stupor OP lines up broad generalization after broad generalization and then suddenly Mitt Romney becomes an island unto himself.

As I said, Having it both ways: Priceless. :eusa_dance:

I've not lost a point. I don't know what you mean by "drunken stupor OP" here. Why are you resorting to personal attacks? I think that is evidence YOU are losing the argument. :eusa_boohoo:
You have not cited a single example of Democrats compromising with Republicans to pass a Republican initiative. The only example of a Democrat initiative where you claim they compromised is ACA, which garnered NO Republican votes.

Give me 10 GOP initiatives that have passed and were signed by the POTUS in the past decade. Hurry.

I can give you a rather lengthy list of Republican House initiatives passed but killed by Harry Reid in the Senate. I asked YOU for examples of Democrats compromising with Republicans to pass Republican initiatives and you couldn't cite any. It's laughable that you think the lack of GOP initiatives passed by a Democrat Senate and signed into law by a Democrat president, somehow makes your point about being great compromisers.

See post #78 for examples of Democrats compromising with Republicans. I could provide an equally long list of Democrat initiatives blocked by Republican filibusters. Heck, Republicans even vote against their own initiatives if they have majority approval just to deny Obama a victory.
and after you define what a 'liberal' is you will be exposed. why? because your caricature is one force fed by right wing media that demands a polarized society -- with us or against us -- conservative or liberal


I can tell who a liberal is just by stating ANY position as a right wing conservative. As a right wing conservative, I think we should all support fuzzy kittens! ...Now let's wait for a liberal to jump on that and tell me why I am a racist who is out of touch with mainstream Americans!

You are and always have been out of touch with mainstream Americans because you state everything in terms of black and white, liberal and conservative.


Conservatives, for the most part, seek simplistic 'solutions' to difficult, complex problems adhering blindly to rightist dogma – there's no effort to find the truth of an issue, to discover the facts, and to predicate policies on those facts, and to find actual, viable solutions to those problems.

All we hear from the right is the same failed, moronic nonsense: 'ban' abortion, throw out 'illegals,' cut taxes – all absent a comprehensive understanding as to the consequences of such reckless and irresponsible 'policies.'
Give me 10 GOP initiatives that have passed and were signed by the POTUS in the past decade. Hurry.

I can give you a rather lengthy list of Republican House initiatives passed but killed by Harry Reid in the Senate. I asked YOU for examples of Democrats compromising with Republicans to pass Republican initiatives and you couldn't cite any. It's laughable that you think the lack of GOP initiatives passed by a Democrat Senate and signed into law by a Democrat president, somehow makes your point about being great compromisers.

Give me the list. I am having difficulty coming up with GOP initiatives. Give me ten. I'm going to research them with you. Give me ten GOP INITIATIVES. They have so many....this should be easy for you.

Keystone XL oil pipeline.
Repeal of medical device tax.
Extending deadline for individual mandate.
Exchange audit bill.
New sanctions on Iran.
20 assorted jobs bills, take your pick.
More funding for securing the border.
Amendments to extending unemployment benefits.
Amendments to veteran's administration bill.
Amendments to minimum wage increase bill.

Piece of cake! :eusa_whistle:
B-but but... that touchdown didn't count!! Waah! :eusa_boohoo:

Face it Boss. Mittens is a lifelong Republican who did the same thing to Massachusetts that O'bama did to the country. It was a stupid idea then and it's the same stupid idea now. So yes, what Governor Romney (R) did, regardless what state he was governor of, does indeed have to do with Republicans. By definition.

Drunken rambling rant in the wee hours of the morning: 17 minutes. Jumping to specious reasoning and wild generalizations as argument: 3.3 nanoseconds.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Face what? That Mittens is a lifelong Republican in the most Liberal state in America? That Romneycare is as an abysmal failure as Obamacare? That moderate establishment Republicans thought Romney was the ideal candidate? Hey, I have no problem facing those things. I can even accept Romney's rationale, that Romneycare was a state initiative at the state level, and not nationalized health care. But Mitt Romney hardly defines the GOP.

