What is it with the left and bombs?

there are NO right wing bombers.., they convert too the left side of the spectrum before the bomb explodes. :up:

ALLlefties are pure :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Sure, nutcase. Tell that to the NRA card carrying registered Republican, Timothy McVeigh or his Conservative partner, Terry Nichols; or to any one of the numerous rightwing nutcases who bombed abortion clinics.

It must be nice to be as delusional as you that you're completely devoid of personal responsibility. :cuckoo:

does not change the FACT that all lefties are America hating sons-of-bitches.., why is that ??
The only fact is that you're a lunatic who believes anyone who sets off a bomb is on the left and that everyone on the left hates America.

I don't believe there's even medication that can help you. :cuckoo:
The left thought poor Kathy Boudin "paid her debt to society" and should be hired as a professor at Columbia even though she was involved in Bill Ayers bomb plot and guilty of the murders of two Police officers and two Brinks guards. Bill Ayers is an arrogant unrepentant domestic terrorist and yet he is a mover and shaker in the democrat party. Ted Kaszinski the "unibomber" had Al Gore's book in his shack when he was arrested and Bill Clinton pardoned 19 members of the FALN gang who set 200 bombs and killed 6 people.

What is it with the right and assault rifles?

I know what a bomb is and they are considered WMD's. Does the left know what an assault rifle is? Is it just an ugly thing they hate? I wonder what kind of weapon Boudin used to kill the first Black Police Officer that the city of Nyack hired?

What weapons did the bombers use to kill the cop on the college campus? Was it a bomb?
Bombs have ALWAYS been a weapon employed by those without power against those with power.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCZrLbOXWVU]v for vendetta- remember remember the 5th of november - YouTube[/ame]

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