What is a Real American

What is a Real American

And I don’t mean what is a “Legal” American, I mean what is a Real American? What is it in the heart of a person that makes them a Real American, a Patriot?

Well, a real American IS a patriot. He would gladly serve his country in time of war. He would come to the aid of a neighbor. He knows America is an exceptional nation. In his heart he loves Liberty, Freedom; he appreciates entrepreneurship, he has the drive to make his way in life without a net and rise or fall on your own efforts like the pioneers did, and he knows that God endowed him with the right to Life, Liberty, and to pursue happiness

That is a real American.

Would you call some America-hating socialist or Leftist a real American? . . someone who mocks trucks and guns? . . someone who does not want to work and wants to live off of welfare? . . someone who despises America and hates our history and our traditions and our values and embraces evil ideologies? Is that a “Real American” just because they were born here?

Some people might say they are real Americans too because they were born here. I say those people are wrong. Such sick anti-American haters may be legally American if they were born here but they are not REAL Americans in their hearts. They are not Patriots.

Is this all too hard for a person to understand? If it is them maybe that person not a real American.

Have you heard people talk about fake Christians? Sadly there are people who call themselves Christians, and maybe they even go to church once in a while, but they do not have Christ in their heart. The lie and hate and do bad things. We all know they are out there. We see them all the time. Simply calling yourself a Christian and going to church every Easter does not make you one. Most people understand that, right?

Why should it be any different for being an American? . . a Patriot? Any fool can be born here. But when you are an adult, do you realize what a wonderful exceptional country American is and are you a patriot? Or are you a blood-sucking socialist democrat who enjoys the fruits of the land but hates the nation? If you are the latter then you are no American, born here or not.

Some people cannot grasp these concepts. That is too bad for them,

I have not seen one person in this thread disprove or refute this post
Democrats can't give the definition of a 'Woman', incorrectly believe men can give birth, and now you want to ask them THIS question?!

Are you trying to make their heads explode?


Got an easier question for them?

You and all the progs are the sleazy liars.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I have a 30,000 square foot apartment in Trump Tower to sell you. I can let you have it cheap.

I also have a scholarship to Trump University I am willing to sell you.

And it isn't too late to donate to Trump's "election defense fund", you know! No dollar will go to waste, I promise you!

If you are a Real American™, you'll give some of your money to the poor cash-strapped "billionaire".
Just so you know, I am a retired veteran. I was also an acolyte of Bill Buckley and subscribed to National Review when I was 15 years old. I spoke at my state legislature on multiple occasions for right wing causes and was a proud member of Young Americans for Freedom.

So, yeah, I guess that makes me a patriot.

In the service, one thing we always did after a particular operation was hold a Lessons Learned meeting to see what mistakes were made so we could learn from them and do better the next time.

America needs to bravely face its mistakes so we don't repeat them. To deny them, or refuse to examine where we went wrong, ensures it will happen again, and we are seeing that in our country today. Bigotry and racism are back on the rise. I am frequently astonished at the profound ignorance of American history on the part of people claiming to be patriots.

It is precisely this ignorance upon which propagandists depend. They exploit that ignorance to push their agendas of hate and divisiveness. They increase the stupidity and bigotry among their readership and viewers, and they fill their heads with preposterous manufactured bullshit.

Examining our past mistakes is not hatred of America. It is a desire to make America even better than before.

We really need to walk a mile in the shoes of those who have been oppressed and see things from their point of view.

As for socialism, I've seen the disastrous effects up close and personal. This is why I would never join the Democratic party. Not every Democrat is a socialist, but they tolerate them and I cannot abide that.

I see a lot of fake Christians in my community and on this board. They are filled with hate and use the Bible as a shield for their hate.

I still cannot fathom why evangelicals supported such a thoroughly corrupt and unrepentant serial adulterer, pathological liar, and con man who made his fortune with gambling houses, contests of the flesh and robbed from the elderly with his fake university. It baffles the shit out of me how any Christian could support that animal. He is a hateful egomaniacal idiot.

It is precisely because the GOP has lost its way that I resigned my membership after Trump was elected. I am now a registered Independent who voted for Jo Jorgensen in 2020.
You wrote: America needs to bravely face its mistakes so we don't repeat them. To deny them, or refuse to examine where we went wrong, ensures it will happen again, and we are seeing that in our country today.

Meanwhile the left is trying to tear down statues that remind us of our mistakes.
You wrote: America needs to bravely face its mistakes so we don't repeat them. To deny them, or refuse to examine where we went wrong, ensures it will happen again, and we are seeing that in our country today.

Meanwhile the left is trying to tear down statues that remind us of our mistakes.
How is honoring traitors reminding us of our mistakes?

I'd buy your bullshit if the tard herd didn't piss their panties at the mere thought of talking about those mistakes.

On the Left

"a blood-sucking socialist democrat who enjoys the fruits of the land but hates the nation?"

On the Right

From the OP: ". . . a real American IS a patriot. He would gladly serve his country in time of war. He would come to the aid of a neighbor. He knows America is an exceptional nation. In his heart he loves Liberty, Freedom; he appreciates entrepreneurship, he has the drive to make his way in life without a net and rise or fall on your own efforts like the pioneers did, and he knows that God endowed him with the right to Life, Liberty, and to pursue happiness
How is honoring traitors reminding us of our mistakes?

I'd buy your bullshit if the tard herd didn't piss their panties at the mere thought of talking about those mistakes.
Who declared Confederates traitors? No one was ever tried for treason. The FACT is, AT THAT TIME those people (depicted in statues later erected) were heroes.

I am tired of people calling our Confederate ancestors traitors. They were not! None was ever tried for treason. Not even our president, Jefferson Davis. As the North continued with its “Reconstruction” plan for the South after the war, the economy was terrible. That is why no statues or monuments were erected at this time. The South didn’t have the money.

Confederate monuments are not monuments to white supremacy. Confederate monuments were not erected to intimidate anyone. They were erected for the grieving family members to have a place to grieve and they put them where everyone in the town could have access to them and see them on a regular basis so as not to forget.
Who declared Confederates traitors? No one was ever tried for treason. The FACT is, AT THAT TIME those people (depicted in statues later erected) were heroes.

I am tired of people calling our Confederate ancestors traitors. They were not! None was ever tried for treason. Not even our president, Jefferson Davis. As the North continued with its “Reconstruction” plan for the South after the war, the economy was terrible. That is why no statues or monuments were erected at this time. The South didn’t have the money.

Confederate monuments are not monuments to white supremacy. Confederate monuments were not erected to intimidate anyone. They were erected for the grieving family members to have a place to grieve and they put them where everyone in the town could have access to them and see them on a regular basis so as not to forget.
They were indeed traitors. Unquestionably.

Also, see section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Why do you think that is there?


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