What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

Damn, what a stupid thing to say!
You were the one talking like you had first hand knowledge of what happened with Bill and Monica. I just figured you must have been there. Did you forget your post #318--Let me refresh your memory.
Bill Clinton was contrite. He didn't brag or attack Monica Lewinsky and call her names.
You were the one talking like you had first hand knowledge of what happened with Bill and Monica. I just figured you must have been there. Did you forget your post #318--Let me refresh your memory.
Bill Clinton was contrite. He didn't brag or attack Monica Lewinsky and call her names.

Bill Clinton was publicly contrite and NEVER trashed Monica Lewinsky, you fucking moron.

Trump is trash and obviously you are as well.
He did?

Did he build the wall? Nope
Did he replace Obamacare? Nope
Did he simplify the tax code? Nope
Did he....hell fill in the blank at this point.... the answer is Nope.
He built over 600 miles of wall and reinforced existing walls and had the lowest number of illegal's in years despite the objections of democrats and republicans...
He made some very good adjustments to Obamacare which has actually helped it to survive... but California's version of Obamacare called covered California just raised their rates to such an extent people are forced to drop it and go on MediCal... California's version of medical welfare.... So it won't be long until that program and the affordable car act (obamacare) dies on the vine...
He lowered taxes and that in itself simplified the tax code for me... and thousands of others...
The country has suffered greatly under Biden. In fact, 70% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction.

Well, here is the headline:


And here is the rest of the story...


63% thought we were on the wrong track under your blob too. Clearly you think he should get another term. And you voted for him in 2020 even though the majority of Americans had "suffered greatly" to put it in your words. Heres the quote of you saying you voted for the blob even though the nation thought it was on the wrong track during the height of his administration.

I am a right leaning independent who voted for Trump in 2020

Or are you now going to pretend that you don't support the blob.

Ladies and gentlemen....here tonight you will see Independentthinker perform a tap dance around the question. The floor is yours....go!
He built over 600 miles of wall and reinforced existing walls and had the lowest number of illegal's in years despite the objections of democrats and republicans...
He built 45 miles of new wall. He didn't do what he said he was going to do.
He made some very good adjustments to Obamacare which has actually helped it to survive... but California's version of Obamacare called covered California just raised their rates to such an extent people are forced to drop it and go on MediCal... California's version of medical welfare.... So it won't be long until that program and the affordable car act (obamacare) dies on the vine...
Obamacare is still around. He didn't replace it with anything.
He lowered taxes and that in itself simplified the tax code for me... and thousands of others...
Nope. Taxes are back to where they were before he oozed into office and the tax code is as complex as ever.

3 up
3 down
All failures by Trump.
He built 45 miles of new wall. He didn't do what he said he was going to do.

Obamacare is still around. He didn't replace it with anything.

Nope. Taxes are back to where they were before he oozed into office and the tax code is as complex as ever.

3 up
3 down
All failures by Trump.

Trump gets bored easily. He never does his due diligence, but he's wildly enthusiastic for a little while. Then he just makes excuses and blames others. It's his pattern.
Bill Clinton was publicly contrite and NEVER trashed Monica Lewinsky, you fucking moron.

Trump is trash and obviously you are as well.
So lying about a relationship and denigrating a young woman barely old enough to know what she is involved in is being contrite and not mistreatment by a grown man and leader of the free world?... look at the leaps of common sense you have to make to validate your opinions... doesn't that alone tell you that you are off base?...
He built 45 miles of new wall. He didn't do what he said he was going to do.

Obamacare is still around. He didn't replace it with anything.

Nope. Taxes are back to where they were before he oozed into office and the tax code is as complex as ever.

3 up
3 down
All failures by Trump.
Nice try...
He built over 600 miles of wall and reinforced existing walls and had the lowest number of illegal's in years despite the objections of democrats and republicans...
He made some very good adjustments to Obamacare which has actually helped it to survive... but California's version of Obamacare called covered California just raised their rates to such an extent people are forced to drop it and go on MediCal... California's version of medical welfare.... So it won't be long until that program and the affordable car act (obamacare) dies on the vine...
He lowered taxes and that in itself simplified the tax code for me... and thousands of others...
He didn't build jack. There was a wall already there. Furthermore Mexico never paid for any of the work. No, he did not help Obamacare survive. He tried very hard to sabotage the policy. He didn't lower taxes but for the vdery rich and corporations. Meanwhile he spent record style and created a record deficit. When trump took office illegal crossings were at a 40 year low. Now after trumps policy is gone, the crossing have been falling.
Remember when you Libs said his middle name was RussianCollusion?
Trump said that. Mueller said it was conspiracy. But since a sitting president couldn't be indicted, Mueller didn't go as far as he could.
Still reminiscing the days of Bush?.... where nothing that was promised gets done and the stagnation in the working class sticks like glue until it zaps any drive good hard working people have inside of them....
No thanks... I want action I want promises kept and I want an end to this weaponized DOJ and FBI and court system.....
Trump is the only president in my life that did what he said he would do... and he did it while being persecuted by both the left and the right....

Trump didn’t do any of that. He didn’t do anything you are giving him credit for. He signed executive orders that were overturned by the courts because Trump was clueless. Every one of them was overturned.

He fucked up the wall because he refused to let the system tell him what was required. The laws that he was sworn to uphold. He just ignored them. If you think they are stupid you get Congress to change them. If you try to ignore them a Judge puts a stop to your plans.

Why is Trump in so much trouble now? He never cared and refused to learn what the fucking laws said. He was not a great President. It would be charitable to grade him as mediocre.
The mindless believe anything they are told. But when you look at the evidence, Biden/Harris have earned a second term.

Personally I’d be more than willing to vote for someone else. However if the alternative is Trump. Honestly Trump is the only person who can make Biden look like an almost reasonable choice. More than 40% of those who voted for Biden did so with voting against Trump as their primary motivation. The only reason they voted for Biden was Trump was that bad.
What did Bill have to brag about? Are you saying he's not trash? You are a hypocrite.

Clinton balanced the budget.

Welfare reform.

Booming economy.


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