What is it with the left and bombs?

No they weren't. McVeigh was trained by an Iraqi Muslim terrorist. Funny how you people always leave that out.

Muslim terrorists are as conservative as you can get. Liberals don't have nearly as much in common with them as you do.

Why is it that nutters don't get that? Run down a list of positions on social issues.....and our nutters are fucking identical to muslim extremists.

Liberals are the only ones in this country who defend Muslim extremists.

Explain that.
The left thought poor Kathy Boudin "paid her debt to society" and should be hired as a professor at Columbia even though she was involved in Bill Ayers bomb plot and guilty of the murders of two Police officers and two Brinks guards. Bill Ayers is an arrogant unrepentant domestic terrorist and yet he is a mover and shaker in the democrat party. Ted Kaszinski the "unibomber" had Al Gore's book in his shack when he was arrested and Bill Clinton pardoned 19 members of the FALN gang who set 200 bombs and killed 6 people.

<sigh> Take the plank out of your own eye -- there are plenty on the right who used, or tried to use, bombs....

Paul Ross Evans - planted a bomb at an abortion clinic

Eric Rudolph - set off a bomb at an abortion clinic

Timothy McVeigh - used a bomb at a federal building

Terry Nichols - used a bomb at a federal building

Robert Weiler? - set off a bomb at an abortion clinic

Rev. Dorman Owens - reverend of the Bible Missionary Fellowship, planted a pipe bomb at an abortion clinic

Eric Svelmoe - member of the Bible Missionary Fellowship, planted a pipe bomb at an abortion clinic

Cheryl Sullenger - member of the Bible Missionary Fellowship, planted a pipe bomb at an abortion clinic

John Brockhoeft - set off fire bombs at abortion clinics

Justin Carl Moose - provided bomb making instructions to fellow 'Army of God' members to bomb abortion clinics

The freaking left wing placed bombs in federal buildings like recruiting centers and even the Pentagon. How does that make McVeigh a right wing terrorist for setting a bomb in a federal building?
The left thought poor Kathy Boudin "paid her debt to society" and should be hired as a professor at Columbia even though she was involved in Bill Ayers bomb plot and guilty of the murders of two Police officers and two Brinks guards. Bill Ayers is an arrogant unrepentant domestic terrorist and yet he is a mover and shaker in the democrat party. Ted Kaszinski the "unibomber" had Al Gore's book in his shack when he was arrested and Bill Clinton pardoned 19 members of the FALN gang who set 200 bombs and killed 6 people.

<sigh> Take the plank out of your own eye -- there are plenty on the right who used, or tried to use, bombs....

Paul Ross Evans - planted a bomb at an abortion clinic

Eric Rudolph - set off a bomb at an abortion clinic

Timothy McVeigh - used a bomb at a federal building

Terry Nichols - used a bomb at a federal building

Robert Weiler? - set off a bomb at an abortion clinic

Rev. Dorman Owens - reverend of the Bible Missionary Fellowship, planted a pipe bomb at an abortion clinic

Eric Svelmoe - member of the Bible Missionary Fellowship, planted a pipe bomb at an abortion clinic

Cheryl Sullenger - member of the Bible Missionary Fellowship, planted a pipe bomb at an abortion clinic

John Brockhoeft - set off fire bombs at abortion clinics

Justin Carl Moose - provided bomb making instructions to fellow 'Army of God' members to bomb abortion clinics

The freaking left wing placed bombs in federal buildings like recruiting centers and even the Pentagon. How does that make McVeigh a right wing terrorist for setting a bomb in a federal building?

What kind of twisted logic is that? Because the left bombed federal buildings means that anyone who bombs a federal building is on the left?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

So if I show you a someone on the right who bombed a federal building before the Weather Underground, does that mean the Weather Underground was actually a rightie group??

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

My suggestion to you is to face reality -- there are freaks on the left AND the right who resort to using bombs. That's the sucking head wound of this thread.
Muslim terrorists are as conservative as you can get. Liberals don't have nearly as much in common with them as you do.

Why is it that nutters don't get that? Run down a list of positions on social issues.....and our nutters are fucking identical to muslim extremists.

Liberals are the only ones in this country who defend Muslim extremists.

Explain that.

