What Is Bernie Sanders' Foreign Policy?

Bernie Sanders' "Truther" Adviser Says Israel Bigger Threat Than ISIS
February 26, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The debates made it clear that Bernie Sanders does not understand foreign policy. And when it comes to trying to understand it, he has reached out to extremists and fringe figures.

Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell — and who harshly criticized Bush’s 2003 invasion of Iraq — said that he has given Sanders his advice.

He has also said that Vice President Dick Cheney should be "in jail for war crimes" and that some Republicans, including John McCain were "bordering on being traitors" for their opposition to President Barack Obama's Iran nuclear deal.

Lawrence Wilkerson is basically the sort of guy you see being interviewed on Al Jazeera or quoted at DailyKos and his views are not only crazy, but he has a special level of crazy hatred stocked up for the Jewish state.

Lawrence Wilkerson, who once served as Secretary of State Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff, believes that the chemical weapons used in Syria may have been an Israeli “false flag” operation aimed at implicating Bashar Assad’s regime.

Wilkerson made his astounding assertion in an interview on Current TV, the network once owned by former Vice President Al Gore and recently purchased by Al-Jazeera.

Wilkerson said that the evidence that it was Assad’s regime that had used the chemical weapons was “flaky” and that it could very well have been the rebels or Israel who were the perpetrators. Asked why Israel would do such a thing, Wilkerson said: “I think we’ve got a basically geostrategically, geopolitical inept regime in Tel Aviv right now.”

So Bernie Sanders is turning to a Truther for foreign policy advice. A Truther who really, really hates the Jewish State.


Bernie Sanders' "Truther" Adviser Says Israel Bigger Threat Than ISIS

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