What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

Trump gets bored easily. He never does his due diligence, but he's wildly enthusiastic for a little while. Then he just makes excuses and blames others. It's his pattern.
I doubt he gets bored. I think he is just genuinely disinterested in every issue except his own popularity. That was the reason why he didn't start wars...he didn't have the stomach to make the phone calls to the grieving families.
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Personally I’d be more than willing to vote for someone else. However if the alternative is Trump. Honestly Trump is the only person who can make Biden look like an almost reasonable choice. More than 40% of those who voted for Biden did so with voting against Trump as their primary motivation. The only reason they voted for Biden was Trump was that bad.
hahaha…I’ve read your posts, you’d never vote for a real Republican running on real Republican policies and ideals just like no blue haired neck tattooed white guilt wokeologist would, no fag, rug muncher or feminazi would, just like no free shit needing dark people will.
Cut the bullshit!
Personally I’d be more than willing to vote for someone else. However if the alternative is Trump. Honestly Trump is the only person who can make Biden look like an almost reasonable choice. More than 40% of those who voted for Biden did so with voting against Trump as their primary motivation. The only reason they voted for Biden was Trump was that bad.
When I look at the record, I am willing to give Biden 4 more years. Among the Democrats in 2020, he was the most qualified. He should have ran in 2016. Biden has been a good president. But if you're in places like this then all you get is Biden is old, weak, he's failing and all that. Our economy is the best on earth right now and its because of his work.
hahaha…I’ve read your posts, you’d never vote for a real Republican running on real Republican policies and ideals just like no blue haired neck tattooed white guilt wokeologist would, no fag, rug muncher or feminazi would, just like no free shit needing dark people will.
Cut the bullshit!
Nobody sane will vote for a white supremacist running and white supremacist free shit for whites only policies and ideas.
Still reminiscing the days of Bush?.... where nothing that was promised gets done and the stagnation in the working class sticks like glue until it zaps any drive good hard working people have inside of them....
No thanks... I want action I want promises kept and I want an end to this weaponized DOJ and FBI and court system.....
Trump is the only president in my life that did what he said he would do... and he did it while being persecuted by both the left and the right....
Trump didn't do shit.

"Mark my words," Donald Trump said when he launched his presidential campaign on June 16, 2015.

Trump had just promised to "build a great wall," on the U.S.-Mexico border, "very inexpensively."

"And I will have Mexico pay for that wall," he said.

January 25 2019
The longest government shutdown in U.S. history came to an end Friday after President Donald Trump and Congress agreed to temporarily reopen shuttered federal agencies without providing any money for the president’s border wall.

January 9 2017
“Our country has tremendous potential …We have people that have no incentive to work … because the greatest social program is a job… I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created I tell you that,” said Trump.

Trump said that he would bring back jobs and “our money” from places like China, Mexico and Japan.

January 19 2021
President Donald Trump will leave office with 3 million less jobs than when he was inaugurated in 2017, marking the worst presidential job record since the Great Depression.
The jobs report released by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on January 8 shows his employment record will be the worst in modern American history.

The last time employment fell during a presidential term was in 1933, when Herbert Hoover left office during the early period of the Great Depression.

April 2 2016
Donald Trump predicts he could rid the United States of its $19 trillion debt in two terms as president.

“I’m renegotiating all of our deals, the big trade deals that we’re doing so badly on. With China, $505 billion this year in trade,” Trump said, arguing that those new deals would spur economic growth and allow the U.S. to pay off its trillions of dollars in debt.

January 14 2021
The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. That’s nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country.
I love these people whom wibble about comprehension whilst demonstrating their comprehensive illiteracy.
That guy can neither comprehend or deal with reality.
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So, you're saying that half the country would drink Jonestown kool aid to follow Trump?
No, the Trump kool-aid.

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So lying about a relationship and denigrating a young woman barely old enough to know what she is involved in is being contrite and not mistreatment by a grown man and leader of the free world?... look at the leaps of common sense you have to make to validate your opinions... doesn't that alone tell you that you are off base?...

Lying about it to protect himself and a young woman who had a crush on him? What a self-righteous ass you are. Clinton was in the wrong, but he apologized and didn't blame or attack Monica Lewinsky.
Personally I’d be more than willing to vote for someone else. However if the alternative is Trump. Honestly Trump is the only person who can make Biden look like an almost reasonable choice. More than 40% of those who voted for Biden did so with voting against Trump as their primary motivation. The only reason they voted for Biden was Trump was that bad.


However, I think Biden has been a pleasant surprise as President. There are lots of things I would have done differently but he has become adept at steering large pieces of legislation through a divided government. I hope in his second term he gets to balance the high court.
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Lying about it to protect himself and a young woman who had a crush on him? What a self-righteous ass you are. Clinton was in the wrong, but he apologized and didn't blame or attack Monica Lewinsky.
Monica Lewinsky was a 21 year old woman. She was grown. She knew exactly what she was doing. Women have egos too, and she was bragging to her girl tripp about how she was getting some from the president. That's how it all got out in the open. So people should stop pretending that women don't try getting into men who have power and the ultimate score for a famale would be the president.
You can divide Trump's support into 3 major categories.

The unwilling

The uneducated

The unimaginable

  • The unwilling; those unwilling to vote for any democrat. I get that. Your values are different than mine. That happens
  • The uneducated; those who simply don't know any better. I get that. You're too dumb to think outside of your narrow world.
  • The unimaginable; people who likely qualify as clinically retarded who think Trump cares. I have to admit...I don't understand that level of vapidity. What is worse (or potentially better) is that they are also quick to transmit their intellectual vacancy to any and all who will listen.
Lying about an on-the-job b j is hardly a "high crime"; stupid, maybe, but nothing that would destroy the republic. It was totally crazy that it consumed so much time, energy and money. I didn't vote for either Clinton (nor either Bush) and my view is not ideologic, only practical. The vituperative spirit the whole affair generated has lingered over Washington and the duopoly aver since.

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