That is your crazy speaking to you. Shall we discuss social issues and how closely you and muslim nutjobs are aligned? Semantics is all that separates you from sharia.
there are NO right wing bombers.., they convert too the left side of the spectrum before the bomb explodes. :up:

ALLlefties are pure :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Sure, nutcase. Tell that to the NRA card carrying registered Republican, Timothy McVeigh or his Conservative partner, Terry Nichols; or to any one of the numerous rightwing nutcases who bombed abortion clinics.

It must be nice to be as delusional as you that you're completely devoid of personal responsibility. :cuckoo:
LOL. Now who on this board constantly talks about their guns, and how they would like to use them on their fellow Americans? Who talks revolution and civil war, as if it were a sunday lark? Sure as hell, it is not the liberals.
The left thought poor Kathy Boudin "paid her debt to society" and should be hired as a professor at Columbia even though she was involved in Bill Ayers bomb plot and guilty of the murders of two Police officers and two Brinks guards. Bill Ayers is an arrogant unrepentant domestic terrorist and yet he is a mover and shaker in the democrat party. Ted Kaszinski the "unibomber" had Al Gore's book in his shack when he was arrested and Bill Clinton pardoned 19 members of the FALN gang who set 200 bombs and killed 6 people.

What is it with the right and assault rifles?
there are NO right wing bombers.., they convert too the left side of the spectrum before the bomb explodes. :up:

ALLlefties are pure :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Sure, nutcase. Tell that to the NRA card carrying registered Republican, Timothy McVeigh or his Conservative partner, Terry Nichols; or to any one of the numerous rightwing nutcases who bombed abortion clinics.

It must be nice to be as delusional as you that you're completely devoid of personal responsibility. :cuckoo:

does not change the FACT that all lefties are America hating sons-of-bitches.., why is that ??

just look at the senate and house of Reps, 96% of those liberal assholes will and ARE defending the Bossssston bomber, they got their way to mirandize the SOB when he should be sent to Gitmo, he is no different than that fucking American citizen (?) scumbag who was caught on the battlefield killing our soldiers, any of you lefties recall that hero of yours ?
not surprised they are your heros

I'm no Christian..so they aren't my heroes.

Oh wait..and I forgot Christian Freedom Fighter and pedophile, David Koresh.

There is zero evidence Koresh was a pedophile, that charge was manufactured after the siege became unproductive. As for freedom fighter, the ATF manufactured charges to raid the place to begin with.


Your defense of the pedophile David Koresh is noted.

I rest my case.

The left thought poor Kathy Boudin "paid her debt to society" and should be hired as a professor at Columbia even though she was involved in Bill Ayers bomb plot and guilty of the murders of two Police officers and two Brinks guards. Bill Ayers is an arrogant unrepentant domestic terrorist and yet he is a mover and shaker in the democrat party. Ted Kaszinski the "unibomber" had Al Gore's book in his shack when he was arrested and Bill Clinton pardoned 19 members of the FALN gang who set 200 bombs and killed 6 people.

What is it with the right and assault rifles?

And shooting kids in the face?

Man..that's bad form.
What is it with the left and bombs?

Easy peasy: they're pro gun control, so when they wish to off people, bombs are the tool of choice.
LOL. Now who on this board constantly talks about their guns, and how they would like to use them on their fellow Americans? Who talks revolution and civil war, as if it were a sunday lark? Sure as hell, it is not the liberals.

liarberals and their brothers, the dummycrats, hate America, e.g. Hussein Obomba :clap2:
how can anyone even you, a liarberal defend such bullshit ?

WHY do you liarberals want to fundamentally change America ? can you (liarberals collectively) explain why you want this change ? and what exactly do you expect from this "change" ?

how is this fucking raping of us citizens obombacare working out for you ??
The left thought poor Kathy Boudin "paid her debt to society" and should be hired as a professor at Columbia even though she was involved in Bill Ayers bomb plot and guilty of the murders of two Police officers and two Brinks guards. Bill Ayers is an arrogant unrepentant domestic terrorist and yet he is a mover and shaker in the democrat party. Ted Kaszinski the "unibomber" had Al Gore's book in his shack when he was arrested and Bill Clinton pardoned 19 members of the FALN gang who set 200 bombs and killed 6 people.

What is it with the right and assault rifles?

I know what a bomb is and they are considered WMD's. Does the left know what an assault rifle is? Is it just an ugly thing they hate? I wonder what kind of weapon Boudin used to kill the first Black Police Officer that the city of Nyack hired?

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