Now, I can't speak for all conservatives, but I don't think most of them have a problem with a state using it's own resources to shore up statewide health care, especially if the voters pass such initiatives at the ballot box. I actually think that should be encouraged more. My main problem is with a centralized federal bureaucracy in DC making determinations regarding the health and wellbeing of me and my family. Mandating that I must purchase products that I may not wish to own and punishing me punitively if I don't comply.

Yeah, we had problems with our healthcare system, Obamacare didn't fix any of them.

You're either ignorant or a liar.

The ACA doesn't 'mandate' anything – you and anyone else are at liberty to go without health insurance. The ACA contains no provisions to subject those with no health insurance to criminal prosecution or penalties.

And the problem with a state using its own resources to shore up statewide healthcare is that many states can't or won't, they either lack the resources to ensure all residents have coverage or refuse to do so for purely partisan reasons, such as the states that refused to take advantage of Medicaid expansion.

It's perfectly appropriate and Constitutional for the National government to seek to provide as many Americans as possible access to affordable healthcare, including citizens who live in poor states with republican members of state government more interested in playing partisan politics than helping the people of their state.
Didn't say he does. The quotes you cut out as inconvenient were what was addressed here; first LoneLaugher's note that ACA was based on a Republican initiative, which you then reworded to "The ACA was not a Republican initiative". Once again, when you can't argue the point, change the other person's point into something you can handle? Please.

Now wait a damn minute, I have not changed anyone's quotes. I often delete nested quotes for sake of brevity, the original post is there if anyone wants to go back and see what was said. LoneLaughter claimed ACA was a Republican initiative, and that is false. Not a single Republican voted for ACA. How anyone who isn't mentally insane can view that as their initiative, when none of them voted for it, is beyond me. :cuckoo:

Horse Shit.

Here, you wanna deny what's on the record, I'll make it real big for ya:
The ACA is based on a Republican initiative. It is modeled after Romney's signature plan for MA. This is an indisputable fact. Liberals compromised by abandoning single payer and the public option. <snip>

The ACA was NOT a Republican initiative

"Based on" versus "is". Wait, are you gonna tell me it depends on what the meaning of is is? Don't be dishonest about your own dishonesty. It's on the record. :eusa_hand:

Fact is, Romney, who IS a Republican, did it first; the ACA followed suit. The political makeup of the state he was governor of that you keep tossing out like turds of deflection, is irrelevant. Massachusetts law never held that only Liberals were forced to buy health care.

No, Romney didn't nationalize health care. Sorry!

Neither did O'bama "nationalize" it but Romney did require that his constituents -- the ones a state governor DOES control -- had to buy their own health care. Which makes them the same thing. And the later is, as LL noted based on the earlier. [/quote]

And yes, the political makeup of the state is very relevant here. It was the state legislature that passed a bill that Romney signed. Governors do not have the authority to write and pass their own bills. I have no idea why you're arguing the law never held that only liberals were forced to buy health care, I never claimed it did. The law was passed by liberals in a very liberal state where liberals wanted state-run health care. Romney gave them what they wanted.

Uh --- it was Romney's proposal in the first place. So no, that doesn't work.

And btw it's predictably on the skids:
>> RomneyCare&#8217;s pioneering health insurance exchange is headed for the scrap heap.

Bay State officials are taking steps this week to junk central parts of their dysfunctional health insurance exchange &#8212; the model for President Barack Obama&#8217;s health care law &#8212; and merge with the federal enrollment site HealthCare.gov. <<

Moving the goalposts after you've already lost the point: Such a deal. But it's fascinating how your drunken stupor OP lines up broad generalization after broad generalization and then suddenly Mitt Romney becomes an island unto himself.

As I said, Having it both ways: Priceless. :eusa_dance:

I've not lost a point. I don't know what you mean by "drunken stupor OP" here. Why are you resorting to personal attacks? I think that is evidence YOU are losing the argument. :eusa_boohoo:

Read your own OP while sober and you'll see what was obvious last night. Rambling inchoate whining about sweeping generalizations -- a tactic that suddenly becomes scarce when an R is involved. "B-but that doesn't count!"

