What Is It About "Obamacare" That Is Going To "Ruin America"?

Here is a great example of the current system. XXXX cant afford his meds so he freaks out from time to time. With AHCA he wont have this issue. Dont you want him to be better mentally?
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The mob says the same thing everytime it shakes down a business owner for protection money. "You have a choice to pay the protection or get your knees broken. Which is it?"

That was insightful. Whats your point?

Wait till it goes full on socialized!!
The people who pay for it will be denied.
Those who use it without paying will be prioritized.

All the special interest groups for example.

How do you feel about Denmark Paul? They are heavily socialist. Medicare is a socialist concept as well.
That was insightful. Whats your point?

Wait till it goes full on socialized!!
The people who pay for it will be denied.
Those who use it without paying will be prioritized.

All the special interest groups for example.

How do you feel about Denmark Paul? They are heavily socialist. Medicare is a socialist concept as well.

It seems socialist is OK if it has already been defined and is currently being used, i.e. SS, Medicare, etc.. etc... It is funny how a handful of crazy congressmen will use SS and Medicare and every entitlement they can gets their hands on and then refer to nationalized healthcare as a socialist agenda. We all know that socialism is one step away from communism. hint..hint... LOL If helping my fellow American in an efficient, comprehensive and consistent manner means I'm socialist, then I guess I am.
Time and time again, I hear Republican politicians saying how "Obamacare" (i.e., the Affordable Health Care Act) will "ruin the country." They hardly ever say HOW it will "ruin" our country.

So that's my question: precisely what is it about the AHCA that will ruin our country? I would like to hear from those who agree with the objecting Republicans. Tell us specifically what it is about the AHCA that is going to "ruin America."

It is designed to make healthcare so unaffordable that it ruins the economy by design and allows the government to enforce death panels by financial design.

They didn't build all those FEMA Camps for nothing.

They didn't buy all the FEMA Camp coffins fo rnothing.

The cadaver incinerators they have at the FEMA Camps again, the Globalists want to use them.
What's wrong with Obamacare? I am therefore assuming that you have not lived in the United States at all previously. What service has the government attempted to provide that is actually BETTER than a private company can provide that service? The answer to that question is a resounding NONE!

Prisons and the Post Office come to mind.
Do you have to wait to be personally served by the military or the interstates, or to get your mail? Those things happen automatically, and the work done on them does not require personal interaction.

Going to the DMV requires you to interact with a government employee, which is what doctors will be under governmental healthcare.

Ive never heard this one before.

Please be so kind as to explain because I've googled every search term I could think and haven't turned up anything.
That was insightful. Whats your point?

Wait till it goes full on socialized!!
The people who pay for it will be denied.
Those who use it without paying will be prioritized.

All the special interest groups for example.

How do you feel about Denmark Paul? They are heavily socialist. Medicare is a socialist concept as well.

Except that the recipients pay for Medicare as well as paying co-pays.
Here is a great example of the current system. Paul cant afford his meds so he freaks out from time to time. With AHCA he wont have this issue. Dont you want him to be better mentally?

The ACA will cost most americans ( the ones who always paid for their healthcare) about $7500 a year more.
It is designed to fail.
So that the Marxists can introduce their socialized system.
You have never seen how fucked up a socialized system is.

Imagine showing up at your Drs office, the Dr you pay thousands via taxation to see.

He is present at his office, as is his practice partner, 2 nurses a receptionist and a secretary.

You are the only patient at the clinic.
Is a 40 minute wait acceptable?
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That was insightful. Whats your point?

Wait till it goes full on socialized!!
The people who pay for it will be denied.
Those who use it without paying will be prioritized.

All the special interest groups for example.

How do you feel about Denmark Paul? They are heavily socialist. Medicare is a socialist concept as well.

You've never been to Denmark.
I have.
Tell me how it's a superior nation to the USA?

It's a fucking dismal shithole with no social mobility and massive social fractures.
The European HQ for C18.

