After Bill Ayers bombed the U.S. Capitol building, Ayers hosted a fundraiser for Barack Obama in Ayers’s living room.


After Bill Ayers bombed the U.S. Capitol building, Ayers hosted a fundraiser for Barack Obama in Ayers’s living room. Ayers also got hired as a college professor. The left doesn’t find this to be even the slightest bit embarrassing or shameful.​

11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Dan Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

In 1970, Ayers bombed the headquarters of the New York City Police Department.
In 1971, Ayers bombed the United States Capitol building.
In 1972, Ayers bombed the Pentagon.
In 1995, when Barack Obama was running for state senator in Illinois, Obama held a fundraiser in the living room of Bill Ayers’s home.
The political left doesn’t find any of this to be even the slightest bit embarrassing or shameful.

The left doesn't find this to be even the slightest bit embarrassing or shameful.
Bill Ayers co-founded a terrorist organization called Weather Underground, whose founding document called for "World Communism" In 1969, I guess things haven't changed much except now we have biased Quisling Media to back up and raise terrorism as Social Justice.
Then there's Gibert and Kathy Boudin tried and convicted terrorists and accomplices to murder in the Brink's armored car robbery and their son Chesa now District attorney of San Francsico.
"The Brink’s robbery was not just a crime; it was carried out by members of a pair of left-wing domestic-terrorist groups, the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army. The people Gilbert and Boudin were driving came armed with M-16s, shotguns, and body armor." Now their son Chesa claims, "they never intended harm."
Yet Progressive Democrats nor one major media group has ever exposed the Boudin's or their son as Communist terrorists. You have to wonder why?
Do you think Bill ayers flies the American flag at his home?

But it was OK for the FBI to swear out a fake FISA warrant to be used against POTUS
Wake up, Frank. Get with the thread. It ain't about FISA warrants or your whining for your stupidly beloved (voted out of office, twice impeached) POTUS. This Thread by Doc7505 is about
" After Bill Ayers bombed the U.S. Capitol building, Ayers hosted a fundraiser for Barack Obama in Ayers’s livingoom." If you have nothing to add to the thread on his topic, why bother to post? Or is it not important to you that this guy went on to have a normal life, even holding fundraisers for potential Presidents, though he is by his own admission responsible for multiple domestic terrorism bombings, including The Capital, while being a ring leader in the communist inspired/possibly funded Weather Underground, with his picture in every post office in the country, along with his wife, who made the FBI Ten Most Wanted list.
Wake up, Frank. Get with the thread. It ain't about FISA warrants or your whining for your stupidly beloved (voted out of office, twice impeached) POTUS. This Thread by Doc7505 is about
" After Bill Ayers bombed the U.S. Capitol building, Ayers hosted a fundraiser for Barack Obama in Ayers’s livingoom." If you have nothing to add to the thread on his topic, why bother to post? Or is it not important to you that this guy went on to have a normal life, even holding fundraisers for potential Presidents, though he is by his own admission responsible for multiple domestic terrorism bombings, including The Capital, while being a ring leader in the communist inspired/possibly funded Weather Underground, with his picture in every post office in the country, along with his wife, who made the FBI Ten Most Wanted list.

He did and because he's a Communist, he skated. Try to keep up
He did and because he's a Communist, he skated. Try to keep up
Yes, he supports or at least supported communism. No, that is not why he skated. You have a big problem with cause and effect. The FBI just screwed up, by going beyond our laws to get the SOB. It wasn't because the FBI were communist, then or now. I have kept up just fine. You should try to be rational. Cops have blown prosecutions many times by being overzealous in their investigations, but it does not mean they were communists.
Yes, he supports or at least supported communism. No, that is not why he skated. You have a big problem with cause and effect. The FBI just screwed up, by going beyond our laws to get the SOB. It wasn't because the FBI were communist, then or now. I have kept up just fine. You should try to be rational. Cops have blown prosecutions many times by being overzealous in their investigations, but it does not mean they were communists.

Give up while you're wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy behind


After Bill Ayers bombed the U.S. Capitol building, Ayers hosted a fundraiser for Barack Obama in Ayers’s living room. Ayers also got hired as a college professor. The left doesn’t find this to be even the slightest bit embarrassing or shameful.​

11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Dan Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

In 1970, Ayers bombed the headquarters of the New York City Police Department.
In 1971, Ayers bombed the United States Capitol building.
In 1972, Ayers bombed the Pentagon.
In 1995, when Barack Obama was running for state senator in Illinois, Obama held a fundraiser in the living room of Bill Ayers’s home.
The political left doesn’t find any of this to be even the slightest bit embarrassing or shameful.

The left doesn't find this to be even the slightest bit embarrassing or shameful.
Bill Ayers co-founded a terrorist organization called Weather Underground, whose founding document called for "World Communism" In 1969, I guess things haven't changed much except now we have biased Quisling Media to back up and raise terrorism as Social Justice.
Then there's Gibert and Kathy Boudin tried and convicted terrorists and accomplices to murder in the Brink's armored car robbery and their son Chesa now District attorney of San Francsico.
"The Brink’s robbery was not just a crime; it was carried out by members of a pair of left-wing domestic-terrorist groups, the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army. The people Gilbert and Boudin were driving came armed with M-16s, shotguns, and body armor." Now their son Chesa claims, "they never intended harm."
Yet Progressive Democrats nor one major media group has ever exposed the Boudin's or their son as Communist terrorists. You have to wonder why?
Must be today's talking point by the desperate trumplets.
You need new material. I heard a crazy right winger the other night arguing that Nixon was unfairly run out of office.
Dont change the subject

ayres was a terrorist and friend of obama
This thread is about a fundraiser in 1995. That's 27 years ago. One of the current top right wing radio crazies is discussing how he thinks Nixon was treated unfairly in 1974, almost half a century ago. "But Hillary" is one of the most used phrases posted on USMB. You crazy right wingers really need new material.
That's nothing you loons went back to the eighties about a tape with Trump grabbing pussy. Oh and you loons forced Trent Lott out of his position, because he said Thurmond would've made a great president. So with Democrats there is no time limit, unless it's one of your own. Hypocrite
Wake up, Frank. Get with the thread. It ain't about FISA warrants or your whining for your stupidly beloved (voted out of office, twice impeached) POTUS. This Thread by Doc7505 is about
" After Bill Ayers bombed the U.S. Capitol building, Ayers hosted a fundraiser for Barack Obama in Ayers’s livingoom." If you have nothing to add to the thread on his topic, why bother to post? Or is it not important to you that this guy went on to have a normal life, even holding fundraisers for potential Presidents, though he is by his own admission responsible for multiple domestic terrorism bombings, including The Capital, while being a ring leader in the communist inspired/possibly funded Weather Underground, with his picture in every post office in the country, along with his wife, who made the FBI Ten Most Wanted list.
Yet Democrats love that American hating terrorists.
Yet Democrats love that American hating terrorists.
I have not read of this love for Ayers. Can you point me to a mainstream article?
I said liberals.
Extreme liberals are every bit as bad as committed trumpers. Neither have the long term continuity of this country in mind, as opposed to attaining short term goals.

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