What is it called?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
Farmer produce something the nation needs - food

all the poor produce is more poor people looking for a handout
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
The Farmer subsidies are vital to assure our supply chain is maintained, as you know our food supply is very important.
If you don't believe me then try not eating for a month and then come back and say otherwise. ;-)
This process of assurance also keeps food prices affordable for those underprivledged and low wage earners.
The time we gave farmers money during the China trade deal posturing, was because the Gov't caused the trade issues temporarilly thus not of their control they were temporarily reimbursed for their sacrifice just like the workers and businesses today were reimbursed for the lockdowns=being fair and practical.
That is not socialism, it just shares traits, but different basis and terms of use and definitely different directives.
Remember, it was Biden's China compromise (by corruption money and ties)that lead to China holding off it's trade deal, thus requiring the Farmers compensation for taking the brunt of the trade war, thinking Biden could get into office and they'd write their own ticket to lopsided trade deals favoring Chinas interests and benefit.

The bank bailouts were to fix the brilliant Dodd-Frank easy loan dabacle from Dems failed financial policies. That was not socialism, because they were mostly investments and loans by the Gov't which made money off of the deals while saving our financial collapse and run of the existing banks, another vital part of our existance.
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
To some. To me, it's all socialism.
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
Its called empire on the decline. For many years. We took care of ourselves at one time in history. Now we are the locusts to the people in other nations being the worker ants. Each one of those lines you typed need to be broken down specifically for the reasons they get monetary resources and other benefits.
Yeah, because food security is a priority

if we dont assist the farmers they go out of business and we go hungry

on the other hand, if we dont support welfare bums they have find jobs and do something useful
We are at no risk of going hungry. If farmers are paid not to grow crops then obviously they are redundant and not needed.
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
List specific examples or your thread is full of shit.
Even when they get paid not to. :cuckoo:
That program died a long time ago. See King corn. The latest rumor is that they only pay farmers subsidies if they destroy their crops first. Also, not true. No, they now only pay farmers subsidies to produce far more of everything that we have too much of already.
The inner workings of subsidy programs is a subject best left to PhD economists, but, generally speaking, they kick in when demand for a particular crop falls. According to the laws of supply and demand, this causes the market value of the crop to fall, meaning farmers receive less per bushel. Because commodity-crop farming is such a low-margin business, it doesn’t take a huge drop to put a farmer on the brink of bankruptcy. The basic intent of subsidies is to make up the difference between the market price for a crop and the price that a farmer needs to survive.
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
All of it is Socialism and NONE of it is Moral or Constitutional. It should ALL be stopped today, if not sooner.,
The greatest Country in the world has had programs to aid the poor, the sick and the underprivileged for the better part of 200 years and we never called it socialism. Banks and corporations spend the money and take the chances and furnish us with the things we need. Banks and corporations ain't your enemy, left wing propaganda is.
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
I agree with you. We both support eliminating all that spending.
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
End it all.

But when the price of food jumps, the banks and businesses fail, we head into great depression part two and there are no taxes to give you the hand outs you already receive...too bad...so sad.

If we refuse to give you fucking moochers MORE hand outs for your amazing ability to turn oxygen into carbon dioxide...what's the worst that will happen? You burn down the liberal cities? Oh noes.

You want money...get a fucking job you lazy cockbite.

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