What 'Inside Job' Missed About the 2008 Financial Collapse.


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Interesting story, but I ahve to say a whole bunch of people were calling the event well before hand, but the idiots running our financial system missed it because they were blinded by greed.

It is shameful that not one banker has gone to jail yet over this and they are still profiting from their corruption and idiocy, believe it or not.

Capitalism does not run Wall Street; Crony Capitalism does.

What ‘Inside Job’ got wrong
Interesting story, but I ahve to say a whole bunch of people were calling the event well before hand, but the idiots running our financial system missed it because they were blinded by greed.

It is shameful that not one banker has gone to jail yet over this and they are still profiting from their corruption and idiocy, believe it or not.

Capitalism does not run Wall Street; Crony Capitalism does.

What ‘Inside Job’ got wrong

I read "Big Short" when it came out, and recently saw the movie. Thought both were excellent and agree with your link that Lewis is an excellent story teller. But I had no idea Lewis was so far off base in 2007.

And I agree with your opinion on jail time. The billions in penalties just doesn't seem sufficient.

Thanks for the link
Yeah, you are welcome, but I find it disheartening to realize that the people who are supposed to watch the store are chummy with the neighborhood crooks and too stupid to realzie they are having one put over on them.

I cannot help but wonder how many Bernie Madoffs there are running Wall Street. He was Chairman of the NASDAC, remember?

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