What is a fair tax rate?

OK, we'd all like to pay 0%, but what tax rates do you think would be fair - and sustainable?

For simplicity, I've broken it down here into these main categories:

Low income 20%
Middle income 27.5%
High income 35%

Corporate tax 30%

VAT 15%

Tax on dividends & shares 25%

Any other major tax categories needed?

My plan is to raise income for the state with a VAT, which will hit the shadow economy and mean even drug dealers are paying some tax.

With that extra income I can then trim corporate taxes.

Feel free to add more details in - I did this very quickly!

This shows ignorance at the lowest level. The entire point of a PERCENTAGE is that it ensures those who make more, pay more. Those who make less, pay less.

You're double-punishing those who are successful to say you not only have to pay more, but we're going to make your percentage higher. That's so far beyond fucking unfair, there are no words for it.
15% flat tax across the board. No deductions. Everyone pays the same rate. That is true equality.
When the income tax was rammed up America's ass in 1913, the people who said it would eventually climb to 10% or more were poo-pooed as alarmists....Now we have so-called "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) perfectly comfortable floating goofy flat tax and "fair tax" schemes that have no problem fleecing the populace at rates of 15%-20% and more.

I weep for my country.

In that time we were isolationists with barely a standing armed forces. Drugs were largely legal and we didnt have a huge drug war and prison cost. The same people bitching about the tax rate are many of the same ones who don't want to cut the department of defense a dime.

If you want to cut the tax rate you have to start with the military and end the drug war. And yes you have to address Medicare and Medicaid. ( I am assuming falsely social security is self funding)
As usual, Saigon is ignorant as all hell.

10% is fair. 10% across the board. 10% for upper. 10% for middle. 10% for lower. 10% of $100,000,000 is $10 million. 10% of $30,000 is $3,000. The wealthy would still be paying a LOT more.

No capital gains tax. No sales tax. No VAT tax. No property tax. NO other forms of tax - period. I've already been taxed, there is no excusing for taxing me over and over and over and over.

This is 100% sustainable if we have constitutional government. God Himself only asks for 10%. It's completely absurd and asinine that the greedy government and greedy, lazy liberal dumbocrats would ask for more than what God does.
Romney pays 14% on his taxes.

I pay 25%.

This is the real redistribution of wealth in America.....welfare for the wealthy.

How is it welfare when he actually pays?
Instead of trying to get him to pay more, you should focus on trying to get the welfare people that pay nothing to pony up a contribution and on reducing your over-taxed rate.
OK, we'd all like to pay 0%, but what tax rates do you think would be fair - and sustainable?

For simplicity, I've broken it down here into these main categories:

Low income 20%
Middle income 27.5%
High income 35%

Corporate tax 30%

VAT 15%

Tax on dividends & shares 25%

Any other major tax categories needed?

My plan is to raise income for the state with a VAT, which will hit the shadow economy and mean even drug dealers are paying some tax.

With that extra income I can then trim corporate taxes.

Feel free to add more details in - I did this very quickly!

The flaw in your plan is the one that the French are now facing. The wealthy are leaving in droves. They don't even have to move - they just have to buy another home elsewhere, with a lower tax rate... or, if they already own a home elsewhere, change their primary residence to that country.

I do wish Americans would engage in some critical thought before coming up with their 'ideas'. It would save you looking foolish.
Romney pays 14% on his taxes.

I pay 25%.

This is the real redistribution of wealth in America.....welfare for the wealthy.

How is it welfare when he actually pays?
Instead of trying to get him to pay more, you should focus on trying to get the welfare people that pay nothing to pony up a contribution and on reducing your over-taxed rate.

He's never gonna understand it. Never. Just can't happen. He'd need to engage in some honest and intelligent thought - and Chrissie is not capable of either.
As usual, Saigon is ignorant as all hell.[/B]

10% is fair. 10% across the board. 10% for upper. 10% for middle. 10% for lower. 10% of $100,000,000 is $10 million. 10% of $30,000 is $3,000. The wealthy would still be paying a LOT more.

No capital gains tax. No sales tax. No VAT tax. No property tax. NO other forms of tax - period. I've already been taxed, there is no excusing for taxing me over and over and over and over.

This is 100% sustainable if we have constitutional government. God Himself only asks for 10%. It's completely absurd and asinine that the greedy government and greedy, lazy liberal dumbocrats would ask for more than what God does.

Yet again.... you are not thinking clearly and rationally about the whole picture. We cannot compete globally with your 'plan'. We absolutely must be able to compete on a global scale or the country is fucked.
Romney pays 14% on his taxes.

I pay 25%.

This is the real redistribution of wealth in America.....welfare for the wealthy.

You don't pay 25% on all your income you twit.

Don't you understand yet that your top marginal rate is not your effective tax rate?
Romney pays 14% on his taxes.

I pay 25%.

This is the real redistribution of wealth in America.....welfare for the wealthy.

You don't pay 25% on all your income you twit.

Don't you understand yet that your top marginal rate is not your effective tax rate?

Are you really surprised that Chris "Predictor of Wisconsin Recall Elections" could not figure his way out of a piss-soaked paper bag any better than he could differentiate marginal and efective tax rates?
Flat tax across the board...

