What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

Well, that actually isn't a bad answer. Yes, Democrats have done that to us and voters vote for Trump to make America great again. Maybe you do understand after all.
da democwats did it. help me, adolph trump, make merka grate agin.

yeah, sure. i understand shit hole systems breed shit hole people who adore shit heads.
Dude! I am very impressed with the honesty, accuracy and deep thought nature of your questions. Very thoght provoking! I think this is the best bi-partisan thread, yes I did say that, you have ever posted! I mean that!

This is one damn good thread topic! Bravo!
Thanks. I appreciate that. The thread was supposed to be thought provoking and possibly educational but it seems it has failed on all counts. The left just refuse to understand or even care why people actually vote for Trump, even after all of the indictments. The left can't get past orange man bad and everyone who votes for him is a MAGA. Trump won in 2016 because he tapped into voter sentiment and disgust with the status quo, dynasties, political correctness, and the establishment. They are tired of the two party system and, even though Trump ran as a Republican, he really represented a third party who wants to take down both Democrats and Republicans. While there are many who vote for Trump because they are MAGA, there are also many who vote for Trump due to the other things I just mentioned. It would behoove the left to consider and understand that.
If you don't live in the same shithole, why do you care. If you do live in the same shithole, you know where the door is.
oh. i am glad i don't live in your shit hole country. but your shit hole country has a shitty history of impacting the rest of the world with your shit holery. that's my concern. shit eater.
Take away the margins in CA and NY and Hildabeest lost the popular vote too.

You fucking cranks have two diseased states that prop up your lunacy.
hey. if you take away all of killarys votes, then she got NO votes. i am very smaaht.
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :spinner:

Put's America first? You can't think of any other reason why the scumbag is hated?

Here are some clues for you, dipshit:

Raped a woman in a department store dressing room.

Stole the life savings of the elderly at his fake University.

Stole money from cancer kids.

Stole money from the Holocaust Memorial.

Stole money from the United Negro College Fund.

Defrauded insurance companies and banks, including, but not limited to, claiming his 11,000 square foot apartment is 30,000 square feet.

Incited a coup to overthrow our democracy.

Created illegal false electors in pursuit of overthrowing our democracy.

Actively engaged in hiding government property from the National Archivist.

Stole $250 million from his supporters and distributed it to friends and kept some for himself.

Bribed a porn star through a cutout to keep his extramarital affair from affecting the outcome of an election.
but, that's all positive. for independent thinkers.
The American people support sending arms to Ukraine. We like seeing Putin getting kicked in the balls.

By the way, dipshit, Putin was waging war in Ukraine all through Trump's presidency. So the next time he says he can end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours, I hope you will be laughing your ass off like I have.
Go away Dem war monger.
Well, first off half the country does not vote for Trump.

Less than 30% of the adults in this country voted for Trump.

Second, I have no idea why anyone votes for the duopoly any longer. The very definition of insanity.
Because it's the only game in town. 3rd party always are losers and guarantee Demoturd wins every time.
Even as Trump is being indicted in who knows how many different investigations and charges, Trump is far, far ahead of any of his primary opponents in every single state. It's not even close. I know of no state where someone polls better than Trump. None. Zero, zip, nodda, and that even includes the primaries in liberal states. And, in polling for the general election, Trump is basically tied with Biden. Sometimes polls show Biden ahead, sometimes polls show Trump ahead. In either case, the needle doesn't move much and is usually within the polls margin of error and, we know that with the electoral college, a 50/50 tie favors Trump.

So, what is it that the left just don't get or understand about Trump?

Do they really believe that half of the country are just pure MAGA head insurrectionists, literally tens of millions of people, if not over 100 million?

What is Trump's appeal to the masses?

Are the left ignoring something that is appealing to half the country, those tens of millions of people?

Should the left start understanding this more rather than just labeling half the country MAGA's?

Is ignoring the true meaning of Trump's appeal to half the country going to come back and bite them in the ass, as it did in 2016?

I'm a big believer that the left just don't understand why it is that people vote for Trump and that this easy dismissal of his voters as being nothing but "MAGA" is rather blind of them and that they need to understand Trump voters more. In a way, it has nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with why voters want to vote for Trump. The left don't even try to understand this. It's easier for them to believe that all of Trump's supporters are MAGA.

Well let me tell you why I refused to vote in 2020. And we should start why I voted for Trump in 2016. Then I’ll tell you why I won’t vote for Trump. Ever again.

In 2016 the contest was between Hillary and Trump. I was never a fan of Hillary. The decision to make New York her home because a Senator was retiring and she would happily represent a state she hadn’t ever been from was shallow and conceited. Her actions and statements in the Senate never impressed me. And her record as Sec State was worse.

The deciding factor was Benghazi. Before you go off let me explain. It wasn’t an Ambassador being killed. Nor the absence of a wild rescue attempt. It was idiotic far before that.

Ambassadors are usually found at the Embassy. The Embassy in Libya was and is in Tripoli. The Ambassador is needed to be there for the nation’s Government. This is true in every single case.

Consulate locations are generally paper shuffling sites. You go to get export or import documents. Travel Visas. The routine paperwork that requires zero imagination. The decision is never made there anyway. It is always made elsewhere.

Benghazi was a Consulate. A paper shuffling location. Nothing the Ambassador would give a flying fuck about. But Hillary was Sec State. And Hillary was the lead actor in arming Syrian Jihadists with weapons. Yes. Obama approved it and made the decision. But Hillary was working with the CIA. They were tracking down weapons which had been stolen or lost by the Government of deposed dictator Quadaffi.

Those weapons were funneled through Benghazi. That’s why the CIA Black team was in the city.

