What is "Globalism" ??

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
I see this word a lot on this forum. I have heard it in the UK but not to as large an extent as I have here.

What does it mean ?

Those who use the word most seem to be nutters from the NWO/Soros type camp.

Anyway I havent seen anyone use it in a positive sense.
The opportunity to change "Soros, Soros, Soros," the antithesis to those chanting "Koch, Koch, Koch."
the antithesis to those chanting "Koch, Koch, Koch."

So that was it.

I was wondering what all those sinewy young fellas kept chanting at that bar I stumbled in to the other night.

I was wondering why there were no women there , but maybe it was a political rally of some sort.
I see this word a lot on this forum. I have heard it in the UK but not to as large an extent as I have here.

What does it mean ?

Those who use the word most seem to be nutters from the NWO/Soros type camp.

Anyway I havent seen anyone use it in a positive sense.
I agree with The Great Goose that globalism has to do with free trade but not open borders except in the sense that there should be no borders that would restrict trade. It is an American idea which was developed after World War II when American Capitalism was at its peak, given that the rest of the world was recovering from destruction. American free trade was in a position of power and policies which kept the world open for the spread of free trade and the expansion really meant access to world markets and resources in order to perpetuate American business and corporations which spanned the world, all the time enriching the owners and executives of American companies.

As the world economies began to get back on their feet, American corporations made treaties to keep the Capitalist system centered in America but open to an unhampered trading ideology. American foreign policy became globalist inasmuch as American business corporations were free to exploit world resources and markets.

Click on the link in my sig.

Yeah, I know. I keep saying it because I still can't believe this SOB gets away with being the biggest "gloBULLis on the planet while using the word to denigrate others.

When you look at this link, be sure to scroll all the way to the right. Very educational.

And scroll all the way to the bottom - gives you an idea of what the word "gloBULLism" means.

Individualism ----Regionalism----Nationalism-----Globalism

You become less significant the further right you go.
This is where I get confused.

If globalism is basically giving a blank cheque to multi nationals ...........why do right wingers defend these organisations ?
This is where I get confused.

If globalism is basically giving a blank cheque to multi nationals ...........why do right wingers defend these organisations ?
I think this is where they get confused as well Tommy.

They were indoctrinated with free market idealism. They believed governments had to get out of the way of business. That tariffs were undermining American business' ability to compete globally. At what point did they come to realize they screwed America? Do they fully realize the damage they caused by not questioning the ideology or are they still under it's spell to some degree? People aren't taught to question capitalism in our society, in fact they have a very scary name for those who do.......socialist. :ack-1:
This is where I get confused.

If globalism is basically giving a blank cheque to multi nationals ...........why do right wingers defend these organisations ?
Supporters of multinational corporations are on the right because conservative politics promotes unregulated free-market enterprise and international trade which drives American foreign policy. This is not to be confused with its opposite political belief in internationalism which promotes the rights of working people and solidarity across national borders.

This is where I get confused.

If globalism is basically giving a blank cheque to multi nationals ...........why do right wingers defend these organisations ?

You are quite confused in general, Mr Taint.

A dodgy old poofter like you continually promoting the very Islamists who would toss you off the roof if they could indicates yours is not a mind capable of even the most rudimentary reason.

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