10 percent of all income regardless of the source no deductions no exceptions.

We would see a net gain in revenue and a huge savings by gutting the irs

Nonsense - you would lose in excess of US$1.5 trillion per year.

If you want a flat tax rate, you'll probably be paying around 30%.

Wrong you would gain.

I've done the math. Have you?

OK, we'd all like to pay 0%, but what tax rates do you think would be fair - and sustainable?

For simplicity, I've broken it down here into these main categories:

Low income 20%
Middle income 27.5%
High income 35%

Corporate tax 30%

VAT 15%

Tax on dividends & shares 25%

Any other major tax categories needed?

My plan is to raise income for the state with a VAT, which will hit the shadow economy and mean even drug dealers are paying some tax.

With that extra income I can then trim corporate taxes.

Feel free to add more details in - I did this very quickly!

The flaw in your plan is the one that the French are now facing. The wealthy are leaving in droves. They don't even have to move - they just have to buy another home elsewhere, with a lower tax rate... or, if they already own a home elsewhere, change their primary residence to that country.

I do wish Americans would engage in some critical thought before coming up with their 'ideas'. It would save you looking foolish.

His top rate is less than many developed countries and by historical standards very low. If the wealthy didn't leave in the 70's when it was significantly higher why would they leave now and where do you think they would go? More importantly do we care since they likely would still invest in the US at the same rate?
OK, we'd all like to pay 0%, but what tax rates do you think would be fair - and sustainable?

For simplicity, I've broken it down here into these main categories:

Low income 20%
Middle income 27.5%
High income 35%

Corporate tax 30%

VAT 15%

Tax on dividends & shares 25%

Any other major tax categories needed?

My plan is to raise income for the state with a VAT, which will hit the shadow economy and mean even drug dealers are paying some tax.

With that extra income I can then trim corporate taxes.

Feel free to add more details in - I did this very quickly!

The flaw in your plan is the one that the French are now facing. The wealthy are leaving in droves. They don't even have to move - they just have to buy another home elsewhere, with a lower tax rate... or, if they already own a home elsewhere, change their primary residence to that country.

I do wish Americans would engage in some critical thought before coming up with their 'ideas'. It would save you looking foolish.

My conservative friends tell me that Europe is socialist and we shouldn't want to do anything like the Europeans because their socialist. My conservative friends tell me that America is looking more and more like Europe, and that is not good. Now you tell me that the rich will move to Europe to escape America? Could you point out these patriots who would change residence just to get out of paying taxes? Who are they? is it Mitt Romney?
It is but you must spell it out so they cannot dance and parse.. 50% of Americans pay ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAX. we have to carry these leeches around on our backs.

That is an idiotic statement.

Isn't it amazing that so many poters think 10% - 15% is enough to run a government - and yet can not find a single place and time where it has ever worked.


It worked throughout the 19th century.

Comparing the 19th century economy and infrastructure to the 21st. How amusing.
This shows ignorance at the lowest level. The entire point of a PERCENTAGE is that it ensures those who make more, pay more. Those who make less, pay less.

You're double-punishing those who are successful to say you not only have to pay more, but we're going to make your percentage higher. That's so far beyond fucking unfair, there are no words for it.

Libturds have their own special meaning of the word "fair."

Of course, Saigon is a full blow communist.
In that time we were isolationists with barely a standing armed forces. Drugs were largely legal and we didnt have a huge drug war and prison cost. The same people bitching about the tax rate are many of the same ones who don't want to cut the department of defense a dime.

If you want to cut the tax rate you have to start with the military and end the drug war. And yes you have to address Medicare and Medicaid. ( I am assuming falsely social security is self funding)

Sorry, but the last place you need to cut is the military. Most of the budget goes to pay for bloated income transfer schemes. That's where you need to take the meat axe to.

You are right about your assumptions about Social Security. It hasn't been "self funding" since it was started.

The drug war accounts for a small fraction of the budget. However, I'm in favor of ending that as well.
OK, we'd all like to pay 0%, but what tax rates do you think would be fair - and sustainable?

For simplicity, I've broken it down here into these main categories:

Low income 20%
Middle income 27.5%
High income 35%

Corporate tax 30%

VAT 15%

Tax on dividends & shares 25%

Any other major tax categories needed?

My plan is to raise income for the state with a VAT, which will hit the shadow economy and mean even drug dealers are paying some tax.

With that extra income I can then trim corporate taxes.

Feel free to add more details in - I did this very quickly!

For me it would be a flat tax that taxed everyone at the same rate regardless of income level. Or a consumption tax (no the boortz "fairtax") that once again treated everyone the same regardless of income level.
Romney pays 14% on his taxes.

I pay 25%.

This is the real redistribution of wealth in America.....welfare for the wealthy.

What an imbecile.

Your marginal rate may be 25%, but you don't pay anything close to 25% of your gross income to the federal government in income taxes. You probably pay around 3-5%. I would be surprised if you paid anything at all.
Becaue I think most people want the US to survive.

At a flat tax rate of 10%, the US will cease to exist in its current form.

Yes it would. Praise the Lord!

How does welfare help this country survive?

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