The Ambassador went there to get a report for Hillary. The State Department should have been pretty much hands off. But they weren’t. Hillary had two thumbs in that particular pie.

All decisions flowed from the desire to keep that pipeline hidden and the weapons flowing. It was a quiet visit by the Ambassador. He had no official reason for being there. The hostilities that sprang up. The resulting decisions. It was all done to keep people from asking about why the Ambassador was in Benghazi in the first place.

The pipeline, the entire fucking mess was screwed from the get go. It was badly managed at every level. Jordanian CIA were stealing the weapons and selling them to ISIS for money stolen from Syrian oil fields. Oil that was sold to Turkey and trucked across the border.

So the history of Hillary was a person who was always just short of clever enough to pull off her schemes.

I’m not going to get into the Republicans idiotic response to Benghazi and why they were complicit in the coverup.

So voting for Hillary was simply not an option in 2016. The claim was that Trump would bumble us into a nuclear war. My answer was that we were just as likely to get into that war with Hillary trying to be clever and falling just that little bit short of being clever enough to pull of whatever scheme she had going.

Trump wins. I was surprised. But I was satisfied with the outcome.

Trumps administration was one failure after another. I kept waiting for him to learn. I was willing to give him some time. But after two years I was out of patience because Trump would not learn.

Take an issue. Any issue. Trump fucked it up. NAFTA. We will make two small changes and call it the USMC now. Nothing substantive was changed.

The favorite false equivalency. Sanctuary Cities. Trump found out that he couldn’t have the people charged with crimes. What did he do? Order that Federal Funds would be withheld until they assisted ICE. Like every other Trump Executive Order it was overturned by the Courts because Trump can’t do it. It’s illegal.

Trump constantly demonstrated that he was not what we hoped. He refused to learn. He fucked up by the numbers. The sad part is that Trump is intelligent enough. He is just too stubborn and egotistical to actually learn.

So we reach 2020. Biden has been a misspeaking and bumbling fool for his entire career. I said at the time that Obama choosing Biden was brilliant. Anyone who wanted to assassinate Obama would hesitate at the idea of Biden stepping up.

I couldn’t vote for Biden. He was a bumbling fool. I could not vote for Trump. The kindest thing I could say about him was that he was not as bad as Hillary and her supporters warned he would be. In some ways. He was actually worse. But overall not as bad.

For most of my life I’ve voted for the lesser of two idiots. I refused to pretend there was a lesser evil in 2020 so I sat it out. I didn’t vote. Here is the funny part. I don’t regret my vote in 2016. Nor do I regret not voting in 2020. I believe they were the right choices given the situation.

Since the election of 2020, Trump has demonstrated that his refusal to learn is Genetic. It must be. Ego and Stubbornness can’t explain it away. Arrogance doesn’t begin to describe it.

So we come to the upcoming election. Trump is likely to be the Nominee. I’ll grant you that. But he will lose the election. Several reasons, but let’s cover them.

First, the idea that half of the people will vote for him. The polling doesn’t show that. The election of 2020 certainly doesn’t show it. And in the end, the problem isn’t the popular vote, it’s the electoral vote. Biden looks to be picking up swing states and extending his lead. Why?

First, let’s post this tweet that has been referenced many times, but for some reason doesn’t ever get considered.

Take a look at the polling in the states. States Trump lost in 2020, and the attitude of voters. Half of the people say that they won’t vote for Trump under any circumstance. Half. That means you have to get. People in swing states to change their minds. You can’t run on Trump’s record. It was abysmal. You can’t show his accomplishments, when we suffered through a year of toilet paper shortages. The idiotic notion that Ukraine wouldn’t have been invaded because Trump who was pulling us out of NATO for all intents and purposes would have stopped it with a phone call? Come on man. Tell me you don’t really believe that.

So Trump’s record doesn’t really do much for him. His PAC is currently demanding a refund of sixty million dollars from Republican Candidates to help with his Legal Fees. So the Billionaire can’t afford lawyers? I’ve donated money to street people before, but the idea of handing cash to a guy in a suit standing next to a Ferrari who says he needs your help is just not going to happen.

So we’re back to the polling in that tweet. Trump has to pick up several swing states. I don’t think he can do it.
oh. i am glad i don't live in your shit hole country. but your shit hole country has a shitty history of impacting the rest of the world with your shit holery. that's my concern. shit eater.
What shithole do you live in? Maybe you should address your own problems--in other words MYOB. You have no standing in US domestic discussions so STFU, moron
There is nothing to figure out.

I'm pro-life. Many Trump supporters claim to be. The only way to lessen abortions is to address many of the reason women opt for abortion.

Many Trump supporters believe the answer is more laws and prison.

Nothing there for me to find common ground on.
Everyone is pro-life – including those who support and defend a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy and oppose government excess and overreach interfering in citizens’ private lives.

Trump supporters aren’t interested in addressing abortion because it’s a hot-button wedge issue Republicans use to keep the base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls.
Everyone is pro-life – including those who support and defend a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy and oppose government excess and overreach interfering in citizens’ private lives.

Trump supporters aren’t interested in addressing abortion because it’s a hot-button wedge issue Republicans use to keep the base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls.
Kinda like gun control or immigration eh?
Still reminiscing the days of Bush?.... where nothing that was promised gets done and the stagnation in the working class sticks like glue until it zaps any drive good hard working people have inside of them....
No thanks... I want action I want promises kept and I want an end to this weaponized DOJ and FBI and court system.....
Trump is the only president in my life that did what he said he would do... and he did it while being persecuted by both the left and the right....
He did?

Did he build the wall? Nope
Did he replace Obamacare? Nope
Did he simplify the tax code? Nope
Did he....hell fill in the blank at this point.... the answer is Nope.

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