What is meant by "politics."

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When were you in the Airborne? I’m curious, since you have chosen drop zone as your user name. BTW: it doesn’t have a thing to do with bombers.

No. I was never in the airborne. Next, what doesn't have to do with bombers. "Dropzone?" Well where the bombs land, you can call it anything you want.
Majority are not idiots, though sometime easily led. Both extremes lead to the same place. Just don't fall into the habit of continually supporting one of the extremes if you don't want to go there. Simple, eh? We've been doing it for close to 250 years.

The majority are worse than idiots. If it were allowed, I could direct you to a forum where the truth is allowed. At least, from what I have seen, more than it is here. I could also direct you to a forum for intellectuals. The first is a ghost town mostly inhabited by idiots. The second one is even more of a ghost town than the first. By a long shot. The vast majority of people around here are easily led. For example, I wonder who actually owns and operates this forum. Some big business cabal? (Or the republican party) The CIA? The NSA? The mossad? It's hard to say. Don't believe it? Tell the moderators that you want to contact the owner of this forum to buy it. I bet you would find that it isn't for sale. Because it's true purpose isn't to educate people through discussion. It is to help brainwash the masses.
poli = many
tic = blood sucking parasite
politics = many blood sucking parasites

What you say is true to some extant. But I would say it is more likely that politicians are just the paid blood collectors for the true parasites.
The meaning of the word "politics " in one form or another has been widely discussed since Socraties. The problem is the often ignorant misuse of the word "cult. If you like the group, it's a club or an organization or a party. If you hate it and fear it you pin a "cult" label on it.

If you are part of some group that operates by concepts that you didn't reason out for yourself, chances are it's a cult.
The majority are worse than idiots. If it were allowed, I could direct you to a forum where the truth is allowed. At least, from what I have seen, more than it is here. I could also direct you to a forum for intellectuals. The first is a ghost town mostly inhabited by idiots. The second one is even more of a ghost town than the first. By a long shot. The vast majority of people around here are easily led. For example, I wonder who actually owns and operates this forum. Some big business cabal? (Or the republican party) The CIA? The NSA? The mossad? It's hard to say. Don't believe it? Tell the moderators that you want to contact the owner of this forum to buy it. I bet you would find that it isn't for sale. Because it's true purpose isn't to educate people through discussion. It is to help brainwash the masses.
Enjoy your time. You will fit right in, with thinking like "The Majority [of Americans] are worse than idiots". So you to prove your point, you want to direct me to a form for intellectuals, (you describe as a ghost town inhabited by people even you describe as idiots) and a second one that is even more of a ghost town than the first by a long shot. Then you want to fluff up some conspiracy (possibly governmental, political or foreign) and proposing I or somebody should propose a false buyout to out the devils?
You go ahead. I just post opinions, mostly in reaction to other post premises or their views on a given thread.
If you are seeking education, get back to work on high school senior thesis paper and read everything you can after graduation, while getting and maintaining a life. From what I can tell, a majority on here already have. For all I know, you are writing from sunny St. Petersburg, comrad.
No. I was never in the airborne. Next, what doesn't have to do with bombers. "Dropzone?" Well where the bombs land, you can call it anything you want.

Do you see the land beneath the jumper? That’s a DZ, or drop zone, it’s where paratroopers land to finish their jump.🤠
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