The point stands about your double standards.
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Democrats worked hand in glove with the Republican president on the No Child Left Behind Act, provided crucial votes in the Senate for his tax cuts, joined with Republicans for all the steps taken after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and supplied the key votes for the Bush administration’s financial bailout at the height of the economic crisis in 2008. They have continued Bush policies wrt the Patriot Act, the Iraq withdrawal timetable, etc...

Can't think of any examples where Republicans were willing to work across the aisle. Can you provide any examples?

Okay... So you cite NCLB and 9/11, things that clearly happened in 2001, as evidence of "the past decade" ....do you understand what "decade" means? :doubt:

Also... "Hand in glove?" Seems to me there was a lot of bashing and criticism of both NCLB and 9/11 policies from Democrats... prominent ones who ran for president and stuff.

The bailouts? You mean the thing that Democrats are currently using to accuse greedy rich corporations of profiteering on the backs of the poor and working class? Those bailouts? And yes... the dear old Patriot Act, the Democrats held onto that, only now it is used primarily to spy on political adversaries so the IRS knows who to bring down. Iraq withdrawal timetable? You mean the agreement we signed with Iraq that couldn't have been changed anyway, in spite of all the over-the-top campaign rhetoric?

As for my examples, I gave my list... scroll up. Numerous times the House has been willing to work with Harry Reid and the Senate, but Dirty Harry won't allow amendments to bills, so they die in the Senate.
the House has handed the Senate legislation, the Senate has handed the House legislation, the vast majority of both contain additional pet projects that NEITHER side will ever pass based on the merit of the additional attachments.

Politics 101

what we have here is Boss the dog barking in the mirror
I can give you a rather lengthy list of Republican House initiatives passed but killed by Harry Reid in the Senate. I asked YOU for examples of Democrats compromising with Republicans to pass Republican initiatives and you couldn't cite any. It's laughable that you think the lack of GOP initiatives passed by a Democrat Senate and signed into law by a Democrat president, somehow makes your point about being great compromisers.

Give me the list. I am having difficulty coming up with GOP initiatives. Give me ten. I'm going to research them with you. Give me ten GOP INITIATIVES. They have so many....this should be easy for you.

Keystone XL oil pipeline.
Repeal of medical device tax.
Extending deadline for individual mandate.
Exchange audit bill.
New sanctions on Iran.
20 assorted jobs bills, take your pick.
More funding for securing the border.
Amendments to extending unemployment benefits.
Amendments to veteran's administration bill.
Amendments to minimum wage increase bill.

Piece of cake! :eusa_whistle:

Come on, man.....you can do better than that. Those aren't initiatives as much as they are little pokes and partisan plays. Shit....you weren't even specific enough for me to figure out what you are talking about. Let's try again.

The Keystone has substantial Democratic support.
Repeal the medical devise tax....an initiative? Please.
Extending deadline? Please.
The exchange audit bill? Please.
New sanctions on Iran? That is bipartisan legislation. Fail
Jobs bills.........come on, man. Have some respect.
Funding for securing the border? Obama just asked for funds to secure the border.
Amendments? Are those initiatives? No.

Give me a GOP initiative.....one that isn't steeped in political bullshit. Something substantial. Come on......you can do it.
Give me the list. I am having difficulty coming up with GOP initiatives. Give me ten. I'm going to research them with you. Give me ten GOP INITIATIVES. They have so many....this should be easy for you.

Keystone XL oil pipeline.
Repeal of medical device tax.
Extending deadline for individual mandate.
Exchange audit bill.
New sanctions on Iran.
20 assorted jobs bills, take your pick.
More funding for securing the border.
Amendments to extending unemployment benefits.
Amendments to veteran's administration bill.
Amendments to minimum wage increase bill.

Piece of cake! :eusa_whistle:

Come on, man.....you can do better than that. Those aren't initiatives as much as they are little pokes and partisan plays. Shit....you weren't even specific enough for me to figure out what you are talking about. Let's try again.