The perfect nation for you?
Wait till it goes full on socialized!!
The people who pay for it will be denied.
Those who use it without paying will be prioritized.

All the special interest groups for example.

How do you feel about Denmark Paul? They are heavily socialist. Medicare is a socialist concept as well.

It seems socialist is OK if it has already been defined and is currently being used, i.e. SS, Medicare, etc.. etc... It is funny how a handful of crazy congressmen will use SS and Medicare and every entitlement they can gets their hands on and then refer to nationalized healthcare as a socialist agenda. We all know that socialism is one step away from communism. hint..hint... LOL If helping my fellow American in an efficient, comprehensive and consistent manner means I'm socialist, then I guess I am.
Have you ever experienced socialized healthcare?
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Ive never heard this one before.

Please be so kind as to explain because I've googled every search term I could think and haven't turned up anything.

The attitude of NHS staff or government workers treating paying customers like inferior beings?
You googled it and found nothing?
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Wait till it goes full on socialized!!
The people who pay for it will be denied.
Those who use it without paying will be prioritized.

All the special interest groups for example.

How do you feel about Denmark Paul? They are heavily socialist. Medicare is a socialist concept as well.

You've never been to Denmark.
I have.
Tell me how it's a superior nation to the USA?

It's a fucking dismal shithole with no social mobility and massive social fractures.
The European HQ for C18.

The perfect nation for you?

I've been there twice. I had a great time and no one complained about anything. Maybe you met the wrong people. What about Medicare?
ObamaCare is the opposite of "socialism".

EMTALA is socialist.

Obamacare is designed to fail, paving the way for socialized healthcare.
EMTALA is and always was bullshit.
If you have no insurance you pay.
If you refuse to pay, fuck off.
Same as any other commodity.
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My health care only went up $125. Were are you getting your figures at? Is your question a riddle or something?
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So you didn't see the slums?
On Zealand , you know in Copenhagen?
I've spent a lot of time in Denmark , Sweden and Norway.

You don't know what you are talking about.
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How do you feel about Denmark Paul? They are heavily socialist. Medicare is a socialist concept as well.

You've never been to Denmark.
I have.
Tell me how it's a superior nation to the USA?

It's a fucking dismal shithole with no social mobility and massive social fractures.
The European HQ for C18.

The perfect nation for you?

I've been there twice. I had a great time and no one complained about anything. Maybe you met the wrong people. What about Medicare?

I've never been there but had to have emergency care in Brussels. It was immediate, professional and inexpensive.

Two visits to a doctor, two scrips and three otc drugs came to less that $150US.

The second office visit was at 7.30 at night. The doctor met us at the door, invited us in, treated me and then called a cab for us. We had mentioned we want to have Indian food that night and he walked out with us, told the cabby where the closet open pharmacy was and gave him the address of an excellent Indian restaurant. That was in spite of him having to give a paper at a professional group at 8 that same night.
You are the same as everyone else?
Your healthcare, your car insurance etc etc.
Your PREMIUMS went up $125.
Co pays, door charges, hidden costs.
Talk to me after a year of this unworkable, punitive shit sack bullshit.
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You've never been to Denmark.
I have.
Tell me how it's a superior nation to the USA?

It's a fucking dismal shithole with no social mobility and massive social fractures.
The European HQ for C18.

The perfect nation for you?

I've been there twice. I had a great time and no one complained about anything. Maybe you met the wrong people. What about Medicare?

I've never been there but had to have emergency care in Brussels. It was immediate, professional and inexpensive.

Two visits to a doctor, two scrips and three otc drugs came to less that $150US.

The second office visit was at 7.30 at night. The doctor met us at the door, invited us in, treated me and then called a cab for us. We had mentioned we want to have Indian food that night and he walked out with us, told the cabby where the closet open pharmacy was and gave him the address of an excellent Indian restaurant. That was in spite of him having to give a paper at a professional group at 8 that same night.

So it wasn't free then?
Try the UK.
A full on, envy of the world socialized healthcare system!!
And it's free.
All the lefties say so !!

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