What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

The fact that Trump is still a viable candidate shows the political fracture in this country

One side is pure the other side is evil

What I don’t understand is why Republicans have not weaned themselves from Trump.
They have had multiple chances to cut ties to Trump and still cower before him
He hurts the party in election after election.

How can Republicans still support Trump after Jan 6?
What you don’t get is…..anytime a leftist detests a person, said person is amazing.
What people across the spectrum "just don't get about Trump" is how such an obvious con man can fool so many people, and how such an obvious con man can get so many politicians to sell their soul.

So it's not about him. It's about them.
What people across the spectrum "just don't get about Trump" is how such an obvious con man can fool so many people, and how such an obvious con man can get so many politicians to sell their soul.

So it's not about him. It's about them.
History will condemn those who supported and pandered to Trump more than they will condemn Trump.
No. He really didn’t. Trump was frankly incompetent.

Let’s take an easy one. Sanctuary Cities. Trump said he would charge those who ran such cities with crimes. He would cut their federal funding.

Nobody was charged. Why? There is no law that says you must assist anyone. There is no law that requires local cops to assist Feds. There is no law because it would be unconstitutional. It would be an unfunded mandate. And the only way you could require it would be to federalize the cops.

Court case after court case was heard. A dozen said no Trump could not. One said he could. But it was overturned later.

Trump didn’t bring them to heel. He screwed the pooch. Why? Trump doesn’t listen. He made you all feel good pretending he was going after them. In the end. Nothing happened. Nothing changed.

Trump promised a lot. He delivered nothing but propaganda.
He did pretty damned well for being incompetent, far better than Biden where people can no longer afford gas and groceries, evictions are at an all time high, foreclosures are at an all time high, credit card debt is at an all time high, and withdraws from retirement accounts are at an all time high.
He did pretty damned well for being incompetent, far better than Biden where people can no longer afford gas and groceries, evictions are at an all time high, foreclosures are at an all time high, credit card debt is at an all time high, and withdraws from retirement accounts are at an all time high.
Trump was the worst possible President to have during Covid.

It cost him the election
Trump was the worst possible President to have during Covid.

It cost him the election
It did cost him the election. Fast forward to now, it turns out that we would have gotten over Covid much more quicker and with less economic downturn if we had followed Republican policies.
He did pretty damned well for being incompetent, far better than Biden where people can no longer afford gas and groceries, evictions are at an all time high, foreclosures are at an all time high, credit card debt is at an all time high, and withdraws from retirement accounts are at an all time high.

Unemployment was high when Trump left office. Shortages and rationing was the rule. It was at 6.3%.

Toilet Paper? Remember the shortages?

Remember that? Or is it conveniently forgotten?

it was a bad administration for cops. In 2020 alone twice as many cops died as in 2022. So Biden has cut the number of cops dying in half.

So what exactly did Trump accomplish again? Executive Orders that were overturned. Cutting taxes on the rich?
Even as Trump is being indicted in who knows how many different investigations and charges, Trump is far, far ahead of any of his primary opponents in every single state. It's not even close. I know of no state where someone polls better than Trump. None. Zero, zip, nodda, and that even includes the primaries in liberal states. And, in polling for the general election, Trump is basically tied with Biden. Sometimes polls show Biden ahead, sometimes polls show Trump ahead. In either case, the needle doesn't move much and is usually within the polls margin of error and, we know that with the electoral college, a 50/50 tie favors Trump.

So, what is it that the left just don't get or understand about Trump?

Do they really believe that half of the country are just pure MAGA head insurrectionists, literally tens of millions of people, if not over 100 million?

What is Trump's appeal to the masses?

Are the left ignoring something that is appealing to half the country, those tens of millions of people?

Should the left start understanding this more rather than just labeling half the country MAGA's?

Is ignoring the true meaning of Trump's appeal to half the country going to come back and bite them in the ass, as it did in 2016?

I'm a big believer that the left just don't understand why it is that people vote for Trump and that this easy dismissal of his voters as being nothing but "MAGA" is rather blind of them and that they need to understand Trump voters more. In a way, it has nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with why voters want to vote for Trump. The left don't even try to understand this. It's easier for them to believe that all of Trump's supporters are MAGA.
Instead of complaining of what you insist "the Left" doesn't know about Trump, why not tell us the 3 things about him that "the Left" should know?
He did pretty damned well for being incompetent, far better than Biden where people can no longer afford gas and groceries, evictions are at an all time high, foreclosures are at an all time high, credit card debt is at an all time high, and withdraws from retirement accounts are at an all time high.

Lol 🤣🤣🤣 are you ready for Trump's Worker's Party?

Trump calls himself the king of debt and drove our debt through the roof.
Lol 🤣🤣🤣 are you ready for Trump's Worker's Party?

Trump calls himself the king of debt and drove our debt through the roof.
The entire country has been hoping for a viable third party to boot both Republicans and Democrats out.
Even as Trump is being indicted in who knows how many different investigations and charges, Trump is far, far ahead of any of his primary opponents in every single state. It's not even close. I know of no state where someone polls better than Trump. None. Zero, zip, nodda, and that even includes the primaries in liberal states. And, in polling for the general election, Trump is basically tied with Biden. Sometimes polls show Biden ahead, sometimes polls show Trump ahead. In either case, the needle doesn't move much and is usually within the polls margin of error and, we know that with the electoral college, a 50/50 tie favors Trump.

So, what is it that the left just don't get or understand about Trump?

Do they really believe that half of the country are just pure MAGA head insurrectionists, literally tens of millions of people, if not over 100 million?

What is Trump's appeal to the masses?

Are the left ignoring something that is appealing to half the country, those tens of millions of people?

Should the left start understanding this more rather than just labeling half the country MAGA's?

Is ignoring the true meaning of Trump's appeal to half the country going to come back and bite them in the ass, as it did in 2016?

I'm a big believer that the left just don't understand why it is that people vote for Trump and that this easy dismissal of his voters as being nothing but "MAGA" is rather blind of them and that they need to understand Trump voters more. In a way, it has nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with why voters want to vote for Trump. The left don't even try to understand this. It's easier for them to believe that all of Trump's supporters are MAGA.

The left project with nearly every breath. Their subconscious recognizes they're a brain-washed cult, so in turn every conservative must be Trump-washed.

A great example for their accusations is they want to believe we think the election was "stolen" because Trump said so. Yeah and sure, we rushed out for COVID shots because Trump said to as well (COUGH).

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