What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

There really is no duopoly. When you seriously look at the 2 major parties, there are some major differences. And when you look at your next ballot, take a look at how many other parties are actually represented.
hahaha…I’ve read your posts, you’d never vote for a real Republican running on real Republican policies and ideals just like no blue haired neck tattooed white guilt wokeologist would, no fag, rug muncher or feminazi would, just like no free shit needing dark people will.
Cut the bullshit!

Reading comprehension isn’t one of your skills I see. I’ve said I voted for Kemp for Governor in Georgia just last year during the midterm.

I will vote for Republicans. Just not extremists or idiots.
Thanks. I appreciate that. The thread was supposed to be thought provoking and possibly educational but it seems it has failed on all counts. The left just refuse to understand or even care why people actually vote for Trump, even after all of the indictments. The left can't get past orange man bad and everyone who votes for him is a MAGA. Trump won in 2016 because he tapped into voter sentiment and disgust with the status quo, dynasties, political correctness, and the establishment. They are tired of the two party system and, even though Trump ran as a Republican, he really represented a third party who wants to take down both Democrats and Republicans. While there are many who vote for Trump because they are MAGA, there are also many who vote for Trump due to the other things I just mentioned. It would behoove the left to consider and understand that.
You do know there are legitimate reasons not to vote for Trump?
Clinton balanced the budget.

Welfare reform.

Booming economy.

Clinton had sexual relations with interns.
Nobody can make you do anything! It is your choice. Your decision. You have the power!
And I will use my power to vote against socialism, wokeism, and politically correct bullshit, even if I have to vote for Trump. In fact, that is why, as bad as Trump is, he is neck and neck with Biden. Half of America would rather have Trump be president from a jail cell rather than have socialism and the rest.
And I will use my power to vote against socialism, wokeism, and politically correct bullshit, even if I have to vote for Trump. In fact, that is why, as bad as Trump is, he is neck and neck with Biden. Half of America would rather have Trump be president from a jail cell rather than have socialism and the rest.
Biden has nothing to do with socislism!
How exactly was/is Trump “bad”?
Nobody can ever really answer this with any logic…its always a FEELZ thing.
You know what the answer is --- there is no answer. I don't know which I dread more--Joe Biden starting WWIII or the fact that Americans are going to be killing Americans as this divide becomes more of a chasm.
trump has never achieved 50% in any general election. i do understand why people vote against democrats, but none of that would ever convince me to vote for many repubs
Trump, like any Republican, will NEVER be able to win the vote from abnormal weirdos, bottom feeding degenerates, criminals and foriegners. He’ll never win the disgusting blue shitholes where people are staked on top of one another…..FUCK Mexifornia and Loon York and all the filthy fucks within them.
THANK GOD for the electoral system.
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You know what the answer is --- there is no answer. I don't know which I dread more--Joe Biden starting WWIII or the fact that Americans are going to be killing Americans as this divide becomes more of a chasm.
Honestly, I can’t wait to start rounding up leftists like wild game.
Trump, like any Republican, will NEVER be able to win the vote from abnormal weirdos, bottom feeding degenerates, criminals and foriegners. He’ll never win the disgusting blue shitholes where people are staked on top of one another…..FUCK Mexifornia and Loon York and all the filthy fucks within them.
THANK GOD for the electoral system.

what you don't get about trump is that he is an abnormal weirdo bottom feeding degenerate. do you really claim to "love" america?
The mindless believe anything they are told. But when you look at the evidence, Biden/Harris have earned a second term.
We will see come November ‘24. I have no doubt that Biden-Harris and the Democrats feel entitled to a second team but “earned” is a strong word. What have they earned? Inflation? Egregious spending? Continued dependence on foreign oil?

How are minorities doing economically under Biden-Harris vs. Trump?
He squashed liberal policies and, of course, he called people names.

No. He really didn’t. Trump was frankly incompetent.

Let’s take an easy one. Sanctuary Cities. Trump said he would charge those who ran such cities with crimes. He would cut their federal funding.

Nobody was charged. Why? There is no law that says you must assist anyone. There is no law that requires local cops to assist Feds. There is no law because it would be unconstitutional. It would be an unfunded mandate. And the only way you could require it would be to federalize the cops.

Court case after court case was heard. A dozen said no Trump could not. One said he could. But it was overturned later.

Trump didn’t bring them to heel. He screwed the pooch. Why? Trump doesn’t listen. He made you all feel good pretending he was going after them. In the end. Nothing happened. Nothing changed.

Trump promised a lot. He delivered nothing but propaganda.

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