What is "Attorney-Client Privilege"?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

How can a client feel secure from the potential risk of having sensitive information fall into the wrong hands? In an extremely complex and competitive business climate saturated by consultants, technical advisors and outside experts, the sophisticated business owner might pause to consider one of the fundamental advantages of retaining legal counsel. By its very nature, the attorney-client relationship affords a distinct, invaluable right to have communications protected from compelled disclosure to any third party, including business associates and competitors, government agencies and even criminal justice authorities.

Michael Cohen seeks reduced sentence, says AG Barr acted in bad faith

"Attorney General Barr, since his assumption of office as President Donald J. Trump's chief law enforcement officer, has been marked by controversy, criticism and conflicts of interest," one document read. "His succession following the president's vicious hectoring departure of Attorney General Jeff Sessions as attorney general has been marked by partisan loyalty to the president who appointed him."

To be clear, I believe Barr is a swamp hog. I think Trump hired him because he has the tusks to keep smaller hogs at bay. Bigger tusks than Giuliani.

That said I want to know how and why Trump's petty attorney Cohen deserved no protection AT ALL, from the rest of the swamp hogs?

Were Al Capone's Lawyers ever raided? How about John Gotti's? How about (Name the most notorious criminal you can think of)'s Lawyer...

Can anyone show me anywhere in the history of the US legal system where the legal representative of anyone was raided by any LEO agency on the basis that they represented someone under investigation?

The explain to me how an attorney can be raided on the basis that they paid a whore to keep her mouth shut, because an individual is under investigation for doing something far less significant than what a sitting president DID ON VIDEO and was never even questioned about.

I still can not get over the fact that your LAWYER CAN GET RAIDED AND PROSECUTED solely because they represent you in an entirely different matter and no one is talking about that. There are Epstein meme's all over the place, but I think there ought to be Cohen memes all over the place.

Another issue still sticking in my craw is that Strozyk and Page could commit adultery at the elevated status in Gov't they were, when an insignificant military member with a low level clearance would get thrown off post for compromising their integrity in the same way.

This whole anti-Trump crusade has only strengthened my resolve to support the fucker, when I didn't trust him until he actually won and didn't waver too far off his campaign. I did notice the "lock her up" platform rhetoric went away and that his first press conference with that repulsive meat puppet faggot showed him looking somewhat compromised. Yet he has done a great deal to undermine the global collectivist agenda and I'm fully supporting his re-election even though I wrote in Ted Cruz on my 2016 ballot.

There is truly something most sinister and nefarious happening and being planned within walls of houses owned by plutocrats few people even know exist that are in direct opposition to those of us who value our Constitution, our way of life, our traditions, our independence and our individual freedom.
Privilege does not protect illegal activity. Same goes for executive privilege. All this executive privilege nonsense being bandied about? A judge can destroy it immediately.

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