What is it called?

When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
Big liquidation sale on straw at the farm and fleet store today, huh?
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
Some social programs in a capitalist nation are often viewed in a positive light. Most people feel Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are worthwhile programs.

We often call Scandinavian nations socialist but they are in reality capitalist.

Scandinavia and the Nordic countries can be best described as social democracies. Effectively, they’re democratic countries in which its citizens are well cared for.

Some refer to this as democratic socialism, though this is far from correct. Some economists refer to it as cuddly capitalism, contrasting with what is seen as cut-throat capitalism in other Western countries.

  • The capitalist economic model relies on free market conditions for the creation of wealth; the production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market.
  • In a socialist economic model, the production of goods and services is either partially or fully regulated by the government; this is referred to as central planning, and the economic structure that is created is known as a planned economy or a command economy.
  • Most countries are mixed economies, falling somewhere on the spectrum between pure capitalism and pure socialism.
You're confusing yourself again. This is bitching:
End it all.

But when the price of food jumps, the banks and businesses fail, we head into great depression part two and there are no taxes to give you the hand outs you already receive...too bad...so sad.

If we refuse to give you fucking moochers MORE hand outs for your amazing ability to turn oxygen into carbon dioxide...what's the worst that will happen? You burn down the liberal cities? Oh noes.

You want money...get a fucking job you lazy cockbite.
Farm subsidies are government interference in the markets. Plain and simple.

The government is controlling the means of production.

When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:

Not at all.....It's called welfare & charity, you have your terms confused.
When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:
The federal govt doesnt have the constitutional authority to do ANY of that.
Everything Congress is empowered to spend your money on is described in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

There is no power to spend money on farm subsidies, food for the hungry, healthcare, shelter, education, public television, clothing for the naked, drug prevention or treatment, and on and on. NONE of that.

Congress may only spend money on PUBLIC benefits. Post offices, the patent office, the armed forces, etc. Look at the link.

It is only relatively recently when Congress decided that it could BUY VOTES by providing goodies to the voters. Initially, the programs were set up as bogus "Trust Funds" like Social Security and Medicare, but a compliant and compromised Supreme Court eventually gave its blessing to all of the bullshit we see today. But none of it is constitutional.

Imagine that a Democrat Speaker of the House decided to try to retroactively empower the Congress to spend money on all of the shit that it currently spends money on, by initiating a broadly-based Constitutional Amendment, authorizing Congress to do anything it wants to do.

It will never happen because it would have to be approved by the State legislatures, which would uniformly reject it, as it would render the States irrelevant.

Or how about a Constitutional Amendment that says, "Hey, LOOK AT ARTICLE ONE! We were serious about that!"

The current Administration is embarked on the largest and greatest attempt to buy votes in the history of the world. They promise to give away free college, free food, free healthcare, free WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT, if only you will vote for Democrats and give them complete control. And once you do that, the THIRTY MILLION illegals will shortly be NATURALIZED, making them voting citizens, and we are all fucked.

I am SO GLAD that I'm retired, and don't have to worry about it. You working fukkers are in for a real treat when Biden, Pelosi, and the others get their way.

When we give out billions to farmers, it's called "being fair" :)

When we give out billions to banks, it's called "good for the economy":)

When we give out billions in grants, subsidies, and other corporate welfare goodies, to the fortune 500 it's called "Good for America":)

When we give out $$ to the poor, the sick, and underprivileged, it's called "Socialism!" :mad:

None of these are examples of some we SHOULD be doing. We should refrain from doing all of those immediately.
Farmer produce something the nation needs - food

all the poor produce is more poor people looking for a handout
Those poor folks do the WORK that "produces" that wealth. They just don't get to share in it
Those poor folks do the WORK that "produces" that wealth. They just don't get to share in it

Then they should quit their jobs. Create something. Invent something. Learn something. Whatever it takes to become wealthy. No one puts a gun to anyone's head and forces them to accept a job. Not yet anyways.
Heal thyself physician.

Explaining consequences isn't bitching.

Demanding free shit cause you are capable of turning food into poop is bitching.

Get a fucking job.
You get a fucking job. I'm happily married, long retired, and debt free. Keep eating your whiny, miserable, bitchy, demanding, little snowflake heart out if you must. I've got better things to do.
You get a fucking job. I'm happily married, long retired, and debt free. Keep eating your whiny, miserable, bitchy, demanding, little snowflake heart out if you must. I've got better things to do.
Did you stamp your foot and shake your fist at the sky to make this tantrum complete? :lol:
ILMAO at all the PROGS who supported & approve this thread. It's just another piece of evidence leftists do not think rationality, they live in the abstract? and sure as fuck like words that sound cool free of any truth.

You assholes don't even know the foundation for this thread is complete BS. Giving to the poor IS NOT SOCIALISM, it's called welfare & charity................dumb shits.

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