The Keystone has substantial Democratic support.
Repeal the medical devise tax....an initiative? Please.
Extending deadline? Please.
The exchange audit bill? Please.
New sanctions on Iran? That is bipartisan legislation. Fail
Jobs bills.........come on, man. Have some respect.
Funding for securing the border? Obama just asked for funds to secure the border.
Amendments? Are those initiatives? No.

Give me a GOP initiative.....one that isn't steeped in political bullshit. Something substantial. Come on......you can do it.

Nope... done with you until you can address my extensive list with something more than "Please!" And let's not NOW change the goal post to include your caveat of "not steeped in political bullshit" because we both know that pretty much disqualifies any bill of any kind in Washington. You asked for examples of Republican initiatives (yes amendments count) that Democrats refused to work with Republicans on, and I presented 10 as you requested. These are all from the most recent session, I could probably find another dozen or so from the last session as well. My point is made, you've not refuted it with "Please!" Sorry.
Keystone XL oil pipeline.
Repeal of medical device tax.
Extending deadline for individual mandate.
Exchange audit bill.
New sanctions on Iran.
20 assorted jobs bills, take your pick.
More funding for securing the border.
Amendments to extending unemployment benefits.
Amendments to veteran's administration bill.
Amendments to minimum wage increase bill.

Piece of cake! :eusa_whistle:

Come on, man.....you can do better than that. Those aren't initiatives as much as they are little pokes and partisan plays. Shit....you weren't even specific enough for me to figure out what you are talking about. Let's try again.

The Keystone has substantial Democratic support.
Repeal the medical devise tax....an initiative? Please.
Extending deadline? Please.
The exchange audit bill? Please.
New sanctions on Iran? That is bipartisan legislation. Fail
Jobs bills.........come on, man. Have some respect.
Funding for securing the border? Obama just asked for funds to secure the border.
Amendments? Are those initiatives? No.

Give me a GOP initiative.....one that isn't steeped in political bullshit. Something substantial. Come on......you can do it.

Nope... done with you until you can address my extensive list with something more than "Please!" And let's not NOW change the goal post to include your caveat of "not steeped in political bullshit" because we both know that pretty much disqualifies any bill of any kind in Washington. You asked for examples of Republican initiatives (yes amendments count) that Democrats refused to work with Republicans on, and I presented 10 as you requested. These are all from the most recent session, I could probably find another dozen or so from the last session as well. My point is made, you've not refuted it with "Please!" Sorry.

Try harder. Your list is not as advertised. You've had a rough day.
Democrats worked hand in glove with the Republican president on the No Child Left Behind Act, provided crucial votes in the Senate for his tax cuts, joined with Republicans for all the steps taken after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and supplied the key votes for the Bush administration’s financial bailout at the height of the economic crisis in 2008. They have continued Bush policies wrt the Patriot Act, the Iraq withdrawal timetable, etc...

Can't think of any examples where Republicans were willing to work across the aisle. Can you provide any examples?

Okay... So you cite NCLB and 9/11, things that clearly happened in 2001, as evidence of "the past decade" ....do you understand what "decade" means? :doubt:

Also... "Hand in glove?" Seems to me there was a lot of bashing and criticism of both NCLB and 9/11 policies from Democrats... prominent ones who ran for president and stuff.

The bailouts? You mean the thing that Democrats are currently using to accuse greedy rich corporations of profiteering on the backs of the poor and working class? Those bailouts? And yes... the dear old Patriot Act, the Democrats held onto that, only now it is used primarily to spy on political adversaries so the IRS knows who to bring down. Iraq withdrawal timetable? You mean the agreement we signed with Iraq that couldn't have been changed anyway, in spite of all the over-the-top campaign rhetoric?

As for my examples, I gave my list... scroll up. Numerous times the House has been willing to work with Harry Reid and the Senate, but Dirty Harry won't allow amendments to bills, so they die in the Senate.

They were all Republican initiatives passed with Democrat support. How many Democratic initiatives died due to Republican filibusters? How many Republican initiatives were voted down by Republicans when the initiatives had broad support just to deny Obama a win?

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